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through Bertha Dudde 7601

Contact with inhabitants of other worlds.... !n "# Father$s house....$

Countless hea%enl# bodies circle the uni%erse& and the# all ha%e the tas' of hel(ing i))ature souls reach )aturit#..... *o now #ou can understand the Words+ !n "# Father$s house are )an# )ansions....$ ,nd e%er# star recei%es the souls whose state of )aturit# is suitable to its conditions- in other words& the (otential for )aturit# differs on e%er# star and the souls are (laced accordingl#. But the li%ing conditions& too& are alwa#s different& because the stars$ nature and consistenc# %ar#. , detailed descri(tion cannot be gi%en to (eo(le on earth because )uch would be inco)(rehensible to the) and re.uires s(iritual 'nowledge in order to be understood. But for all souls& whate%er their degree of )aturit#& suitable stars e/ist for )aturing& where souls of good will are able to ascend. For e%en there the s(iritual beings$ free will is ta'en into account& e%en there s(iritual constraint is not a((lied& although the res(ecti%e li%ing conditions constrain the beings to the e/tent that the# ha%e to acce(t the) or the# could not sur%i%e in their world. ,nd e%er#where the beings will recei%e a light which re%eals the (ur(ose of their e/istence.... Whether the# acce(t and utilise the light is u( to the) but it is decisi%e for their ascent. ,nd all these wor's of God$s creation are )ansions in the Father$s house....$ 0ence all s(iritual essence will one da# achie%e the degree of )aturit# which will enable it to e/change (h#sical

creations with (urel# s(iritual ones.... which #ou hu)ans are unable to (ercei%e with #our (h#sical e#es. Because e%er#thing that is %isible to #ou are creations which shelter beings which are still i))ature& since (erfected beings are acti%e in the 'ingdo) of light and no longer re.uire %isible$ creations for their abode. But the distance between all these wor's of creation is %ast and the# are not within reach of each other either.... 1he inhabitants of all these worlds are tied to their (lanet& to the star on which the# li%e.... 1he# are onl# able to change their abode after reaching a certain degree of )aturit#& and not arbitraril# but in line with God$s funda)ental law.... to which all 0is creations )ust sub)it& including the beings who are allocated to the). !t is therefore foolish to assu)e that the inhabitants of these worlds could arbitraril# de(art fro) the) and a((roach other worlds without fearing their own destruction. Because the li%ing conditions are different on all stars and these cannot be e/cluded arbitraril#. 0owe%er& during the last da#s e%en such (lans are being wor'ed on. God$s o((onent ta'es ad%antage of (eo(le$s gullibilit# b# feigning that the# can ha%e contact with inhabitants of other worlds and that these& for a((arentl# good reasons& also want to )a'e contact with the inhabitants of earth. 0e intends to under)ine the belief in an end of the old earth and thereb# (re%ent (eo(le fro) (re(aring the)sel%es for this end.... But (eo(le should be infor)ed that earth is a (lanet on its own which has no connection with other worlds& and that an# connection with other worlds can only be spiritually established.... 0ence the hu)an being is& in fact& able to )a'e contact with inhabitants of ad%anced worlds& with the 'ingdo) of light& b# wa# of good and a((ealing thoughts for hel( at ti)es of s(iritual hardshi(.... which will then be gi%en to hi) s(irituall#.... but that it is not ad%isable for hi) to call on beings on other stars whose s(iritual degree of )aturit# and their abilit# to offer s(iritual hel( is un'nown to hi). 2h#sical hel( is definitel# out of the .uestion& as God$s ad%ersar# would li'e (eo(le to belie%e that these beings could e/ert their influence on the inhabitants of earth before a final destruction. Onl# God can (ro%ide the right 'ind of hel( when the ti)e arri%es

which is feared b# #ou hu)ans& and if #ou belie%e it 0e will grant this hel( to e%er#one who as's for it. ,nd 0e trul# has enough angels who e/clusi%el# co)(l# with and i)(le)ent 0is will& and the# will also ta'e care of (eo(le when the hour co)es.... But God$s ad%ersar# has found fertile ground in (eo(le$s gullibilit# onto which he can sow )an# bad seeds. 2eo(le would rather acce(t his )isguided instructions than (ure truth& which shows the %alue of his seeds. Because error is alwa#s acce(ted o%er truth& the hu)an being will alwa#s see' to gain ad%antage fro) error and re3ect the truth& which does not (ro)ise hi) an# (rofits. 1he end is near& and it will co)e without fail.... 4%er# teaching is wrong which .uestions an end or (ro%ides (eo(le with a wa# out that does not corres(ond with God$s will.... For God 0i)self will lead e%er#one out of danger who entrusts hi)self to 0i)& who ta'es refuge with 0i)& who belongs to 0is Own who need not fear an end.... ,)en

2ublished b# friends of new re%elations of God 5 !nfor)ation& download of all translated re%elations& the)e6boo'lets at+ htt(+77www.bertha6dudde.info7english7inde/.ht)l .... htt(+77en.bertha6dudde.org7

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