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1. If you're on a standard tablet and just need root (TF101(G),TF201,TF300T(G),SL101) - Step 1.

Download and extract

DOWNLOAD - "1-Click Transformer Root_1.1"

(v1.1) (TF101(G),TF201,TF300T(G),SL101 - See note dated 16-Jun above) OR

DOWNLOAD - "1-Click Transformer Root" (v1.0) (TF101(G),SL101 only)

- Step 2. Run "1-Click Transformer Root.bat" and let it continue over multiple reboots. - You'll be root. And with stock Asus recovery.

2. If you have root and need Asus stock recovery. (TF101(G),SL101 only)

Why? To enable OTA and/or return to stock like conditions - Step 1. Run "1-Click Transformer Root.bat". (v1.0) - Step 3. You'll be presented with a menu. Choose option (4) - You'll have stock Asus recovery 3. If you have root and need CWM recovery. (TF101(G),SL101 only) Why? Nandroid backups and restores. Debrick. Flexibility. Numerous other reasons. ( but no OTA) - Step 1. Run the tool "1-Click Transformer Root.bat". (v1.0) - Step 2. You'll be presented with a menu. Choose option (3) - You'll have CWM Recovery 4. If you have root, you can also choose to unroot (TF101(G),TF201,TF300T(G),SL101) Why? Taking your tablet back to Asus for warranty. Uninstalling all changes done by this tool. - Step 1. Run the tool "1-Click Transformer Root.bat" ( Either v1.0 (TF101(G),SL101 only) or v1.1 (TF101(G),TF201,TF300T(G),SL101)) - Step 2. You'll be presented with a menu. Choose option (1) - You'll be unrooted. This will delete all trace of changes made by this tool. - If the tool finds the stock Asus recovery file for your tablet, it will also flash the stock recovery. - Unrooting only makes sense if you're otherwise on stock ROM and obtained root using this tool. 5. If you have root, you can reboot into recovery (TF101(G),TF201,TF300T(G),SL101) Why? So you don't have to press Vol and Power buttons etc to get into recovery / ROM Manager can't reboot to recovery in the Transformer. - Step 1. Run the tool "1-Click Transformer Root.bat" ( Either v1.0 (TF101(G),SL101 only) or v1.1 (TF101(G),TF201,TF300T(G),SL101)) - Step 2. You'll be presented with a menu. Choose option (2)

- You'll be rebooted into your current recovery, whatever it is. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___ You will be presented with the menu only if you have root, else root in one step! You can run it multiple times to retry if it fails for any reason. It cleans up after itself.

You'll need: - At least 50% battery - USB debugging enabled on your device - To run this tool on any Windows PC with a working direct internet connection (Proxy users see post #2)

- Please allow any driver installation (DPINST) dialogs to succeed. If automated ADB driver installation doesn't work, you can manually install them from the adb-d - Please run the tool as Administrator

- Here's a small tutorial for beginners. If the tablet is not being detected by the tool, please try any or all of the following: - Disable and re-enable USB debugging on the tablet with the cable connected and the tool waiting - Disconnect and reconnect the cable to the same or different USB port while the tool is waiting - Reboot the PC and run the tool again - Wait upto 5 mins while the tool is waiting before pressing Control-C to stop execution and running the tool again.

Credits - miloj for the new debugfs exploit method - Wolf for the core exploit. This tool uses some new variations too. - rayman84 and Bumble-bee for the excellent Blob Tools - Transformer reboot to Recovery zephyr team - for the source code to show how to boot into recovery programmatically __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___ Following are some stock Asus files, rest are in the second post. (TF101(G),SL101 only) There's no need to manually download your firmware specific file from here. The tool should do it automatically. ATTACHED FILES blob_TB_epad- - [Click for QR Code] (4.08 MB, 608 views) blob_TB_epad- - [Click for QR Code] (4.06 MB, 197 views) blob_TW_epad- - [Click for QR Code] (4.06 MB, 730 views) blob_US_epad- - [Click for QR Code] (4.06 MB, 5988 views) blob_WW_epad- - [Click for QR Code] (4.06 MB, 10410 views) recoveryblob.7z - [Click for QR Code] (4.36 MB, 19384 views)

Go to control panel->wireless networks-> delete the existing network. Restart PC Go to same location and click on find wireless networks. Select network in your home which PC detects. Enter security key if any and save it permanently.

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