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M A R C H / A P R I L

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Paradise English
Boracay Island (+63362884544)

Were Doing Great And Getting Better!

In focus...
Teacher John tells us more of what PE is about...

Araw ng Kagitingan
Araw ng kagitingan (Day of Valor) is a national public holiday in the Philippines, celebrated on the 9th of April. The day is also known as Bataan Day. Araw ng kagitingan commemorates the fall of the Bataan peninsula during World War II after months of fighting between the Philippine and American armies and the invading Japanese. The prolonged defense of the Bataan peninsula hindered the Japanese armys progress, enabling the Filipino and US forces to prepare for subsequent battles and ultimately win the war against the Japanese. This gruesome period during the war is used as a reminder of the courage tenacity and willingness to sacrifice to the point of death by the Philippine and American forces. It also is a day to remember Filipinos who continue to fight for freedom on behalf of the Philippines.

Paradise English is not just about grammar. Perhaps unintentionally it has become a meeting place of people of different cultures and backgrounds. Upon graduation our students invariably comment on the pleasure of meeting and living with their counterparts. The students coming to our school bring a wealth of knowledge and experience which enhances their study of English. In this and future issues of our newsletter we will feature the talent of some of our students, be it in the arts, business, or general life. We hope you enjoy reading Paradise English Has Talent.

Whats inside:
Page 2
Paradise English Has Talent

Page 3
Im Buddy not Pog PES Saturday Activities

Page 4

Restaurants on the Island Just for Laughs and Food for Tought



Paradise English Has Talent

A Passion for Dancing
Teacher Ted thanks this student for helping her heart open up for dancing again

Dancing is an expression of our personalities and gives us the freedom to interpret our feelings. As a person who also loves dancing, performing gives me immense satisfaction and confidence. And for sure, this months featured student feels the same way as I. A beautiful woman from Russia named Maria Mineeva has an exceptional talent for dancing. She began to dance at the age of six, with traditional Russian dance and ballet, and thereafter, she was introduced to other styles such as those associated with hip-hop and house dance culture. She has even tried dances from other countries like Jamaica. Her passion for dancing is boundless. When she was a teenager, Maria and her group would travel all around Europe to give dance concerts which helped sustain her enthusiasm. Dancing helps her feel better and share

her joie de vivre. In fact, on her Paradise English graduation day, Maria treated us to a traditional Russian dance which amazed the teachers and students alike. Now, she is back in Russia working, but she is eagerly looking forward to touring with her dancing troupe a few months from now. I thank her for sharing her talent with us and for making my heart pump once again for my first love Dancing!

Namaste Yoga at Paradise English

Teacher Ava finds the route to inner peace... Jane brings a sense of joy to everyone she interacts with in Paradise English. What draws people to her is her zest for life and her willingness to share all that she is passionate about. She has an inner glow because she loves people and what she does. Eugeny and his wife Eugeniya Glushan or simply called Eugene and Jane are from Moscow, Russia. They love travelling and have been doing Yoga for over three years. They enjoy helping other people, which is why they are giving free Yoga classes at PE. Students, teachers and even the non-teaching staff are always excited to join this class but Eugene and Jane are more excited about sharing their skills and knowledge of Yoga, as wells as expressing it in English. 2 They usually stress that Yoga is a practice of ones beautiful expression of faith, every time you step on the mat you affirm your spirit and soul, and you should always believe things can get better even your deepest struggle. Jane says, Learning is endless. Fear is always there, but we try to get rid of it as long as there is a willingness to dive in. Through Yoga, we can find inner peace.



Im Buddy not Pog

Buddys sentiments as shared with Teacher Andrie
Hello my name is Buddy and Im a dog. I

am 5 dog years old (maybe 35 in your terms). My mom was a Labrador and my dad like all the other dads, is irrelevant. Many people call me a Pog, which is short for pig and dog, because they say I am lazy. I do nothing all day but lie under the sun when I feel cold, or inside the ladies CR when its hot. I choose the ladies because it is remarkably cool and spacious. I hear comments about that and sometimes get offended. Humans just dont understand. I enjoy PE because a lot of students really like me and find me cute and cuddly. They always look for me and call my name Buddy! They dont care if I stink or I am dirty, but I really wish Tito Boy and Harley would wash me more often to remove my shedding hair so I will be even more likeable. Sometimes, students in PE are funny. I grew up with my Canadian family so I ONLY UNDERSTAND ENGLISH! Even Tito Boy talks

to me in English! But some students talk to me in Chinese, Korean, or German. I feel pity for them sometimes as I try to guess what they want me to do. Sometimes I just cant help but laugh. Good thing they cant figure out how dogs laugh, that would be embarrassing. All in all, my Boracay life is amazing. I get to enjoy all kinds of smells from different countries, make a lot of friends, and have fun all the time. Whoof! Whoof!

PEs Saturday Activities

Aqua Sub Jawili Cold Spring 3 Sunset Sailing



Restaurants on the Island

One of our students, So Young Kim, shares her favorite Korean restaurants...

Kumgangsan and Dae Jang Geum are two of the best Korean restaurants on the island. If you are craving delicious and spicy Korean food, KUMGANGSAN is the right place for you. Located on Boracays main road across from Crafts it is usually open from 9:00am-2:00am. Though the setting is plain and simple, the service is great! Enjoy their DAKBAL (spicy chicken feet) for 350 pesos, or OSAM BULGOGI (spicy and sweet fried pork and squid) also for only 350 pesos. Side dishes are complimentary and rice is unlimited! Another restaurant with authentic Korean cuisine and soothing ambience, DAE JANG GEUM is a great place for you. Filipino staff are really friendly, and they serve excellent Korean barbecue. Come enjoy the best restaurants on the island.

Just for Laughs...

Food for Thought...

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; thats why they call it the present.

Eleanor Roosevelt 1884-1962

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