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Tran 1 Kenny Tran ENGL 1102-010 Ms.

Walden January 14, 2014 Get Your S*** Together After reading the piece the student sent to the professor, I thought it was inconsiderate to send such an unprofessional argument. The student was wrong for attempting to enter class late, regardless of what his/her intentions were. Then, he/she tried to claim the professor was wrong for kicking him/her out of the class. I was very amused when I read the professors response. The professor said, respecting institutions, having manners, demonstrating a level of humility...these are all (relatively) easy. Get the easy stuff right xxxx. In and of themselves they will not make you successful. That made me believe the student got what he/she deserved for trying to prove the professor wrong and I was satisfied with this reading. I think a professor has a right to assume that young adults should know how to act when entering a mature domain. Having proper behavior wherever a student goes is suggested at all time. When the student in this letter tried to show that the professor is wrong for what he did, I think they should have thought twice about attempting to go to class when it is more than half way done. A student could only complain about class time if they have a class on the opposite side of campus and planned something out that will help them get to class on time. Five minutes late is something a professor can tolerate, but any more time than that is just asking for too much. Whether the student is a graduate student or not, a student should know being late is never an option and there is no excuse. The student in this letter approached this dilemma with a mature

Tran 2 fashion, but when he/she said, I was disappointed that you dismissed me from class considering (1) there is no way I could have been aware of your policy and (2) considering that it was the first day of evening classes and I arrived 1 hour late. I was a disappointed because that was such a thoughtless assumption. Basically, I believe students should know their limits when it comes to situations like this. After reading the professors response, I can honestly say Id take his class. He is a very reasonable professor and really dont mind his form of academic preference. He seems like a teacher that wants things done on time and I can work with that. Also, his form of speaking is very professional, and that could possibly help me out with my literacy. I would and wouldnt work this student in particular. Id work with him/her because they want to try many different options, which is always a good characteristic to have. I wouldnt work with this student because of how demanding they are. The professor kicked the student out just for one day and they already filed a complaint. Im more into not working with this student, but I wouldnt mind having him/her in my group.

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