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Consumer Buying Behavior

Consumer Buying Behavior the buying behavior of final consumers

-- individuals and households that buy products for personal consumption

A Framework for Buyer Behavior

Product Price Place l Promotion

Marketing and Other Stimuli

Central question: How do consumers respond to marketing efforts ?


economic technological political ----------cultural social personal psychological

Response brand choice store choice purchase timing purchase amount

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Key Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior

I . Cultural Factors
Culture: Learned values, perceptions, wants (not needs!), behaviors. It is the most basic cause of a persons wants and behavior. Subculture: Sub-group within a culture with shared value systems based on common life experiences. (ethnic groups, mature consumers, etc.) i l Cl di i i of f people l in i a culture lt based b d on socio-economic i i S Social Class: division variables (occupation, income, education )

and social networks

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II. Social Factors

Groups and Social Networks

Membership Aspirational

Opinion Leader / Influential Family F il Roles and Status

Cell phones can be seen as a status symbol

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III. Personal Factors

IV. Psychological Factors

Age and Life Cycle Stage Occupation Income / Affluence


Motive M ti / Need N d Perception

Activities Interests Opinions

Learning Beliefs and Attitudes

Lifestyle Personality & Self-Concept

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Maslows Hierarchy of Needs


The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful picture. Selective Attention Selective Distortion (Comprehension) Selective Retention

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effort and deliberation given to the purchase decision High Involvement

A Classification of Buying Decisions

High g Involvement Significant differences between brands Few differences diff between brands

Low Involvement

Low Involvement

risky, expensive, self-expressive item active, careful decision making

low risk and price quick and efficient buying

Complex Buying Behavior Dissonance- Reducing g Buying Behavior

Variety- Seeking Behavior Habitual Buying y g Behavior

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Buyer Decision Process

1. Need Recognition 2. Information Search 3. Evaluation of Alternatives - Choice 4. Purchase

Step 1. Need Recognition

occurs when the buyer recognizes a problem or need triggered by: Internal Stimuli (hunger, thirst, self-esteem ) External Stimuli (TV, magazine, radio, friends, )

5. Post-Purchase Behavior

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Step 2. Information Search

Personal Sources: Family, friends, neighbors ... Most influential source of information Commercial Sources: Advertising, Internet, salespeople ... Most information is received from these sources Public Sources: Mass media media, consumer-organizations ... Experiential: Handling, examining, using the product Learning
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Step 3. Choice

No single g or simple p evaluation p process careful calculation & logical vs. impulse, intuition or habit

If there are not many choice alternatives and you rate a brand best on all attributes, choice would be easy.

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But Typically many alternatives

Step 4. Purchase

some brands may be considered for purchase: Consideration Set

No brand is best on all attributes / dimensions


attitudes of others

unexpected situational factors

consider an attribute above all (e (e.g. g styling)

or consider several attributes each with different importances or

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Decision ?
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Step 5. Postpurchase Behavior

Decision Process for New Products

Satisfaction vs. vs Dissatisfaction expectations vs. actual product performance

Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption

Cognitive Dissonance
di discomfort f caused d by b a post-purchase h conflict fli

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Individual Differences for Timing of Adoption

Product Characteristics that Affect Adoption

Relative Advantage Compatibility Complexity Divisibility

Is the innovation superior to existing products?

Fit the values and experiences of the target market? Difficult to understand or use?

Can be used on a trial basis? Can be easily observed or described?


Time of Adoption

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