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STAT 205 ESSENTIALS OF STATISTICS SYLLABUS Instructor: Dr Norbert Youmbi Extension:*3855 E-m i!: nyoumbi@francis.

edu O""ice: SCIE 12 Office ours! "#$! 2!%% &m ' 3!%% &m ()! 12!15 ' 1!15 &m #re"erre$ me ns o" communic tion! Emai* Course: S(+( 2%5 Essentia*s of Statistics, 3 Credits #rere%uisite: +ny co**e-e "at ematics Course Course &escri'tion: Descri&ti.e statistics, basic &robabi*ity &rinci&*es, discrete and continuous &robabi*ity distributions /binomia*, -eometric, 0oisson and norma*1. Estimation, y&ot esis testin-, re-ression ana*ysis, +NO2+, and non&arametric t eory and met ods. 3se of a statistica* soft4are /E5ce*, "initab, or S0SS / No credit to4ards "at ematics ma6or.1 Time n$ (enue: T): *:*5 - 2:+0 SCIE 2, Or -.F: +:*0 / +:50 SCIE 2, Text Boo1: Understandable Statistics, Concepts and Methods, 10th Edition by Charles Henry Brase and Corrine Pellillo Brase (2011) C !cu! tor or Com'uter: I su--est t e (I 83 or 878&*us ca*cu*ator, 4 en a&&ro&riate 4e 4i** use statistica* &ro-rams suc as E5ce* or "initab or S0SS. Course O23ecti4es n$ ) tion !e: +t t e end of t is course, students 4i** be ab*e to demonstrate 9no4*ed-e of Statistica* +na*ysis and its a&&*ication to rea* *ife &rob*ems. Students 4i** be ab*e to su&&ort scientific ar-uments usin- information obtained from t e sam&*e of a &o&u*ation.

Course Out!ine: Descri&ti.e statistics! tec ni;ues for or-ani<in- and &resentin- statistica* data. Sam&*e mean, .ariance and standard de.iation. =asic &robabi*ity &rinci&*es, s&ecia* discrete and continuous &robabi*ity distribution. 0oint estimation, Inter.a* estimation, >y&ot esis testin-. )e-ression +na*ysis, and +na*ysis of .ariance /+NO2+1. Non8&arametric t eory and met ods.. Continuous Assessment: Continuous assessment 4i** count for 25? of your fina* -rade. It 4i** consist of ;ui<<es and ta@e ome &rob*ems. 5ome6or1: #i** -enera**y be assi-ned at t e end of eac c*ass &eriod but 4i** not be routine*y co**ected. > ;ui<<es 4i** be -i.en from time to time base on random*y se*ected ome4or@ &rob*ems. Ex ms: ( ere 4i** be t ree midterm e5ams eac countin- for 25 &oints. "idterms e5ams a** count for 5%? of your course score. ( e fina* e5am counts for 25? of your c*ass score. ( ere 4i** be no ma@eu& e5am un*ess a .a*id e5cuse is &ro.ided. +** e5ams 4i** be ta@en on*ine E5ce&t t e fina* e5am. It is your res&onsibi*ity to a.e your *a&to& in -ood functionincondition durin- e5am. Course #o!icies 7 #roce$ures C*ass attendance &o*icy! C*ass attendance is mandatory "a@e8u& e5aminations! ( ere is no ma@e u& for ;ui<<es, donAt e.en as@. Inform me in ad.ance if you a.e a .a*id e5cuse to miss an e5am so 4e can arran-e for a date and time of ma@eu&. ( ere 4i** be no ma@e u& for t e fina* e5am. Ex m *! %2B%C Ex m 2! %2B28 Ex m +: 0+820 Fin ! Ex m: %5B%2


9r $in: Sc !e: +D E381%%F +8 D E%8E2 =G D 8C88EF = D 8388HF =8 D 8%882 CG D CH8CEF C D C%8CH D D H%8HE $ D be*o4 H%. Assistance +D+ +ccommodation Statement! +ny student 4 o fee*s s eB e may need an accommodation based on a disabi*ity, in t is or any ot er course, must contact "s. +&ri* $ry in t e Office of Disabi*ity Ser.ices in 1%H Saint $rancis >a** at 81787C2831CH or, before t e semester be-ins or as soon as &ossib*e after t e semester be-ins. + student re;uestin- accommodations must &ro.ide recent documentation of is or er disabi*ity to Disabi*ity Ser.ices. +fter t e &ro&er documentation is a&&ro.ed, students must t en sc edu*e indi.idua* meetin-s 4it indi.idua* facu*ty in t eir offices to discuss t e s&ecific needs for courses. C! ssroom #o!icies )efer to t e Student >andboo@ section tit*ed Student Expectations and Responsibilities , s&ecia**y t e section tit*ed Ac $emic &is;onest<. =e res&ectfu* of your fe**o4 c*assmate. (urn off a** e*ectronic de.ices un*ess re;uired by t e 4or@ bein- done in c*ass.


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