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Eighty-One (81) years ago, the young country echoes an oath, history has SWEAR

YOUTH member name. This pledge can be said either magical comparable value or
historical links to the Palapa Oath spoken by Gajah Mada. There are striking
differences between these two oaths. Only, here the author would not explain the
contrast between Gajah Mada's Palapa Oath to the Youth Pledge Youth Archipelago.
Will be elaborated which is the characteristics and qualities that young man when,
in 1928, and then we compare the characteristics and attributes of the current
Youth Archipelago.

Youth in the era of the early 20th century were those who were born from the womb
of colonialism. There are three character or mentality of the youth at the time,
the boys their first indifferent, resigned his condition and followed what the
colonial desire, they tend to become one of the objects of colonialism, made by
contract workers, forced labor, and even taken to places far from the birthplace
them. Second, was the youth groups that act of compromised with the colonial with
the intent to become intimate partners in the management of natural resources in
the Dutch East Indies at that time. Often these youth groups prostituting
themselves for a bite of rice, the pangreh praja, from father happy, without
regard to the values of nationalism and patriotism. Rather than have to prioritize
these values hem them more pleased with the condition because it was colonized
kind of mutually beneficial symbiosis. The mentality of a servant for his master
has given birth feudalistic attitude, they also want to be appreciated, respected
by people around like they worship, the landlord-colonial.

Third, they were the youth with an independent mentality. They were minority group
among many youths at that time. However, in themselves have printed a great
desire, to liberate this country from the hands of the colonial, wanted to become
an independent nation, promote the values of patriotism, unity, avoiding
cahauvinist-individualist nature. Ignore the interests of their class even though
the name of religion, because it was, the unity of differences which should come
first was to liberate this country.
Youth Oath was blown.

Let us reflect. What kind of mentality youth today compared with young mentality
early 20th century. Almost the same, because after all, history is only a
repetition with variants newer. The reality could hardly indisputable. The
mentality of the youth today can be said is divided into three groups. This
grouping is only limited to the subjective assessment of the author's views today.

In the first group, clustered, the youths indifferent, indifference to social

conditions that occur at this time. Social changes they consider it normal,
although the wheels can be run over them. This youth group did not have the
current assumption that life is still influenced by the values of colonialism.
Though it can be said, almost all lines of this present life is influenced so
thick with the values of this kolonilaisme. They often become the object of
blackmail was not neo-colonialist groups, became an easy target for marketing,
product marketing, neo-imperialism. And did not they feel.

Second, they are modern youth groups, but to be a compromise to the current
conditions, with ektreem language, they have become the servants who pass the
ideals of the neo-imperialists. Orientation be the compromise is not because they
wanted to show that the nation is the nation's tough, but because he wanted to
take something for the sake of individuals, families, and his group alone. They
would rather see him abound and a giant cake to taste life without being concerned
with what is happening around him. This youth group, this time, vying to win the
sympathy of the government, from the holders of money, and frankly they are so
great access although there is no freedom in this mentality.
The third group, the youth ranks who have been enlightened, to borrow a phrase Ali
Shariati they are creative minority. Access them in this life so faint because
their activities are often contrary to the values of the neo-imperialists. Steps
to be taken sometimes to extremes, rather than the good that comes but one regret
of many layers.. It seems like this mentality applies only in the age of 20 years
only. Because of the colonial occupation was a time of physical occupation.

Which mentality that should be owned by the young people today.? No other is an
independent mentality, compromises but being a posteriori, not easy to believe
anything against the conviction imposed by several groups. There was no physical
war again in this year, except for war mentality, the war of ideas. The mindset of
the youth should be formed from any attitude that young people have access to both
the government or in public life.

Youth must be young, not a group of ignorant goat or dairy cow, nod to the boss.
But it should provide a solution change, as this is what should be done. Alas, if
we-the youth-have been given access, especially in terms of governance and access
provided by the government into a spay boomerang youth creativity.

At the end of this paper the writer wanted to ask-especially to the youth, if
given the choice, whether you choose to register CPNS or struggling in communities
with spawn brilliant ideas for the progress of society?

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