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General Library Item Name Release Date Expire date Access Content Private Friday Report 2014-03-28 March 28, 2014

Administrative Content
Board Meetings & Minutes Drafts Draft minutes for the March 21 special meeting and the March 25 regular meeting are attached. Please provide necessary changes to Debbie Vanderwilt by the close of business on Wednesday, April 2. Attachment: Board Meeting Minutes 20140321 Special.pdf (15 KB) Attachment: Board Meeting Minutes 20140325 Regular.pdf (51 KB) Board Calendar Items Spring Break: Spring break is March 31 through April 4. During that time, schools and some district offices will be closed or operating with fewer staff. The superintendents office will be open. I will be out of the office Monday through Wednesday next week. In my absence, a cabinet-level administrator will be available for emergencies in accordance with Procedure 5200P, Administrative Organization. Today's Friday Report carries the daily contact list. There will be no Friday Report published on April 4. The next Friday Report will be published on April 11. Attachment: Spring Break 2014 Succession.pdf (16 KB) Board Agenda Items Approval of Everett High School Gymnasium Modernization Change Order No. 10: At an upcoming board meeting, the board will be requested to approve the attached change order to the construction contract between the district and Commercial Structures, Inc. for the Everett High School Gymnasium Building Modernization project. The costs represented in this change order are within the overall project budget for this project. A description of the work is attached. Change Order No. 10 for the Everett High School Gymnasium Building Modernization for $82,206.68 plus Washington State sales tax includes costs for modifications at the connection between the new steel seismic supports and the existing roof structure, addition of drywall plumbing chases to conceal plumbing, revisions to the west entry canopy due to unknown conditions, addition of built-in gymnasium equipment, addition of entry vestibule heaters, changes to the fitness room ceiling and other minor changes. The contractors cost for the work reflected in this change order has been reviewed and confirmed by the project architect and district staff. Attachment: Everett High School Gymnasium Change Order No. 10 20140107.pdf (1,449 KB) Authorization to Call for Bids for the Jackson High School Synthetic Turf Field Project: At the April 15 board meeting, the board will be asked to authorize a call for bids for the Jackson High School Synthetic Turf Field project. The award of the contract is anticipated to be contingent on the passage of the 2014 Bond. Previous board presentations highlighted the scope of this project which will include the installation of synthetic turf and field lighting at the soccer field. The city of Mill Creek is a partner with the district during the design and permitting phases of the project. The district and the city are in the process of developing an agreement for sharing the construction costs and facility use. The estimated construction cost is $1,800,000 plus Washington State sales tax. This project is scheduled to bid this spring with construction to begin in June and be completed in the fall. This project is dependent upon passage of the capital facilities bond on the April 22, 2014 ballot. Authorization to Call for Bids for the Cascade High School Synthetic Turf Field Project: At the April 15 board meeting, the board will be asked to authorize a call for bids for the Cascade High School Synthetic Turf Field project. The award of the contract is anticipated to be contingent on the passage of the 2014 Bond. Previous board presentations highlighted the scope of this project which will include the installation of synthetic turf and field lighting at the football field inside the existing synthetic track. The district applied for and was awarded a $200,000 grant for this project from the National Football League. The

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estimated construction cost is $1,630,000 plus Washington State sales tax. This project is scheduled to bid this spring with construction to begin in June and be completed in the fall. This project is dependent upon passage of the capital facilities bond on the April 22, 2014 ballot. Northwest Regional Learning Center Agreement: Northwest Regional Learning Center is a contract student placement program run by Northwest Educational Service District 189 (NWESD 189) to provide educational services to adjudicated youth from 8th grade through high school. Staff are proposing to contract for nine students for the 2014-15 school year. The program is housed in the Arlington School District and serves eight local districts. The district has contracted these services for over 13 years. These students currently cannot receive their educational program in a comprehensive high school due to safety concerns or judicial orders limiting their contact with other students. Snohomish Discovery is another contract student placement program run by NWESD 189. It is an elementary through middle school program for students with severe mental health and behavioral concerns. We are proposing to contract with Snohomish Discovery for four students for the 2014-15 school year. These students require the comprehensive mental health and behavioral services that Snohomish Discovery is able to provide. Both contracts go to the school board for approval on April 15. Board-Superintendent Communication Five items of correspondence are provided for director background with this edition of the Friday Report. The first is a message from a patron to the board regarding expansion of Chinese language courses in Everett's schools. The second and third are components of the same conversation thread between a patron and Director Mason regarding the appropriate placement of an interfund loan approval on the consent agenda. Rationale was also provided timely at the school board reqular meeting. The fourth is an email from a patron to Mary Waggoner and her response to a question about rounding on bond project estimates. Directors should be aware that the district is criticized for not rounding, and criticized for rounding (especially when the rounded numbers to not add up to the total). The fifth item is an email from Scott Forslund announcing a donation that allows fifth grade student participating in the Gear Up & Go! project to direct money from the fund to Oso slide school kids through donations of their "Sqoins" earned by physical activity. This is a project developed by several community leaders in a very short period of time. Attachment: Heckathorn-LeSesne Emails (Chinese language courses) 20140323.pdf (60 KB) Attachment: Reynolds-Mason-Cohn Emails (Capital fund loan resolution) 20140325.pdf (36 KB) Attachment: Reynolds-Mason-Moore Emails (Capital fund loan resolution) 20140326.pdf (70 KB) Attachment: Reynolds-Waggoner Emails (Bond cost estimating) 20140328.pdf (96 KB) Attachment: Forslund Email (Gear Up & Go! family aid opportunity) 20140328.pdf (180 KB) High School Proficiency Exam (Strategic Target: 1.1.a) This month, the district administered the high school proficiency exams to all grade 10 students and any student in grades 11 or 12 who has not yet met standard, or were not available to take the exam previously. All students must pass the state writing and reading assessments as part of the state graduation requirements. The writing exam is a two-day assessment administered statewide on March 18 and 19. The reading assessment was administered on March 20. The chart below shows the number of students tested for each assessment. Score results will be released on June 3 for seniors and June 10 for all other students.

School CHS EHS JHS SHS District

Reading 478 369 546 88 1,481

Writing 503 378 540 85 1,506

Science GLAD Training (Strategic Target: 1.1.a) Secondary science teachers received Project Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) training this week. Project GLAD is a model of professional development in the area of language acquisition and literacy. The strategies and model promote English language acquisition, academic achievement, and cross-cultural skills. Science teachers applied the GLAD strategies to units that they are currently teaching and developed tools that support language development in the lessons. While the strategies are aimed at language learners, they are strategies that facilitate the understanding of all students within a class. The structure, strategies, and classroom implications, are invaluable in a multilingual setting. This is especially true in science where academic vocabulary is often a barrier to content understanding. Culminating Exhibition (Strategic Target 1.1.b) On March 13, the state legislature eliminated the Culminating Project as a graduation requirement, starting with the class of

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2015. The Culminating Project is one of two graduation requirements embedded in the Culminating Exhibition (CE), which students complete within the Senior Seminar class. The other graduation requirement embedded in CE that remains intact as a graduation requirement by the state is the High School & Beyond Plan. All graduates exit with a post-secondary transition plan for work, career, and/or college. As a result of the changes to the law, the On-Time Graduation committee is unpacking possible options to address this change which include: Proposing the district eliminate the Culminating Project as a graduation requirement to align district graduation requirements with the state, which also helps provide room in student schedules for the 24 credit Career- and College-Ready Framework (for the class of 2019); and Continuing the Senior Seminar class for the class of 2015 to allow the district to transition away from the Culminating Project graduation requirement and to ensure structures and systems are put in place to support students completing the High School & Beyond Plan and, more generally, to assist students in their college and career planning. High School Transition Conferences (Strategic Target: 1.1.b) High school transition conferences were held at all district middle schools this week. During those conferences, each 8th grade student and parent or guardian met with high school and middle school counselors, teachers, and administrators to review their High School and Beyond plan and to ensure they are prepared for 9th grade. Middle School Compacted Math (Strategic Target: 1.2.a) Parents of 5th grade students have a choice of two middle school math pathways for their child as they begin 6th grade next fall. One sequence of courses follows grade level Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSS-M), which will culminate in the student taking Algebra 1 as a freshman in high school. The other choice is a compacted middle school sequence that allows the student to take all three years of middle school common core math as well as Algebra 1 by the end of 8th grade. This pathway culminates in the student taking geometry as their first math course in high school. Over the next month, each middle school will host a parents night to inform parents of entering 6th grade students about their new school experience, which includes decisions about which math pathway is best for their child. The reasons why this accelerated pathway may appeal to students include: access to Algebra 1 in 8th grade and advanced math courses in high school allows students to take calculus and/or statistics; students can take advantage of an increasing number of STEM courses when in high school, and the increase of instructional pace may appeal to many learners. Students should make their choice of pathways based on: multiple math data points, which includes past performance on state measures and school success in mathematics; student desire and interest in mathematics; student attitudes and attributes that include good attendance; completion of assigned work; being able to learn from errors; and embracing challenges. Our district math curriculum team will assist middle school principals in communicating this message to parents. Depth of Knowledge (Strategic Target 1.2.b) As district leadership deepens their understanding of shifts in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the work of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, Norman Webbs Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels emerge as a central concept worthy of shared study. In recent instructional leadership team work sessions, building and district administrators examined together the application of DOK in understanding the cognitive demand of grade level standards, building proficiency scales which show learning progression for a grade level standard, and designing richer, leveled assessments. The DOK foundational training serves as a platform for curriculum, assessment, and instruction design across disciplines and has been embedded in professional development throughout the last year. The feedback from the leadership work sessions reflected that the time spent in collaborative learning with their colleagues deepened their own understanding of DOK and how the proficiency scaling process deepens teachers understanding of CCSS and NGSS. Lesson Study and Common Core State Standards (Strategic Target: 1.2.b) Lesson study is a professional practice that involves teachers planning a lesson together, observing a colleague teaching the lesson, and noting evidence of student learning. In recent years, elementary teachers have participated in lesson study as part of our Good Habits, Great Readers curriculum implementation. Now, as we modify and add new instructional practices that align us to the Common Core State Standards, teachers are using lesson study to see how students perform in relation to the new English Language Arts expectations. Specifically, you may hear teachers talk about how they planned a Close Reading lesson (a high-leverage strategy) using higher-level questions to guide student thinking as students carefully analyze a text. Close Reading will become more prominent in our elementary classrooms as teachers focus on CCSS. Notebooking with Paper Circuits (Strategic Target: 1.2.b) At the March 21 Learning Improvement Day, 15 middle school and 15 elementary school teachers participated in a special work session that focused on creating electric circuits that are integrated into their notebooks. This functioning circuit, done on a piece of paper, was accomplished by using copper tape along with some specially designed surface components, all powered by a small watch battery. The special guest presenters, representing NEXMAP - a company that promotes innovative STEM and artistic ideas - helped the participating teachers build a circuit of their own that allowed their notebook to have a "light-bulb" idea. Although the only output components used during this session were three LED colored lights, the circuits created used the science of parallel and sequential circuits to allow the text and notes to be appropriately illuminated. To see a short video of this innovative approach to notebooking click here.

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Mathematical Modeling in CTE and CTE/STEM (Strategic Targets: 1.2.b, 5.4.b) During the Learning Improvement Day held at Cascade High School on March 21, the Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) teachers participated in a work session, "Mathematical Modeling in CTE and CTE/STEM: The Link between Mathematics and the Rest of the World". The session was designed to help build a deeper knowledge and background of relevant Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M) as it connects to CTE and CTE/STEM course frameworks. The session focused attention on suggested areas of the new state math standards in mathematical modeling, using appropriate tools strategically, and making sense of problems and persevering in solving them. These areas are highlighted in the CTE and CTE/STEM course frameworks. Secondary Writing Assessment (Strategic Targets: 1.2.b, 1.2.c, 1.3.b) On district-provided scoring days this week, 9th grade English Language Arts teams scored their students mid-year Secondary Writing Assessments. At the start of each day, building teams engage in a norming session, where they consider criteria for proficient writing, score district anchor papers, and then discuss how they evaluated student work with regard to the criteria. In this calibration process, teachers develop a shared understanding of what the evaluation criteria on district rubrics mean in terms of student writing, so the whole team can be on the same page when they evaluate their students' writing. During scoring days, teachers evaluate student writing for four traits of effective writing: content, organization, style, and conventions. They analyze student strengths and growth areas in these writing traits, collecting both qualitative and quantitative data to inform their next steps in instruction of the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. Curriculum Portal (Strategic Target 1.2.c) As a part of the Learning Management System (LMS) department's work, a project to design and coordinate teacher access to instructional maps, calendars, resources, and assessments is well underway. A well-designed web interface to a centrally managed document storage site will allow teachers one-stop internet access to instructional documents, videos, and coaching resources. Templates for course overviews, instructional maps, calendars, lessons, and assessments will assist teachers in navigating easily through quality materials designed to support their work in the classroom. The portal supports the Eight-Step Continuous Improvement Process work. Hour of Code Introduces Computer Programming to Students (Strategic Targets 2.1.a and 2.3.d) This year, many of our elementary and middle school tech teachers introduced their students to the Hour of Code. It is a free curriculum provided by (a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science by making it available in more schools, and increasing participation by girls and students of color). Students around the district participated in learning the logic behind computer programming and generating thousands of lines of code using the block-style programming language. This experience helps develop students' computational and critical thinking skills and shows them how to create, not simply use, new technologies. By experiencing computer science at an early age, students will be more likely to enroll in computer programming classes in high school, and choose computer science as a career. Bond Refinancing Update (Strategic Target: 4.1.a) On March 27, the district refinanced a portion of its outstanding 2006 and 2007 voter-approved bonds in order to take advantage of lower market interest rates. The refinancing will save taxpayers more than $3.2 million over the next eight years. Savings were accomplished by issuing $69,645,000 in refunding bonds. The finance team has been monitoring the market and determined that it was best to move the sale up one week to avoid the risk of rising rates. By doing so, they were able to exceed the estimated savings target of $2.9 by $300,000. Interest rates averaged 2.07 percent on the new bonds compared to 5.11 percent on the old debt. Attachment: Financial Advisor Bond Refinancing Report 20140327.pdf (161 KB) Second Annual P-3 Symposium (Strategic Target: 5.3.a) On March 5th, eleven participants from the districts P-3 leadership team attended the 2nd Annual P-3 Symposium sponsored by Washington Educational Research Association, the Department of Early Learning, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Keynote speakers Dr. Tom Schultz, project director for Early Childhood Initiative and council of Chief State School Officers, and Betty Hyde, department of early learning director, echoed the urgent need for high-quality developmentally appropriate birth to five and kindergarten through 3rd grade education. Participants attended sessions around infant brain development, promoting strong families, developing young learners of math, and making full day kindergarten work for kids. Activities and video examples from the math breakout session will be incorporated in the next district Early Learning Connections Event on April 18. PUD Incentives for New Construction and Modernization Incentive checks totaling $35,529.67 were recently received by the district from Snohomish County PUD. In planning and design of the Community Resource Center (CRC) and the Everett High School gymnasium modernization (EHS Gym) projects, staff from the districts facilities & operations department partnered with PUD to design interior and exterior lighting that would be energy efficient and also qualify the district for incentives from the utility company.

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The CRC project was designed with interior and exterior LED lighting as well as occupancy sensors to save an estimated $3,289 per year in utility charges over traditional lighting design. PUD expects the district will reduce our lighting load by 12.27 kW and save our district 39,378 kWh per year compared to the baseline traditional lighting design. An incentive check in the amount of $7,913.89 was received from PUD for the CRC project. During the design of the EHS Gym project, staff from the facilities and operations department directed the project design team to develop energy efficient lighting systems to save energy as well as operational costs. The design included energy efficient interior and exterior LED lighting, occupancy sensors, and a lighting control system to reduce district operational costs. The newly opened gym is expected to reduce the lighting electrical load by 56.62 kW with an anticipated savings of 138,079 kWh per year compared to the baseline traditional lighting design. The estimated yearly operating costs savings is $12,125. An incentive check in the amount of $27,615.78 was received from PUD for the EHS gym project. Facilities and Operations Summer 2014 Projects Attached, for the boards information, is a summary of the work planned by the Facilities and Operations department for summer 2014. Attachment: Facilities & Planning Summer 2014 Projects 20140327.pdf (57 KB) Field Trip Requests Attachment: Jackson HS Research Club FT to Houston, TX 20140328.pdf (2,940 KB) Miscellaneous Attachments, News Releases & Articles Attachment: SAO Annual Report 2013.pdf (268 KB) Attachment: NEWS-Cohn (donation request) 20140317.pdf (863 KB) News Releases Points of Pride Budget Articles Directors' Dates to Remember Monday-Friday, March 31-April 4 - Spring Break - Schools Closed, District Open Tuesday, April 15 - Regular Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center, Board Room Tuesday, April 22 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center, Port Gardner Room B Tuesday, April 29 - Tentative Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Community Resource Center, Port Gardner Room B Friday, June 13 - Sequoia High School Graduation Ceremony - 6 to 9 p.m. - Everett Civic Auditorium Saturday, June 14 - High School Graduation Ceremonies - noon to 9 p.m. - Comcast Arena, Everett Heckathorn-LeSesne Emails (Chinese language courses) 20140323.pdf (60 KB) Reynolds-Mason-Cohn Emails (Capital fund loan resolution) 20140325.pdf (36 KB) Reynolds-Mason-Moore Emails (Capital fund loan resolution) 20140326.pdf (70 KB) SAO Annual Report 2013.pdf (268 KB) Everett High School Gymnasium Change Order No. 10 20140107.pdf (1,449 KB) Facilities & Planning Summer 2014 Projects 20140327.pdf (57 KB) Board Meeting Minutes 20140321 Special.pdf (15 KB) Jackson HS Research Club FT to Houston, TX 20140328.pdf (2,940 KB) NEWS-Cohn (donation request) 20140317.pdf (863 KB) Financial Advisor Bond Refinancing Report 20140327.pdf (161 KB) Board Meeting Minutes 20140325 Regular.pdf (51 KB) Reynolds-Waggoner Emails (Bond cost estimating) 20140328.pdf (96 KB) Forslund Email (Gear Up & Go! family aid opportunity) 20140328.pdf (180 KB) Spring Break 2014 Succession.pdf (16 KB)

Executive Content

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Last Modified by Gary Cohn on March 28, 2014

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