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An Administrators Guide to ProductView Publishing

David Haigh June 2011

LLNL-PRES-484460 This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >
2010 PTC

Publishing Components Hardware Options Software Install Worker Setup Server Setup Worker Agent Config Trouble Shooting Security Issues Watermarks Publish Scheduler Administrator Client Install ProductView Express Compressed 3D Thumbnails Post Publishing Rules

Slides only, not covered in talk

Publishing Components
Adapters do the publishing using the authoring software They also contain the recipe files for the publishing job ProE & MS Office GSWorker opens communication ports on the worker Share folder is where files to be published are dropped so the worker can process them IIS and FTP are optional

Workers move the files, communicate with the GSWorker, and attach the viewable to the object. Auth file contains a username & password Agent.ini opens communication ports on the server and starts the Worker Agents Adobe Distiller Server is required to create pdfs of MS Office files
2010 PTC

Worker Agent


User Auth File

Authoring Software



32bit OS

Shared Folder


FTP Server

Publishing Components - Creo

Adapters do the publishing using the authoring software They also contain the recipe files for the publishing job ProE & MS Office GSWorker opens communication ports on the worker Share folder is where files to be published are dropped so the worker can process them IIS and FTP are optional

Workers move the files, communicate with the GSWorker, and attach the viewable to the object. Auth file contains a username & password Agent.ini opens communication ports on the server and starts the Worker Agents Adobe LiveCycle Server replaces Distiller

Worker Agent


User Auth File

Authoring Software



32bit OS

Shared Folder


FTP Server

2010 PTC

Monolithic Setup

Windchill Server

Worker Agent


User Auth File

Authoring Software



32bit OS

Shared Folder

2010 PTC

Separate Worker Setup

Windchill Server Worker Machine

Worker Agent


User Auth File

Authoring Software




Shared Folder

FTP Server

32bit OS

2010 PTC

Multiple Worker Setup

Windchill Server ProE Worker Machine Doc Worker Machine

Worker Agent



User Auth File

Pro/Engineer Software

MS Office Software




Shared Folder

Shared Folder

32bit OS

2010 PTC

Software Install Order

> Set up the Worker machine first

> Configure the PDMLink Server second > Finally setup the Worker Agent

2010 PTC

Worker Software Install

> Install the Required Authoring Applications
ProE MS Office Adobe Distiller
Worker Machine


> Setup the shared folder

Used for file transfers Write permissions for everyone

ProEngineer MS Office

> Optionally setup IIS and a FTP server

Setup a ftp virtual folder Name & path of folder is unimportant GSWorker

> Install the Adaptor Software

2010 PTC

Select all the ProE options Select the Documents Adapter Select the Thumbnail Generator Configure as a Windows Service Install from a local drive, no spaces in installer path No spaces in the setup directory path, no networked drive

Shared Folder

32bit OS

Worker Software Install

For SSL this has to be an actual user

2010 PTC 10

ProE Worker Setup

> Configure the ProE to PV Adapter

Run Proe2pv_config.exe In <loadpoint>\bin Make sure: Client/Server Version matches ProE Command matches ProE version matches ProE Date-Code matches Server Host name matches, not fully qualified Leave the port number at default Pick Setup This creates the proe_setup dir and startup scripts Dont pick Test Server at this time, it will fail. Leave that for trouble shooting

2010 PTC


ProE Worker Configuration

> Configure ProE

The has to go into the proe_setup folder Assign the pen file location in this config Turn off Datums, Points, Coord Sys, etc.

> Configure the Recipe File

Use proe2pv.rcp in the proe_setup folder Need to decide on hpgl or pdf as the output format.

> HPGL2 vs. PDF

HPGL: Requires ProductView, Allows Markup and Overlay compare with ProductView PDF: Common Format, Markup and Overlay compare only available with full version of Acrobat .
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ProE Worker Recipe Configuration

Make sure this matches your ProductView version

Some downstream applications may not know how to deal with compressed hpgl files

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ProE Worker Recipe Configuration

> Configure HPGL2 Recipe

ProE Plotter should be an hpgl2 unit 32bit machines should use Minimum Memory HPGL .

2010 PTC


ProE Worker Recipe Configuration

> Configure PDF Recipe

Change the Drawing Output to PDF .

2010 PTC


ProE Worker Recipe Configuration

> Configure PDF Output Setup

Select Use pentable to control line weights The other settings are as I like You may want something different .

2010 PTC


Document Worker Setup

> Configure the Doc to PV Adapter

Doc2pv_config.exe in the loadpoint bin dir Make sure: Client/Server Version matches Server Host name matches and is not fully qualified Leave the port number at default Pick Setup, this creates the doc_setup folder and startup scripts I didnt modify the recipe file for the doc worker

2010 PTC


Server Setup

> Install:
ProductView Client allows users to download the software from PDMLink Thumbnail Generator and Viewable Compression Utilities even if using separate workers

> Setup a user that has read access to everything

Some people use the root user, wcadmin

> Configure settings

Set publish.cadconvert.PROE to be: com.ptc.wvs.server.publish.CadConvertPROE,useworkerdownload=$(wt.home)$(wvs.dir.sep) was This is the filename the system looks for Using the old name in this property can cause some confusion when dealing with PTCs help line.
2010 PTC 18

Server Setup

> Auth.Properties File

The syntax is: auth=<username>:<password> For example, auth=publish:productview

Dont use @ in this password. It gets doubled when sent. Best to avoid all special characters

> Additional Properties

Force Republishing on life cycle state changes use if release state is on drawing publish.republishonepmdocumentchange = true

Remove completed jobs wvs property deleteCompleted.enableOnContainers = true wt properties wt.queue.removeCompleted.PublisherQueue = true wt.queue.removeCompleted.PublisherQueue1 = true wt.queue.removeCompleted.PublisherQueue2 = true wt.queue.removeCompleted = true
2010 PTC 19

Worker Agent Setup

> Configure a new Worker Agent

From Site, Utilites, Worker Agent Administrator, pick Configure

> Add a worker

Dont fully qualify the host name of the worker. Let the system resolve it. Select the type of Worker, ProE or Office

2010 PTC


Worker Agent Setup

> Worker Location

Use Winchill Server for a monolithic install Use Different machine for separate workers

> Path to startup command on worker

Copy path from worker machine Select AutoStart & AutoErrorStop Enter times

2010 PTC


Worker Agent Setup

> Port Assignment

Default is 601

> Common File System Path

Use FTP or UNC path FTP requires username & password FTP user real or anonymous

2010 PTC


Worker Agent Setup

2010 PTC


Worker Agent Setup

> Save the File

This writes the data to the agent.ini file

> Reload the Worker Agent

Pick Reload Worker Agent Then pick Return to Worker Agent Administrator

2010 PTC


Worker Agent Setup

> Try to start the worker

Pick the Green Flag Green means Start, Red means Stop May need to pick the left flag twice

> Test a Manual Publish

Pick on the Pyramid for a ProE object Pick on Publish Monitor

2010 PTC


Trouble Shooting Server Side

> Checking Communication

netstat -a | more Look for port 5600 TCP <servername>:5600 <servername>:0 LISTENING If you dont see this line the agent.ini file is messed up

> Fixing the agent.ini

manually edit <LoadPoint>\codebase\agent.ini so it only has the following lines [agent] port=5600 transferpath=$(wt.temp)\transfer numworkers=2 Stop & start the Windchill service Successful telnet session looks like this Check the port again with netstat From worker, telnet <servername> 5600 Reconfigure the worker

2010 PTC


Trouble Shooting Server Side

> User password in

Make sure you dont have an @ in the password Avoid all special charaters Has the users password expired? If so, your workers are broke

> Common File System is Writable

test by typing \\<UNCpath_WorkerName>\<shared_dir_path> in the folder browser e.g., \\myworker\viewable_files Try to create a folder or file on the remote file system Is the folder shared out? Are the permissions correct?

> FTP site virtual folder

Go to Default FTP Site, and use RMB menu to pick New > Virtual Directory

> Monitor log files when Publishing

<LoadPoint>\logs\cadagent Warning, files have name and password in clear text
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Trouble Shooting Worker Side

> Checking Communication

netstat -a | more Look for port 601 TCP <workername>:601 <workername>:0 LISTENING If you dont see this GS Worker Daemon service may not be running Services should show: GS Worker Daemon Started Automatic Local System Or a user name

> Too many proe2pv error log files

After error proe2pvo.999 is reached, ProE will not start on the worker Select Stop All in the CAD Agent Adminstrator Delete all "C:/WINDOWS/TEMP/proe2pvo.* log files on the worker See TAN 136481

> GSWorker issue worker fails to start

You may need to Allow service to interact with desktop

2010 PTC


Trouble Shooting Worker Side

> Monitor log files when starting Worker Agents
Lots of useful information in these files <loadpoint>\productview_adapters\proe_setup\ monitor_*.log Most errors reported here helper_*.log Warning, the worker_*.log worker_*.log has username and password std.out in clear text trail.txt.* PV Install & Configuration Guide lists typical errors in the Troubleshooting guide

> Perform the Interactive and command line publishing test

The ProductView Install and Configuration Guide has two test to perform Link to file

> Double check Setup & Recipe Configuration

Double check paths Double check versions Is the server name fully qualified? If so, the workers will break if the domain changes
2010 PTC 29

Trouble Shooting Worker Side SSL Issues

> GSWorker Service

The service on the worker has to run as a real user. It wont work with Local System Publishing will break when the user password expires

> Self Signed Certificates

Make sure your certificate is stored in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities in I.E. Make sure ProE starts without any user interaction & can connect to the server Double click on proepublish.bat in the adaptors proe_setup folder to test Also set this option in the adaptors proe_setup\ web_browser_homepage about:blank Did you change certificates? Your workers just broke! Check I.E. for old out-of-date trusted certificates

> Still Having Problems?

Contact PTCs help line The good thing is, having worked through all these possibilities, you have eliminated a lot of things they will have to look at. The bad new is its not a simple problem.
2010 PTC 30

Security Concerns
> Log files containing the password for the ProductView user On the PDMLink Server Machine:
PROEqueue.log in <loadpoint>logs\cadagent\PROEqueue StatusMessages.log in <loadpoint>logs\cadagent\StatusMessages *.log in <loadpoint>\logs\cadagent\<workermachine name>-<workername> Agent.ini in <loadpoint>\codebase Contains the ftp username & password On the Worker Machine: Worker_*.log in the proe_setup or doc_setup folder Bottom line Search & replace for the username/password on all log files you send to PTC

> Communication between the Worker Agent & Worker is not encrypted
Run the worker on the server Put the worker and server on their own private network segment Create a VPN between the server and worker

> Auth.Properties file has the username & password in clear text
Limit access to your PDMLink server, however its still visable from the Worker Agent logs inside PDMLink assuming you have site access.
2010 PTC 31

Watermark Editor
> Watermark Editor
Not included with ProductView separate install Accommodate all parameters names for a field e.g., <dwg_no><dwg_number> Same information, different names ProductView displays what it finds Useful if you have files from others that have different parameters Define watermarks for Models, Drawings, etc.

> Watermarks for object types

Define watermarks for Models, Drawings, etc.

Help on the Watermark Editor From Help menu of the editor

2010 PTC


Watermarks Preferences ProductView Client

> Add Watermark *.ini files
Open ProductView Options, Select Watermarks Pick Add, select your .ini file and give it a name.

> Add as many Watermarks as you require

You assign watermarks based on: the Lifecycle State A parameter This is a yes or no match, no if logic Released or not, or Proprietary or not, but not both
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Watermarks Mapping ProductView Client

> Watermark Mapping Lifecycle example
Pick a watermark to be the default Checkmark Include when viewing Pick on Watermark Map

Because I set Work in Progress to be default we only need to map Released The Property Name is the Parameter Name Its case sensitive The Attribute value is the Lifecycle state name You could also do the same thing with other parameters, for example using a different watermark if an object is Proprietary
2010 PTC 34

Watermarks Preferences ProductView Client

> Watermark Preference Client Side
The default location for the users ProductView preferences is: %APPDATA%/ptc/ProductView/user_prefs.xml This file includes the watermark maps If you want to make these an admin preferences you need to move them to <Load point>\preferences\ProductView\ admin_prefs.xml

> Watermark Preference definition Server Side

If you want to make these an server side preferences you need to upload them to PDMLink See next slide

> Locking specific Preferences

You can lock specific preferences in either the admin_prefs or server_prefs For example if you are using a different watermark for proprietary objects you may want to disable printing without the watermark Or you might want to disable printing altogether Refer to the readme in <LoadPoint>\preferences\ProductView\readme.txt
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Server Side Watermarks

> WVS Properties
productview.configfromserver = true

> Loading the watermark file

At Site or Org pick Utilities, and Visulization Configuration Administrator Create a configuration, give it a name

2010 PTC


Server Side Watermarks

> Loading the watermark & preferences files
Add a file to the configuration, Browse to the *.ini file

Do the same for the server_prefs.xml Stop and restart the methodserver and tomcat. Server side watermarks should now work
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Server Side Watermarks

> Exporting the watermark
You can export the watermarks from your server by picking on this link. You can then import it into another system

> Watermark level priority

Watermarks can be defined at: Site Organization Product/Project Lower levels override higher levels If you have a very sensitive product you can assign a watermark just for it

2010 PTC


Additional ProductView Preferences

> HPGL Viewing & printing
With hpgl2 dont assign a pen table They have line weight defined Set background to White Set display to Monochrome

> Mouse Button Behavior

Best if you set it to be the same as ProE

2010 PTC


Publish Scheduler Administrator

> Never start scheduled publishing at the Site or Org context
This will flood your queues with thousands of publishing jobs and bring your system to its knees! Always start them from the Product or Project context Ive seen systems where people set up one Product and just created folders under it for all the different deliverables they design. Thats a bad idea from a publishing point of view You can only publish on a context level, not a folder level. If you try to schedule a job on a huge context, your going to run into the same problem as doing it at the Site or Org

> Clearing Queues from Windchill Shell

If you system is choked with jobs you will be force to clear them using the windchill shell If that doesnt work PTC can give you a jsp to help you delete the jobs Im not going to give you any commands here because I believe you need to contact PTC to deal with this situation If you get into this situation, I strongly suggest you call PTC immediately because it will lead to a total denial of service for your users, and it will not take a long time Put your call in at the highest level, System Down. Because even if its functioning right then, it wont be.
2010 PTC 40

ProductView Client Install

> User Initiated Install
Pick Home, Utilties, and Software Downloads ProductView Installation

> Push Install

See TPI 14306 How to perform a command-line silent installation of ProductView Lite and Professional 9.1 Clients. Note that Lite and Professional are the same software, Pro just needs a license.

2010 PTC


ProductView Express
> ProductView Express & ProE
This is how ProE shows you a preview of drawings and models in the embedded browser If ProE isnt installed locally on each machine it may have problems finding PVX You may need to run the PVX installer on each client to get this working properly Or you could try adding the path to your ProE startup script The path is defined in the environment and should be set when the PVX installer is run <ProE Loadpoint>\i486_nt\pvx\pvx.msi The installer Will typically create a path to: PVX_INSTALL_DIR C:\Program Files\ptc\ProductViewExpress\

2010 PTC


ProductView Compressed 3D Thumbnails

> This is a manual task Not a publishing process
PTC had no documentation on how to do this. So heres the missing manual

> What is a compressed 3D Thumbnail?

Reduced detail when retrieved, full detail loaded when you double click on items

Compressed 3D Thumbnail
2010 PTC

Some items full detail


ProductView Compressed 3D Thumbnails

> Required Software
Need access to the ProductView Adaptors bin directory

> Required Files

Download ProductView representation from PDMLink

2010 PTC


ProductView Compressed 3D Thumbnails

> Required Recipe File
The recipe file level1.rcp looks like this:
file=pvsthumb-rcp ver=5 lastp=spec adapter/createSubModel=1

Where createSubModel = 1 is the sub-assy level where the thumbnails are created Changing the number to 2 will create thumbnails at the second level of sub-assys For example, if you have the following structure
Top Assy Sub-Assy-A Sub-Assy-1 Sub-Assy-2 Sub-Assy-3 Sub-Assy-B Sub-Assy-4 Sub-Assy-5 Sub-Assy-6

Level 1 will generate 2 thumbnails of the lettered assemblies Level 2 will generate 6 thumbnails of the numbered assemblies
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ProductView Compressed 3D Thumbnails

> Required Script
The script, thumb.bat assumes: The bat file itself is in the current directory The recipe file is named level1.rcp and is in the current directory The product adapters are installed in C:\ptc\productview_adapters Also note that the name of the input and output .pvs file is hard coded set PVIEW_HOME=c:\ptc\productview_adapters set PATH=%PVIEW_HOME%\bin;%PATH% pvsthumb -r level1.rcp 01-2_crankshaft_asm.pvs -o level1crank.pvs Essentially, you download the representation from PDMLink and unzip the file Copy the bat file and recipe file into the directory with the .pvs and .ol files Edit the bat file for the name of the .pvs input and output files Double click on the bat file to do the conversion

You should end up with a new .pvs file and a number of new .pvt files Open up the new .pvs file in ProductView to see the results
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Post Publishing Rules

> Allows automating secondary operations after publishing
Allows creating a new WTDocument of a published representation This allows searching on the representation itself. Without this, the representation is attached as secondary content to the source object, so the only way to get to it is to go to the information page of the source object. Also allows revision control of the representation itself. Without this, the representation doesnt really have its own revision because its a child of the parent object.

> For more info

Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide Visulization Services, Publishing Rules Weve not made use of this capability yet, so this is all I know

2010 PTC


An Administrators Guide to ProductView Publishing Questions?

David Haigh 925-424-3931

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