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rg76 AVION

Operationand ServiceManual

Keep this book with your Avion at all times

AVIONCOACHCORPORATION 49022 Michigan Harbor, Benton Avenue, 13OO E. Empire


Section Page


Hook-upProcedure Towing Parking& Sefup Procedure Protectionfrom FreezingWeather - Care- Maintenance Operation Trouble Shooting. WarrantyInformation .

3 4 5 6 7 19

VIII Tables, Diagrams andIllustrations



W e w o r r o n tt h e b o s i cc o n s t r u c io f n o n d c o m p o n e ne i q u i p m e nitn s t o l l e do f lhe foctory, except fires, ogoinst f o i l u r er e s u l f i n g f r o md e f e c f i v e moteriols or workmonship { o r o p e r i o do { f w e l v em o n t h sf,r o m t h e d o i e o f f h e o r i g i n o l p ur c h o s e . W e o g r e e f o r e p o i r o r r e p l o c ed e f e c i i v e p o r t so l n o c h o r g ef o r p o r t so r tooor. Repoirs t o b e m o d e u n d e r t h e t e r m so f t h i sw o r r o n t y m o y b e m o d e ,o t F r o n c h i s eA d v i o n D e o l e r sA , vion Service Corporofion, 1576 E. Empire A v e . , B e n t o nH o r b o r ,M i c h i g o n 4 9 O 2 2 , or otherAufhorized service focilities w i i h p r i o r o p p r o v o lf r o m A v i o n S e r v i c e C o r p o r o f i o nW . ork perf o r m e do f A v i o n S e r v i c e Corporotion i s b y o p p o i n i m e no t nly. Tronsporlotion o n d r e l o t e d e x p e n s es u c h o s m e o l s ;l o d g i n g ,g o s , e f c . s h o l l b e t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i to yf l h e o w n e r . F o rs e r v i c e u n d e rt h e t e r m so f i n d i v i d u om l o n u f o c f u r ew r o r r o n t i e sf,o r l h e v o r i o u so p p l i o n c e s o r e q u i p m e n itn y o u r A v i o n ,y o u m u s lc c n l o c to n o u t h o r i z e ds e r v i c e c o m p o n yo f i h e o p p l i o n c e s o r e q u i p m e n itn v o l v e d . ond T h i sw o r r o n t yi s i n l i e uo { o l l o l h e r w o r r o n t i e se , x p r e s s eo dr i m p l i e d , , b u s e ,e x p o s u r eo , verexcludes conditionf sr o m n o r m o lw e o r , o c c i d e n i o , s suggesled in ihe Owners l o o d o r i n o d e q u o t er o u t i n em o i n l e n o n c eo Monuol.


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The tollowingsteps are suggested as a checklist before starting on your trip with your Avion Coach. 1. Seethat all clothing, golf clubs,fishing dishes, gear, etc.,are properlystored. It is wiseto usesquare plastic containers in your refrigerator. DO NOT leave icecubes in thefreezer unless the refrigerator is opercompartment while traveling. rolled towels in front Pack of the .ating containers in therefrigerator sotheywill not moveabout pr spill over.Be surethe travellatchis engaged to preventtherQfrigerator doorsfromopening. you plan Unless path,thereis no need extended staysfar off the beaten to storeup on food. 2. Be sureall drawers, cupboards and closetdoorsare securely latched. The single-piece bathroomdoor may be latched closed for traveling. If your traileris equipped with a bi-folddoor,it should be hooked open. 6. Close all windows and ventilators,lower the TV antennaand lock the entrancedoor. Be sure the front awningis closedand latchedon both sides. jacks or blocksfrom under 7. Removethe stabilizing the coachand fold the stepinto the "stored"position. E. A zttt'i'hitchball should be mounted on your car, so t h a t t h e t o p o f t h e b a l l i s 1 9 "f r o m t h e g r o u n d A . t this h e i g h ta . n dw i t h a n e q u r l i z i n g h i t c hp r o p e r l y adjusted, y o u r A v i o nc o r c hw i l l r i d eI e v e l . Alrhough the Avion will towproperle y ven i f t h ec o a c h i s n o t p e r f e c t lly evel. we reconrnrend that trililer and car ride as level rs possible. raisethe front ,To hook the coachto the towingvehicle, the coachwith the post jack and haveyour partner iof 'back thecar into place. positioned After theball hasbeen underthehitchsocket, checkto be surethat the lockingleverhasbeenraised and pulledto the rear, then lower the front end of the coach onto the ball. Rock thecar backandforth enough to be surethatthe socket andball arefully engaged, and put the ball lock in place.The lock shouldbe secured by placinga safetypin or smalllock throughthe hole just to the rearof the latch. ( t h ec a r w i l l c o m e :rgain J a c ku p t h e f r o n to f t h ec o i r c h u p w i t h i t ) r n d p u t o n t h eb r l l n c eo f t h eh i t c h . adjusling It isadvisubl ior level i n b o t hu n i t s . te o u s er n e q u i l l i z e r t y p c h i t c hw i t h s w a yc o n t r o l M . a k c i r l l a d j u s t m e nltc sto lhc n).rnufJcture in rr :tructionr. cordinc onto the hitch,remove Lowerthe coach thedolly wheel, or any blocksthat may havebeenusedunderthe post, and crank the jack postto the highest possible position. Hook up the electricconnections from the car to the the safety coach, connect chainsand anchorthe breakawayswitchcableto the auto. 9. Checkthe brakes and lights. 10. Re-check all previous your steps andbe sure to leave parkingarea clean.It is a good practice to pull youi coacha shortdistance from the parkingspotandinspect the areabefore departing.

3 . R a d i o s .T V s c t s ,b o o k s ,f o l d i n g c h l i r s , e t c . , s h o u l d not be placedon top of beds while traveling.The vibration of the mattressand springshas a tendencyto move cverything f o r w a r da n d ,i f t h e b r a k e s quickly, a r ea p p l i e d they nray be thrown to the lloor. Heavy gear should be located near thc lloor and forward of the center of the trililer. Do not overload your coach. Refer to Section V l l l , T a b l e A f o r n n x i n r u m c a r g ow e i g h t ,g r o s sv e h i c l e weightirnd reconrnrcnded hitch weight.

t l . l f y o u r u t i l i t i e sa r e h o o k e d u p . d i s c o n n e ctth e 1 2 0 volt Power Cord at the receptacle and store in the cord s t o r a { ec o m p i r r t n r e nC t . l o s et h e r r n g e t o p p i l o t v a l v e ,i f pilot hrs been used. Close the oven shut-off valve. See instructions for Rangeand Oven in SectionIV.

5. Flush the sewageholding tank, refill with 2" of water and add a commercial holding tank chemical, if desired. Disconnect the sewer and water hoses, drain and store, The sewer hose may be kept in the rear bumper. Be sure to lock the holding tank valves into closed position, and turn ofr the water pump switch.




l. When positioningthe coach,try to selecta spot as level as possible. Do not use jacksto levelthe coach. It should be leveled by drivingup on a board,or by usinga shovelto level the areaunder rhe wheelsbeiorepositioning.Jackscan then be uied to stabilizethe coach. CAUTION: When locatingjacks or blocks,DO NOT placethem under the alum! num underbelly jacksfor Avion coaches or skin.Stabilizing should be placed under the frame at the front and rear of the coach.Extendthe jacksonly enoughto support the frame. 2. Make water, sewage, and electric hook-upsif your stay will be long enoughto require them, i 3. Light pilot lights.raisefront awning andlodkin place. 4. lf your coach is equipped with a TV antenna be sureto raise it before openins the rearceilins vent,


l. Level the coachand disconnect water supplyhose. The waterlinesin your coachhavebeeninstailldwith a slope to permitgravitydraining. Inspect these linesto be suretheyhavenot beenbentout of position. Waterlines from bath lavatoryshouldslopetoward water hearer, drainingthroughthe heater tank drain.The waterlines from the galleysinkshould slope to the watertankdrain valve. K 2.-Drain the water storage tank by openingthe drain valvewhich is located at the end of the tank.The stor_ agetank mayalsobe drained by opening oneor moreof the faucets and pumping the waterintoihe sinks, where it will drainthrough thesewer hose. 7. Raisthe fronr end of the coachas high as it will go by cranking the jack all the way up and allow water io drain.Thencrankjackto lowest position andallowwater to drain.Returnto levelposition. 8. Use suctionpump to removewater from traos.or pour f,boutonecup of any Erhylene CIycol type anti_ r r e e zr ene a c h o t t h et h r e e t r t p s _ o n ei n t h ek i t c h e n sink, one in the bathroom sink, and one in the bathtub. Use caution_to aroid spillingthe solution on plastic surfaces where discoloration mayoccur.DO NOT usean alcohol base anti-freeze. 9. If your traileris equipped with a purifier, remove the cartridge, allowto dry andstore untii readyio useagain. 10. The water tank drain is locatedunder the left bed in twin bed models. In double bed models the water pump,bypass valve,and tank drain are locatedunder the doublebed. y To diain the tank,openthe cold waterfaucers and the ' bypass valve- seeIllusrration B at thebackof thisman_ ual. Openthe tankdrain valveandallowto drain. in,the-cold warerlineat theback X {.d-lgi" valveis located of -d-i|rar--oTwat-tertiFpp?if waterheater. tJte Placea shallow Danunderitiis valvi efi byihfi ickfl owp?evinteii Be sureto closeall valveswhenpreparingthe trailer for use.

openall faucet valves, f 3, Shutofi waterpumpat switch, and drainwaterheater tank.The valvefor thistankcan be reached by removing the panelon the outside of the water heater. Bg_lllglhar the water heater has been -


4. Removewater from the stool by holdingboth foot pedals down and allowingthe system to drain.Be sure the water supplyhas beenturnedoff and that the cold waterfaucet in the bathroom sinkis open.This will vent thewaterlineto thestoolandallowir to dmin.

f, Open the drain valve at the back of the stool.Hold stool pedalsdown or open sink faucetsto vent the line. BE SURE TO CLOSE THIS VALVE BEFORE USING THE WATER SYSTEM. X Lay the water saversprcy gun on the floor and put a rubberbandaroundthe thumbbuttonto hold rhe valve openand allowit to drain.The sprayheadmay alsobe removedfrom the hoseto preventdamage fromireezing. Shouldwater accidentally be left in the stool,damase may be prevented by allowingrhe unit to thaw out it room temperature beforeusing.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FLUSH A FROZEN STOOL. X 5. Opentub valveand showerheadvalvebuttonto drain the showerhead. 6. Openboth holdingtank valves anddrain tankscompletely, (Drain should be connectedto sewer for this operauon.,

tfidifi'e-5EF-a ss uattl Tu?nttre*riit., p" ;p ;;A; il_ lb\t'tfiryitrliFib"disitrarle anywarer remarning in it. Tri-ihfrifrrp sivitch "n U"ir*e Uqr!-yarji"pi; b.,I:

To drainthe pumpopenboth the watertankdrainvalve

6EEnisG iff#rgAer:r!&otsrl1ffiiffi;fi
11. Inserta stiffwire or slender rod into the waterinlet loiated i; tfre hose-stoiagii corirpairfi'Eif !tligg-yligti !g Pui6'ifward io the springrinsi-ori in ihe chlcl valvefig_alloww_ater to' driin frbm'it. Be sure-fauieii are oPen-ro vent.the lt4e.'

i'is';+_frS ii i he batiE i iei sre.9l ril's rreE 3.1{!l-P] 1-".eKep[on rhecoach. be sure
preventfreezing. rhartheyhavea full charge to 13, CAUTION-Do not travelwith theanti_freeze solution in the tub or lavatory drainsunless the drainplugs are securelyinsertedto preventthe solutionfrom Jolai_ ' teringon theplastic.

12. If it is practical, remove the batteries andstorein a




Item Description Page

1 . Care and Cleaning

J. A

8 8 8

Windowsand Screens Door Lock ElectricalSystems

9,10 1 0 ,1 1 1l
l r ' t?

5 . Water System 6 . GasSystem 't. Water


8 . Gas Furnace 9 . Water Closet 1 0 . WasteHoldine Tank 1 1 . Gas- ElectricRefriserator 12. Rangeand Oven

1 3 ,t 4 14 1 4 ,1 5 15

RangeHood RunningGear
l 5


16 16 t7 t'l l'1 18 18 18

1 5 . Converter 16. Break-AwaySwitch 1 7 . Instrument Signal Center 1 8 . Air Conditioner 1 9 . TV Antenna 20. Water Purifier


Sound Systems


- All flatwindows Windows aretintedsafetv slass. Thev may be cleaned with any type of glass cleinir, or witL soapand water. Cabinetsand Woodwork deservethe samecare as the furniture in your home. A furniture wax or polish will aid in maintaining the finefactoryfinish.Uppercabinet doors are equippedwith a single-arm friiiion brace. Tightenthe adjusting screwto increase friction if the door doesnot stayin openposition. Interior Walls are covered with vinyl. They may be cleanedby washingwith a mild soap or detergeniand water.DO NOT usean abrasive cleaner or a solventas it maydamage the vinyl or dull the finish. Avoid exposure to concentrations of propane or natural gas. The bithtub snould navethesame careastheinteriorwalls. Draperies, bedspreads and wall padsare of high quality synthetics andshould bedry cleaned. Draperies,Upholsteryand Carpeting _ shouldhave the same careasthe same fabricsil your home. Exterior Skin of anodizedaluminum shouldbe washed and cleanedin the samemannerthat you care for your automobile.Wash with a mild soapor detergent. Iioad tarsmay be removedwithkerosene, turpentine or naptha. Follow the cleaning with a soapand water rinseand then dry with soft,absorbent material. CAUTION: Whenusing these liquids, do not allowthem to geton the window panes. Do not usecleaners contain_ ing caustic or ammonia. A-polish may be usedon the exteriorsurfaceto provide additional protection. A cleaner-wax-polish typematerial shouldprove satisfactory, if the manufacturei's instruc_ tions are followed. Be sure to do the polishingin the shade,rubbing the same direction as tle grain in the metal. A more permanentprotectionmay be obtainedby applying a coatingof clearwax after the polishingis iompleted. Exterior seams shouldbe examined periodically for holes or crabkswhich may resultfrom shiinkageof the sealer after prolongedexposure to the elements. The sealer for all exteriorseams of your Avion carriesthe brand name "Ten-X". of It is manufactured by Electo-CoteCom_ pany, Minneapolis,Minn., and can be purchased from mosttrailerdealers andautomotive suppiy stores.

Your trailer windowsare manufactured by Hehr International,lnc. They carry a 20 month warrahtyfrom date oI manutacture. Upondiscovery of defector rnalfunction, notify Hehr In_ ternational Inc., 3333 CasitasAvenue, Loi Angeles, Califomia 90039,_ within three (3) days by regis-re.ed letter. Refer to the form included in your riarranty package. A securitylatch is provided to permit locking the wi-n_ position. dowsi-nthe closed To remove the screen,first removethe window actuator knob, then lift upward on the screenframe until it clearsthe bottom channel. It can thenbe pulled out from the bottom andremoved.

The entrance door is equipped with a,,Dead-bolt" lock. Turn the key to the right (clockwise) to lock the door_ andto the lefr(counter-clockwise) to unlockit. The door can only be lockedwhenthe bolt is fully engaged. Whenlocked, thebolrcannot wirhdraw or vitrate ': back and allowthe door to comeopen.Alwayslock the door beforetowingyour Avion, Checkthe l,cckbv atIempting to openthedoor with theoutside handle. The door can be lockedfrom the insideby lifting the leverunderthe handle. Do not attempt to lock theioor whileopenandthenclose it.


4. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS (A) I 2-volt J1l-Sllguitt:

EachAvioncoach is provided l2-volt interior lighting system;(C) 120-voltinterior system. (A) Exterior Lights - The cluster lights and clearance lightsare I.C.C.regulation approved. Checkthese lishts periodically to be surethat the bulbsare burnins.Replacemen br ulbs a r eG . E .r y p e1 8 9 5 or equivalent. Th tail lightsand turn lighrsare in single lampsat the rearof the coach. They usedoublefilament bulbs.G.E. type I 157or equivalent. Power for thelightsandbrakes is supplied from theauto_ mobilebattery, through the 7-wireconnector. The coach wiresappear in a heavycableat the trailerhitch. WIRING CODE FOR AVION COACHES + 1 - White connects to: Brake- Ground #2 - Blue Brake_ Hot #3 - Green Clearance Lights #4 - Black BatteryCharging by Tow Vehicle #5 - Red Left Turn Light #6 - Yellow(Brown) RighrTurn Light #7 - Black-Center Post BackupLights The black wire from the No. 4 terminal is connected to the positiveterminalof the two self-contained trailer batteries. This wiring is correctfor all tow vehicles with standard"negativeground" systems. - Your coachis equipped Brakes with 12-voltelect c brakes. The 25 ft. and 28 ft. tandemaxle modelsare equipped with 10"brakes. The 3l ft. tandem axlemodel is equipped with 12"brakes. These brakes have been adjusted at the factory for smooth, positivebraking.If brakeadjustmnt becomes necessary it shouldbe doneby your dealer's seruice department or by a competent automotive mechanic. The methodof adjustment is the sameas most automotiye brakes.


INTERIOR LIGHTING (B) Interior Lights - The lights, fans and water pump areoperated on l2-vohsdirectcurrent. This energy mai be provided by the standard equipment batterieJ whicil arelocated at thefrontof the trailer,or by theconverter. Two l2-volt batteries are providedto give a greater amountof reserve energy for self-contained operation. Thesebatteries are connected in parallel.Shouldone battery fail to function, the otherbattery will continue to provide power, to thelimit of its capacity. If, for anyrea_ son,onebattery is removed from thecircuit,be surethat it is correctly re-connected, asillustrated on page10. The batteries shouldbe checked periodically to be sure that they are at the propercharge level.Usea hydrometer to test the individual batterycells.A fully charged batterywill havea specific gravityreading of 1.260to I .280at 80 degrees fahrenheit. When checking a battery, be sure that the levelof the electrolyte(water) is adequate to cover the tops of the separators. Permanent damage may occur from charging andlor from traveling with plates not fully coverei. When the electrolyte is low, add nlteredor distilled walerto obtainthe properlevel.Keepthe battery term! nalscleanby wipingwith a cloth wetted in bakinssoda or ammonia and water.lnspect wiresandbatterylerminalsfor corrosion or poorconnections. To prevent damage to the batteries, neverallowthemto become fully discharged. The specific gravityshould not be allowedto drop below 1.150.Be surethat the 120volt powercord is fully pluggedinto the outlet whenever AC service is available. Useof 120-volt seruice will not only savebattery energy,but it will also provide automaticcharging to keepyour ba eries in top condition. All trailermodelsare equipped with two General Battery TITAN 85 A.H. Recreational VehicleBatteries. These batteriescarry a 24 month service adjustment policy and a 90 day warrantyagainst defects in workmanshipor matedal. For information asto thenearest Titan Batterv dealer or distributor. seethe Yellow Pages or call coliectGENERAL BATTERY CORP.,AC 215.929-0'77r. The Titan Battery StockNo. is RVS-24-6. A copvof the banery Owner'sGuide is includedin each wirranty package. Theconverter, or charger, provides 12-volt direct current whenever thepowercordis plugged into a standard I l012O-volt 60 cycleAC source. It alsoprovides theenergy to chargethe batteries.As a battery charger,the unit


ElechicalSystems (cont'd)
senses the stateof the batterychargeand will automatic_ ally charge and shut off as required.The conyerteris protected by a built-in circuit breaker.If a short,or over_ load is occurring,a 7 to l0 second clicking soundwill be heard as the automaticresetbreakerclicks off and on. The convertermay be disconnected from the 12o-volt sourceby removingthe cord from the wall outlet adiacent to the unit. The converter is located on the traiier floor at the right front corner. Two fuse blocksare providedto protectthe 12 volt system. They are locatedinsidethe coach,underneath ihe front shelf.Circuitsand fusesizesare shownbelow. The battery-to-converter circuit is protectedbv two 20 A. fusesin parallel.Both fusesmust be in placeat all times sothattheloadis divided between them. Two extra clips areprovidedfor spare fusestorage.


A 1.2volt utility, or cigarettelighter, outlet is provided in the bathroom.It the trailer is equippedwiG a T.V. antennaan extra 12 volt outlet is providedat eachan_ tennajack. Use *1141 l2-volt bulbsfor ceilingand cornicelight replacement. Clear bulbs are availableat auto sery-ice stations.Frosted bulbs may be obtained from Avion Dealers, or AvionService Corporation. Replacement bulbsfor the two l2v. recessed lishtsunder the front cnd cabinetare W-1383.ThesearJ available from Avion Service Corporation.

LaGrandemodelsare providedwith a dimmerswitchfor the living room ceilinglight. push in on the switchknob to tum the light on or off. Turn the knob to adjustbrigh! nesswhenthe trailer is connected to l15 volt service. The dimmer doesnot work whenthe trailer is operating from the self-contained batteries Two 18" ceilingventsare providedfor maximumair circulation in the living and bedroom areas.Both are equippedwith power fans.A 6,,exhaustfan is installed in the ceiling of the bathroom.It is openedby pushing the handleupwardand closedby pulling it down.-Donoi operate fan motorsunless ventsare fully opened, The bathroommirror is illuminatedby two fixtures,and hingedat the top to allow adjustment. (C) Interior 120-volt- The numerouswall outlets in your.coachare locatedto provideconvenient electdcity for the various110-120 volt appliances suchas an iron, toaster, percolator,etc. Theseoutletscan be usedwhen_ ever the 25 ft. Power Cord is pluggedinto a 120_volt I AC source.The power cord is storedin a comDartment i on the left sideof the trailer.Whenconnectins it to an outler,arrange rhecord so that the weightof it-does not causea poor connection.The cord storagedoor has a slot in it so that the storage door may be kept closed whilethe cord is in use.An exterior outletis located in the drop door compartment locatednear the rear of the traileron therightside. The 120-voltsystemis protected by circuit breakers. Theseare locatedin a box at the back of the bathroom closet. The mainbreaker is 30 amps. Turningit off will disconnectall 120-volt wiring in the trailei. Separate breakers areprovided for: (l) Appliance Circuit;(2) Air Conditioning Circuit.



Your Avion is equippedto providewater service from a city water system or from the self-contained water tank. Connectionto a city water supply is made through a water hoseconnected from the city supplyto the witer fitting on the trailer. This fitting is locatedin the storage compartment on the left sideof the coach.The hosemay be_stored withoutdisconnecting it. A pressure reducing valve protects against excessive city pressures.
cAi CxAlOllO .......-



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ertr*i#"*H3i:'i'lf*i: r fr#*t'$'f compartment with the forced

air furnacefor cold weather operation. A cut-out in the trailer floor providesaccess to the tank fittings and drain valve. In twin-bedmodelsthe opening is locatedunder the left or off-door bed. On doublebeJ models the opening is underthe doublebed.



(cont'd) Water System

The fill spoutis locatedon the dutsideof the coach.The tank may be filled by pullingout the spoutcoverand inserting the end of a waterhose. A blpass line is also provided to permitfillingthe tank whileconnected to a city water supply.The locationof the valve is shownin Illustration B, Section VIII. To assure completesanitation of your potablewater system, it is recommended that the following procedures be followed on a newsystem, onethathasnot been used for a periodof time,or onethat may hayebecome contaminated: L Prepare a chlorine solution usingonegallonof water and Y< cup of Chlorox or Purex householdbleach (5% sodiumhypochlorite solution). Pourone gallon of solutioninto tank for each 15 sallonsof tank capacity. 2. Complete fillingof tank with freshwater.Openeach faucetand drain cock until all air hasbeenreleased from thepipes andentiresystem is filled. 3. Allow ro stand for three hours. 4, Drain andflushwith potablefreshwater. 5. To remove anyexcessive chlorine taste or odorwhich mightremain, prepare a solution of onequartvinegar to fivegallons waterandallowthissolution to agitate in tankfor several daysby vehicle motion. 6. Draintankandagain flushwith potable water. The water tank may be drainedby opening any faucet with the pump turnedon or by opening the drain valve at theendof thetank. The coachis equippedwith a demandtype water pump to supply walerpressure whenever a faucet is turnedon. A switch is provided to turnthepumpoff whilethecoach is unattended, or whenconnected to a city watersupply. DO NOT TRAVEL WITH THE WATER PUMP SWITCH POSITION.The surge of water, which can occurduringstarting and stopping, may cause the pump to tum on. Sinceno watercan run and allowthe iump to cycle, it will continue to run andnot shut ofl. The pump is mountedon the floor near the water tank access opening. It has a built-incheckvalveto prevent water from backingup into the storage tank when the system is connected to a city watersource. Pa s and servicemay be obtainedfrom JABSCO,ITT, INC., 529 WestLiberty Street,Springfeld,Ohio 45501. Their telephone numberis AC 513 325-8701. A frlter is locatedin the water line between the tank and mEphmp. Inspec,t_this filtei ptriodically to bt surethdt afl-TdEEhtilation of forei$ matter ddesnof impaii'tft w7telaow. The iitiei may UecteineOby removingit d-nt

rinsingor back-flushing, or by disassembling the two halves andremovingthescreen to cleanit. Ihe trailer plumbing fixtures are of the single control type.Lift up on the valveknob to turn on andpushdown to turn off. Turn to the right or left to select watertemperature. The bathtubis constructed of moldedfiberglass. Cleaning should be done wirh a liquid detergent, then rinse. Do not useabrasive cleaners astheywill dull the surface. The tub hasa Deltamodel636 valveandspout. pushin on the valvedivertbuttonto usethe showei head. When the valveis closed the buttonwill returnto the normal position sothatthetub maybe filledfrom thespout. The built-in push button control in the showerhead is designed for volumecontrol (water saver)and is not intended as a shuloff valve.A slighttricklein the closed poslllonls normal. The bath lavatoryis equipped with a Delta model522 faucet. The galleysinkhasa Deltamodel111faucet. All Delta fixtures are warranted by DELTA FAUCET COMPANY, Greensburg, lndiana 47240,

The coachgassystem consists of two gastanksor bottles, a regulator, gas distribution piping, and the various appliances which operate on gas. This systemis designed for use ot liquefiedpetroleum (LP) gasonly, Do not connect natural gasto this system. Betore furning on gas,make certainall gasconnections havebeenmadetight, all appliance valvesare turnedoff, andany unconnected oulletsare capped. Atter turning on gas,test piping and appliances for lea-k. agwith soapywater,and light all pitots. The two gasbottles are located at thefront of thecoach. Eachis equipped with a valveto controlthe flow of sas. A regulator is used at thetanksto reduce andconlrol-the pressure from the tanksto the appliances. The regulator is presetat the factoryto maintaina pressure of ll,, water, column, or approximately 6/z ouncesper square inch. All appliances are adjustedto operateat this pressure, When filling bottles, do not leave end of gas line (pig tail) open, even for a few minutes.Bugs are attractid, die insidetubingand plug the line. Tapetubeend shut while filling boules.

Automatic regulator provides uninterruptedserviceto


Gas System(con't)
Flipping the le.verto the oppositeposition will change the Reserve cylinderto the Service cylinder. It will alio c-ause the red indicatorto disappar. Closethe valveof the-mpty cylinderbeforeremovingit for refill. After rfill and replacement, it will becomi the R"r".u" cyiin_ der. The next time the red indicator appears the process shouldbe repeated. NOTE: If the systeh.isunaei neavy load, particularly in cold weather,the Servicecylinde'r pressure_ may drop enoughto indicateReserve, even thoughthereis fuel in the Service cylinder. Do not con_ siderthe cylinderexhausted until it ihows red (Reserve) undera light load. Gas Operation LIGITTING PROCEDURE l. The waterheater should be filledwith water, gasbot_ tles shouldbe full and valvesopen. 2. Gascockdial (A) should be in,,ofi" position. 3. Wait sufficient lengthof time to allow gaswhich may have accumulated in burner compartment to escape. (at least 5 minutes if reJighting). 4. Turn gascockdial (A) to,,pilot" position. 5. Depress and hold resetbutton (B) while lightingpilot burner(E)..Allow pilot to burn approxiriatelionenatrmlnuteDetore releasing reset button. If pilotdoes not rematn lit, repeat operation allowing Ionger period DeIOre reteastng reset button. 6. Turn gascockdial (A) to ,,on"position andsettem_ peraturedial (C) to desired temperature. 7. To shutdowntheheater, turn gascockknobto ,,oft,,.

Testingfor Gas Leaks

All gasline firtings, except those at the individual aooli_ ances. arelocated ourside thecoach. Several conneciions will be foundunderthe coach, wherethe main gasline branches oft to supplythe individual appliancesi These gaslinesand fittingsshouldbe inspectedind testedperiodicallyfor possible damage and liaks. Brushor spiay a soap suds solutionover all fittingsand any damaged areasin the line. The bubbleswill grow in sizeto in-d! catethe presence of a leak. If the odor of gas is detecledinside the coach, extin_ guishall flames and testfor leaks. If the leak cannotbe detected, turn off the valves-on both gasbottlesand see your dealer's servicedeparlment, or a competent gas appliance service man.DO NOT CONTINUE TO U3E YOUR GAS SYSTEM UNTIL THE LEAK IS LO. CATED AND ELIMINATED.

The gasappliances in your coachare designed and adjustedto useL.P. gas.Propane gasis the mostcommon type.Butanemay be usedbut will not vaporize, or turn lo gasat temperatures below31oF

PILOT AND MAIN BURNER ADJUSTMENT Your BOWEN WATER HEATER hasbeenadjusted at the factory with proper air and gas mixture ior both pilot and main burner. Shouldit be necessary to change theseadjustments, usethe following procedure: 1. GasLine Yenting:Whenunit is new or hasrun out of gasit may be necessary to repeatsteps4 and 5 in the pRocEDURE LTGHTTNG to removeair in the gasline. It is recommended that appliances suchas rhi ranqe or space hearer be lightedfirst.This assures a supp-iy of gasin the maingasline. 2. Main Burner Adiustmenf:proper combustion de-

Your coachis equipped with a 6 gallon Bowengaswater heater.It is locatedon the left side,near the rear of the coach.An exteriordoor is providedto give access to the gascontrolsand the drain valve.


on next page



Water Heater (cont'd)

pends on the gasand air mixtureat the mainburner, this is obtained by slidingthe air shutter. A yellow smoking flameindicates a lack of air and noisyhard flameindicates an excess of air. A sood methodof adjusting the air shutter is to slideth-e shutter closed enough for yellowtipping to occuron themainburner (not pilo$ then slowlyopen air shutteruntil yellow tippingis gone, thentightenscrew. 3l ft. models usea 30,000BTU furnace. The furnace is installed on the right sideof the trailer. Combustion air is taken in and discharged.through the trriler wall. Do not restrict rheopenings. The furnace controls are located behindthe vented cold air returndoor.To light the furnace, opnfirst thecabinet door and thenthe metaldoor on the furnace. Lishting instructions rre Iocated on the backsideof the mital door,andalsoexplained in detailin theSuburban manual provided in eachOwner's Envelope. To turn the furnace ofl in warm weather, closethe sas l i n ev r l v el n d l u r n t h e t h e r m o s t ltto t h e" o f f " p o s i t i o n . The return air intlke is throughthe perforated access door panel.Do not block the flow of air throughthis panel. The hot flir registers shouldalsobe kept clearat all times. Both furnaces. Model NT-30 and the NT-22 are warrantedfor l periodof one year according to the terms noted o n t h ew l r r a n t yf o r m .W a r r a n t y s e r v i ca e n dp a r t s n t l y b eo b t a i n e f dr o n r S : UBURBAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Box 399, Dayton, Tennessee 37321. T h e t e l e p h o nn eu n t b e r i s : A C 6 1 5 7 7 5 - 2 1 3 1C . ollect wrrranty problems will be accepted. ,.,callsregrrding

The drainvalveis located in the front of the heater. The u n i ts h o u l d b ed r a i n e d d e rS e c t i o l a sr e q u i r e p n ll in this manual. IT IS NORMAL FOR WATER TO DRIP FROM THE WATER HEATER RELIEF VALVE WHILE WA. TER IS BEING HEATED. THE VALVE IS RELIEVING THE PRESSURE BUILDUP CAUSEDBY THE EXPANSION OF HEATED WATER. The BowenModel RG6A-2 waterheateris warranted by the manufacturer for a period of 90 days, accordingto the terms of their warranty statement. Consultthe warranty shetfor completedetails, A T W O O D V A C U U M M A C H I N E C O M P A N Y ,I 4 O O Eddy Avenue, Rocklord,lllinois 6l l0l. The telephone n u m b e ri s : A C 8 1 5 8 7 7 - 5 7 7 1Y . our colch warranty package includesdetailedinformationon the Bowen warrantyand a list of BowenServiceStations where their work may be performed.


Your Avion is equipped with a ThetfordAqua Magic pedll-operted water closet. Operating instructions are asfollows: l . D i r e c t i o nfs or Automiltic F l u s ha n dR e h l l : A. Depress both foot pedals, thusopening the slide valve and droppingthe wnsreinto the holding tank. T h es m a l p l e d at lurns t h ew a t e r on. B. Keepbothfoot pedals depressed from oneto three seconds until water begins to swirl in the bowl, rinsing i t . T h i s s h o r tt i m e l a g f i l l s t h e r i m s t o r age(for bowl refill)andallowsthe bowl to drain. C. Releaseboth foot pedals.This closesthe slide valve and stopsthe usage of freshwater.The rim storage now drains and refills the bowl. 2. Directions for Flushing with the SlideValve Opena Amount Mininrum of Time: A. Depress the snrallpedalon rhe right and hold it down until the waterbegins to swirl in the bowl. B. Release the smallpedal. C. Step on the large pedal,thus openingthe slide valve and droppingthe wasteinto the holding tank. The water will immediately swirl in the bowl, rinsingit. Note that the largefoot pedal carriesthe small pedaldown with it, when it is depressed. The timelag in the flushis eliminated,
conltnued on netl page

All coach modelsare equippedwith Suburban Dyna Trail forcedair furnaces. The hot air is carriedby ducting to several locations in each trailer. The 25 foot model is equipped with a 22,000BTU furnace. The 28 ft. and



Water Closet(Toilet) (cont'd)

because the small pedal actuates the water inlet valve; and the rim storageis ftlled, when both pedalsare depressed. D. Releaseboth foot pedals.This closesthe slide valveand stopsusage of freshwater,andthe bowl refills automatically from the rim storage. package 3. Directions for Flushing withtheWatersaver Installed: A. Hold the hand spray in ready position over the bowl. B. Depress thumb buttonon the hand spray. C. Depressboth foot pedals,thus openingthe slide valve, dropping the wasteinto the holding tank, and sendingfresh water through the hand spray. D. Spray the bowl clean with the hand spray. Releasethe foot pedals,thus closingthe slide valve, and shuttingoft the water flow throughthe hand spray.Be sure all paper is flushedfrom the bowl. If wedgedin the valve seat, paper will prevent sealing. The Aqua Magic Toilet does not require lubrication. Ordinary householdcleanersmay be used for routine cleaning.Common toilet bowl cleansers may be used; however,they should be flushedon throughthe system within four hours,and shouldnot be left in the holding tank for any extended periodof time. The Thetford Toilet is warranted by the malufacturer for a period of one year, aclording to the terms and conditionsof the Guarantee statement. Warraatyservice and parts may be obtained from: THETFORD ENGINEERING CORPORATION, 6539 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor' Michigen 48103, Their telephone number is AC3l3 426-4612. that is difficult to remove.Keep the dump valve closed, run'about 2" of waterin the tank beforeusingand flush everyfew days. To flush, ope.n thevalveby putling thehandle all theway out. This will senda largevolumeof sewage throughthe drain hoseat one time, settingup a swirling action that will flushawaythe solids. The drain valve nearestthe front of the coachconfols the flow frorfr-lffi ririie \i;tei-tarft. Thii Valve mEy bb k-riilgyhen to a sewloui_drain oriileiis connecred agedrsposal system. Keepthe valveclosid-toretainthe rinsewater when no disposalfacilitiesare available. A- drain cap is provided to preventaccidental dumping of accumulatedwaste. Cap should be in place whili traveling, but must be removedbeforeopening either tank valve. When draining both tanks open the waste tank valve frrst. After this tank has been drained and the valve closed,open the rinse water tank valve. The flow of rinsewaterwill aid in flushing both the drainoutletand the sewerhose, When usingthe coachin freezingrempera[ures, a perm_ anenttypeanti-freeze may be added to thewaste holdine tanks.Use an Ethylene Glycol type anti-freeze. Folloi the directions on the containerto obtain rhe desired protection. Whenpreparing to travel,flushandrefill with 2,,of water. Add a commercialcleanerif desired.Be sure that the tank valvesareclosed. Whentwo coaches are travelingtogetherit is sometimes necessary to sharewater and,/orsewage disposalfacili_ ties.A standard gardenhose,,Y',fitting, available at any hardwarestore, will permit two to sharea sinsle watei source. Connect the "Y" directly to thecoach witer inlet faucet.Trailer supply storescan provide a sewage connection."Y" that will alsopermit sharinga singlesewage disposal system.


Your traileris equipped with two holdinetanks:a wasre

holding tankunduiinr. *ateiffiiftiiffiach

has a

25-galloncapacity. The waste holding tank collects only waste from the toilet stool.The rinsewatertank collects the liquidsfrom the tub andfrom both lavatory andgalleysinki. The two tanks are located adjacentto each other and drain througha singlesewerhoseconnection. Each tank is equippedwith a valve. These are locatedbehind an access door near the rear of the coach on the left side. The rear-mostvalve controls the flow from the waste holding tank. It is not wise to keep this tank valve open.The volume of water used with each flush may not be adequate to flood away all the solids.The result can be a build-up

Lighting instructionsfor the refrigeratorare locatedon the insideof the panelbelowthe refrigerator door. These instructionsare duplicated in the Instruction Booklet thatis supplied witheach unit. It is important that the refrigeratorbe level in all directions for proper operation.Place a small level on the freezershelf and observe with the aid of a small mirror. For levelinginstructionsrefer to SectionII of this manual. For best resultsoperatethe refrigeratoron ,,gas',. Somelocations havewide fluctuations in the line voltase whichcancause unsatisfactory operation whenswitchJd to "electric".



Gas-Electric (cont'di Refrigerator

Periodicmaintenance procedures are described in the Instruction Bookletwhichis furnished with eachrefriserator. Componentsin Dometic refrigerators are warranted for various periodsfrom one year to 5 years.Refer to the warranty policy, included with eachrefrigerator, for specific information. Warranty service and parts may be obtained from DOMETIC SALES CORPORATION. 2320 Indushial Parkway, Ellhart, Indiana 46514. The telephone numberis AC 2!9 294-2511. On the WestCoastcontacr WARD & SON.INC.. p.O. Box 3505. 153.13ProctorAvenue,City of Industry, California 91744, control knob and turn counterclockwiseto the "OFF" position. This will allow gas to flow to the constant pilot. B. Light the Constant Pilot.Thisis thesmall tube located at the backof the oven,just to the right of the maln oyen burner. Usea matchor straw to introduce a flame to the endof the pilot tube. Seeillustration at right. C. Turn theovenControl Knob to 300'F. temp e r a t u r es e t t i n go n OVENFRONT thedial.Thiswill allowgasto flowto rheheater pilot pilot. Tube,to be ignited by theConstant The RangeOven is equipped with a safetyignition system tnat requires a minimumof 30 seconds to operate afterturningthe ovenknobon. Atter the oven burnerhas lighted,set the control knobto thedesired temperature. Turn the ovencon_ trol knobto "OFF" whentheovenis not in use. This will allow the constant pilot flameto burn whilethe coachis parked. To turn off the constant pilot, depress the controlknob and turn clockwiseto the ,,plLOT OFF" position. ALWAYS PLACE THE CONTROL KNOB iN THE .PILOT OFF'' POSITION WHEN TOWING THE

12. RANGE and OVEN

The MagicChef Range installed in your coachis equippedandadjusted for usewith L.p. gas. To lighttheringe burnerhold a lightednratchto the edaeol the burnir orifrce l i n g l n d t u r n t h e b u r n e rc o n t r o lk n o b t o t h e "ON" position. The primaryconeof the flameshould t/2" long.For adjustment be approximately instructions refer to the Installation and Service Manual which is provided with eachrange. The range top pilot valvehasbeenturnedoff at the factory to preventaccidental gas-build-up in the coach. Undernormalconditions it is bestto usea match to lisht the burners. When sropping for nny lengrhof timeihe top pilot may be turnedon for addedconvenience. BE SURE THIS VALVE IS TURNED OFF BEFORE LEAVING THE CAMP SITE, Turn the valveclockwiseto close it. Turn onlyenough to cause thepilot flame to go out. Excessive tightening of the valvescrewwill damage the seat,



How the OvenSystem Operates

Whenthe oventhermostat is turnedon. saswill flow to the heater p i l o t .w h i c hw i l l b e i g n i t e d b - yt h e c o n s t a n t pilot flame. The flamefrom the heater pilot will heatthe responsive element of thesafety valveandopenthevalve seatallowing gasto flow to theovenburner. The burner thenis ignited by the standby pilot flame. Whenthe ovenreaches the settemperature, the thermostatwill shutthe gasofi to the heater pilot,thecapillary will coolclosing the valveseatandshutoff thegasto the ovenburner. Whenthetemperature drops, thethermostat will againallowgasto flow to the heater pilot, actiyating the safety valveand allowthe ovenburnerto be relit. This action will continuethroughout the cooking period.

The Magic Chef model BT22 D-4T Ranseis warranted to the original purchaser for a periodof 91 daysaccording to the termsof the warrantypolicy. Warrantysewice and parts may be obtainedfrom: MAGIC CHEF. INCORPORATED, 2825 Phillips Sbeet,Etkhart, Indiant 46515,The telephone numberis: AC 219 264-95j8. On the West Coastyou may conractMAGIC CHEF, INCORPORATED,PAN PACIFIC DIYISION, 245 North Yineland,City of Industry,Calitornia9U44.


The RangeHood is equipped with a filter,fan andsidewall ductto filteranddischarge fumes andcooking odors from the coach. The filter may be removed for cieaning by sliding i t o u t . A l 2 - v o l rh m p p r o v i d e is lluminatioi of the cookingarea.This lamp usesa 25 watt, 12-volt standard base bulb.

A. The shutoff valvefor the Safety Controlgassupply line is locatedon the ovencontrol. Depress the oven

14. RUNNING GEAR Suspension

Avion Coaches areequipped with Smooth-Glide suspencontinued on next page



sion. The rubber springs require no lubrication. They may be washed with soapand waterto removeroad dirt. as an optionalitem to preventexcessive damage to tires, wheels anddrumswhena flat tire occurs. Tire sizes andloadratings used asoriginal equiprnent on trailershavebeenapproved by theGeneral Tire Development Depa ment. Maximum load capacities for each coachsizeare shownin TabteA, Section VUI of your manual.

The wheels on eachcoachare electronically balanced on thedrums. Should it benecessary to remove a wheel from a drum, placea reference mark on both parts so that the wheel may be remountedin the original position.This precautionwill maintain the factory balance,as long as thetire is not removed from the wheel. The tandemrunning gear is equippedwith chain hooks which make it possibleto changea flat tir without the aid of a jack, or to "chain" the axle so that you can drive with the tire left on, or removed, to a tire repair station. For instructions on how to usethisexclusiv; feature see "Flat Tire" in Section VI of thismanual. All suspension mountingboltsshouldbe checked periodically to be surethat they are right.The wheelbearings shouldbe packedwith grease and adjustedevery 5,000 miles. Wheel lug bolts should be torqued to 100 lbs. Checkthese at the endof the first 100milesand before startingeachtrip.


If any new original equipmentGeneralpassenger tire fails from defectsin workmanshipor material,we \eill either repair it free of chargeor replaceit with a new General tireof like quality. The adjustment pdce will be basedon the purchaser's costof the guaranreed tire equivalent to the percentage of treaddepthused,plus stateand local taxes. Proratedadjustments will be basedon the tire havins delivered its full rread life whensubjected to treadweai indicators. This warrantyis applicable only to the originalpurchaser andclaimsmustbe submitted only to authorized General Tire,dealers. If yo[-r shouldrequirean adjustment on a faulty or defective tire, take the tire to a GeneralTire Store.and thev will makean adjustment according to thetermsandconditionsof the guarantee. DO NOT THROM DEFECTIVE TIRE AWAY, you musthaveit to receive an adjustment. When storing coaches for an extendedperiod of time, block up the axlesto removeweightfrom the wheelsand preventflat spotsfrom forming on the tires.Reducetire pressure to 10 pounds.Re-inflateto recommended pressurebeforeremovingblocks.

The 25-ft., and 28-ft. models are equippedwith 10" electric brakes.The 3l-ft. model is equippedwith 121' brakes.Adjustmentof the coachbrakesshouldbe done by a dealer's service department,or by a competent automotivemechanic. The methodof adjustment is the sameasmostautomotive brakes. The axle systemon your coach has been designedto proYideadequate cargocapacity.

Your new trailer is equippedwith GeneralTires, known for over 50 yearsasa manufacturer of high quality tires. Thesetiresare built to giveyou long trouble-free mileage at highwayspeeds in longhaul service. The 31 foot modelis equippedwith L78-15 Jumbo780 tires, load rangeD. Thesetires shouldbe inflatedto 40 PSI. The 25 foot and 28 foot modelsare equipped with H7815 Jumbo780 tires,load rangeB. Thesetires shouldbe inflatedro 32 PSI. Strongglassbelts under the treadprovide increased tire mileageand more resistance to impactsand punctures. Deeper,wider tread givesyou a wider tire footprint for improvedtractionon wet or dry pavement, givinggreater control at all normal driving speeds and sure handling response. The Belted Jumbo 780 featuringa wide ffat tread provides a 9 rib tread for fast stoppingaction. The single wide strip stylingcomplements your newAVION Coach. CHECK TIRE PRESSURE BEFORE EACH TRIP. DO NOT OVER-INFLATE. Safetyskids are available

This coachis equippedwith a Model PD-708 converter. It is locatedon the floor at the right front corner of the coach. It provides l2-volt direct current wheneverthe powercord is plugged into a standard 110-120-volt, 60 cycle AC source. The converterhas two output circuits. One circuit supplies the energyfor the l2-vo-ltlights and motors in the coach. The secondcircuit provides the energyto recharge the batteries,as needed.This model is designed to provide maximum power even when the batteries arenot installed in the coach. The conve er has a built-in switchingrelay which isolates the self-contained batterieswheneverthe power cordis connected to I 1S-volt AC source. When the powercord is disconnected the relayautomatically connectsthe two coach batteriesto the interior lighting syslemso that service will not be interrupted. Both the converter output circuits are protected with


built-in circuit breakers. If a shon or overloadis occurring, a 7 to l0 second clicking soundwill be heardas the automatic resetbreakerclicksoff andon. DO NOT pERMIT THE BREAKER TO CONTINUE TO CYCLE. Prolonged cyclingwill cause heatbuild-up in the l2-volt circuits, resulting in damage to the coachwiring. The Model PD-708 converteris equipped with a remov_ ableelectronic circuit board.Shouldt}le 1Z-voltcircuitry in the converter fail to operate properly, the boardcan be replaced wirhoutthenecessity of exchanging thecom_ plete converter.The circuit board may bJ reinovedbv squeezing together rhe plastic clipsat eich endand puliing out the board.Theseparts are locatedbehindthe converterend panel. Do not attempt to remove them until the converteris disconnected from the wall outlet. The PD-708 conve er is warrantedby the manufacturer for a periodof one year, according to the termsand con_ ditions of the warranty certificate.Warranty serviceor replacement circuitboards nraybe obtained from pROGRESSIVE DYNAMICS, INCORPORATED, p.O. Box 168, Marshall, Michigan 49068. Their telephone '18t-4241. n u m b eirs :A C 6 1 6 4 BafteryCondiaion. Depress the ..Batrery Condition,, switch to observe theindicator lampsmarked,,Low',, "Fair" "Good". and Disconnecttie power cord oi turn off the main breakerbeforecheikingthe bar teriesif the trailer is plugged into a ll5 V. power supply. The reading shouldbe takenwirh lighisand fansturnedoff. 5. Water Pump Switch.The switchon the extremerisht -on ls-the water pump switch.It shouldbe turned whenusingwaterfrom the storage tank.Be surethe switchis turnedoff whentraveli-ng. or whenleavins the coac_h unattended. A panellilht wilt iiiumin;i; the word."pump" whenever the pumpswitchis in the on Dosrtlon6. Powei on. A panel lamp is provided to indicate "Power on". This lamp will be lit whenever the trailer powercord is plugged into a I 15 V receptacle. Ir is provided ro prevent discharge of the bartirieswhich might be caused by accidental disconnection of the powercord..Thiscircuit is protected by a 2 ampere fuse which is located in the power converter.The panellegend plateis retained with two thumbscrews sothatit maybe removed to facilitate thereplacement of burned-ou btu l b s . A l l l a m p su s en o . 5 3 , l 2 v o l t bulbs. The signalcenteris warranted for a periodof onevear. For warranty work,service partsor informafion contact: WEMAC, 3433 Harvard, SantaAna, California92704. Defectivepanelsreturnedto this address within the war_ ranty periodwill be repaired at no charge.


The Break-AwaySwitchis providedas a safetyfeature. It is equippedwith a steelcablewhich must be anchored to the towingvehicleat the time of hook-up.If the coach should be accidentallydisconnected from the towins vehicle,rhe cable will pull the switchpin causing thi coachbrakesto be appliedautomatically. The removalof the pin from the switchcloses the brake circlit, applyingelectricalenergyfrom the coachbattery to the brakemagnets. Replacing the switchpin opensthe circuit,releases the brakesand allowsthe coachto roll free again.

18. AIR CONDITIONER (Coteman - Opt.)

The ColemanPolar Pal air conditioner is designed to providecomforrin a wide varieryof applicariois. The "ON" unit is turned or "OFF" with the selector switch. "LO "HI Use FAN" or FAN" setting on selector switch for air circulation duringmild weather. Use "HI-COOL" and maximumthermostat settinsfor hot, humid weather, Use "HI-COOL" and meiium thermostat setting for hot,dry weather. Use,.LO_COOL" and maximum thermostatsetting for mild, humid weather. Cleanthe filterregularly. Washin mild suds water,rinse thoroughly anddry. Occasionally, checkrheoutdoor coil for leaves, lint,paper, etc.Thiscoil grill mustremain free andclearfor efficient cooling. Checkthe air inlet abovethe filter occasionally. Remove lint or other foreignmaterialwith a brushor vacuum. NOTE: After air conditioner has beenshut off, it will not sta again for approximately 5 minutes. Both the ColemanMACH I ( 10,000BTU) and the MACH II (12,000BTU) air conditioners are warranted for a periodof oneyear.Warranty termsandconditions are described on the Certificate supplied with eachunit. Warranty serviceand parts may be obtainedfrom any


The signalcenteris locatedin the overhead cabinetat the front of the trailer.THE PANEL OFFERSthe followins features: A seriesof five horizontallyspacedlamps are arranged on thepanelto indicate thelevelof thethreetanksin the system. Theselampsilluminatefive levelsof the tank: luminated levelis thecorrect reading. L Water Level Indicator. The extremeleft switch will indicate the water level in the potable water storage tank. 2. \{aste Holding Tank (Tank 1). Depressthe second switchfrom the left end to determinethe liquid level in the tank retainingwastefrom the stool. 3. Rinse Holding Tank (Tank 2). Depressthe center switch to determine theliquidlevelin thetankholding. drainwaterfrom thetub andsinks.




(cont'd) Avion Dealers, or from: Avion Service Corporation 1576EastEmpireAvenue BentonHarbor, Michigan49022 WesternOgdenPurifierCorporation 7063 VinelandAvenue No. Hollywood, California 91605

ColemanRecreational Vehicle Service Center.Refer to the service centerlist providedwith eachair conditioner.

19. Tv ANTENNA(Opt.)
The all channelSKYLINER TV Antenna oDerates entirely from insidethe coach.BE SURE TO CHECK THE AREA OVER THE ANTENNA beforeauempG ing to operate. To raisethe antenna pull the crank down androtatecounterclockwise to the stop. To rotatethe anlenna pushcrank up with turning motion engaging driving pin - rotate until bestpictureor signal is received. To lower the antennarotate clockwiseto the stoD-Dull crankdownandrotate clockwise to the stop. Your.Skyline TV Antenna has two convenientoutlets. One is locatedat the galleysink and one in the bedroom area.Eachis combinedwith a 12 volt utility outlet. RAISE THE ANTENNA BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO RAISE THE REAR CEILING VENT COVER. BE SURE TO LOWER ANTENNA BEFORE TOWING THE COACH, The antennais warranted for a period of 1 year, according to the conditionslisted on the warranty card. Warranty service, parts and information may be obtained from BRAUND MAI\ruFACTURING COMPANY, 730 East Micbigan Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan 49017.The telephone numberis: AC 616 963-3855.

It your AVION is equippedwith a Skyliner T.V. Antennait will have a specialcouplerconnecting the radio antennalead in cableto the T.V. antenna. This couoler is automatically installed with each T.V. antenna, adipr ing it for usewith both AM and FM radios. Antenna lead-in cable, stereospeakerwires and a 12 V.D.C. powercableare all locatedin the overhead cabinet at the front of the trailer. The antennacable has a standard plugon the end,readyto insertin the radiojack. The 12 volt D.C. wires are connected directlvto the radio or tape player, with a 4 amp fuse insertedin the positive lead. For full stereo,four speakers are used.They are locatd at both ends of the front cabinet and in a rear-facinp closet panelon eachsideof thecoach. pairi Color-coded of wilesconnecr to each of thespeakers. A speaker cut-ofi switch is locatedin the bottom of the front overheadcabinets. It controlsthe two speakers in the bedroomarea. STEREO RADIO-TAPE PLAYER (Opt.) The soundsystem cornbines AM, FM andMULTIPLEX RADIOS with an S-TrackTape Deck.Four 5/+ " speakers distribute the sound to all areasof tle coach.Oo. eratinginstructionsare providedwith eachunit. Tape cartddgesshould be protectedwhen the coach is not in use.Do not leavea tape in the player.Placecartridgesin a plastic bag and store in a place where they will not be exposed to excessive heat.Avoid storinsnear the speaker magnets or other srrongmagnetic fie'id, as this may causedistortionor erasure of the tape.


The OgdenWater Purifier is designed to removeharmful bacteria,odors and impurities from your drinking water.It uses replaceable cartridges which havea capacity of from 200 to 500 gallons.The cartridgeshouldbe changed whenthe waterbegins to run slowly. Use tbe following procedureto install a new cartridge: l. Turn off water supply and open nearbywater faucet to relieyethe waterpressure, 2. Removewing-nut and cover from the purifier. 3. Removeusedcartridgeand cleaninside of unit with stifibrushandrinsethoroughly. 4. Clean upper and lower sealsin cover and bottom of purifier body. Replacesealsif broken or deformed. 5. Install new cartridgein purifier and replacecoverand wing-nut. 6. Turn on water and allow it to enterunit and wet the new cartridge. 7. After carhidge is wet, tighten wing-nut firmly by hand.DO NOT USE A WRENCH. 8. Allow water to flow from purifier for about 5 minutesfor purposes of actiYation. Gasketsetsand replacement cartridges, Type SM-I, may be obtainedfrom many trailer supplystores,from many



AIR CONDITIONER Trouble: Will not run. Causeand Remedy: a. Power Cord not making good connectionat parking area seivicereceptacle. Make sure that plug is fully insertedand the weight of the cord doesnot pull it from the receptacle. b. Circuit breakeris in "Off" position.Reset. Trouble: Doesnot cool properly. Causeand Remedy: a. Dirty filter. Clean and replace. will not b. Low voltagefrom sourceand compressor run. Move to spotwherevoltageis proper. BATTERY Troubl: Batteriesdo not charyewhile coachis being towed. andRemedy: Cause with correctsize. a. Blown fuse.Replace b. Poor connectionat hitch. Clean 7-wire connector contactsand reconnect. c. Chargewire not "Hot". Rewirecar so chargewire is "Hot". Trouble: Batteries do not charge when 25 ft. Power Cord is connected lo 120-yolt source. Cause and Remedy: a. Powercord is not makinggoodcontactat receptacle. Checkconnection. with correctsize. b. Blown fuse.Replace at 12O-volt source. Useoutletnearer c. Low linevoltage to powe! source, d. Circuit Breakeris in "Ofi" position.Checkand reset. in, Trouble:Both batteries dead,powercord not plugged Cause andRemedy: a. Checkfor light or fan lett turnedon while trailer was period. Tum ofi the fixunattended for an extended which was accidentally left on. If appliance ture or unable to find the causeof discharge,remove the battery fuses until a service man can correct the trouble. AllowRecharge dead batteriesas soon as possible. ing them to remain in a state of dischargefor any damage. length of time will causepermanent When plugging in the trailer power cord to charge dead batteries,be sure to do so at a time when the batteriescan be observed during the chargingcycle. Inspect the battery casesperiodically for signs of heatingor boiling of the elecrrolyte. IF HEATING OCCURS, DISCONTINUE CHARGING AT ONCE TO AVOID CAUSING PERMANENT DAMAGE. Contactyour local auto servicestalion,or your nearestAvion Dealerfor assistance in recharging batteries that havea tendencyto heat up. This condition may be a signof temporarybatterydamage. Trouble: One batterydead. Cause andRemedy: a. Poor batteryconnections. Cleanterminalsandtighten connectlons. b. Defective battery.Replace. Seewarrantyprocedure on page10. BRAKES Trouble: No brakes, Cause andRemedy: a. Brokenwire in brakecircuit.Usecontinuity tester or voltmeterto tracebrake wires and splice. b. Poor connection between car andcoach.Cleanterminals and checkfor brokenwire at the 7-wire connector. Trouble: Unequalbrakes. Cause andRemedy: a. Brokenwire at brakedrum. Locateandsplice. b. Impropershoeadjustment. Seea service shop. Trouble: Poor brakes,brakesinadequate. and Remedy: Cause a. Inadequatevoltage to brake magnets.Check brake control for goodconnection to battery. b. Brake shoesneedadjusting.Seeserviceshop. Trouble: Brales lock and will not release, Causeand Remedy: a. Short in break-away switch.Replace. pin. switchpin hasbeenpulled. Replace b. Break-away c. Incorrect brake adjustment.Too much shoe clearance. Havebrakes re-adjusted.



TroubleShooting (cont'd) CONVERTER

Trouble: Loss of D.C. power. Causeand Remedy: a. Powercord may be disconnected. Checkservice re_ ceptacle and plug. b. Breakeroft. Check breakerbox in coachclosetand rest. Trouble: Circuit breakerfeedingpowerconvertercircuit continues to breok, Cause and Remedy: a. Bad diode in convener.Have converterreplacedor repaired. Trouble: Converterdoesnot charge batteries, Cause andRemedy: a. Blown fuses.Disconnectwire from batterv Dositive post.Replace fuses, then reconnect wire. FUSES Trouble: Replaced fusescontinueto blow. Cause andRemedy: a. Loose wiring connections. Tighten all wire clamps andterminals. b. Poor fuse contact.Inspecl fuseclips to be sure they are not bent. In the batterycircuit two 20 amp fuses are qsedin parallel.When replacingthesefuses,disconnect the wire from the positivebatteryterminalto preventthrowingthe full load into a singlefusewhile makingthe replacement. c. Improperfuse size.Seepage 10 for recommended fusesizes. d. Incorrect wiring of batteriesor fuse block. Refer to wiring illustrationon page10. e. Shortin wiring. Seenearest Avion Dealer. REFRIGERATOR - DOMETIC Trouble: Refrigeralordoesnot freezesatisfactorily. Causeand Remedy: a. Jet orince clogged.Removeburner barrel, unscrew jet and blow clear or wash in alcohol.Do not use a pin or wire to cleanorifice. b. Check the levelingof the refrigerator. c. Flamehasgoneout. l) Gasin thebottleis used up refill.2) Feeler pointof the flame failuredevice is not heatedenoughby flame- refer to flgure ,,5,' in the Dometic Instruction Booklet. 3) Clogged by-pass screw- cleanor exchanse it.

d. Air circulation aroundcoolingunit is restricted. Be surethat refrigerator is properly ventilated. e. The evaporator is heavilycoated with frost. Defrost oy settlng thermostat to zero. f. Flue baffie not insertedinto the central tube of the cooling unit. g. The thermostat isjncorrectly used. Seeparagraph on thermostat in the Instruction Booklet. h. Gauze in burnerheadclogged. Clean. i. Burner damaged. Replace. j. Burner may be dislocated. Relocate. k. Wronggaspressure at burner.Havepressure checked at burnerand at the gasbottle.pressure at the burner mustnot fall belowI 1,,W.C. whenthermostat is set on "Max". l. Improper operation of the thermostat.Thermostat will haveto be changed. Trouble: Odor trom fumes. Causeand Remedy: a . The flame touchesside of the boiler due to dislocation of the burner.Relocate. Burnerdislocation may alspcause smoke anddiscoloring of wallsandceiling. b . BLirner damaged. Replace. c . The flametouches flue bafle. l) Burner damaged. Replace, 2) FIuebaffie too low. Correctthe oosiiion of baffie. d . Flue tube is dirty. Clean flue as follows:Remove burnerbarrelandcoverthejet, Remove fluetop and baffie. Cleanfluewith special fluebrush.Cleanbaffie and burnerheadbeforeputtingthem back in place.

TIRES Trouble: Overheating or wearingunevenly. Cause andRemedy: Improperly inflated. Referto inflation information on page16. Trouble: Flat tire. Cause a n dR e m e d y : . On a tandemaxle coachwith the exclusive chain hooks,supplied as standard, it is possible to,,chain up" the axle with the flat and drive to a tire repair stationon threewheels. The flat tire mav be lefi on or removed from the trailerwhile,.limping in,.when the axleis chained up. By utilizing thechainhooksit is also possibleto remove a flat tire and reDlaceit with a spare whenno jack is available.
conlnued on next page



TroubleShooting (confd)
If you have a jack, you can "chain up" the axle by placing the jack under the axle at the end which has the flat and raising it as high as it will go. Take the chain, which is suppliedand which is exactlylike rhe safetychainson the front of the coach,and insertone end into the slottedangleiron weldedto the frame of the trailer. Placethe chain underthe slot of the other angleiron as tightly as possible. Be surd to hook the chain as illustratedbelow. 3. Pull the wheelwith the flat tire off the blocksand pull the good wheel up on the sameblocks.This shouldraise the flat tire oft the ground to permit changing. This procedure is suggested as an emergency measure only. WARNING: Never get under the coach when it is blockedup. Caution: Do not discard a defectivetire, it will be necessary to present it if an adjustment is sought. WATER PURIFIER Trouble: No water flow, or very slow flow rate. Causeand Remedy: a. Restdction in water line. Make sure all valves are open and there are no kinks in coppertube lines. b. Low water pressure.Use low pressurecartridge if wateris pre-chlorinated. c. Plugged cartridge.Install new one. Trouble: Very short cartridgelife. Causeand Remedy: Large amountof suspended matter in raw water.In4. ' stallnew cartridge. Trouble: Oft-taste,color, or odor in purified water. Cause andRemedy: a. Install new cartridge. b. Reduce flow ratethrough purifier. Trouble: Suspended matter in purifiedwatr. Cause andRemedy: a Purifier is leakinginternally.Install new rubberkit.

Remove the jack. The tire should clear the road slightly. If it is convenientyou can removethe tire. If not, you may leaveit on the axle. In any caseyou shoulddrive slowlywhilethe axleis "chainedup" and refrain from driving any further than necessary. For easein removing a wheel from a tandem axle coach,first jack up the good wheel on the sameside asthe flat. Placea 4" or 5" block underthe good tire and lower the wheel onto the block. Now place the jack under the axle with the flat tire and lift it scissor oft the ground just enoughto allow removal of the wheel,and mountingof the spare. When re-tightening the lug bolts,torquethem first to about 25 FP skipping every other one so that the wheel is pulled into the drum uniformly. Continue around the wheel in the sameorder, increasing the troque until all bolts are torquedto 90-100 Foot Pounds. WARNING: Be sure to place blocks againstboth wheelson the side of the trailer oppositethe flat tire to preventthe coach from rolling while the wheelis beingchanged. To changea tire when no jack is available,the following.stepswill permit lifting the flat tire ofi the grouno: I . Drive the flat tire up on a wedge or stackof boards that is approximately 5" high. 2. Chain up the axle as described above.Adjust the chain as tight as possible.

continuedon next page



WATER PUMP Trouble: Weter lrom city pressurepassesback through lhe pump and causes water storage tank io overffow at fill spout, Causeand Remedy: a. Improper seatingof pump valves. Drain or pump water systemdry. Remove, disassemble and clean dirt from valves. Inspect for damageand replace. When reassembling be sure to tighten the foui bolts evenlyto preventcrackingthe pump base.All hose clampsshouldbe tightenedsecurely. b. Bipass valve may not be completely closed.Tighten as needed.

Trouble: Pump will not run. Causeand Remedy: Blown fuse.Check fuse block at front of coac,h. Replacewith correctsizefuse. Trouble: Pump runs when no water is being used. Causeand Remedy: a. Bypassvalve is open, allowing water in systemto circulate.Closevalve. b. Leak in water system.Examine all plumbing lines and water heaterdrain.

STEREO TAPE PLAYER Trouble: Excessive hum. Causeand Remedy: a. Blown fusebetween batteriesand trailer l2-volt electric system. Replaceluse or fuses. b. Loose wire connections at battery or at fuse block. Tighten connections. Batteriesmustbe in the l2-volt alrcuit to reducehum. : Trouble: Doesnot play. Cause andRemedy: Blown fuse.Checkthe line fuselocatedbehindthe player,and the fuseblock at the front of the coach.

Trouble: Pump runs, but doesnot deliver fult supplyof water. Causeand Remedy: a. Dirt in filter. Cleanand replace. Seeinstructions in IV, Item 4. Section b. Severe kinking in pump hose.Adjust the hoseto eliminate the restriction. c. Watertankempty.Refill.




Service, repairsand parts for your Avion Coachmay be obtainedthroughany of the many Avion dealersacross the country,or from: Avion Seryice Corporation 1576E. EmpireAvenue BentonHarbor,Michigan 49022 - 616-9Zj -Z2j 1 Tetephone The Avion ServiceCorporationis able to perform virtually any of the servicework in accordance with our suppliers'warranty. Avion ServiceCorporationoperates on an appointment basisonly. For a serviceor repair appointment call or write in advance.
: * * t +

Warranty serviceand parts for many components that are manufactured by Avion suppliers may be obtaineddirect. Addresses_ of thesesuppliersare found in your AVION WARRANTY, OPERA_ TION and SERVICE KIT envelooe.



Maximum Cargo ll eight 1,875 1,615 2,025 Gross Axle ll eight 6,370 6,370 7,260 Gross Vehicle lYeight 7,238 Recommended Hitch lryeisht 12Vo-l5Vo lZ7o-15% 12Vo-15%


7?38 s,:z50

CARGO may be definedaswater,fuel,luggage, supplies, and optionalequipment not installedat the factory. GROSSAXLE WEIGHT RATING is the maximumtotal weisht on both axles. This weightcan be checked on any scale that will accommodate all fiur trailer wheels at the sametime. GAW can be checkedwith the trailer coupledto the tow vehicle with an equalizerhitch. GROSSVEHICLE WEIGHT is the maximumrecommended weightof the trailer whena minimum of 12Vaot the traler weightis carriedby the hitch. This weightcan be checkedon any scalethat will accommodate the four trailer wheelsand the iack postat thesame time. Hitch weightcan be determined by placingonly the jack post on a platformscale and adjustingit until the trailer is level. Trailer must be disconnected from towins vehicle. THE RECOMMENDED HITCH WEIGHT is represented as a percentage of the GrossVehicleWeight.As cargoweightis addedto the coachit may be necessary to placeheavierobjects forwardto preserve the properweightdistribution. TIRE INFLATION PRESSURES, for the grossaxle weightsshownaboveare: "B" -............._,._,.,.,_....32 pSI GENERAL TIRE JUMBO 780,H78-15,LoadRange "D" pSI GENERAL TIRE JUMBO 780,L78-15,LoadRange ......................,.,...40 ,,D" MICHELIN XC 78-15, Load Range 60 PSI GENERAL NYGEN 700 x 15, Load Range,.D"

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