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Raglan Leaf T-shirt by knitting school dropout

This is an easy top-down raglan t-shirt with a lace leaf panel that can easily be customized to fit many sizes. Gauge: 5 stitches per inch in stockinette Materials: 4 (5,6) balls Debbie Bliss Cathay (I used almost exactly 4 balls for a size 34 bust, so you might want that extra ball, just in case) US size 6, 16 and 24 circular knitting needles 7 stitch markers, 4 of the same color for raglan increases, 3 in contrasting colors to mark leaf panel and beginning of rounds

Before you start, measure the circumference of your upper arm, add 1 inch to this number and write it down. *when knitting , remember that you will be doing the yarn-over increases every other row. During increase rows, you will be knitting all stitches in the lace panel. On opposite, non-increase rows, you will be working in the lace pattern and knitting all other stitches, including the ones on either side of the raglan markers.

This pattern is for a snug fitting garment. Finished, unstretched, measurements will be smaller than you actual bust size. Using longtail method, cast on 125 stitches. Place contrasting marker and join for knitting in the round (this is the center of the back of your t-shirt and will mark the beginning of all future rows. -knit one full round Next round: knit 22, place marker, knit 19, place marker, knit 13, place contrasting marker, knit 17, place contrasting marker (these last 2 markers are the beginning and end of lace panel in center front), knit 13, knit 19, place marker, knit 22 Begin raglan increases. Knit 22, yo, slip marker, k1, yo, knit to next marker, yo, slip marker, k1, yo, knit the next 43 stitches, slipping the lace panel markers as you go (remember, you are only working lace pattern on opposite rows), yo, slip marker, k1, yo, knit to next marker, yo, slip marker, k1, yo, k22 You have just completed 1 round of increases. -Next row, knit all stitches, slipping raglan markers as you go. When you get to contrasting marker, slip marker, work 1st row of lace pattern, slip marker, knit to end of round. -Next row, knit all stitches to each raglan marker, yo, slip marker, k1, yo. Repeat this at each of the 4 raglan markers for 1 row. Knitting all stitches in lace panel.

-Next row, knit all stitches, slip all markers until lace panel, work 2nd row of lace pattern, knit all stitches, slip markers until end of round. Continue increase rounds, then lace rounds, until the pieces between the raglan markers measure the same as the circumference of your upper arm, plus one inch. -On a non-increase row, and once the arm-area measures the required length, knit to first marker,remove marker, cast off all stitches between 1st and 2nd marker, remove 2nd marker, knit to next marker, work lace panel, knit to next raglan marker, remove marker, cast off all stitches to next marker, remove marker, knit to end of round. Next round, knit all stitches. Next round knit all stitches until lace panel, work in pattern, knit the rest of the stitches to the end of row. Repeat the last 2 rows until shirt measures desired length. Knit 3 rows, bind off loosely. Shirt will roll on bottom, if you are not a fan of the roll, add a few rows of ribbing, seed or garter stitch.

Leaf pattern : Row 1: p2, k3, (yo,k1) twice, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1,p2 Knit all stitches on every other row Row 2: p2, (k3, yo) twice, k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1, p2 Row 3: p2, k3, yo, k5, yo,k1, sl1-k2tog-psso, k1, p2

Row 4: p2, k1, ssk, k3, k2tog, (k1,yo) twice, k3, p2 Row 5: p2, k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1, (yo,k3) twice, p2 Row 6: p2, k1, k3tog, k1, yo, k5, yo, k3, p2

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