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Simulation of Aro de acero

Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Designer: Solidworks Study name: Study 2 Analysis type: Drop Test

Table of Contents
Description ............................................ 1 Assumptions .......................................... 2 Model Information ................................... 2 Study Properties ..................................... 3 Units ................................................... 3 Material Properties .................................. 4 Contact Information ................................. 4 Mesh Information .................................... 5 Study Results ......................................... 7 Conclusion ............................................ 9

No Data

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero


Model Information

Model name: Aro de acero Current Configuration: Default

Solid Bodies
Document Name and Reference Boss-Extrude1 Treated As Volumetric Properties Mass:0.444359 kg Volume:5.65487e-005 m^3 Density:7858 kg/m^3 Weight:4.35472 N Document Path/Date Modified C:\Users\Lilian\Document s\IIES\Dibujo Asistido por Computadora\Solid Works - SLDPRT Files\Aro de acero.SLDPRT Apr 07 21:57:03 2014

Solid Body

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero

Study Properties
Study name Analysis type Mesh type Large displacement Result folder Study 2 Drop Test Solid Mesh On SolidWorks document (C:\Users\Lilian\Documents\IIES\Dibujo Asistido por Computadora\Solid Works - SLDPRT Files)

Setup Information
Type Drop Height from Centroid Gravity Gravity Reference Friction Coefficient Target Stiffness Critical Damping Ratio Drop height 500 m 9.81 m/s^2 Right Plane 0 Rigid target 0

Result Options
Solution Time After Impact Save Results Starting From No. of Plots No. of Graph Steps Per Plot Number of vertex 85.16 microsec 0 microsec 25 20 0

Unit system: Length/Displacement Temperature Angular velocity Pressure/Stress SI (MKS) mm Kelvin Rad/sec N/m^2

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero

Material Properties
Model Reference Properties
Name: Model type: Default failure criterion: Yield strength: Tensile strength: Elastic modulus: Poisson's ratio: Mass density: Shear modulus: Thermal expansion coefficient: Curve Data:N/A 1023 Carbon Steel Sheet (SS) Linear Elastic Isotropic Unknown 2.82685e+008 N/m^2 4.25e+008 N/m^2 2.05e+011 N/m^2 0.29 7858 kg/m^3 8e+010 N/m^2 1.2e-005 /Kelvin

SolidBody 1(BossExtrude1)(Aro de acero)

Contact Information
No Data

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero

Mesh Information
Mesh type Mesher Used: Automatic Transition: Include Mesh Auto Loops: Jacobian points Element Size Tolerance Mesh Quality Solid Mesh Standard mesh Off Off 4 Points 3.83957 mm 0.191978 mm High

Mesh Information - Details

Total Nodes Total Elements Maximum Aspect Ratio % of elements with Aspect Ratio < 3 % of elements with Aspect Ratio > 10 % of distorted elements(Jacobian) Time to complete mesh(hh;mm;ss): Computer name: 11974 11778 3.8102 99.8 0 0 00:00:00 LS

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero

Study Results

VON: von Mises Stress

7.46413e+007 N/m^2 Node: 3499

9.77959e+009 N/m^2 Node: 10781

Aro de acero-Study 2-Stress-Stress1


URES: Resultant Displacement

0.00190974 mm Node: 9666

9.55742 mm Node: 668

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero

Aro de acero-Study 2-Displacement-Displacement1


ESTRN: Equivalent Strain

0.000359683 Element: 3886

0.0347696 Element: 3637

Aro de acero-Study 2-Strain-Strain1

Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero


Analyzed with SolidWorks Simulation

Simulation of Aro de acero

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