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Touch of Power (Healer #1)

by Maria V. Snyder (Goodreads Author)

4.26 of 5 stars

4.26 rating details 13,207 ratings 1,803 reviews

Laying hands upon the injured and dying, A ry of !a"an assu#es their wounds and diseases into herse$f. %ut rather than &eing honored for her s'i$$s, she is hunted. (ea$ers $i'e A ry are accused of spreading the p$ague that has deci#ated the Territories, $ea ing the sur i ors in a state of chaos. Stressed and tired fro# hiding, A ry is a&ducted &y a &and of rogues who, shoc'ing$y, a$ue her gift a&o e the go$den &ounty offered for her capture. Their $eader, an enig#atic captor)protector with powers of his own, is une*ui oca$ in his de#ands+ A ry #ust hea$ a p$ague)stric'en prince,$eader of a ca#paign against her peop$e. As they tra erse the daunting -ine Mountains, &eset &y #ercenaries and #agica$ dangers, A ry #ust decide who is worth hea$ing and what is worth dying for. %ecause the price of peace #ay we$$ &e her $ife....

Scent of Magic (Healer #2)

by Maria V. Snyder (Goodreads Author)
4.18 of 5 stars

4.18 rating details 6,511 ratings 849 reviews

Hunted, KilledSurvived? As the $ast (ea$er in the .ifteen /ea$#s, A ry of !a"an is in a uni*ue position+ in the #inds of her friends and foes a$i'e, she no $onger e0ists. 1espite her need to pre ent the #ega$o#anica$ !ing Tohon fro# winning contro$ of the /ea$#s, A ry is a$so deter#ined to find her sister and repair their estrange#ent. And she #ust do it a$one, as !erric', her partner and so$e confident, returns to A$ga to su##on his country into &att$e. Though she shou$d &e in hiding, A ry wi$$ do whate er she can to support Tohon2s opponents. 3nc$uding infi$trating a ho$y ar#y, e ading #agic sniffers, teaching forest s'i$$s to so$diers and figuring out how to stop Tohon2s #ost horri&$e creations yet4 an ar#y of the wa$'ing dead,hu#an and ani#a$ a$i'e and near$y i#possi&$e to defeat. 5ar is co#ing and A ry is a$one. 6n$ess she figures out how to do the i#possi&$e ... again.

Taste of 1ar'ness (Healer #3)

by Maria V. Snyder (Goodreads Author)
4.16 of 5 stars

4.16 rating details 958 ratings 201 reviews

She's fought death and won.

ut how !an she fight her fears?

A ry 'nows hardship and trou&$e. She fought the p$ague and sur i ed. She too' on !ing Tohon and defeated hi#. %ut now her heart)#ate, !erric', is #issing, and A ry fears he7s gone fore er. %ut there7s a #ore i##ediate threat. The S'e$eton !ing p$ots to c$ai# the .ifteen /ea$#s for his own. 5ith ar#ies in disarray and the dead not staying down, A ry7s hea$ing powers are needed now #ore than e er.Torn &etween $o e and $oya$ty, A ry #ust choose her path carefu$$y. .or the future of her wor$d depends on her decision.

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