Thomas NOONAN - 1977 Pre-970 Dirham Hoards From Latvia e Esthonia

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Journal of Baltic Studies

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Pre-970 dirham hoards from Estonia and Latvia, I: Catalog

Thomas S. Noonan
a a

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Available online: 28 Feb 2007

To cite this article: Thomas S. Noonan (1977): Pre-970 dirham hoards from Estonia and Latvia, I: Catalog, Journal of Baltic Studies, 8:3, 238-259 To link to this article:

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Thomas S. Noonan, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

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This catalog constitutes the first of several articles on the dirham hoards from Estonia and Latvia whose most recent coins date to the period before 970.1 Subsequent articles will discuss some of the basic problems involved in the analysis of these hoards and will provide a detailed, numismatic examination of the Estonian and Latvian hoards during the period c. 800-c. 900 and 900-970. The catalog of the pre-970 dirham hoards from Estonia and Latvia is meant to serve several purposes. First of all, it is an essential source for any discussion of the hoards themselves. The catalog provides the interested reader with the data from which the introduction, analysis, and conclusions were all derived. Secondly, the materials on the dirham hoards from the southeastern Baltic are found in a variety of studies, some of which are not readily accessible. The catalog thus attempts to assemble in one place the materials contained in numerous works published over the past century or so. Henceforth, those interested in these hoards will hopefully find the information they seek in the more readily available form of this catalog. Finally, l have attempted to provide as much data as possible about each hoard. Most of the studies published since World War I which treat the dirham hoards from Estonia and Latvia have tended to describe these hoards very succinctly. As a result, much important and necessary information about the coins in these hoards is simply omitted. The limited data found in these overly abbreviated accounts is not adequate for serious research. While our catalog does not provide all the available data on each dirham, it is designed to meet the needs of those readers who wish and need all the essential information on the coins from Estonian and Latvian dirham hoards. In short, the catalog is both a necessary complement to the detailed analysis found in this series of articles and an independent work which can be utilized by all those wishing to study the pre-970 dirham hoards from the southeastern Baltic. Short of describing each dirham in great detail, there is no perfect way to itemize the coins in any hoard. Since space limitations have made it impos238

JBS, VoL VIII, No. 3 (Fall, 1977)

Pre-970 Dirham Hoards


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sible to list each dirham in every hoard individually, I have tried to devise a format for condensing the maximum data into the minimum space. After several experiments, the following system was adopted. Each Roman numeral indicates a specific dynasty while the Arabic number in parenthesis following the dynasty gives the total number of dirhams of that kind. The dirhams of one dynasty or type are arranged by ruler, mint, and year. When more than one mint exists for a given ruler, semi-colons are used to separate the coins of each mint. When there are many coins from a given reign, the ruler's name has been italicised and the total coins from the reign are given in parenthesis after the

At times, we possess numerous dirhams from a given mint issued during the reign of one ruler. In such cases, I have abbreviated the description by simply giving the total number of dirhams and the dates of the oldest and most recent identified dirhams. Parentheses are placed around a ruler's name if the dirham dates from his reign but our sources do not give his name for some reason (i.e., the name was effaced, illegible, cut off, etc.). The sources often use a question mark to indicate that the name and/or mint and/or year, while probable, cannot be defin!tely determined. In so far as possible, I have retained these question marks. It is hoped that this format will provide all the essential information in the most expeditious fashion. The above format has been modified where the few remaining dirhams from a hoard are described in the text. In conclusion, a few comments on terminology would be appropriate. Dirham was the name given to the silver coin in the Islamic monetary system-the gold coin was called a din~r. The earliest Arabic dirhams were imitations of Sasanian drachms but, following the monetary reforms of 'Abd al-Malik in 698, the use of Pahlevi was abandoned and all inscriptions were in the Kfific style of Arabic script. As a result, scholars have long referred to the post-reform dirham as a Kfific coin. In recent years, however, many specialists in medieval Muslim numismatics have preferred the more accurate term dirham to the traditional appelation of Kfific coin. The standard weight of the post-reform dirham was 2.97 grams although, starting in the mid-ninth century, the weight of the dirham began to vary. For further information see G. C. Miles, "Dirham," Encyclopaedia of Islam, n.e., 2 (1965), 319-320. NOTE
1 These articles are based on a paper presented to a session on ancient and medieval Baltic history at the Fifth Conference on Baltic Studies, Columbia University, New York City, May 20-23, 1976. Professor Archibald Lewis of the University of Massachusetts, who was the discussant at that session, offered several very useful suggestions. The author would like to express his special thanks to Michael Bates of the American Numismatic Society who kindly agreed to evaluate both the original paper and this catalog. His extensive comments have been of great assistance. Finally, I would be remiss not to thank Joan Fagerlie and the staff of the Inter-Library Loan Division at the University o f Minnesota who have obtained so many important numismatic publications for me over the past several years.

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tO 4~ O


Pre-970 Dirham Hoards CATALOG


Livonia 1 In Livonia (Livland), before 1828. In 1828, 38 coins from a hoard found somewhere in the Province of Livonia were sent to C. M. Fraehn. They belonged to ten different 'Abb~sid caliphs and two .Tahirid amirs and were dated from 751/52 to 871/72. The mints included: al-KUfah, Surra man ra'a, Madinat al-Sal~m, al-Basrah, N i . s ~ , H~ron~bad, Arminiyah, al-Muh.mmadiyah, Isbah~n, Zaranj, Ni-s~bUr, Mary, Balkh, and Samarqand. References: Fraehn, p. 30, No. 27; Markov, pp. 20-21, No. 117; Arne, p. 77, No. 5; Paxomov, 1 (1926), p. 77, No. 256; Janin, pp. 100-1, n. 1 & p. 102, No. 26; Mugurevi~s, p. 22, n. 2.

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Latvia 2 S~raji, in L~agi, Dist. of Talsi, 1930. A hoard of 57 dirhams (27 whole, 30 fragments) was found. Two coins were sold and 55 reached the museum. The hoard was identified by E. A. Paxomov in 1947 and is now preserved in Latvijas PSR V~stures muzejs, 101126:1-51. The oldest coin is an Umayyad dirham of 698/99, while the most recent dirham dates from 863/64. References: Urt~ns 1964, p. 59 & pp. 71-72, No. 27; MugureviEs, pp. 24-25, No. 1 & pp. 23-26; Kropotkin 1971, p. 94, No. t98. Unfortunately, the hoard has not yet been published. According to Mugurei~s, the 27 dirhams which were identified are distributed as follows: 4 from the 2nd half of the 7th c., 5 from the 2nd half of the 8th c., 11 from the 1st half of the 9th c., and 7 from the 2nd half of the 9th c. Mugurevi~s also notes that 90.9 percent of the dirhams in the hoard were 'Abb~sid, 37 percent of the dirhams were issued in the 840's and 850's, and that the hoard had a few very early Umayyad dirhams. 3 Uo~ni, in Sv~tciems, Dist. of Valmiera, 1937. A coin-treasure hoard was found. The two dirhams in the hoard were identified by E. A. Paxomov in 1947 and are now preserved in Latvijas PSR VEstures muzejs, 101128: 1-2. One is an Umayyad dirham of 710/11 and the other is an 'Abb~sid dirham of 79293. According to Mugurevi~s, the two silver, spiral-like bracelets found in this hoard should be dated, by analogies from Gotland, to the period 850-950. The hoard as a whole is, thus, dated to the 10th c. References: Mugurevi~s, pp. 24-25, No. 2 and p. 22, n. 6; Kropotkin 1971, p. 94, No. 200. Given the existence of only two coins in the hoard, 1have followed tradition and included it as a dirham hoard very reluctantly. 4 I|~i, in Grobioa, Dist. of Liep~ja, before 1827. Three 'Abbhsid dirhams of the


Journal o f Baltic Studies

period 833/34-852/53 were found on the farm Ilgi, near Grobi0a. References: Fraehn, p. 110, No. 23b; Frank, p. 387, No. 18; Markov, p. 15, No. 85; Ame, p. 77; Friedenthal, No. 107; Janin, pp. 100-1, n. 1 & p. 102, No. 27; Urt~ns 1964, p. 49 & p. 71, No. 14; Mugurevi~s, pp. 24-25, No. 3 & p. 23. The 3 dirhams were: al-Ma'mfin, Madinat al-Sal~m, 833/34; al-W~thiq, Surra man ra'a, 844/45 ; al-Mutawakkil, Madi-nat al-Sal~m, 852/53. The circumstances of the find are not described. As a result, it is not clear whether these 3 dirhams composed part of a hoard which has now been lost, as Urt~ns suggests, or whether they were merely chance coin finds. 5 N~vessala I, in Daugmale, Dist. of Riga, 1915. A hoard of 160 dirhams (37 whole, 123 fragments) was found in a clay pot on the left bank of River Daugava near Jaunlive, by J. PurioL The hoard was identified by E. A. Paxomov in 1947 and is now preserved in Latvijas PSR V~stures muzejs, 101116: 1-160. The oldest coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 797/98 and the most recent-a S~m~nid dirham of 912/13. Urt~ns believes this hoard may well have constituted part of a larger hoard which also included Nos. 6 & 7 of this catalog. References: Mugurevi~s, pp. 24-25, No. 4;Urt~ns 1970, 94-95; Kropotkin 1971, p. 94, No. 196. I. 'Abb~sid (6): (H~rfin al-Rashi'd?), unknown mint, 797/98; al-Mutawakkil, al-Muh.ammad~yah, 854/55-861/62; al-Mu'tamid, unknown mint, xx7 H. [most likely 277 H. = 890/91] ; (al-Mu'tadid?), al-Sh~sh, 893/94; al-Mu'tadid, Samarqand, 892/93 or 901/02; unknown caliph, al-Sh~sh, unknown year. II. S~manM (136 or 146)* lsm~'t7 b. Ah.mad (93): al-Sh~sh, 33 dirhams between 895/96 and 906/07; Samarqand, 13 dirhams between 893/94 and 905/06; Nis~bfir, 906/07; unknown mint, 21 dirhams between 895/96 and 904/05; 25 dirhams whose date is unknown.** Ahmad b. IsrndTl (24): al-Sh~sh, 6 dirhams between 908/09 and 911/12; Samarqand, 6 dirhams between 909/10 and 912/13; unknown mint, 7 dirhams between 905/06 [when Ism~'~ b. Ahmad was amir] and 911/12; 5 dirhams whose date is unknown.** Miscellaneous (29): 29 dirhams for which the ruler cannot be determined: 1 al-Sh~sh and 4 mint unknown, (902/03911/12); unknown mint, 904/05 (Isma'il b. Ahmad?); al-Sh~sh, xx5 H.; 22 fragments of Sffm~nid dirhams.** * According to Urt~ns, the dynastic distribution of the hoard included 136 S~m~nid dirhans and 10 unidentified fragments. However, his catalog places the 10 unidentified fragments with the S~m~nid dirhams. ** Urt~ns' catalog does not make the mint of each of these 52 dirhams clear. The aggregate data was: 17 al-Sh~'sh, 4 Samarqand, 31 with unknown mint. III. S.affdrid (5): 'Amr b. Layth (3): Sinj~r, 896/97; Jann~b~, 878/79-900]01; Shir~z, 878/79900~01. Tahir b. Muhammad, unknown mint, 903/04. Ibn Mul3.ammad [Muh.ammad b. 'Ali?], unknown mint, 2xx H.

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Pre-970 Dirham Hoards


IV. Amirs o f Andar~bah (3): A hmad b. Muhammad, Andar~bah, 904/05, year unknown. Ah.mad, Andar~bah, year unknown. 6N~vessala II, in Daugmale, Dist. of Riga, 1915? In the Latvian archives are photos of a hoard containing 5 bronze Roman coins and 96 dirhams (7 whole, 89 halves) which was found by J. Purio] under the same circumstances as the N~vessala I hoard. This second hoard, sometimes referred to in the scholarly literature under the name Ikg!~ile, has not been preserved, but the dirhams in the photos were identified by I. G. Dobrovol'skij. The oldest coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 848/49? and the most recent coin was a S~m~nid dirham of 913/14. Urt~ns believes that this hoard may well have constituted part of one larger hoard which also included No. 5 and 7 of this catalog. References: Kropotkin 1962, p. 39, No. 306; Mugurevi~s, p. 22, n. 2; Urt~ns 1970, 90-91. I. Roman (5): Probus, Alexandria, 276-282, bronze. II. 'Abbasid (2): al-Mutawakkil, unknown mint, 848/49? (235? H. should be 849/50? A.D.). alMu'tamid, unknown mint, 887/88 or 890/91. Ill. S~-mdnid (94): lsmd't'l b. Ahmad (69): al-Sh~sh, 29 dirhams between 896/97 and 906/07; alShUsh, 912/13 (Ah'mad b. lsm~'il was amir in 912/t3); Samarqand, 10 dirhams between 898/99 and and 903/04; Balkh, 904/05, 90506, 902/03-907/08; Andar~bah, year unknown (2); Marv, 900; unknown mint, 23 dirhams between 896/97 and 906/07. Ism~'t7 b. Abmad orAbmad b. lsmd'fl (4): 4 dirhams struck between 902/03 and 911/12.Abmad b. Isrn~'fl (12): al-ShSsh, 8 dirhams between 908/09 and 913/14; unknown mint, xx7 H. or xx8 H. (3)*; Balkh, 911/12. Na$r b. Ahmad (2): al-Sh~sh, xx7 H. or xx8 H.*; Samarqand, xx7 H. or xx8 H.* Ami-r unclear (7): al-Sh~sh, xx6 H., xx7 H. or xx8 H.*; Samarqand, xx6 H,; Andar~bah, xx7 H. or xx8 H.*; unknown mint, 902/03-911/12, xx7 H. or xx8 H.

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*Urt~ns' catalog does not make the mint of each of the 9 dirhams from xx7 H. or xx8 H. clear. 7 N]vessala III, Daugmale, Dist. of Riga, 1915? A hoard of 55 dirhams (20 whole, 34 halves, 1 fragment) was found by J. Purio~ under the same circumstances as the N~vessala I and II hoards. This third hoard, which was not identified, perished during the Second World War. Urt~ns believes this hoard may well have constituted part of one larger hoard which also included No. 5 and 6 of this catalog. References: Urt]ns 1970, 89-99. 8 Kaol~umi, in Dundaga, Dist. of Talsi, on the shores of the Venta River, 1933. A hoard of 38 dirhams was found. It was purchased in 1936 by the Bureau for the Preservation of Antiquities and transfered in 1940 to the Latvian State Historical Museum in Riga. The coins were identified by E.A. Paxomov in 1947 and are now preserved in the Latvijas PSR V6stures muzejs, 101127: 27. The oldest coin was an 'Abb]sid dirham of 862/63 and the most recent


Journal o f Baltic Studies

coin was a S~rl~nid dirham of 914/15. References: Paxomov, 5 (1949), p. 49, No. 1517; Mugurevi~s, pp. 24-25, No. 5; Kropotkin 1971, p. 94. No. 197. I. "Abb~sid (5): al-Musta'Tn?, mint unknown, 862/63; al-Mu'tamid, Arminiyah/Barda'a, 89091; al-Muqtadir, Madinat al-Sal~xn, 909/10; completely effaced (2). II. Sgm~nM (31): lsm?t~il b. Abrnad (22): al-Sh~sh, 18 dirhams between 894/95 and 906/07; Samarqand, 90506, 906/07 (2), 902/03-907/08. Abmad b. lsmffT1 (8): alShUsh, 909/10, 909/10-911/2-911 / 12, 910/11 (4); Samarqand, 907/08-911 / 12, year unknown. Nas.r b. Ah.mad (1): Samarqand, 9 t 4/15. III. Unidentified (2). 9 Grobioa, Dist. of Liepaja, 1796. A pot was found containing over 100 whole dirhams, numerous coin fragments, and a silver bar. The hoard was purchased in 1796 and sent to be melted down but some of the coins were saved by "lovers of numismatics." Only a few of the dirhams were identified: Fraehn and Markov list 8 while Mugurevi~s, following Frank, says 13. References: Fraehn, pp. 28-29, No. 22; Frank, pp. 392-393, No. 48; Markov, pp. 14-15, No. 82; Arne, pp. 76-77;Janin, p. 76, p. 120, #32, and p. 128, n.1; Urt~ns 1964, p. 70;Mugurevies, pp. 24-25, No. 6. Fraehn-Markov description: 'Abbasid (5): 2 'Abb~s~yah, 772 and 787; Madinat al-Sal~m; al-MuhammadTyah; Samarqand. Sarr~nid (2): al-Sh~sh,901/02; Samarqand, 935 [Markov says 320 H. which is 932/33]. Buwayhid (1): Madinat al-Sal~m. The oldest dirham dated to 766/67 and the most recent to 946/47. Frank's description: "Abb~sid (10): al-Man.sfir, Madinat al-Salam, 762/63; al-Mahdi, mint unknown, 766/67 [caliph should be al-Man.sfir] ; (al-Man.sfir), al-Muhammadfyah, 766/67; al-Mahdi, mint unknown, 781-82; H~rSn al-RashTd, 'Abb~siyah, 777/78 [caliph should be al-Mahdi], 783/84 [caliph should be al-Mahdi] ; 787/88, and IfffqTyah, 779/80 [caliph should be al-Mahdi] ; al-Ma'm~n as pretender, Samarqand, 812/13; unknown caliph, Madi-nat al-Sal~n, year unknown. Sgmdnid (2): Ism~'il b. Al~mad, al-Sh~sh, 902/03; NSh. b. Nasr, Samarqand, 935/36 [amTr should be b. A.hmad]. Buwayhid (1): Mu'izz al-Dawlah Ah.mad, Madinat at-Salem, 946/47. Since it is more complete and precise, I have followed Frank's account. 10 Kugl~i (V~rgale, Wirginalen, Kuschke), in Grobioa, Dist. of Liep~ja, 1896 or 1897. A coin-treasure hoard of 108 dirhams (54 whole, 54 fragments) was found at the Ku~tfi farmstead along with 5 silver, spiral-shaped bracelets. The coins were identified by Baron Tiesenhausen. The oldest coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 856/57 and the most recent coin was a S~m~nid dirham of 952/53 (953/54 according to Frank). References: Frank, p. 393, No. 48; Markov, p. 138, No. 12; Arne, p. 77; Vasmer, 1925, p. 41 ; Friedenthal, No. 106; Janin, p. 76, p. 120, #33, and p. 128, n.1; Mugurevi~s, pp. 24-25, No. 7.

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Pre-970 Dirham Hoards


Markov's description: I. 'Abbdsid (1): (al-Mutawakkil), MadTnat al-Sal~a-n,856/57. II. S.affarid (1): ('Amr b.'Layth), Stffrffz,895/96. III. S~mdnid (51): Isrn~'il b. Abmad (12): al-Sh~sh, 8 dirhams between 895/96 and 906/07; Samarqand, 900/01,901/02; Balkh, 902/03,906/07. Abroad b. Isrn~7l (11): al-Sh~sh, 6 dirhams between 907/08 and 913/14; Samarqand, 907/08, 9t2/13 (3); Andar~bah, 912/13. Nas.rb. Abmad(19): al-Sh~sh, 9 dirhams between 913/14 and 932/ 33; Samarqand, 7 dirhams between 913/14 and 936/37;Nis~bfir, 913/14,934/35; al-Mul~ammadiyah, 928/29. Nab b. Nas.r (4): Samarqand, 952/53; Bukh~ra, 946/47,947/48, 951/52. Imitation-S~m~mid dirhams (5). IV. Miscellaneous (53): 53 dirham fragments. Frank's description I. 'Abbdsid (1): al-Mutawakkil, Madinat al-Sal~m, 857/58. II. S afy~rid (1): 'Amr b. Layth, Shiraz, 89596. III. Samanid (60): Ism~'il b. Ahmad (t5): al-Sh~sh, 10 dirhams between 895/96 and 906/07; unknown mint, (893/94-901/02); Samarqand, 901/01; Balkh, 906/07; fragments (2). Abroad b. lsm~'t7 (13): al-Sh~sh, 6 dirhams between 907/08 and 913[14; Samarqand, 907/08, 911/12, 912/13 (3); Andar~bah, 912/13; unknown mint, 907/08. Nas.r b. Ah.mad (20): al-Sh~sh, 9 dirhams between 913/14 and 932/33; Samarqand; 7 dirhams between 913/14 and 936/37; Nis~b~r, 934/35; Bukh~r~, year unknown; fragments (2). N~ab b. Nasr (4): Bukhar~,946/47,947/48, 951/52, 953/54. Other Sdm~nid (7): unknown arnir, Bukh~r~, xx5 H.; fragments (6). IV. Miscellaneous (43): Barbarian imitation of a SAm~niddirham; fragments (42). According to Vasmer, this hoard consisted of 1 'Abb~sid, 1 Saf~rid, 100 S~m~'aid, and 6 imitation dirhams. I have followed Vasmer's figures for the dynastic distribution. Since the differences between Markov and Frank are not substantial, I have followed Markov's account, which reflects the analysis of Tiesenhausen. 11 Riga, 1950. During construction work, a large clay jug with around 300 coins was found. Only one coin from the hoard was identified: a SAm~niddirham, N~l. b. Nasr, Samarqand, 944/45. References: N.D. Mec, A.S. Mel'nikova, "Klady monet (zaregistrirovannye Gosudarstvennym Istori~eskim Muzeem v 1955-1958 gg.)," EJ~egodnik Gosudarstvennogo Istori~eskogo Muzeja (Moscow: 1961), p. 80, No. 89; Mugurevi~s, pp. 24-25, No. 8; Kropotkin 1971, p. 94, No. 199. 12 Talsi, 1822 or 1882. Mugurevi~s, with references to Frank and Markov, lists a hoard containing one dirham of 901-932 found here in 1882. Frank mentions

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Journal of Baltic Studies

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a Sasanian drachm of Khusraw which came from Talsi in 1822, while Markov reports that an Ispahbad coin was discovered in 1823 near Talsi. Our sources do not make it clear what kind of coin was found at Talsi, when it came to light, and, most important, why it should be described as part of a hoard. References: Frank, p. 388, No. 25; Markov, p. 14, No. 81; Mugurevi~s, pp. 24-25, No. 14. 13 In Livonia, near Riga, around 1790. Thirty-six "Kufic" coins were reportedly unearthed near Riga. No further information on these coins is available. This is the first recorded dirham hoard from Latvia. References: Fraehn, p. 29, No. 24; Markov, p. 21, No. 118; Arne, p. 77, No. 4; Urt~ns 1964, 70. 14Berkava (Borkowitz), Dist. of R~ga, no date given. A hoard of 140 dirhams, which was buried sometime in the tenth century, was discovered here. No further information is available on this hoard. References: Friedenthal, No. 98; Urt]ns 1970, 98.

Estonia 15 Vanam6isa (Friedrichshof, Saue), Harju maa, 1913. A hoard of almost 1000 dirhams and 7 silver arm-rings was found. The hoard, as published by Vasmer, contained 923 coins (312 whole or nearly whole dirhams and 611 fragments). Eight fragments were lost between the time of the hoard's discovery and its publication. Vasmer, however, had made a preliminary description of 5 of these fragments, all Volga Bulgar dirhams, and thus could include them in his account. The other 3 fragments disappeared without any record. Ten of the remaining fragments fit together in pairs forming 5 whole coins. Thus, Vasmer published 915 coins: 923 minus 3 lost fragments and minus 5 fragments which formed parts of other coins in the hoard. Sixty-three coins from this hoard were purchased by P. W. Zubow for his own collection. Unfortunately, Vasmer had no description of these dirhams. Vasmer also believed that the 13 dirhams from Saue published by Ernst Frey (see No. 16 of this catalog) belonged to the Vanamoisa hoard since they were found at almost the same time in the same place. The figure of 996 total coins for the hoard given by Friedenthal is apparently the result of adding 920+13+63. The more correct figure would seem to be 918 (923 less 5 fragments from other coins) +13 + 63 = 994 total. While the 13 dirhams from Saue are listed separately in this catalog, they have been considered as part of the VanamSisa hoard in our analysis and tables. The oldest coin in the hoard was and 'Abb]sid dirham of 834/35 and the most recent coin was a S]m~nid dirham of 951/52. However, 3 dirhams whose exact date could not be determined may have been issued between 951/52 and 954/55. This is the largest dirham hoard from the southeastern Baltic thus far discovered and preserved. References: Vasmer 1925; Vasmer 1928; Friedent-

Pre-970 Dirham Hoards


hal, No. 29; Paxomov, II (1938), p. 77, No. 627; Janin, p. 76, p. 120, No. 43, and p. 128, n.l; T6nisson, No. 7-8 on pp. 189 and pp. 240-241; Kropotkin 1965, p. 181, No. 101(330); Kropotkin 1971, p. 94, No. 202. I. "Abb~sid (19): al-Mu'ta.~im: Madinat al-Sal~m, 834/35; name and year cut off, probably alMu'tasim oral-Mutawakkil, Mad-mat al-Sal~m, al-Mu'tazz: Mary, year unknown; mint and year unknown, al-Mu'tamid: Arminiyah, 880/81; Samarqand, 892/93; (al-Sh)~sh?, 885/86; mint unknown, 887/88. al-Mu'taql,id: Arminiyah, 900?; al-Sh~sh, year unknown; Madi-nat al-S-al~m, 89798; mint and year unknown. al-MuktajZ: Madinat al-Sal~m, 903/04. al-Muqtadir: al-Bas.rah,924/25; Madinat al-Sal~m, 909/10, 931/32, year unknown; al-Maw.sil?,908/09. al-Qahir: al-Bas.rah, 933. II. s~jia (1): Y~suf b. D~wd~d, Barda'a, 901/02. III..Safj~r/d (4): 'Amr b. Layth: Shiraz, 897/98; Nisa-bQr, 897/98. Ab~ .Hafs and T~hir b. Muh.ammad: Mary, 897/98. Ah.mad b. Muh.ammad and .Husayn b. Bil~l: Sijistgn, 932/33. IV. AmTr al-Umard' (1): Tfizfin, Wgsit, 944/45. V. Buwayhid (6): 'Aft b. Buwayh: Shirgz, 934/35,937/38, 935/36-937/38. 'AII b. Buwayh and 'Abu al-IJusayn b. Buwayh: [Aydaj], 939/40. 'lmad al-Dawlah and Mu'izz alDawlah: al-Ba.srah, 947/48. 'Imad al-Dawlah and Ah.mad b. Buwayh?: mint and year unknown. VI. S~m~nid (715): Ismd71 b. Al~mad (116): Andargbah, 10 dirhams between 902/03 and 907/08; Madinat Balkh, 902/03 (3); Balkh, 904/05 (2), 905/06 (5); Samarqand, 23 dirhams between 895/96 and 906/07; al-Shgsh, 67 dirhams between 895/96 and 907/08; Mary, 900; Ma'din, 905/06; Nisgbgr, 906/07 (2); Uncertain mint, 893/94-901/02, 900/0~-901/02. Abroad b. Isrn~'t-I (84): Andar~bah, 9 dirhams between 908/09 and 913/14; al-Bij~r, 910/I 1; Samarqand, 17 dirhams between 907/08 and 913/14; al-Sh~sh, 56 dirhams between 907/08 and 913/14; Nis~b~r, 911/12. Is'baq b. Ah. mad (1): Samarqand, 913/14. Nas.r b. Abmad (432): Andar~bah, 26 dirhams between 914] 15 and 94041 ; Balkh, 32 dirhams between 912/13 and 939/40; Panjhir, unknown date (2); al-Khuttal, 926/27; Samarqand, 178 dirhams between 911 / 12 and 942[43 (913/14-920/21 = 35, 921/22-942/43 = 143); al-Shgsh, 154 dirhams between 914/15 and 942/43 (913/14-920/21 = 23, 921/22-942/43 = 131); Farw~n, 926/27, 927/28 (2), 935/36; Fir~m, unknown date; al-Mubammadiyah, 935/36; Ma'din, 11 dirhams between 912/13 and 935/36; Nis~bQr, 16 dirhams between 914/15 and 941/42; 6 unknown or unclear dirhams, 922/23-940/41. Yaby~ b. AOmad (1): Bukhra, 930/31. Ngth. b. Nas.r (80): Bukh~rK 31 dirhams between 945/46 and 951/52 and 1 between 95253 and 954/55; Samarqand, 39 dirhams between 94344 and 951/52; al-Sh~sh, 9

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dirhams between 943]44 and 94748. IbrahFmb. Abroad (1): Samarqand, 946]47. VII. Volga Bulgars (24): Amir "B~rm~n" (3). M - ~ b. Ja'far (19): Madinat Bulgar (2); al-Sh~sh (3); Nis~bar, 920/21 (3); mint and year unknown (8); fragments (3). T~lib b. Ah.mad (2): Suvar, 949/50; unknown mint, 949]50. VIII. Barbarian Imitations (137): IX. Unminted Blanks (8): 16Saue, Harjumaa 1913. A hoard of 13 dirhams was found. The coins were identified by Ernst Frey who believed the hoard might also have included a few Russian and/or Byzantine coins. The oldest dirham dated to 895]96 and the most recent to 935]36. Vasmer felt, with good reason, that these 13 dirhams formed part of the large VanamSisa hoard (No. 15 of this catalog). Therefore, while listed as a separate hoard in this catalog, the 13 dirhams are considered as part of the VanamSisa hoard in the analysis and tables. My description of the hoard follows Vasmer, whose account differs somewhat from that of Frey. References: Frey, 84; Vasmer 1925, 114-6;Vasmer 1928; Vasmer 1926, p. 292, No. 40; Vasmer 1929, p. 293, No. 46; Janin, p. 118, n. 2 and p. 120, #45; Kropotkin 1962, p. 40, No. 330; TSnisson, No. 7-8, p. 189 and pp. 240-1; Kropotkin 1965, p. 181, No. 101 (330). I. S.affgrid (1): "Amr b. Layth, ShTr~z, 895]96. II. S~m~nid (9): Ism~'il b. A.hmad (3): al-Sh~sh, 899/900, 903]04; Samarqand, 905/06. Al~madb. Ism~'~ (2): Andar~bah, 907]08; NTs~bQr, 908]09. Nas.r b. Abmad (4): al-Sh~sh, 916[17,928/29; Ni-s~b~r, 935]36; B~miy~n, year unknown. III. Imitations (3): 17 In the former Estland province, near Tallinn, before 1841. An earthen vessel containing 12 dirhams was found. The coins, described by T. C. Tychsen, were preserved in the Museum of G6ttingen Univ. The oldest coin was an Umayyad dirham of 716/17 and the most recent dirham dated to 942/43. References: Fraehn, pp. 32-33, No. 31; Markov, p. 56, No. 324; Arne, p. 79, No. 4;Janin, p. 120, #42 and p. 128, n.1. According to Markov, the hoard contained 7 Umayyad and 'Abbasid dirhams, 4 S~m~nid dirhams and 1 Izlamd~niddirham (Fraehn says 8 Umayyad and 'Abb~sid dirhams and 4 S~m~nid) while the mints represented included: Dimashq,-W~sit, Madinat al-Sal~m, al-Muh.ammadiyah, al-Sh~sh, and Andar~bah. Although the mint on one coin was effaced, it was most likely an African dirham struck in Bad'a. 18 Paunktila I, Harjumaa, 1956. A neckline with 10 dirhams hanging from it was found. The coins were identified by A. A. Bykov. The oldest coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 803/04-808]09 and the most recent coin was a S~rn~nid dirham of 934/35. References: A. A. Bykov,"Kufi~eskie monety o~erel'ja iz Paunkjula," Izvestija Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR, X, Serija ob~estvennyx nauk, 1961, No. 2, 178-81; T5nisson, No. 24, p. 191 and pp. 242-3.

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I 'Abb~sid (2): (H~rQn al-Rashid?): mint unknown, 803/04-808/09?. al-Muqtadir: Madinat alSal[m, 915/16. II. S~rnanid (6): Ism]'il b. Ah.mad (3): al-Sh~sh, 901/02, 907/08. No amTr: al-Sh~sh, 907/08. Ahmad b. Ism]"d (1): MadTnat Balkh, 912/13. Nasr b. A.hmad (2): Samarqand, 914/15,934/35. III. Imitation Dirhams (2): Some scholars would not consider this a coin hoard; coins attached to jewelry are sometimes viewed as part of a treasure hoard. 19 Kavastu II (Kawast), Virumaa, 1882. A hoard of almost 1000 dirhams was found, of which Prof. Erman saw about a tenth. Among these dirhams were many S~m~nid as well as some 'Abb~sid and Buwayhid coins, almost all from the first-half of the fourth century H. (912/13-961/62). The most recent coin seen by Erman dated to 969/70. Among the coins which he observed, Erman noted a dirham of the 'Abb~sid caliph al-QT~hir, I.sbah~n, 933, the fragment of a S~m]nid dirham from Balkh, 93233, with the names of am~r Nasr b. Ah.mad and his son NGh, and the fragment of a barbarian imitation. Frank listed six coins which seem to have come from this hoard: Buwayhid (1): Mu'izz al-Dawlah, 'Askar rain al-Ahw]z, 941/42-950/51 ; 'Abb~sid (5): ar-R~.di, unknown mint, 934/35.2 'Abb~sid? fragments. al-MansQr? al-Ma'mGn, al-KGfah, 815[16. Friedenthal indicates a hoard of 29 Arabic coins buried c. 975 but gives no source for this information. References: Frank, p. 391, No. 39; Markov, p. 56, No. 323; Arne, p. 78, No. 3; Friedenthal, No. 42; Janin, p. 77, p. 120, ~62, and p. 128, n.l; T6nisson, No. 27, p. 192 and pp. 242-243. 20 Kohtla (Kochtel), Virumaa, 1923. A hoard of some 500-600 dirhams was found of which 481 were identified. The oldest coin was an Umayyad dirham of 715/16 and the most recent coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 837/38. W. Anderson and R. Vasmer published the bulk of the hoard (470 dirhams) in 1926. Two years later they published an additional 11 dirhams from the hoard. References: Anderson; Vasmer 1926, p. 292, No. 42; Walter Anderson & Richard Vasmer, "Elf weitere Dirhams aus dem Chalifenmtinzfund yon Kochtel," Opetatud Eesti Seltsi Aastaraamat 1928 (Tartu, 1929), 89-95; Paxomov, 2(1938), pp. 76-77, No. 625; Janin, p. 100, n.l and p. 102, No. 28; TGnisson, No. 50, p. 196 and pp. 244-5. I. Umayyad (14):
Sulaym~n."Wgsit, 715/16. Hish~m: W~sit., 729/30, 741/42,725-738? Hishgm or al-Wali'd II: W~sit., 742/43. al.Wali-d II, Yazid III, or Ibr~ihirn: Wgsit.,743/44 (2), 743/44.744/45? Marw~n II: al-KQfah, 746/47; Wgsit, 746/47 (2); al-S~miyah, 748/49 (2); Mary, 750/51. II. 'Abb~tsid (454): al-Saffah. (9): al-Kfifah, 5 dirhams between 74950 and 751/52; Ardashir Khurra, 751/52; al-Bas.rah, 751/52 (2); Ramhurmuz, 751/52. al-Safjffb or (4):

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al.Ba.srah, 753/54 (4). al-Mans~r (93): at-Basrah, 16 dirhams between 755/56 and 764[65; unknown mint, 750-757, 757-765?; al.K~fah, 15 dirhams between 757/58 and 765; MadTnat al-Sal~m, 51 dirhams between 76566 and 774/75; alMuhammad/yah, 9 dirhams between 765]66 and 771172. al-Mahd?(73): Mad/nat al-Sal~m, 50 dirhams between 775/76 and 785/86; al-Ba.srah, 776]77,777]78 (3); al-Muhammad/yah, 8 dirhams between 776]77 and 784/85; Tudgha?, 779]80; al-'Abb~s~yah?, 780/817; al-'Abb~sTyah, 785/867; Kirman, 781/82, 783/84; Adharb~yjgn, 782/83,784/85; Qasr al-Sal~m, 784/85; al-H~rfiniyah,785/86; unknown mint, 778-785; ArminTyah, 778/797 al-Hddf (2): al-Muhammad/yah, 785/86; Ifri'qiyah, 786/87. I-faran al-RashTd (182): al-H~rfiniyah, 786/87; alMul~.ammadiyah, 66 dirhams between 786]87 and 807]08; Sijist~n, 787]88, 78889; Ifffqiyah, 794]95, 796]97; Mad/nat al-Sal~m, 71 dirhams between 795]96 and 808/09; al.Mub~rakah, 795]96; Madinat Zaranj, 10 dirhams between 792[93 and 802/03; al-Ba.srah,794]95,797]98,798]99; Madi-natBalkh?, 798]99?; Mad/nat Balkh, 12 dirhams between 798]99 and 808/09; al-Kfifah, 761/62probably 800/01?; al-R~fiqah, 803/04; Ma'din al-Sh~sh, 9 dirhams between 804]05 and 805]06; Madinat Samarqand, 808]09; unknown mint, 803-09. al-Am~n (19): Mad/nat Balkh, 808/09,809/lO;M.B.?, 809/10; al-Muhammadiyah, 808]09; Mad/nat Samarqand, 808/09, 809110 (2), 810/11 ; Mad/nat Bukh~r~, 809/10 (2); Har~t, 809/10; Mad/nat al-Sal~m, 809/10, 810/11 (4), 811]12; unknown mint, 811/127 (2). al-Ma'mfm (70): Mad/nat Balkh, 810/11 (2); Madinat Nis~b~r, 810/11, 815116; Madihat Samarqand, 19 dirhams between 810/11 and 816117; MadTnat Isbah~n, 11 dirhams between 811112 and 817118; al-Muhammad/yah, 811]12, 812]13 (2), 767/68-probably 811-8217; Mad/nat Zaranj, 811]12; Mad-mat al-Sal~aa, 19 dirhams between 813114 and 833]34; al.Ba.srah, 814115; Hat,t, 815]16; W~sit.,815] 16; Arminiyah, 818/19;Samarqand, 817118, 817-819, 819120; Ma'din Bajunays, 822/23; MadTnat Arraign, 823]24; Dimashq, 824]25;, 833/34; al-Kfifah, 816/17. al-Mu' (2): Mad/nat al-Salgm, 835; Ard. at-Khair, 837/38. III. Iddsid (2) Idffs I: Tudgha, 790/91. Idris II: Wujta, 803/04? IV. Aghlabid (2) Ibffthim I: Ifriqiyah, 800/01,803]04. V. T~hirid (9) T~hir I: NTs~bfir,821/22; Sur~diq Abrashahr, 821/22; Mad/nat Is.bah~n, 822-/23. Talha: Samarqand, 824/25 (3); Mad/nat Isbahan 825/25. 'Abd AllYah:Mad/nat Samarqand, 833/34; F~ris, 833-842. 21 Koigi, J~irvamaa, sometime in the early twentieth century. A hoard of 150 dirhams was found. The earliest coin was an Umayyad dirham of 713/14 and the most recent was a S~n~nid dirham of 954/55. References: Frey; Vasmer 1926, p. 292, No. 41; Vasmer 1925, 40-41; Friedenthal, No. 60; Janin, p. 76, p. 120, #63, and p. 128, n.1; TSnisson, No. 57, p. 197 and pp. 244-5. I. Umayyad ( 1):

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al-Wali-d I: Marv, 713/14. II. 'Abb~sid (11): al-Mu'tamid: unknown mint and year. al-Mu'tadid: Madinat al-Sal~m, 899/90; W~sit., 899/900. al-Muktaff: al-Ba.srah, 904/05; Andar~bah, 907/08. (al-Muqtadir?): mint unknown, 908/09. al-Muqtadir: Is.bah~n, 921/22. Under Abfi al'Abb~is (Abul Gabas): Madinat al-Sal~m, 923/24. Under "Ben emir el mumenin": Madinat al-Sal~m, 932/33. al-Muttaqi: W~sit, 941/42. al-Mut.i': mint and year unknown. Ill. Buwayhid (5): 'Im~d al-Dawlah and Mu'izz at-Dawlah: al-Basrah, 946/47. Rukn al-Dawlah and Mu'izz al-Dawlah: mint unknown, 941/42-950/51, 952/53; ShTr~z, 941/42950/51 ; al-Ba.srah, 953/54. IV. S~mdnM (123): Ismd~7 b. Abmad (22): al-Sh~sh, 17 dirhams between 894/95 and 906/07; Samarqand, year unclear, 902/03; Nis~b~r, 906/07; unknown mint, 902/03907/08 (2). AOmad b. Ism~7l (17): al-Sh~sh, 7 dirhams between 906/07 and 913/14; Samarqand, 7 dirhams between 909/10 and 914/15; Andar~bah, 913/14 (2); unknown mint and year. b. Abmad (65): al-Sh~sh, 21 dirhams between 915/16 and 940/41?; Samarqand, 24 dirhams between 914/15 and 942/43; Andar~bah, 918/19, 922/23, 913/14-932/33 (2), unknown year; Balkh, 927/28; Mary, 918/19; Nis~bfir, 914/15,927/28,933/34, 940/41 ; Qumm?, 940/41?; unknown mint, 915/16; unknown mint and year (7). Arab b. Nas.r (18): al-Sh~sh, 942/43,947/48, 952/53; Samarqand, 945/46, 95253,954/55, unknown year (4); Bukh~r~, 7 dirhams between 948/49 and 951/52; unknown mint, 945/46. Unknown S~m~nid amTr (1): al-Sh~sh. V. Volga Bulgars (1) Mik~'il b. Ja'far, 918/19-920/21. VI. Imitations (9) 5 barbarian imitations of dirhams of Nas.r b. Ah.mad and 4 imitations of a S~m~nid type. I have followed Vasmer's figures on the dynastic distribution of the hoard rather than Frey's. 22 Vara (Warrol), Tartu raion, Vaiga, 1846. A peasant found a pot filled with coins. Friedenthal and T6nisson indicate that the hoard contained 28 Arabic coins but the source of this figure is not clear. Only three dirhams from the hoard were identified: S~m~nid, Nasr b. Ahmad, Samarqand, 937/38, and (Mans.fir b. Nfih), Samarqand, 96667; Buwayhid, Mu'izz al-Dawlah (Ah.mad b. Bfiwayh) and 'Imad al.Dawlah ('AII b. B~wayh), al-Ahw~z, 945/46. References: Fraehn, p. 161, No. 24g; Markov, p. 20, No. 114; Frank, p. 385, No. 9; Friedenthal, No. 68; T6nisson, No. 66, p. 198 and pp. 244-5". 23 V~i~inikvere, Tartu raion, Ugandi, 1930's. A hoard of 489 Arabic coins from the tenth century was found. No further information is available and the hoard has apparently not yet been identified. Reference: Tbnisson, No. 68, p. 198 and pp. 244-5.

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24 Vesneri (Weslershof), near Tartu, before 1838? Markov reported that S~m~nid dirhams were found here: IsmUfl b. Ahmad, al-Sh~sh, 895/96,903]04. A.hmad b. Ism~'fl, al-Sh~sh, 910111. b. Abroad, Samarqand, 913/14, 915/16, 917118. N~/~ b., Samarqand, 934/35,935]36,951/52; al-Sh~sh, 93839, 943/44 [Nasr b. Ahmad was amir from 913/14 to 942]43]. Although Markov provided no information on the circumstances of their discovery, Janin considered these 11 dirhams a coin hoard. In his discussion of the dirhams found in Vesneri, Frank mentioned 6 S~n~nid dirhams which A. H. Hansen apparently noted in an 1838 work as having been discovered in the environs of Tartu (Ism~'il-b. Ah.mad, Samarqand, 895]96; unknown mint, 903]04. b. A.hmad, unknown mint, 913]14; Samarqand, 917/18. At the time of caliph al-R~di [ b. Ah.mad], mint and year unknown. N~.h b. Nas.r, Samarqand, 951/52). Frank also mentioned that the hoard register of F. Kruse included the following Vesneri dirhams: 'Abb~sid, al-Musta'in, Samarqand, 866/67; S~m~nid: Ism~il b. Ahmad, al-Sh~sh, 895]96,903/04. Ah.mad b. Ism~'il, al-Sh~sh, 910111. Nasr b. Ahmad, Samarqand, 913114, 915116, 917/18. Nfih B., Samarqand, 935/36, 951152. Unknown mint, 934/35, 943/44 [ b. Abroad was ami-r 913[14 to 942/43]. (Na~r b. Abroad), alShUsh, 938]39; al-Kfifah, 940141. All the dirhams reported by Markov and Hansen seem to be included in Kruse's register. To add to the confusion, an 1871 source (Verhandlungen der Estnischen Gesellschaft, VI, H. 3-4, p. 174, No. 13-14) mentioned two finds, reported in 1839, of S~m~nid dirhams from Vesneri: (1) Ism~d b. Abroad, 90304 and Nasr b. Ah.mad, 934/35; (2) Nas.r b. A.hmad, Samarqand, 913/14; unknown mint, 917] 18. Abmad b. Isrn~'il, 910/11. (Na~r b. Ahrnad), Samarqand, 915/16. The 4 dirhams from the second Vesneri find apparently coincide with 4 of Markov's dirhams from Vesneri. At the same time, Friedenthal and V.M. Potin believe that the 4 dirhams from the second Vesneri find were part of a mid-1830's hoard of 4 dirhams and 1 Anglo-Saxon coin which was buried around 1025 in Vesneri. Given the great similarity of all the dirhams from Vesneri and the lack of adequate information about the circumstances under which they were found, it seems best to omit this "hoard" from our analysis. References: Frank, p. 384-385, No. 8 and p. 385, No. 10; Markov, p. 23, No. 129; Friedenthal, No. 71; Janin, p. 120, #63 and p. 128, n.1; T6nisson, No. 71, p. 198 and pp. 244-5; V. M. Potin, "Topografija naxodok zapadnoevropejskix monet X-XIII w. na territorii drevnej Rusi," Trudy ,Gosudarstvennogo Ermita~a, 9(1967), p. 121, No. 99. 25 In the former Livland province, near Tartu, on the estate of Rathshof, sometime before 1871. A hoard of 'Abb~sid and S~m~nid dirhams was found. Information on the circumstances of the discovery was not provided by Markov. References: Frank, p. 384, No. 7; Markov, p. 19, No. 103; Janin, p. 120, #40 and p. 128, n.1. I. S~m~nid (1 t):

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Pre-970 Dirham Hoards


Ism~51 b. Ah.mad: al-Sh'~sh, 895/96. Ah.mad b. IsmS'il: al.Sh~sh, 909/10? b. A ~ a d : Samarqand, 940/41. Nfil~ b. Nasr: at-ShUsh, year unknown. 'Abd al-Malik: al-Sh~sh, 959/60; Bukh~r~, 956/57 (4). Uknown amir and year, Samarqand (2). II. "Abbdsid: (al-Muttaq~): al-KUfah, 940/41. (al-Muff'?): mint unknown, coins of 945]46 or 955]56. Unknown caliph, mint, and year (3). According to Markov, the following 2 dirhams were probably found in Rathshof at the same time: 'Abb~sid: (H~rfin al-Rash~d), Mad~nat al-Sal~m, 802/03; S~mi,aid: (Isma--'il b. Al~mad), al-Sh~sh, 902/03. Many of the dirhams from Rathshof mentioned by Frank coincide with those from Markov's account. 26Meckshof (Maxhof, Mekshof, M~iksa), Tartu raion, Ugandi, 1878. A hoard of about 200 dirhams was found of which 150 were identified. The oldest coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 802]03 and the most recent was a S~m~nid dirham of 947/48. References: Frank, p. 393, No. 49; Markov, pp. 17-18, No. 98; Ame, p. 77, No. 1; Vasmer 1925, 41; Friedenthal, No. 74; Janin, p. 76, p. 120, ~39, and p. 128, n.1; T6nisson, No. 83, p. 199 and pp. 244-5; TAAM 13751/86. I. 'A b b~siaL(5 ) : H~rfin al-Raslffd: Batkh, 802/03. al-R~d$: Ni.m-bin, 841/42 [al-R~qi was caliph 933/34-940/41]. al-Mu'tamid: 'Abbag, 890/91. al-Mu'tadid: al-Basrah, 893/94. al-Muqtadir: I.sbah~n?, 931/32. II. Buwayhid (2): 'Im~d al-Dawlah ('Aft b. Buwayh): ShTr~z,938/39? Mu'izz al-Dawlah (AI~. mad b. Buwayh) and 'ImSd al-Dawlah CAN-b. Buwayh): al-'Askar min al-Ahw~z, 944/45. III..Hamd~nid (1): N~.sir al-Dawlah and Sayf al-Dawlah, Maw.sil, year unknown. IV. S~m~nid (137): lsma"?l b. Abmad (22): al-Sh~sh, 12 dirhams between 897/98 and 905/06; Samarqand, 6 dirhams between 898]99 and 902/03; unknown mint, 893/94901/02,902/03-907/08 (3). Abmad b. Ismff~l (14): al-Sh~sh, 7 dirhams between 907/08 and 913/14; Samarqand, 909 10, 91 O/1 I, 912/13 (2); Andar~bah, 90708, 913/14; unknown mint and year. Nas.r b. Abmad (63): al-Sh~sh, 26 dirhams between 913/14 and 940/41 ; Samarqand, 20 dirhams between 913/14 and 942/43; Andar~bah, 922/23; Balkh, 924/25,929/30? 932/33,925/26 or 934/35; Ma'din, 925/26?; Nis~b~r, 932/33 (2), 936/37, 93940; Badakhsh~n, year not known; mint, 927[28?, 922/23-931/32 (2), 933?, year not known. Probably Nas.r b. Ah. mad (7): al-Sh~sh, 934/35; Samarqand, 917/18,934/35; Nis~bfir, 934/35; unknown mint, 924/25,925/26 (2). N~b b. Nas.r (11): Bukh~r~, 946/47,947/48 (3); Samarqand, 944/45 (3), year not known, unknow mint, 943/44, 944/45, unknown year. Miscellaneous and/or probably Sam~nid (17): al-Sh~sh, year not known (2); Samarqand, year not known; unknown mint and year (14)-some of these may not be S~m~nid. Imitation S~m~nid (3). V. S.afJ~rid (4):

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Journal of Baltic Studies

('Amr b. Layth?), ShTr~z, 896/97.3 imitations. The above account follows the description of the hoard found in the archives of the Numismatic Section, Institute of Archaeology, Estonian Academy of Sciences, TAAM 13751/86. The accounts in Frank and Markov are a little different. Frank is fairly close-150 total dirhams, predominantly S~rn~nid, with 5 'Abb~sid, 2 Buwayhid, and 1 H.amd~nid dirhaha. Frank, however, notes 2 Volga Bulgar dirhams Of AmTr Barmat [B~rm~n?] and only 1 .Saff~rid coin which leaves 139 S~m~nid dirhams. There are also minor discrepancies in the description of the coins within each dynasty. Frank, for example, gives the earliest 'Abb~sid coin as a dirham struck in Balkh in 783/84 (167 H. rather than 187 H.), provides no mint f o r t h e Mu'tamid and Mu'tadid dirhams, dates the Mu'tamid dirham to 267 H. rather than 277 H., and omits the mint and Sayf al-Dawlah's name for the tzIamd~nid coin. The only Saff~rid dirham he lists is of 'Amr b. Layth, ShTr~z, 896/97. The discrepancies in the accounts of S~m~nid dirhams are also not serious: Frank notes 15 dirhams of Ahmad b. Ism~'il (not 14) and he only gives the date of one. There are minor differences in the number of coins per mint for each SSm~nid amTr and 4 barbarian imitations (not 3) are mentioned. According to Frank, one of the S-arn~nid dirhams from Samarqand bears the name of Mik~71 b. Ja'far who was, in fact, an anaTramong the Volga Bulgars. Markov's account is based on the 93 dirhams sent to Baron Tiesenhausen fo~ identification. Among them were 3 'Abb~sid, 1 Saff~rid, 1 Buwayhid, and some 68 S~n~nid dirhams. In addition, there were 20 miscellaneous coins: 2 imitation dirhams of Nasr b. A.hmad, 1 Mik~'Tlb. Ja'far without year or mint, 14 completely effaced coins, and 3 barbarian imitations of S~rnSnid dirhams. Markov also mentions the 4 whole coins and 4 dirham halves of b. Abmad discovered at the find-spot in Meckshof. Based on the above information, it appears that about 150 dirhams from the hoard were identified. The 5 'Abb~sid, 1 I:Iamd~nid, and 2 Buwayhid dirhams were most likely those listed above. It seems there was only 1 Saff~rid dirham ('Amr b. Layth) while at least one (Mika-'il b. Ja'far) and perhaps 3 dirhams (2 anaTr Barmal = B~rm~n?) were Volga Bulgar rather than S~m~nid. The number of S~m~nid dirhams is unclear since many of the completely effaced and illegible dirhams seem to be catalogued, in some accounts, as S~m~nid. It is perhaps best to state that the hoard was overwhelmingly composed of S~rn~nid dirhams struck between 897/98 and 947/48, primarily in al-Sh~sh and Samarqand. Vasmer noted that no accurate catalog of the Mekshof hoard was published with the result that it was impossible to compose a completely accurate picture of its contents. Vasmer's description of this hoard is: mainly S~rn~nid, a few imitation dirhams, 2 pieces of "B~rm~n", 1 Mike"r, 1 .Saffarid, 1 Hamd~nid, 1 or 2 Buwayhid and a few 'Abb~sid. Given the three divergent accounts, the figures for this hoard found in the analysis are only approximate. 27P01tsamaa II, PSltsamaa raion, M6hu, 1939. A hoard of about 500 Arabic coins (196 whole and 320 fragments) was found in a clay pot. No further

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Pre-970 Dirham Hoards


information is available and the hoard has apparently not yet been identified. Reference: T6nisson, No. 107, p. 203 and pp. 246-7. 28 Lihula (Leal), L~i~inemaa, 1924. Four S~m~nid dirhams, 897/98-913/14, and one Byzantine miliaresion, 945-959, were found in a sand grave along with a tenth century silver filigree pendant of Gotlandic work. References: W. Anderson, "Der Miinzfund yon Leal," in Anderson, 115-118; Vasmer 1926, p. 292-3, No. 5; Friedenthal, No. 15; Kropotkin 1962, p. 49, No. 325; T6nisson, No. 123, p. 204 and pp. 246-7. I. S'dm~nid (4): Isma--'il b. A.hmad: al-Sh~sh, 897/98; Balkh, 905/06. Ah.mad b. Ism~'il: al-Sh~sh, 911/12,913[14. II. Byzantine (1): Constantine VII and Romanus II, 945-959. 29Valjala, (Wolde) Saaremaa, around 1922. A hoard of 36 Arabic coins was found of which 13 were identified. The oldest coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 867/68 and the most recent coins were S~m~nid and 'Abb]sid dirhams of 934/35. References: W. Anderson, "Der Mtinzfund yon Wolde," in Anderson, 109-114; Vasmer 1926, p. 292, No. 44; Friedenthal, No. 7; Janin, p. 118, no. 2 and p. 120, #44; Tfnisson, No. 133, p. 206 and pp. 248-9. I. 'Abb~sid (2): al-Mu'tazz: MadTnat al-Sal~m?, 867/68. al-R[~: MadTnat al-Sal~m, 934/35. II. S~m~nid (11): Ism~'il b. A.hmad: Samarqand, 899/900. Ah.mad b. Ism~'-fl: Andar[bah, 912/13; at-ShUsh, 912/13. Nasr b. Abmad: Balkh, 915/16, 932/33; Samarqand, 916/17, 922/23,934/35?; Badakhsh~n, 925/26?; al-Sh~sh, 927/28,934/35. 30 The former Livland province, along the shores of Lake Peipus, Ugandi, 1885. A hoard of around 60 dirhams was found and sent to Baron Tiesenhausen for identification. The oldest coin was an Umayyad dirham of 705 and the most recent coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 861/62. References: Markov, p. 18, No. 99; Arne, p. 77, No. 2;Friedenthal, No. 70: Janin, pp. 100-1, n. 1 and p. 102, #25; T6nisson, No. 146, p. 207 and pp. 248-9. I. Umayyad (2): (al-Waffd I?): Sfibfir, 705 or 714/15. (YazTd II?): W[si.t, 721/22. II..Tdhirid (3): (ruler not given): al-Muh.ammadiyah, 816/17. (T-'ahir b. al-H. usayn?): Sur[diq Abrashahr, 821/22. ('Abd Alllh?): al-Shish, 840/41. III. IdrTsid (1): (Idr]s II?): Bad'a?, 802? IV. 'Abb~sid (43 or 55): (al-Mansffr?): al-Rayy, 763[64; Madl-nat al-Sal~m, 765/66, 767/68. (al-MahclT?.): Madi'nat al-Sal~m, 774/75, 776/77?, 777/78, 778/79, 77980, 780/81; alBa.srah, 781/82; al-Muhammadiyah, 781/82. (al-HgdT?.): IfffqTyah?, 785/86. (Hgrffn al-RashTd): Madi-nat al-Sal~m, 795/96, 796/97, 797-98?, 802, 803/04, 807/08; al-Muhammadiyah, 791/92; al-'Abb~Tyah or IfriqTyah, 793/94?, 786/87-

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Journal o f Baltic Studies

79596; Sijist~n, 791/92; Balkh, 800/01; Ma'din al-Sh~sh, 805/06. (al-Am?n?): Madi-nat al-Sal~m, 808/09, 809/10; al-Muh.ammadiyah, 809/10, 811/12; Samarqand, 808/09; mint unknown, 810/11. (al-Ma'mfm?): Madinat al-Sal~m, 813/14, 814/15, 818/19,823/24; Samarqand, 814/15,816/17. (al-Mutawakkil?): Madi"nat al-Sal-am, 847/48. ( al-Ba.srah?,861/62.3 effaced 'Abb~sid dirhams. 2 imitation 'Abb~sid dirhams. In his account, Markov specifically stated that there were 55 'Abb~sid dirhams although he only enumerated 43. The identity and whereabouts of the 12 missing 'AbbSsid dirhams is not clear. Most later authors have followed Markov's figures without noting that 12 'Abb~sid dirhams are unaccounted for. 31 Kunda, the former Viru-Nigula (Mahotm) parish, near Odenp/ih, 1885. A hoard was found of which 9 dirhams were identifed. Further details are not provided. [Note that Kunda and Maholm are not in fact near Otep~/i/Odenp/ih.] The oldest coin was an 'Abbasid dirham of 963/64 and the most recent coin was a Hamd~nid dirham of 94546. References: Frank, p. 391, No. 40; Paxomov, 2(1938), p. 77, No. 626. I. "Abb~sid (2): al-Mustaq'n: Arm'i-nTyah,863/64. al-Muqtadir: mint unknown, 924/25. II. Hamd~nid (1): N~ir al-Dawlah al-H. asan and Sayf al-Dawlah: al-Mul~ammadi'yah,945/46. III. S~m~nid (6): -Isrn~'ilb. A.hmad: al-Sh~sh,903/04; Balkh, 90708. Ahmad b. Isrn~'~: Samarqand, 913/14. b. A.hmad: al-ShSsh, 913/14; Samarqand, 913/14; unknown mint, 914/15. 32 The former Livland province, Ratshof farmstead, near Tartu sometime before 1910. Several S~rn~nid dirhams dating from 895/96 to 952/53 were found. Janin considers these coins a hoard although the circumstances of the find are not described. References: Markov, p. 23, No. 133; Janin, p. 120, #41 and p. 128, n.1. I. S~m~nid (5): Isma--'i1 b. Al~mad: al-Sh~sh, 895/96. Ah.mad b. Ism~'il: al-Sh~sh, 909/10. Nas.r b. A.hmad: mint unknown, 915/16. Nul~ b. Na~r: al-Sh~sh, 945/46; Samarqand, 952/53. 33The former Livland province, near Tartu/Dorpat, 1885. Fourteen dirhams were found in different places in the ground ("v razli~nyx mestax v zemle") and shown to Markov. The oldest coin was an 'Abb~sid dirham of 768/69 and the most recent coins were S~rn~nid dirhams of the tenth century. Janin considers the 'Abb~sid and Idffsid dirhams as part of a hoard tentatively dated to the first-third of the ninth century. There is nothing in Markov's account to indicate that some of these coins came from an early ninth century hoard. In fact, Markov's description suggests that the coins may have come from several different places around Tartu. Thus, we cannot be certain that these coins, or even some of them, were ever part of a genuine dirham hoard. References: Markov, p. 20, No.113; Janin, p. 86, #21 and p. 90, n.3.

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Pre-970 Dirham Hoards


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I. 'Abbdsid (9): (al-Man.sfir?): Madi'nat al-Sal~m, 768/697 (al-Mahdi?): MadYnat al-Sal~m, 778[79. (al-HSdY?): al-Mul~ammadiyah, 785/86. (I-I'arfin al-Rash~'d?): al-Mut~ammadi'yah, 786]87, 791192; Madinat al-Sal~m, 806]07; Balkh, 796]97-804/05. (al-Am]'n?): Madi-nat al-Sal~m, 809/10. Unknown caliph and mint, 1"7 H. II. IdrTsid (1): (Idffs II): Wal~a, 799/800. III. S~m'dnid (4): ( b. Al~mad?): Samarqand, 919/20. Unknown arrffr: Samarqand, 3*4 H.; Balkh, 3*2 H. 1 barbarian imitation of a S~rn~nid dirham.
INDEX OF MINTS, KEYED TO HOARD NUMBERS 'Abb~s, 26 Mad-mat Bulgar, 15 al-'Abb~siyah, 9, 20, 30 Madi-nat I.sbah~n, 20 A.dharb~yj~n, 20 Madl-nat Nis~b~r, 20 al-Ahw~z, 22 Madinat al-Sal~m, 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, Alexandria, 6 18, 20, 21, 25, 29, 30, 33 Andara-bah, 5, 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 21,26, 29 Madinat Samarqand, 20 Ar.d al-Khair, 20 Madinat Zaranj, 20 Ardashir Khurra, 20 Mary, 1, 6, 15, 20, 21 Arm-m~yah, 1, 8, 15, 20, 31 al-Maw~il, 15, 26 'Askar min al-Ahw~z, 19, 26 Misr, 20 Aydaj, 15 al-Mub~rakah, 20 Bad'a (Tudgha), 17, 30 al-Mubammadiyah, 1, 5, 9, 10, 15, 17, Badakhshan, 26, 29 30, 31, 33 Balkh, 1, 6, 10, 15, 19, 21, 26, 28, 29, Nis~b~, 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26 30, 31, 33 Ni.s~in, 1, 26 B~miy-an, 16 Panjhir, 15 Barda'a, 8, 15 Qa,r al-Sal~m, 20 al-Bas.rah, 1, 15, 20, 21, 26, 30 Qumm, 21 al-Bij~r, 15 al-R~fiqah, 20 Bukh~r~, 10, 15, 21, 25, 26 Ramhurmuz, 20 Dimashq, 17, 20 al-Rayy, 30 F~ris, 20 S~bfir, 30 Farw~n, 15 Samarqand, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, Fir'tm, 15 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, Har~t, 20 32, 33 H~rfinhb~d, 1 al-S~rn~yah, 20 al-H-firQniyah,20 al-Sh~sh, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, IfffqTyah, 9, 20, 30 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Is.bahSn, 1, 19, 21, 26 ShYr~z, 5, 10, 15, 16, 21, 26 Janna-b~, 5 Sijist~n, 15, 20, 30 Sinj~r, 5 al-Khuttal, 15 Kirm~n, 20 Sur~diq Abrashahr, 20, 30 al-Kfifah, 1, 19, 20, 24, 25 Surra man ra'a, 1, 4 Ma'din, 15, 26 Suvar, 15 Ma'din Bajunays, 20 Tudgha, 20 Walila, 33 Ma'din at-ShUsh, 20, 30 Madi-nat Arrajhn, 20 W~si.t, 15, 17, 20, 21, 30 MadTnat Balkh, 15, 18, 20 Wujta, 20 Madi-nat Bukh~rS, 20 Zaranj, 1



16, 31, 21,


Journal o f Baltic Studies

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FREQUENTLY CITED SOURCES Anderson, Walter: Der Chalifenmiinzfund yon Kochtel; mit Beitr~en yon Richard Vasmer (Eesti Vabariigi Tartu Olikooli Toimetused, B7, Pt. 2 [ 1926] ). Arne, T. J.: La Subde et l'Orient: Etudes archdologiques sur les relations de la Subde et de l'Orient pendant l'age des Vikings (Archives d'l~tudes Orientales, 8); Uppsala, 1914. Fasmer see Vasmer Fraehn, C.M.: "O vostoEnyx monetax naxodimyx v Rossii," in P. S. Saverev, Muxam. medanska]a numismatika v otno~enii k russko/ istorii (SPb., 1847), 3-52 (originally "Topographische Obersicht der Ausgrabungen yon altem arabischen Gelde in Russland," Bull. Scientifique publi~ par l'Academie Impdriale des Sciences de Saint-P6tersburg, No. 212-3, Vol. 9, 301-32). The Savel'ev book updates Fraehn's topography on pp. 107-26 & 149-70. References to Fraehn include references to these appendices. Frank, Hermann: "Die baltisch-arabischen Fundmiinzen," Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Geschichte Liv-, Est- und Kurlands, 18, (1908), 311-486. Frey, E.: "Zwei Funde kufischer Miinzenin Estland," Opetatud Eesti seltsi aastaraamat 19121920, (Tartu, 1921), 81-84. Friedenthal, A.: "Baltische Miinzfunde des 9.-12. Jahrhunderts an der Hand einer Miinzfundkarte," Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fiir Geschichte und A ltertumskunde zu Riga (1934), 142-54. Janin, V. L.: Dene~no-vesovye sistemy russkogo srednevekov~a: Domongol'ski] period (Moscow, 1956). Kropotkin 1962: V. V. Kropotkin, Klady vizanti]skix monet na territorii SSSR (Arxeologija SSSR; Svod arxeologi~eskix istoSnikov, E4-4); Moscow, 1962. Kropotkin 1965: "Novye naxodki vizantijskix monet na territorii SSSR," Vizanti#ki] Vremennik, 26,166-98. Kropotkin 1971: "Novye naxodki sasanadskix i kufi~ekix monet v Vosto~noj Evrope," Numizmatika i Epigrafika, 9, 76-97. Markov, A. K.: Topografi/a kladov vosto~nyx monet [sasanidskix i kufi~eskixJ (SPb., t910).

Pre.970 Dirham Hoards


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Mugurevi~s: E. S. Mugurevi~,Vosto~naja Latvija i sosednie zemli v X-XIlI vv.: kkonomi~eskie sv]azi s Rusyu i drugimi territoriiami: Puti soob~enija (R~ga, 1965). Paxomov, E. A.: Monetnye klady Azerbajd~ana i drugix respublik, kraev i oblastej Kavkaza, (9 vols.; Baku, 1926-66). Tbnisson, E.: "Eesti aardeleiud 9.-13. sajandist," in H. Moora, ed., Muisted kalmedja aardel: Arheoloogiline kogumik, H (Tallinn, 1962), 182-261. Urt~ns 1964: V. Urt~ns, "Latvijas 5.-9. g.s. depozTti," Arheolo~iia un etnogr~fi]a, 6 (1964), 39-74. Urt~ns 1970: "Jauni dati par NSvessalas depozitu," Latvi]as PSR Zin-dtglu akadVmi]as v~stis, 1970, No. 1, 89-99. Vasmer 1925: Richard Vasmer, "Der kufische Miinzfund yon Friedrichshof in Estland," Opetatud Eesti seltsi aastaraamat 1925 (Tartu, 1926-27), 26-118. Vasmer 1926: R. R. Fasmer, "Spisok monetnyx naxodok zaregistrirovannyx Sekciej numismatiki i gliptiki Akademii istorii material'noj kurtury v 1920-1925 gg.," Soob~eni/a Gosudarstvenno] akademii istorii material'no] kul'tury, 1 (1926), 287-308. Vasmer 1928: "0bet dreizehn in Privatbesitz verbliebene Miinzen des Friedrichshofer Fundes," Opetatud Eesti Seltsi Aastaraamat 1928 (Tartu, 1929), 84-88. Vasmer 1929: "Spisok monetnyx naxodok, II," Soob~eni]a Gosudarstvenno] akademii istorii matertal'no] kul'tury, 2 (1929), 281-324.

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