India Recently Launched Multiple Satellite1

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India recently launched multiple Satellites - Are we making enough progress? - Are we making enough progress? Yes.

Within a few period of time we have launched multiple satellites and all goes in the way of success. India as a developing country goes a fine balancing progress in all aspects of space programmes. If we look into the recent launches we can notice that many are micro satellites but all are our technological success. Space is a harsh environment filled with various kinds of radiations and so many particles float around. he only way we can e!plore this wonderful space is to sit here on earth and carry on our observations with the help of launch vehicles" satellites. Satellites have become a part of humankind in recent times. his enables communication global. India uses these space systems #satellites$ effectively for different purposes like communication" broadcasting" education" natural calamity warning" agriculture and natural resources management. India started it%s first successful satellite launch by the Soviets in &'(). India is amongst the first few countries to reali*e the potential of space technology and its applications. +r. ,ikram Sarabhai" pioneer of the Indian space programme" under whose chairmanship" the Indian -ational .ommittee for Space /esearch #I-.0S1A/$ was formed in &'23 and by &')3" the Indian Space 1rogramme was formally organised with the setting up of the Space .ommission and government funding through the +epartment of Space. A ma4or development took place during &'56%s" through establishment of the operational Indian -ational Satellite #I-SA $ system. India became one of the few countries to develop its own operational Indian /emote Sensing Satellite #I/S-&A$ in 7arch &'55. I/S-&. and I/S-&+" are the best civilian remote sensing satellites in the world. I/S-18 #0.9A-SA -&$ launched in 7ay &''' is used for 0cean /esources monitoring and for understanding the atmosphere over the oceans. +ata collected from I/S is used for estimation of acreage and yield of important crops other applications such as forest survey" forecasting" urban planning" alignment of roads and pipelines" detection of underground fires in collieries" marine resources survey" mineral prospecting" etc. India besides building satellites" embarked on satellite launch vehicle development. he first e!perimental launch vehicle S:,-; was launched by India in &'56. An augmented version of this vehicle" AS:," was launched successfully in &''3. India then ac<uired a significant capability in the launch vehicle area with the successful development of 1olar Satellite :aunch ,ehicle" 1S:,. 7esosphere" Stratosphere and roposphere #7S $ radar has been established at =adanki near irupati for conducting atmospheric research with high resolution. IS/0 has enabled participation of scientists in ma4or international science campaigns like monsoon e!periment #70-9>$" middle atmospheric program #7A1$" IS 91" I-+09> etc. by providing the financial" technological and other assistance.

India%s launched Satellites? Aryabhata. /ohini. @haskara series. Ariane 1assenger 1ayload 9!periment#A11:9$. Indian -ational Satellite System#I-SA $ series. Indian /emote Sensing #I/S$ series. Stretched /ohini Satellite Series #S/0SS$. AA7SA . Balpana - &. Astrosat. =SA . s=ood news is that India going for a long-range missile test by early 366' and so India by its way of steady progress in space programme can really finds her a place in the list of developed countries. Yoganathan.B

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