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A reinterpretation by WARLORD PAUL.



1) Game set-up and Free Lords. 2) Back round.

3) !ea"ms.
#$ Campai n season% -Armies &Banners$ and Banner Composition -'o(ement -Batt"es -Book-keepin )$ *inter season% -*inter +uarters -,ip"omacy -!eor anisation -Espiona e -,ep"oyment -$ Summary &T.e aim o/ t.e ame$.

C.apter 0$ Game set-up. A ne1 2"ayer /irst se"ects 1.ic. *ar.ammer race t.ey 1i"" use to represent t.eir !ea"m on t.e batt"e/ie"d. is a permanent c.oice a"t.ou . some /reedom is a""o1ed i/ you contro" at "east one To1n ti"e; &see Armies3Banners$. A"t.ou . Campai n is set in t.e *ar.ammer 1or"d and a"i nments 1i"" be /ami"iar to 2"ayers it uses its o1n set o/ a"i nments to a""o1 2"ayers more /reedom and t.ese are 1ort. c"ari/yin .ere. Good /orces are as /o""o1s; 4i . E"(es5 *ood E"(es5 Li6ardmen5 Bretonnians5 ,1ar/s and Empire. T.e E(i" races are; ,ark E"(es5 A"" C.aos /actions5 A"" 7ndead /actions5 Orcs 8 Gob"ins5 and Ska(en. O res and ,o s o/ *ar Armies can be Good or E(i" but not bot. at once. T.ese a"i nments "imit 1.ic. a""ied troops you can se"ect as part o/ your o1n army but do not pre(ent you /rom a""yin 1it. a 2"ayer /rom a di//erent a"i nment &see ,ip"omacy$. Eac. ne1 2"ayer must se"ect a Free Lord C.aracter and name t.em &see be"o1$. T.e purpose o/ t.e Free Lord is to represent t.e 2"ayer as a "eader o/ a nation 1it. /e1 i/ any restraints on t.eir resources5 o/ course it9s /un to use a /ree deat. mac.ine too. Eac. ne1 p"ayer be ins t.eir campai n 1it. one army 1.ic. starts in any ti"e o/ t.eir c.oice or one desi nated by t.e G'.

O/ Free Lords; :our Free Lord may c.oose .is e+uipment inc"udin a basic mount &a .orse or sin "e 1ound e+ui(a"ent$ /or /ree a"t.ou . you must /o""o1 t.e Army composition "imitations /rom t.e main ru"ebook. means no ma ic items to be in 1it. and no Lord c.oice counts as e"se too5 "ike an additiona" rare or .ero c.oice. Any Free Lord can take any compu"sory up rade but not / up rades unti" "ater. 'a ic "e(e"s are /ine i/ t.ey can be purc.ased /rom t.e re"e(ant army book entry o/ t.e se"ected Lord. ,urin any 1inter season you may redesi n your Free Lord to incorporate any e;tra se"ection bonuses you may .a(e earned. </ your !ea"m s.rinks you are not ob"i ed to redesi n your Free Lord. A Free Lord cannot usua""y e .is e+uipment durin t.e campai n year5 but i/ your army ac+uires a ma ic item or simi"ar and no c.aracter e;ists to use it t.e item may be used by your Free Lord. </ t.e Free Lord is used t.ey do not count a ainst t.e points a""o1ance nor do t.ey use a c.aracter s"ot &t.ey can be used in ames sma""er =>>> points e. .$ but t.ey must act as Genera". See !eor anisation /or more detai"s on Free Lords.

C.apter =$ Back round. campai n is set in t.e *ar.ammer *or"d5 t.ou . your G' 1i"" 1ant to estab"is. t.eir o1n back round narrati(e e;p"ains t.e reason /or t.e /ort.comin 1ar. Fantasy "iterature and G* /"u// s.ou"d pro(ide a"" t.e inspiration necessary to come up 1it. a suitab"e story i(es t.e campai n conte;t. 2"ease endea(our to te"" a story as you p"ay ames5 e(en ro"e p"ay a "itt"e. T.e e;perience 1i"" create better memories 1ay?

C.apter @$ !ea"ms. A 2"ayers !ea"m is t.e nation .e car(es out on t.e map. <n simp"e terms it is t.e number o/ ti"es .e contro"s. At t.e be innin o/ a 2"ayer9s campai n t.ey 1i"" not contro" any ti"es and t.ere/ore do not .a(e a !ea"m. 2"ayers dep"oy t.eir army on t.e map initia""y as a tra(e""in 1arband or a nomadic tribe t.ou . it is assumed a"" 2"ayers 1i"" e(entua""y sett"e do1n by 1innin a ame and c"aimin a ti"e. A"" ti"es be in as independent /actions and a"" ti"es not contro""ed by a p"ayer are independent. <ndependent ti"es de/end t.emse"(es in t.e same 1ay as a 2"ayer t.ou . t.ey do not .a(e Armies5 Aust de/ensi(e arrisons. T.e /irst ti"e a 2"ayer con+uers becomes .is Capita". remains t.eir Capita" un"ess t.ey e"ect to e Capita"s in a *inter season &see *inter season5 reor anisation$. A 2"ayer 1.o "oses .is "ast ti"e continues as a nomadic /orce unti" suc. a time as t.ey recon+uer a Capita" or *inter sets in. Ti"es are automatica""y arrisoned to (aryin de rees so your Armies are /ree to act o//ensi(e"y. T.e composition and si6e o/ your Armies as 1e"" as .o1 many Armies you .a(e under your contro" is direct"y "inked to t.e si6e o/ your rea"m. !ea"ms are recorded t.ou . it may be necessary &and certain"y more (isua""y strikin $ to use /"a s as a (isua" representation on t.e map. A City is represented on t.e map by t.e 1a""ed sett"ement token. A 2ort is represented by a 1a""ed sett"ement or a cast"e on a coast"ine5 it is not to be con/used 1it. a City or To1n and t.e mode""in o/ e;tra detai" suc. as a dock or "i .t.ouse may be .e"p/u". To1ns are represented by t.e cast"e token. !esources use t.e mine token5 t.ese represent t.e out"yin (i""a es5 /armin .am"ets5 minin communities and "o in communities etc. 2"ayers must name t.eir Capita". 2"ayers must name e(ery ti"e t.ey con+uer. 2"ayers 1.ose !ea"m consists o/ t.ree or more ti"es &inc"udin countin t.e City as t1o$ must name t.eir !ea"m. O2T<ONAL S2EC<AL !7LE. 'ountain ti"es are impassab"e &and unoccupied$ unti" one is c"aimed by a ,1ar/ 2"ayer. A ,1ar/ 2"ayer may c"aim any mountain ti"e by mo(in onto it in t.e norma" /as.ion &t.ou . 1it. no opposition$ and dec"arin a 4OL, FO7N,<NG. T.e mountain ti"e t.en counts as a city ti"e permanent"y. From point on .o1e(er a"" t.e mountain ti"es become accessib"e as t.e increased tra//ic in t.e under round passa es re(ea"s t.e ancient porta"s and are treated as independent To1ns &e(en to ,1ar/ !ea"ms$.

C.apter #$ Campai n Season. T.e G' s.ou"d c.oose a start date /or t.e campai n usin t.e <mperia" ca"endar &round numbers "ike @>>> are easiest$. A year 1i"" be recorded as it passes and consists o/ t.ree turns o/ mo(ement on t.e map &sprin 5 summer5 autumn$ and one 1inter season 1.ic. is 1.en any record keepin takes p"ace. Sprin 5 summer and autumn are kno1n co""ecti(e"y as t.e Campai n season. T.e mediator 1i"" decide .o1 "on in rea" time eac. season 1i"" "ast &en(isioned to be on a(era e @-# 1eeks$. A season is t.e time a""o1ed to or anise batt"es5 /i .t batt"es and 1rite mo(ement orders /or t.e /o""o1in season. No mo(ement takes p"ace in *inter.

O/ Armies3Banners; <n 'i .ty Empires oneBs Armies are traditiona""y kno1n as Banners. T.rou .out t.e remainder o/ t.e ru"es Armies 1i"" be re/erred to as Banners. A 2"ayer9s Banner .as a percenti"e (a"ue 1.ic. s.ou"d be recorded e(en t.ou . it is easy to ca"cu"ate. *.en a ame is or anised 2"ayers are /ree to c.oose any si6e ame suits t.em. Once it is decided .o1 many points 1i"" be used 2"ayers are a""o1ed to use a percenta e o/ t.ose points dependin on t.e percenti"e (a"ue o/ t.e Banners in +uestion. T.e ru"es /or Army se"ection are t.ose associated 1it. t.e ori ina" si6e o/ t.e ame a reed5 not t.e reca"cu"ated points o/ t.e Banner9s percenti"e (a"ue. 2"ayers .a(e to earn t.e stron est units *ar.ammer .as to o//er. To be in 1it.5 1.en 1ritin your army "ist5 no c.aracters may be se"ected e;cept one to act as Genera" &T.e enera" may be a ma ic user$. </ t.e Free Lord is used t.ey do not count a ainst t.e points a""o1ance nor do t.ey use a c.aracter s"ot &t.ey can be used in ames sma""er =>>> points /or e;amp"e$ but t.ey rep"ace t.e Genera" and must act as Genera". cou"d be traditiona""y considered as a 1ar mac.ine may be used & 1ou"d inc"ude c.ariots5 stone t.ro1ers and e"se your G' p"aces in cate ory$. No rare troop c.oices may be made. No specia"3named c.aracters are a""o1ed. No monstrous creatures or monstrous mounts are a""o1ed. No ma ic items5 ma ica" unit up rades or abi"ity up rades are a(ai"ab"e e;cept /or command roups and basic 1eapons and armour. T.e G' is responsib"e /or ensurin t.ere is no con/usion o(er t.e termino"o y used to a""o1 and disa""o1 units. As an e;amp"e5 i/ 2"ayer A and 2"ayer B c.oose a @>>> point ame a"" t.e @>>> point a""o1ances app"y re ardin accessib"e troop types but 2"ayer A is ne1 and .as no modi/iers 1.i"e 2"ayer B .as recent"y been on t.e recei(in end o/ t1o sound s and su//ers a -0>C pena"ty5 usin =D>> points. is a sma"" disad(anta e but not an insurmountab"e one

A 2"ayer 1.o is doin 1e"" and 1innin "ots o/ batt"es 1i"" .a(e s"i .t"y more points and more /reedom to c.oose t.eir troops a 2"ayer 1.o is ne15 .asn9t p"ayed many ames or 1.o .as su//ered de/eats. On a(era e t.e di//erence 1i"" not be too reat and possib"e to o(ercome a"t.ou . mat.ematica""y it is possib"e /or a .u e ap to appear under certain circumstances. <n order to miti ate t.is5 2"ayers 1i"" be encoura ed to use ,ip"omacy. <n t.ese instances it is .oped t1o sma""er 2"ayers 1i"" /ind common cause a ainst a reater /oe. A Banner occupies t.e sin "e ti"e it is in and .as a 6one o/ in/"uence e;tends to any adAacent ti"e &see 'o(ement$. <t can e"ect to mo(e up to one ti"e per season &see 'o(ement$. <n 1ay it 1i"" come into con/"ict and 2"ayers 1i"" or anise ames to decide t.e outcome. A 2"ayer .as one Banner as standard p"us /or e(ery t.ree ti"es .e contro""ed in t.e precedin *inter season. A p"ayer 1it. mu"tip"e Banners must c.oose one to be .is EGuards Banner9. Banner contains .is Free Lord and on"y 1.en usin Banner to /i .t can t.e Free Lord be /ie"ded. banners may se"ect up to one c.aracter 1.ic. may be a ma ic user to be t.e army enera" re ard"ess o/ a(ai"ab"e se"ection bonuses. c.aracter is paid /or in t.e usua" 1ay. A 2"ayer may not .a(e more one /riend"y or a""ied Banner on t.e same ti"e. 4osti"e or una""ied Banners s.arin t.e same ti"e a/ter mo(ement must /i .t a batt"e. Any Banners are not /i .tin a batt"e direct"y5 is to say s.arin a ti"e5 can Aoin in any batt"e takin p"ace in an adAacent ti"e. means you can .a(e t1o banners supportin one i/ t.ey o/ t.e same !ea"m or a""ies. <t is a"so permitted to /orm a temporary a""iance 1.ere t1o una""ied Banners are c"ose enou . to o//er support to t.e s.ou"d t.e take t.em. <t is 1ort. notin in 1ay support 1ou"d be a(ai"ab"e to bot. participants in t.e batt"e /rom a t.ird party 1.o s.ou"d c.oose one or Banner to support. A supp"y route is necessary to keep a Banner /i .tin 5 i/ you /ind yourse"/ cut o// /rom an adAacent /riend"y ti"e you /i .t 1it. a -0>C pena"ty. To count as /riend"y an adAacent ti"e must be entire"y /ree o/ enemy Banners. A Banner is t.e o//ensi(e part o/ a 2"ayers armed /orces5 e(ery ti"e 1i"" de/end itse"/ to (aryin de rees .o1e(er. is kno1n as a de/ensi(e arrison. ,e/ensi(e arrisons and independent arrisons may a"1ays se"ect a enera" &1.ic. may be a ma ic user$. ,e/ensi(e arrisons are automatica""y destroyed i/ de/eated.

Banner Composition For e(ery t.ree ti"es in !ea"m% F)C Lost "ast batt"e% -)C Lost "ast t1o or more consecuti(e batt"es% -0>C ,e/endin Capita"% F)>C &cumu"ati(e 1it. sett"ement type modi/ier$ ,e/endin City% F)>C ,e/endin To1n% F=)C ,e/endin !esource% F0>C No supp"y route traceab"e to /riend"y ti"e% -0>C ,isease?% -0>C For e(ery one To1n o1ned t.e Banner or de/endin arrison may use one se"ection bonus /rom t.e /o""o1in "ist &subAect to se"ection restrictions$. Contro" o/ any City a""o1s you to count it as a !esource or a To1n /or eac. ame5 but not bot. at once. ,on9t /or et it counts as t1o ti"es 1.en ca"cu"atin .o1 many you o1n.

1) 'ay inc"ude non-ma ic usin c.aracters as norma". 2) 'ay inc"ude ma ic usin c.aracters as norma".
@$ 'ay inc"ude specia" c.aracters as norma".

4) 'ay /ie"d rare c.oices as norma".

)$ 4as access to a""ies &up to )>C o/ t.e a reed points$ /rom an a"i ned army "ist or up to one c.oice /rom an una"i ned "ist. can be se"ected mu"tip"e times. A""ies do not cause panic in units /rom t.e main army but do su//er panic caused by a""ied units and units in t.e main army. T.e e;ception to 1ou"d be a main army unit .as a ru"e pre(entin it /rom causin panic to units in t.e main army5 t.ese units do not cause panic in a""ies T.e a""ied units may use t.e Leaders.ip o/ a Free Lord but not an ordinary enera" and t.ey may on"y be Aoined by t.eir o1n c.aracters5 not t.ose o/ t.e main army. Any unusua" situations not co(ered .ere 1i"" be dea"t 1it. by t.e G' &t.e EGenera"9s Compendium9 a""ied ru"es are recommended$.

For e(ery !esource o1ned t.e Banner or de/endin arrison may use one se"ection bonus /rom t.e /o""o1in "ist &subAect to se"ection restrictions$. Contro" o/ any City a""o1s you to count it as a !esource or a To1n /or eac. ame5 but not bot. at once. ,on9t /or et it counts as t1o ti"es 1.en ca"cu"atin .o1 many you o1n.

1) 'ay use common ma ic items. 2) 'ay use army "ist ma ic items 3) 'ay use 1ar mac.ines. 4) 'ay use any denied up rades to c.aracters or units. &!emember basic e+uipment and command
roups are a"1ays a""o1ed any1ay$ )$ 'ay use monsters and monstrous mounts. O2T<ONAL S2EC<AL !7LE. <t is /un to inc"ude indi(idua""y mode""ed specia" ti"es to a""o1 one o/ t.e /o""o1in bonuses. T.eir bonuses are as /o""o1s;

1) One F!EE monster3monstrous mount. 2) One F!EE 1ar mac.ine. 3) One F!EE specia" c.aracter. 4) One F!EE ma ic user. 3) One F!EE ma ic item. 5) One F!EE rare c.oice. *.ere t.ere is no Limit to t.e number o/ mode"s in a rare c.oice t.e
ma;imum unit stren t. is 0) un"ess stated ot.er1ise by t.e G'. :ou may take t.ese /ree units3items in any /riend"y Banner or de/endin restrictions. arrison re ard"ess o/ se"ection


O/ 'o(ement; A Banner may mo(e one ti"e per season. A p"ayer is to 1rite do1n a c"ear mo(ement order /or eac. season and communicate to t.e G' (erba""y or (ia Emai". 'o(ement is t.ere/ore to be considered simu"taneous. Banners cannot pass "ike s.ips in t.e ni .t so to a(oid a batt"e is insti ated by t.e mo(ement5 a dice o// takes p"ace to decide 1.ic. ti"e t.e resu"tant batt"e takes p"ace in. Nort. s.ou"d be marked on t.e 'ap by a (isua" indicator or made c"ear by t.e G'5 i(es e(ery ti"e a nort. /acin 5 a sout. /acin 5 a nort.-east and sout.-east /acin s to t.e ri .t and nort.-1est and sout.1est /acin s to t.e "e/t. 2"ayers must be care/u" 1.en issuin orders as t.ey are ob"i ed to "i(e 1it. t.e conse+uences o/ a mistake. A"" ti"es are occupied at a"" times as t.ey be in as independent /actions and remain so unti" t.ey are absorbed into a 2"ayers rea"m. means un"ess a 2"ayer .as an estab"is.ed !ea"m to patro" or e;press permission to .a(e mi"itary access to a ri(a" !ea"m e(ery order i(en 1i"" resu"t in a batt"e. A/ter a batt"e t.e (ictor takes or retains possession o/ ti"e. E(ery batt"e takes p"ace in a sin "e ti"e and is t.e ti"e taken possession o/. Supportin Banners cannot c"aim t.e ti"e. T.e de/eated Banner retreats one ti"e 1.ic. must be /riend"y. </ is not possib"e T.e Banner retreats to its Capita". </ is not possib"e t.e Banner is destroyed. !emember5 a Banner is considered to .a(e a 6one o/ in/"uence one ti"e /rom its position in a"" directions. <t can be ca""ed upon to Aoin any batt"e takin p"ace in 6one at /u"" stren t. i/ it .as no batt"e o/ its o1n to /i .t season.


O/ Batt"es; Batt"es can be any a reed si6e5 or type. 2"ayers s.ou"d be /ree to p"ay any kind o/ ame suits t.em and s.ou"d a ree any (ictory conditions suit t.em. T.e percenti"e (a"ue o/ a Banner a""o1s 2"ayers to track t.eir success or /ai"ure 1it.out becomin a .u e constraint. A"" batt"es must .a(e a 1inner and a "oser5 to a(oid t.e campai n becomin bo ed do1n and pro ress bein s"o1ed by dra1s5 so i/ a/ter considerin t.e estab"is.ed (ictory conditions t.e outcome is inconc"usi(e use t.e main ru"e9s Gictory 2oints to determine a mar in o/ (ictory &bein a.ead by as "itt"e as a sin "e point is sti"" a 1in$. <n t.e un"ike"y e(ent o/ Gictory 2oints bein t.e same ask t.e G' to adAudicate and announce a resu"t. Specia" ames 1it. a reed (ictory conditions stren t.en t.e narrati(e are encoura ed so /ee" /ree to use your ima ination. T1o 2"ayers 1it. Banners s.are a ti"e a/ter mo(ement /i .t a batt"e o/ t.eir c.oice norma""y usin t.e restrictions and bonuses to bui"d an army "ist. <ndependent ti"es de/end t.emse"(es countin on"y t.e appropriate bonus /or de/endin 1.ate(er si6e sett"ement is represented 1it. t.e cumu"ati(e bonus /or de/endin t.eir capita"5 not t.e /u"" points a reed upon /or t.e ame5 so 1i"" o/ten be sma""er a 2"ayers Banner. T.ey count as o1nin one ti"e so a se"ection bonus is a""o1ed. T.e G' or any p"ayer nominated by t.e G' can contro" an <ndependent /action in batt"e. *.en t1o 2"ayers c"as. on an independent ti"e or an una""ied t.ird party ti"e a temporary a""iance must be /ormed. T.e t1o in(aders may a""y in 1.ic. case t.ey need to /irst a ree 1.o keeps t.e ti"e i/ t.ey 1in. O1ners.ip o/ t.e ti"e must be discussed be/ore t.e batt"e takes p"ace or t.e ori ina" o1ner retains contro". One in(adin 2"ayer may opt to support t.e ti"e instead and 1i"" /i .t a"on side t.eir /orces but cannot c"aim t.e ti"e5 in case t.e /irst 2"ayer to o//er support by noti/yin t.e G' becomes t.e ti"eBs a""y and may not c"aim t.e ti"e i/ t.ey 1in. </ 2"ayer to a""y and bot. 1ant to press t.e attack /i .t a ame as norma" bet1een t.e 2"ayers 1it.out any inter/erence /rom t.e <ndependent /action. A (ictory means t.e independent ti"e is su//icient"y impressed enou . to Aoin t.e (ictorBs rea"m. <n t.e e(ent o/ a 2"ayer usin .is BannerBs 6one o/ in/"uence to Aoin a batt"e5 Banner may not c"aim t.e ti"e5 it must o to a !ea"m .as a Banner actua""y on t.e ti"e.


Be/ore e(ery batt"e eac. 2"ayer ro""s to see i/ ,isease? .as a//ected .is Banner. !o"" a ,- and t.e score o/ a one means 2"ayer su//ers a -0>C pena"ty /or t.e ame. &Best to do as you or anise t.e ame on t.e ni .t$. <t is important to note ne1 2"ayers 1it. no rea"m are immune /rom ,isease? and need no supp"y route to a /riend"y ti"e5 t.ey are 1e"" used to t.eir roamin and nomadic "i/esty"e. Ousted 2"ayers 1.o .a(e "ost t.eir "ast ti"e become nomadic once more and do not need to 1orry about supp"y routes t.ou . must sti"" ro"" /or ,isease? O2T<ONAL S2EC<AL !7LE. <t may be di//icu"t to s+uee6e e(ery "ast batt"e into a rea"istic time /rame 1it.out t.e campai n becomin a c.ore5 to a(oid a ame can be sett"ed in an arbitrary /as.ion. Any batt"e can be decided &i/ bot. p"ayers and t.e G' concur$ by t1o c.ampions s"u in it out. A c.aracter is se"ected up to an a reed points tota" &adAusted /or t.e percenti"e (a"ue o/ t.e banner but 1it. no restrictions$. <n t.e e(ent o/ a ame endin in an e;act dra1 t.e G' may pre/er to .a(e a tria" o/ c.ampions to determine t.e 1inner. O2T<ONAL S2EC<AL !7LE. A 2"ayer may /ind .e is pre(ented /rom p"ayin a ame t.e season time "imit because o/ /actors outside .is contro". At t.e discretion o/ t.e G' a ame can be dec"ared to be a S<EGE. A sie e a""o1s t.e ame to be put on .o"d inde/inite"y unti" 2"ayer mo(ement disrupts t.e sie e. A Banner enterin t.e ti"e cance"s t.e sie e and sends t.e sie in Banner on a retreat to a /riend"y ti"e. </ t.e sie in Banner "ea(es t.e ti"e (o"untari"y t.e sie e is "i/ted and t.e mo(e takes p"ace as norma". T.e Banner may be issued 1it. orders and be.a(es as norma" in t.e season /o""o1in in 1.ic. t.e sie e 1as reso"(ed. </ a Banner is under sie e to mo(e a1ay it may do so 1it.out pena"ty.

O/ Book-Heepin ; A/ter e(ery batt"e t.e (ictor must supp"y t.e mediator 1it. a minimum o/ a 0>> 1ord batt"e report 1.ic. s.ou"d be as biased as possib"e. <t is key to t.e aims o/ t.e campai n a stron narrati(e is de(e"oped so ru"e is to be considered t.e GOLDEN MOST IMPORTANT RULE! Stron sanctions a ainst o//endin 3/or et/u" 2"ayers 1i"" be "ee/u""y considered by t.e G'.


C.apter )$ *inter Season.

O/ *inter +uarters; A/ter batt"es resu"tin /rom Autumn mo(es .a(e been decided *inter sets in. A"" Banners are returned to t.eir capita". Banners 1it. no Capita" are returned to a /riend"y ti"e t.e 2"ayer intends to nominate as a ne1 Capita". </ is not possib"e 2"ayer is destroyed &per.aps "itera""y5 at t.e G'9s discretion$ and may return as a ne1 2"ayer i/ t.e G' a""o1s. 2"ayers to retire (o"untari"y are asked to do so at point5 t.ou . t.ey may do so at any time.

O/ ,ip"omacy; 2"ayers are /ree to make or break a""iances anytime t.rou .out t.e Campai n season o//erin 1i"d promises in return /or dubious aid but in *inter it is possib"e /or t1o or more p"ayers to si n a /orma" treaty. *ritten contracts o(ernin si natory 2"ayer be.a(iour may be submitted to t.e G'. A/ter a G' re(ie1 t.e treaty becomes a .ard and /ast ru"e. <n 1ay protectorates and sate""ite rea"ms can be coerced into supportin a more po1er/u" 2"ayer as 1e"" as enuine"y /air contracts 1ritten to a""o1 peace o/ mind or to pre(ent a 2"ayer /rom domination 1it. t.e t.reat o/ an a""iance 1.ic. becomes acti(e in t.e e(ent o/ in(asion or act o/ a ression. Ti"es may be s1apped /ree"y at sta e5 ne(er durin campai n season. su estions /or treaties 1ou"d inc"ude non-a ression pacts "astin /or a set period o/ time and promises to attack 2"ayers. To make s simp"e a 2"ayer can use t.e standard de/initions /o""o1. An a""iance re+uires participants make no .osti"e mo(es to1ards eac. and i/ an a""ied Banner is /ree to Aoin a batt"e on t.e side o/ an a""y it must do so. A non-a ression pact re+uires participants make no .osti"e mo(es to1ards eac.

O/ !eor anisation; At point a 2"ayers Free Lord may be Ere-spa1ned9 i/ destroyed. :ou may a"so update t.em by i(in t.em up rades based on your current !ea"ms status 1.ic. 1i"" o/ course be /ree too. :ou may c.oose any se"ection bonuses your !ea"m a""o1s to redesi n your Free Lord 1.o t.en stays /i;ed5 unti" you dei n to redesi n t.em5 and t.en c.oose di//erent se"ection bonuses in subse+uent Seasons 1it.out in your Free Lord.


:ou may e your Capita". :ou must reca"cu"ate .o1 many Banners you can /ie"d5 ainin or "osin some. :ou .a(e one Banner p"us one more /or e(ery t.ree ti"es o1ned &remember Cities count as t1o$. :ou are not re+uired to "ose banners durin campai n season i/ you "ose ti"es5 nor can you ain t.em durin campai n season by con+uerin ne1 ti"es5 it .appens on"y in *inter. O2T<ONAL S2EC<AL !7LE. Any 2"ayer 1.ose Free Lord amounts to "ess =>> points in (a"ue and is on /oot or mounted on a sin "e 1ound creature may se"ect a F!EE BO,:G7A!,. T.e Free Lord 1i"" be Aoined on t.e batt"e/ie"d by up to unit stren t. 0) o/ /ree specia" troops on /oot &i/ t.e Free Lord is on /oot$ or unit stren t. 0> o/ mounted specia" troops &i/ t.e Free Lord is mounted$. ru"e may on"y be used in your second campai n year.


O/ Espiona e; A 2"ayer contro""in one or more to1ns or cities may e"ect to use one a ent in *inter. A 2"ayer contro""in at "east one o/ eac. &a to1n and a city$ may use up to t1o a ents. A ents and t.eir uses are as /o""o1s. 0$ T.e Spy; :ou may e;amine your opponents army "ist be/ore t.e batt"e. :ou may (eto one ma ic item or re1rite your o1n to adapt &0> minutes a""o1ed /or$ in t.e ne;t batt"e you /i .t a ainst opponent. A"ternati(e"y a spy may be se"ected and .e"d back to cance" t.e e//ect o/ one enemy a ent. =$ T.e Courtesan; "o(e"y "ady &Li6ard-maidI !atessI$ is practised in t.e arts o/ in/i"tration and seduction5 c.armin .er 1ay into t.e arms o/ enemy nob"es and "ea(in t.em too /a ed to /i .t t.e /o""o1in day. :ou may (eto one c.aracter in t.e ne;t batt"e you /i .t a ainst opponent. @$ T.e Assassin; 4e 1anders discreet"y into t.e /ie"d kitc.en5 potion in .and5 andJ "oop? <n t.e ne;t batt"e you /i .t a ainst opponent t.ey 1i"" on"y a(oid ,isease? By ro""in a -. #$ T.e Saboteur; KLook at t.e pretty /"ames?L T.e ne;t batt"e you /i .t a ainst opponent t.ey 1i"" count as .a(in one ti"e "ess t.ey o1n "osin a se"ection bonus5 your c.oice 1.ic. ti"e &note i/ you se"ect t.e ti"e t.e Banner occupies t.ey "ose on"y t.e se"ection bonus not t.e de/ensi(e arrison$. Simp"y se"ect an a ent and a tar et 2"ayer5 in/orm t.e G' o/ your under.anded p"oy and sit back 1.i"e rubbin your .ands to et.er5 or possib"y t1ir"in your

O/ ,ep"oyment; <n order to commence a ne1 year a"" !ea"ms can p"ace t.eir Banners in any /riend"y ti"e. Sprin orders are t.en submitted as norma". Orders /or a ne1 Sprin must t.ere/ore inc"ude a start point and a mo(e order. </ more one Banner is a(ai"ab"e donBt /or et to nominate a Guards Banner to contain your Free Lord.


C.apter -$ Summary. 4a(in read t.rou . t.e ru"es you may note t.e comp"ete abandonment o/ t.e current o//icia" 'i .ty Empires ru"es5 is because t.ey are a bit s.ort and too simp"e to be interestin . <nstead t.ese ru"es .a(e been adapted /rom t.e ori ina" ru"es5 makin t.em "ess restricti(e and time consumin 1.i"e retainin t.e spirit and /"a(our. is an attempt to estab"is. a structured campai n system 1.ic. can "ink ames and add stron narrati(e5 dept. and meanin to t.e ames. <t is to be .oped by "imitin t.e a(ai"abi"ity o/ units in t.e ear"y sta es a /res. set o/ tactica" c.a""en es 1i"" i(e a ne1 "ook to an estab"is.ed ame system. Later on you 1i"" .a(e access to your /u"" miniature co""ection. Competition is a /undamenta" part o/ 1ar amin but t.ese ru"es5 e(en is directed to1ard estab" a narrati(e 1it. t.e recordin o/ batt"e outcomes and t.e de(e"opin map. A note on t.e ro"e o/ G'5 it is (irtua""y impossib"e to run t.e campai n and take part in it. Content yourse"/ 1it. p"ayin as an independent /action /rom time to time. As a /ina" note5 it is "e/t de"iberate"y uncertain e;act"y t.e conditions /or /ina" (ictory 1i"" be as it s.ou"d be in/ormed by e(ents as t.ey un/o"d and can be decided by t.e G'5 a"t.ou . it 1i"" probab"y 1arrant a massi(e batt"e.


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