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By Landon Hatch

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 3 / Science
General Learning Outcomes: 3"# De!onstrate kno$led%e o& !aterials that co!'rise (arth)s crust* and de!onstrate skill in classi&yin% these !aterials+ Specific Learning Outcomes: 6+Describe $ays in $hich rocks break do$n to beco!e soil* and de!onstrate one or !ore o& these $ays, e+%+* by shakin% a %rou' o& s!all* so&t rocks in a jar o& $ater, by strikin% rocks to%ether+ -ote: Sa&ety %o%%les should be used+

Unit: Rocks and Minerals

Duration: 6 !inutes


Students will: .+ /denti&y ho$ the rock ty'es break do$n into soil+ 0+ Describe the sta%es o& the rock cycle+ 3+ De!onstrate ho$ &orce can be used to break rocks do$n to s!aller rocks and then e1entually into soil+

I will observe students describing how rocks are broken down into soil. (L.O #1,2) I will listen to the students the different stages in the rock cycle. (L.O #2) I will observe students using a hammer and anvil to break rocks down into smaller rocks. (L.O #3)

Key Questions:
1. 2. 3. 4. What is soil? How is soil made? What is the rock cycle? What are some other ways rocks break down?


Resource #1: The lberta !rogram of Stu"ies for Science# $Gra"e %& Resource #': http:(()))#youtube#com(results*search+,uery-bill.nye.roc/s0sm-% Resource #%: http:(()))#youtube#com()atch*v-l1%2R+Rh3O4


Smartboard My Rock and Mineral Workbook Pens/Pencils crayons Mr. Parrs rock cycle song Bill Nye video Hammer Anvil Goggles Ear plugs Gloves Magnifying glasses

PROCEDURE Introduction (10 mins.):

Hook/Attention Grabber: I will ask the class what is soil? (K.Q#1 and !ossibl" show the" so#e to touch and e$a#ine %or the#sel&es. '$!ectations %or (earnin) and *eha&iour: +he students will recall the basic understandin) o% soil and what co#!oses soil. Ad&ance ,r)ani-er/A)enda: In%or# students that throu)hout the to!ic we will discuss the di%%erent wa"s in which soil is #ade. +ransition to *od":

How is soil #ade? (K.Q#. /hat is the rock c"cle? (K.Q#0

By Landon Hatch
Body (45 mins.):
Learning Activity #1: Bill Nye video *e%ore startin) the &ideo1 ask all students to !a" attention to the di%%erent wa"s rocks break down into soil. 2la" the *ill 3"e &ideo on 4ocks and soils %ro# the s!ot that we le%t it at the !re&ious lesson. Sto! the %il# a%ter *ill e$!lains what soils is and how it is %or#ed. Assess#ent/5i%%erentiation 4e6state K.Q7s . 8 0. 9o#!are and identi%" what soil is and how it is #ade. +he" will also learn what the rock c"cle is.
::5i%%erentiation: (S ha&e her !ractice her words as directed b" teacher. +eacher 3otes: 3,+': ;se 'A<s assistance. =ocus on 91 S1 '1 and A to ensure the" are kee!in) u! with the )rou!.

Learning Activity #2: Breaking Rocks Ha&e all the students %or# a circle around the rocks1 ha##ers1 and an&il. '$!lain to the# that %orce can break rocks into s#aller rocks and e&entuall" back to sand and soil. +ell the# that we will be usin) ha##ers to creak rocks and the# e$!lain +H,4,;GH(> the sa%et" !recautions and rules. /ra! the rocks in %abric to a&oid %ra)#ents %l"in) awa" and ensure all students ha&e their 22' on. *reak the rocks. Ha&e %un and be sa%e. A%ter the rocks ha&e been s#ashed1 e#!t" the contents into a bucket o% water and !oint out how the rocks ha&e broken and the s#aller chi!s are #ore co#!arable to soil than rocks. Ha&e the students select !ieces and look at the# with #a)ni%"in) )lasses. Assess#ent/5i%%erentiation Students will de#onstrate how %orce can break rocks into s#aller rocks and then co#!are that to soil..
5i%%erentiation: (S Ha&e her !artici!ate1 but !ersonall" )o o&er the rules with her to ensure she hears the# and understand the#. +ransition Question: /hat are so#e other wa"s rocks break down into soil?(K.Q#?

Closure (5mins.):
9onsolidation/Assess#ent o% (earnin): Ha&e the students share the answers the" ha&e %ound concernin) the rock c"cle and its sta)es. I will listen to the students sharin) these answers. =eedback =ro# Students: I will ask the students i% the" understood what was tau)ht and i% there was an"thin) #ore the" wanted to learn. +ransition +o 3e$t (esson: +ell the students we will be watchin) @a)ic School bus %or our ne$t class and it will %urther e$!lain other wa"s rocks break down into soil. S!on)e Acti&it":4ock c"cle worksheet.

Re&lection 2nother %reat day3 / really enjoyed usin% this 1ideo because / $as able to edit it to act as a 'er&ect transition tool bet$een rocks and soil+ So!ethin% that / $ould chan%e in this lesson $ould be to take !ore ti!e to e4'lain so!e o& the !ore co!'le4 'ortions o& the 1ideo+ / understand that this is $ay abo1e their unit le1el* but a little bit o& e4'lanation can %o a lon% $ay in tryin% to !aintain the o1erall attention le1el+ 5ther than that* 6he kids had a %reat ti!e break rocks and then e4a!inin% the! $ith !a%ni&yin% %lasses3 6his lesson 'ro1ided the students $ith a lot o& in&or!ation* but the hands"on acti1ity 'ersonali7ed it and rein&orced $hat they had learnt+

By Landon Hatch
8lus the students $ere able to relate their in&or!ation on !inerals and rocks $hen they e4a!ined the 'ieces $ith !a%ni&yin% %lasses+ D5 6H/S L(SS5- 2G2/-3

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