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Paul Lukose ACCT 3100.

551 Professor Palmer February 26, 2013 Informational Interview The person I decided to interview for this assignment was Benjamin Daniel, who is a senior associate accountant at Grant Thornton LLP. I chose to interview Mr. Daniel because I would love to one day achieve that same occupational status when I am his age. His career path was efficient and he is doing well even to this day. I messaged him via Facebook (he is heavily involved in social networking), and he responded within hours. We agreed on a meeting place and met the next day at a nearby Starbucks. After conversing for a bit, I started asking him different questions about why he chose his career path and how he came to make this life changing decision. It allowed me to gain a better picture of where I am as a student and how my future plans should play out. I asked him a series of questions about his career choice and informed him that I will be using his responses for an assignment, and he gladly agreed to tell me anything I needed to know. 1. What made you want to become an accountant? Response: Well, Im not going to lie, I did not have a passion for accounting when I chose this career path. But I do not regret it, because I have learned so much from experiences through school, various internships and at my workplace. I still remember when entering college how I was so set on doing Electrical Engineering. After a year of dreading classes, I realized I hated physics with a passion. But, I did love numbers. I switched to accounting for my second year, and to this day; it was the best decision of my life. The training and experience that I acquired helped me expand my profession and helped become successful. 2. What steps did you have to take to get to the position in which you are currently? Response: I studied accounting at the University of North Texas and got my masters from there as well. I went ahead to receive my CPA also. I specialized in audit so I could gain experience serving clients in the financial institutions and financial

services industry. To gain more experience, I also completed three rotations with our Transaction Advisory Service (TAS) group for buy-side asset purchase deals in the cable and telecommunications industry. I also had financial Institutions experience including loan reviews, FDIC insured failed bank purchases, loans acquired with evidence of credit quality deterioration since origination (SOP 03-3), and accounting for loan servicing and origination. And now I serve as a senior associate Grant Thornton LLP. 3. What do you do as an accountant, or at your job specifically? Response: Well, some of my specialties include financial services and financial institutions audits. Some of my responsibilities at work include overseeing the dayto-day fieldwork, managing and supervising a team of audit staff, maintaining client relationships, and communicating results of the audit with the engagement manager and partner as well as to the client management. I also work with various clients and my experience with them includes national banks and several hedge funds/alternative investment companies across Texas, California, New York, and Chicago. 4. Do you have any advice for me, an Accounting/Finance major about to finish his undergraduate? Response: I cannot stress this enough. Build and expand your network. From what Ive seen among students these days who graduate with their bachelors and look for jobs with no luck, the one thing they could have done better is meet more people, shake more hands to get a leg up against everyone else that graduates with their bachelors degree! Internships are an absolute must. You know the whole I cant get a job because I have no experience/I dont have experience because I cant get a job conundrum? It is so true! Use whatever resources you can to grab a spot anywhere just to get started. It cant hurt. And, of course, study hard! Overall, taking the time to sit with Mr. Daniel helped me gain a better idea of how I want to navigate my career path. The most important thing that I learned from him is that the most efficient way to get a high profile and high paying job is that you have to work your way up. Also, I learned that getting my foot in the door in terms of experience is necessary if I want to get a job as soon as I graduate. The interview granted me perspective and guidance, and I hope to be an professional accounting in the near future. Benjamin Daniel can be reached at

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