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Lic. Zulma Prez Colina

Alumno: dennis Uriarte rodriguez ..

USS Language Centre

God bless you!

God bless you!

DISTANCE EXAM 2 (90 points)

1 Underline the correct form.
Example: My sisters doctor / a doctor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Theyre beautiful shoes / shoes beautiful. Shes my childrens / childrens English teacher. Can we meet on / in Friday morning? I dont like get up / getting up late. My father works / work in an office. I have always / I always have lunch at a caf. I dont have some / any money. Is that her car? No, its our / ours. Please drive carefully / careful. The weathers bad. I have a lot / a lot of uncles and aunts.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Example: They didnt drive (not drive) to Edinburgh, they got the bus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Steven _will not be/wont be__(not be) at work on Tuesday. I bought________(buy) a new book last weekend. Who _are_/were______ (be) the three greatest artists of the twentieth century? Emma _writes___ (write) him an email four days ago. Where _is __ (be) he on Wednesday afternoon? We _wont have_ (not have) a holiday next month. Elizabeth and Ben __have___ (have) three dogs. _have__ you ever __broken___ (break) your arm? I havent been____ (not be) to Spain. Is it nice? He has an exam on Thursday so he __is studying_ (study) now.

God bless you!


1 What is the next word? Example: twenty, thirty, forty 1 2 3 4 5 eight hundred, nine hundred, _a thousand_______ Tuesday, Wednesday, ___thursday_____ three, four, _five__ August, September, __october___ winter, spring, _summer__

2 Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: My brothers daughter is my ________. A granddaughter B sister C niece 1 I work for a newspaper. Im a ________. A journalist B politician C lawyer 2 My sister works in an office. Shes a ________. A builder B musician C receptionist 3 My mothers brother is my ________. A grandfather B nephew C uncle 4 Can I use my credit ________, please? A wallet B card C money 5 The opposite of expensive is ________. A safe B cheap C empty 6 The opposite of safe is ________. A dangerous B difficult C different 7 You can buy food at a ________. A pharmacy B market C post office 8 We eat in the ________. A bathroom B bedroom C dining room 9 I need some ________ for this letter. A keys B stamps C coins 10 My fathers a ________. He flies all over the world. A pilot B builder C nurse

God bless you!

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