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Safat Mahmud



My activities name: yoga

Teacher: Mr. Rodriguez

Introduction: Yoga is an art as well as a science. It is a science, because it offers practical methods for controlling body and mind. Yoga works primarily with the energy in the body, through the science of pranayama, or energy-control. Prana means also breath. Yoga teaches how, through breath-control, to still the mind and attain higher states. Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian philosophy that combines exercise, breathing, diet, relaxation and meditation. It is a combination of physical and mental disciplines which make the body stronger and healthier and the mind calmer and more controlled, helping towards self-realisation. It emphasizes the relationship of body, mind and breath, the synchronisation of the breath and movement, the use of preparation, counter pose, sequences of linked postures and modification of postures to suit individual needs. Yoga is the art of skilful living. It has many aspects. It is about getting to know yourself. Integrating the many aspects of ourselves and putting us in control of our minds; the effects are holistic, bringing about health awareness and a change of attitude towards ourselves and the world around us. We cannot practise Yoga without changes happening within ourselves, becoming more aware that it influences our life and the way we live. The practice can be low impact but it can also be very demanding. The beauty of Yoga is that it is accessible to everyone, as the session can be adapted to each person's level of fitness or state of health. For those who love Yoga, it becomes a way of life. Whether your path is physical, mental, spiritual or a combination, yoga is for everyone. Most Yoga classes are composed of people with all abilities; these are termed as 'mixed ability' classes. There are classes especially for beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners, enabling teachers to grade their students and plan the lesson accordingly.

Why did you choose this activity?

I chose yoga because yoga can make you feel better. Yoga can make people flexibile. Practice yoga you breathing, exercise and medication can make you healthier in your body. Medication is can help contemplation, thought, thinking, musing, pondering, consideration, reflection, deliberation, rumination, brooding, reverie, brown study, concentration Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. Yoga is a series of moving designed to increase strength and flexibility and breathing. The practice irrigated in India about 5000years ago, if we do yoga we can play any sport. The yoga also helps to fight bitterly. There are many different styles of yoga, such as Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda.

What do you like about the activity? Why?

I like the activity about yoga can make people promoting flexibility and strength. Yoga can reduce pain and problems in people. To be strength and fit is very important in yoga. Yoga is very good for our body. In the world most of the people love yoga.

What do you dislike about the activity? Why?

I dislike about the activity yoga is too much big activity and I should tell the small children not to do it. If we do too much yoga our body can be pain. After 15 years of conversations with two types of people - those who crave personal growth, and those who don't, I have come to believe that for many people; there are some darn good reasons not to do yoga, beyond the obvious ones, like a body cast or a deep aversion to lycra.

What muscle groups does the activity work out? Source:
1:Improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina

2:Reduces stress and tension 3:Boosts self esteem 4:Improves concentration and creativity 5:Lowers fat 6:Improves circulation 7:Stimulates the immune system 8:Creates sense of wellbeing and calm.

What fitness component does the activity enchance?

There are hundreds of muscles and joints in the human body, so when thinking about the structure of yoga, it is helpful to think of the nine major joint complexes and opposing muscle groups. Joint complexes are sets of joints that work together in the body and behave as one joint. The nine major joint complexes are the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, shoulders, neck, lower back, upper back, and hips pairs. It helps us in many ways. If we do yoga properly we can make muscle strong, flexibility, strength and body can get stamina. Yoga can help every part of body.

Do you see yourself doing this activity when you are older? Why or why not?
When I am older I will not do yoga because I can get hard in my body and if I get pain will not be recovering. People often start yoga in their 70s and many say they wish they had started sooner. There are yoga classes for every age group. Yoga is a form of exercise that can be enjoyed from childhood to your advanced years.

Would you recommend this activity to a friend or family member? Why or why not?

Yes because it can make my family member and friends good for body and yoga make people fit and it help there can be weigh reduce and improve muscle tone and strength. It also help you mood free and happy.

What are the benefits of being physical active? And physical literate?
Different types of yoga there are. While there's scope for more rigorous studies on yoga's health benefits, most studies suggest that yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity, especially strength, flexibility and balance. There's some evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains including lower back pain depression and stress.

What are the benefits of being physically active? And physically literate?
Being fit is very important. Yoga can make our muscle strong in physical active. To do physical active you need to fit and flexibility. Our muscle can be week if we are not fit and it can also be pain. There are many benefits of physical activity for individuals' health and wellness, including: Better overall health Improved fitness Better posture and balance Positive self-esteem Healthy weight and weight control Improves your mood Helps you sleep better Reduces the risk of falls Stronger muscles and bones Increased energy Relaxation and reduced stress Continued independent living in later life

Consultation: if we do yoga, yoga can make us fit and flexibility. If we do yoga properly we can make muscle strong, flexibility, strength and body can get stamina. Yoga can help every part of body. Like Physiological Benefits, Asthma,

Respiration Problems, High Blood Pressure, Pain Management, Weight Reduction, Mental Performance, Mood Change and Vitality, Spiritual Benefit and Knowledge. So we should do yoga every day

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