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A Project Study Report On Research Undertaken at

Titled Comparative study on Consumer Buying Behaviour o T!S Bikes "ith di erent #rands$ Su#mitted in partial ul illment or the A"ard o degree o %aster o Business Administration

Su#mitted By& ' Chaitanya (oyal %BA Part +!

Su#mitted To&' )r* Sharmila (aur Associate Pro essor

,-./ ' ,-.0 Su#odh +nstitute o %anagement and Career Studies1 2aipur1 Rajasthan

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This is to certify that Mr. Chaitanya Goyal has submitted his project titled Comparative study on Consumer Buying Behaviour o T!S Bikes "ith di erent #rands$ on the given due date. During his work, he was found to be a competent and hardworking student. wish him all the best for the future endeavors.

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hereby declare that the project study report titled Comparative study on Consumer Buying Behaviour o T!S Bikes "ith di erent #rands$ is an original piece of work done by me for the fulfillment of the award of degree of Master of !usiness "dministration and whatever information has been taken from any sources has been duly acknowledged. further declare that the personal data # information received from any respondent during analysis has not been shared with any one and is used for academic purpose only.

Chaitanya goyal

$omeone has rightly said that practical knowledge is far better than classroom lectures. During this project fully reali%ed this and came to know about how a consumer chooses a particular product among a varied range of products available to him. The subject of my study is & Comparative study on Consumer Buying Behaviour o T!S Bikes "ith di erent #rands$, which has slowly but steadily evolved, from a beginner to a corporate giant earning laurels and kudos throughout. The report contains first of all brief introduction about the company. 'inally there comes data presentation and analysis in the end of my report. also put forward some of my suggestion hoping that they help T($ Motor Company move a step forward to being the very best. The whole project is divided in five segments)

'irst segment consists of introduction, objective of studies, *esearch methodology, and scope of study.

$econd segment consists of industrial profile, company profile. Third segment consists facts and finding and +uman *esource planning. 'ourth segment consists conclusion. 'ifth segment consists of *ecommendations.

e,press my sincere thanks to my project guide, Mrs. $harmila gaur, "ssociate -rofessor. $ MC$ for guiding me right form the inception till the successful completion of the project. sincerely acknowledge her for e,tending their valuable guidance, support for literature, critical reviews of project and the report and above all the moral support she had provided to me with all stages of this training. would also like to thank the support given by the staff of T($ Company marketing and sales Department, for their help and cooperation throughout my project.

Chaitanya Goyal M!" -art ( Date )/

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