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Ashwag Alasmari 309 L Cedar Run Place, Catonsvile MD 2122 !

202" #$$%10 2

EDUCATION )niversit* o+ Mar*land, ,altimore Count*, ,altimore, MD De.artment o+ /n+ormation 0*stem& Master o+ /n+ormation 0*stem
1 % Current 2PA3 3& 2 o+ $&

-an 2013% Present 4ct 2011% Dec 2012 -ul* 200# % -ul* 2010

)niversit* o+ Penns*lvania, Philadel.hia, PA 5nglish Language Program

1 %Academic courses such as academic reading, writing research, and attending universit* lectures&

6ing 6halid )niversit*, A(ha, 0audi Ara(ia College o+ Com.uter 0cience and /n+ormation, ,achelor o+ 0cience in /n+ormation 0*stem
1 %Ma7or 2PA3 3&$$ o+ $ 8 0econd Class 9onor

EMPLOYMENT 6ing 6halid )niversit*, A(ha, 0audi Ara(ia :eaching Assistant

4ct 2010% 4ct 2011

1 %Managed and coordinated la(s (* chec;ing the e++icienc* o+ com.uters and writing maintenance re.orts 1 %9el.ed .ro+essors in their classes (* answering student <uestions 1 %/nstructed courses in Data(ase and 5%commerce courses which were the .ractical .art 4racle and 9:ML and as .&net, also the (asics o+ com.uters&

6ing 6halid )niversit* =ualit* and Develo.ment )nit, A(ha, 0audi Ara(ia Consultant at =ualit* and Develo.ment )nit& PROJECTS AND SKILLS 6ing 6halid )niversit*, A(ha, 0audi Ara(ia 2ive a ,lood, 0ave a Li+e Learning 2ame +or Children
1 %)sing 0o+tware used B2ameMa;erC

>e( 2011% 4ct 2011

1 %4rgani?ing wor;sho.s +or sta++ and students o+ college, Ma;ing suggestion a(out the e++icienc* o+ the academic courses .rovided&

4ct 2009 % -ul* 2010

1 %@ear%long senior .ro7ect designing a we(site with large data(ase that serves .eo.le who need (lood and gives a chance to .eo.le who want to donate, 1 %:echnologies used include m*0=L, .h., as.&net and 9:MLAC00&

2reat 2uide to 5g*.t

1 %)sing ArchDiew to design an attractive ma. with all an im.ortant in+ormation&

)niversit* o+ Mar*land, ,altimore Count*, ,altimore MD a Mo(ile /nter+ace +or 5lderl* Adults Eordstrom Ca+e 0*stem
1 % /t is a long term .ro7ect we tried Resolving the .ro(lems are +aced in Eordstrom ca+e in Colom(ia, Mar*land

-an 2013 %Ma* 2013 -an 2013 %Ma* 2013 -an 201$ %Present

1 % )nderstanding needs o+ elderl* grou.s, critical anal*sis o+ done wor;s and designing a we(site to hel. them retaining some im.ortant dail* activities&

Disuali?ation o+ Mo(ile Fe( 0earch Results

1 % /t is m* research area +or the thesis starting this semester, not +inali?ed *et

ACTIVITIES Forld Assem(l* o+ Muslim, A(ha, 0audi Ara(ia Com.uter /nstructor

%4rgani?ing educational seminars a(out (asic ;nowledge in com.uters and /nternet 1 %:eaching *oung students as well as elderl*

-un 200 G Dec 2010

)niversit* o+ Penns*lvania, Philadel.hia, PA 5LP 0tudent Am(assador

1 %9el.ed incoming international students and guided them to .ros.ective area& 1 %Partici.ated with the coordinators o+ 5LP to serve students e++icientl*&

March 2012% 2012

5LP Re.resentative
1 %Attending meetings o+ 0tudent Center Coordinators and contri(uting with idea an valua(le +eed(ac;s& 1 %Promoting and +acilitating 5LP 0tudent 0ervice activities&

9omeless Fomen and Children, Center Cit*, Philadel.hia, Pa Dolunteer at 0helter

1 %4rgani?ing events that residents o+ the shelter en7o* and Partici.ating in these events ever* 0unda*& 2012 %Dec 2012

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