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Reading Comprehension She was admired by many for her charity work; in particular her work with AIDS patients and supporting the campaign for banning landmines. (3 marks) Diana was married to Prince Charles in 1981. (3 marks) Diana was given the title Princess because she married an Englands prince. (3 marks) Prince illiam and Prince !enry. (3 marks) #s the Princess of ales$ Diana was e%pected to take part in ario!s o""icial engagements$ s!ch as opening o" hospitals. (3 marks) People were afraid of #'DS victim simply because they tho!ght the disease co!ld be contacted by to!ch alone. (3 marks) Diana died in a car crash. (3 marks) Diana was buried at her "amily home o" Althorp. (3 marks) +here was an !ne#pected o!tpo!ring o" grie" and sympathy "or a person people had taken into their heart. (3 marks) #ccept any suitable answer. (3 marks) Vocabulary (3 marks for each word)

2. 3. 4. ".


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1,. B.

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respec!ive"# $!"e! pr % $nd (1" marks)

SECTION II (&' marks) #ummary poin$s% 1. wear appro&ed crash helme$s and helme$ reflec$ors . always fas$en $he s$raps securely 3. wear appropria$e a$$ire !. check $he brakes and $yres ". ne&er speed '. follow $he road signs (. do no$ o&er$ake recklessly Sec!i n III (4' marks) A. *here are many beau$iful places $o &isi$ in 0alaysia. 1ne of )(&) mos$ popular ones is 2en$ing 3ighlands. 2en$ing 3ighlands is . ( ) popular hill resor$ among $ouris$s. . (3) Resor$ is loca$ed abou$ four$y kilome$res from . (!) $own of Ben$ong. . (") 4ea$her here is nice and refreshing. 0any $ouris$s find . (') air cool and $here are many in$eres$ing $hings $o see and do. 3orseback riding5 for e6ample5 is . (() in$eres$ing ac$i&i$y found here. . ()) #$rawberry farms and $ea gardens are also 7ui$e popular wi$h . (+) $ouris$s. 0any $ouris$s also like . (1,) rose gardens and $heme park. *here are also . (11) large &arie$y of flowers and frui$ farms on $his hill. A $rip here will be an unforge$$able memory. 1 3 ! " ' B. !(e a *he $he *he $he ( ) + 1, 11 an *he $he $he a

Award 1 mark for any correc$ -./ inser$ed and ano$her 1 mark for $he correc$ ar$icle gi&en. *hank you for wri$ing $o me. 8 is (1) fine and so are ( ) my family. 8 hopes (3) you is (!) doing fine $oo. 8 am wri$ing $o you $o $ell you abou$ my new phone which 8 bough$ a$ a $echnology fair recen$ly. 8$ are (") a wonderful in&en$ion. *he camera in i$ cap$ure (') &ery clear images. *he ba$$ery las$ (() $hree days and can be charged wi$hin $en minu$es. *his phone also boas$ ()) a memory which can s$ore fi&e numbers. 8$ is small in si9e and come (+) in many pas$el colours. 8 will send you some pic$ure (1,) of my new phone ne6$ week. *ill $hen5 $akes (11) care. :ours sincerely5 Aeriel 1 3 ! " ' am is hope are is cap$ures ( ) + 1, 11 las$s boas$s comes pho$ographs $ake

Award 1 mark for any underlined error and ano$her 1 mark for $he correc$ answer gi&en.

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