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t i n U t n e m rn

What are the types of Governments?

Democracy Democracy comes from the greek word demos kratos. People can vote in democracy. There are two types of democracy, Direct democracy and Representative democracy.

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Direct democracy came from the ancient greeks. No women, children or slaves could vote. Someone would go to the market or to a square and say there idea. Only men who liked it could vote for it. If the majority of the people liked it the idea would become a law.

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People vote for a representative to make ideas. When the representative is voted for, they have a lot of power. The people dont have much control after the vote, even if they can vote another time.

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The king and queen rule the kingdom. If there is a boy, he usually will always get priority over his sisters. The prince should always have a wife and she would become the queen.

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A dictatorship is a type of government that is usually based on fear. A dictator can be a group of people or one person in control. A Dictatorship is when after a war or revolution there usually is no government. So somebody steps up and takes the lead. He/She usually treats the people badly. The way a dictator can also take over is by a coup.

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Because without a government, It would be anarchy! To make laws, and to make sure things go right. To make sure the country doesnt fall apart.

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Its what people do to make things work. The function of democracy is to vote. The function of monarchy is for the king and queen to rule. Different governments have different functions.

Why do

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Because if the people revolt against the government they have to change! If the government sees that the type of government they have is not working, they will change.

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Governments influence

Propagande influences people to vote for one person. Someone that wants to be the leader of a country can bribe people to vote for him. Peoples influence People may revolt against the government and influence the government to change. They can vote for a new president to take charge.

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The word comes from the greek word which means without ruler Anarchists usually hate all types of governments.


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