Revitalisation of The City: Student Number: 000277963 Max Fraser

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Student Number: 000277963

Max Fraser

Revitalisation of the City

Shading and Colour

Not only do Cairenes get exposed from the sun and its radiation, but because of there built environment consisting of hard materials which heat up and reect, as the diagram above shows an increase in heat form materials as mentioned earlier, so where a normal day could be warm in the sun its over heat to a walker is increased by 10 degrees, materials such as paving which stores heat and if to close to a building can increase the heat in the building by its radiation reection.

Issues in the current Cairo are over exposure to solar radiation, by lack of shaded areas and dirty polluted air, reducing the quality of air which means increasing health issue. Very hard man made landscaping is creating extremely uncomfortable conditions to be in over a big period of the year, a real lack of relief from the sun seems to be a burning issue. downtown cairo and most of Cairo suffer with open sun exposed streets, with the pollution so high lack of green space during the peak hours in central Cairo can become unbearable, so people retreat to narrow alleyways and there houses for relief and then a night the contrasts of the dark sky and the illumintad shops becomes a wonder space, cooler temperatures so communities can stroll and enjoy in comfort.

Shading and Colour

Currently in Cairo there is a big exposure to the heat and solar radiation, because of a lack of shaded place, speaking to a group of architects there express this as one of the major issues, with many streets exposed during peak hours 11 am - 4 pm when the sun is at its strongest and becomes very uncomfortable, our visit was during one of the cooler periods and during peak hours become very hot and uncomfortable.

The temperatures in and around buildings can be tempered or aggravated by the nature of the surrounding surfaces temperatures shown were recorded in and hot- dry climate when the air temperature was 42c DESIGN PRIMER FOR HOT CLIMATES, Allan Konya

Shading and Colour

High hot sun - July Temperature average 21 minimum 36 maximum record 16 minimum 43 maximum Sunlight hours 12 Precipitation 0

Low sun - January Temperature average 8 minimum 18 maximum record 2 minimum 31 maximum Sunlight hours 7 Precipitation 5mm

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Equinox sun - April Temperature average 14 minimum 28 maximum record 6 minimum 45 maximum Sunlight hours 10 Precipitation 3mm

The human body is comfortable up to about 25c externally to the body and with Cairo being averaging that heat or more 41% of the year is quiet a large time frame in which to be uncomfortable, at heats past 25c lose enough heat in its body and perspiration is then the main body cooling function, meaning a loss of bodily uids increasing the need for water, to rehydrate.

Shading and Colour

the room from sun and rain, allows air movement so a cool breeze can enter the room and natural vent the room, the screens also cleans the withe the rough texture collects the dust and dirt carried in the air, also provides privacy, the screen blocking views into the room

Mashrabiya, Shanashil is the Arabic term given to a type of projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood latticework located on the second storey of a building or higher, often lined with stained glass. The mashrabiya (sometimes shanshool or rushan) is an element of traditional Arabic architecture used since the middle ages up to the mid twentieth century. It is mostly used on the street side of the building; however, it may also be used internally on sahn side.

Shading and Colour

Merchant house traditional mashrabiya window box which blocks out the sun while allowing air to pass through keeping the air circulating around the room

Merchant house plan showing the position of the two gardens, red representing the hot garden and blue the cool shaded garden

Traditional in Egypt mashrabiyas have been used to keep the sun out of the house, in the merchant house they are also used in Takhtaboosh which is usually placed between a hot hard landscaped garden and a green shaded garden, the hot garden heats up and cool air is natural drawn to the rising hot air creating a cool breeze in a shaded area which to relax in.

showing hard landscape garden

soft landscaping courtyard

Shading and Colour

A few examples of current roof covers, doing the simple job of keeping the suns ray off there streets, issues consist with the top picture where the structure looks unsafe and fragile, with a possible dangerous of the structure clasping and injury/ killing shoppers and traders alike. The material hanging solution is a smart one and can range in colour and materials, lightweight structures, issues with these types of coverings is the dirt and the dust in the air is show high in Cairo material coverings, become dirty and worn looking very quickly being down the aesthetics of the street, also the material stops direct sunlight but will allow heat to penetrate through so these narrow busy streets will still heat up quickly

Shading and Colour

windcatchers are used as the names suggest to capture wind and use passive air circulation to create space that air cool and fresh, the air circulation usually exists above or sometimes across so that constant passage of air is stopping any hot stuffy air from lingering.

The air hits the barrier through pressure and solid structures and voids circulates through the building through any void making circulation for any build up of air to pass with the ow and the path of the travelling air

windcathcers come in different styles and sizes, dependent on choice me have simple slots and some have more decorative fronts similar to the mashrabiya screens.

Using a traditional method of using a natural resource to cool down a warm space by the cool air moving the warm air out of the space, leaving a cool breeze. The catcher collects cool winds pushing them down into a space where warm air collects and stores, the cool breeze creates a stream of cool air and draws the warm air away.

Shading and Colour

Existing domes which have coloured glass, the picture to the right and below are taken in Cairo, both in earth structures, to illuminate the room and create a interest in the ceiling, The top picture is taken in Bayht-Shuriami merchant hose where this is the ceiling above the bed, giving the sense of looking into the skies and see the stars.

glass wall construction has similar qualities to a mashrabiya, allows light and gives privacy while allowing light to penetrate into the room under certain conditions and not allowing solar gain into a room. The arcyllic tubing really illuminates on the tip of the tube when lit from the other side, using similar principles to the coloured glass in the ceilings, arcyllic tube would be safe and would allow the feeling of walking under the stars in the shaded space, the tubes illumination would also allow the space to be lit. A shaded light space.

Shading and Colour

unfortunately illegal housing is going up in Cairo at alarming rate, where they use concrete frames and brick inll to create cheap unsafe housing. The concrete frame goes u very quickly so again it is something that the tradesman in Cairo know and doing on a regular basis.

Building on the trades and crafts of the existing community to create modern architecture and solutions to the current issues in Cairo, Glass making is a major craft in creating souvenirs to sell to tourists making complex glass items in the theme of Islamic design and using a multitude of colours.

Shading and Colour

sketch above shows what benets having tree lined street would be, downside is the seasons and the time for the tree to mature.

covered walkways would greatly help in the ght to create a cooler outdoor space in a dry hot country, with covered streets they can be cooler and more comfortable to be in free from the worry of the heat. With a street cover of both trees and panels create a place that can be shaded, without putting more strain on the water system, less trees meanings less irrigation but with panels equally shaded streets. Currently in Cairo you see people throwing water onto the street to evaporate and cool the air during the day, if these streets had some sort of shading device would mean less need for water, so the irrigation of the trees would be equal to less water usage and not an increase.

at night the streets really come to life when the sun has gone down, the people spill out onto to the streets without the heat and the colours and lights are wonderful why should Cairo be like this constantly.

Shading and Colour

Images to the bottom left show how a tree lined boulevards have help conquer the problem, using trees to shelter and relief from the sun. Problem with tree lined boulevards in Cairo are irrigation issue, also season changes, during the time where the tree has lost its leafs the street is left exposed again, so is not the long term solution. Although a positive would be if the streets were tree lined it would help clean the air and as a result improve the air quality to a better standard, which is currently poor with dirt and pollution.

current diagram of street condition in Cairo where exposure to the sun is paramount, due to its very hard landscaping reecting the solar radiation, which means the ground heats storing 50% in the ground reecting 40% straight back up meaning you get 100% of the radiation above and an extra 40 % of that heat coming back from the ground, which starts over perspiration, a loss of bodily uids the need to restore them, uncomfortable wet clothing, dehydration is a heath threat and a strain on the water source.

Covered walkways a variety of different styles, the top one is not really so good for a hot climate, more to keep rain water off you as opposed to the sun, but the next two are covers that could be incorporated into a hot climate. The lowest picture could be the best option as the use of earth is a good insulator so traps heat not lowing any through during the hottest periods of the day and releases the heat at night when the air cools down, but again a problem with irrigation.

below is the comparison if the street was shaded by screens and trees, which decreases - 4c from the suns heat and - 5c from unshaded current Cairo above, meaning cooler more comfortable streets to walk in. Increases trees which will help to improve on air quality

Shading and Colour

Coloured hanging panels to breakdown the uv rays but allow for light to come through creating a street which is bright and shaded, problems are with hanging anything horizontally will collect dirt and dust and so will become dirt hanging boxes,

Transfer of colour and light through coloured hanging tubes, to break the sun down into light and colour as opposed to heat and radiation, trying to using the techniques of the crafts man and their souvenirs light bright and variety. Also if local craftsmen can already make and blow glass it could be a community activity where the children a community alike have the chance to decorate their neighbourhood.

Shading and Colour

above - the bazaar elevations of these hanging lights supported be concrete beams, spanning from the rooftops leaving the ground level free to trade and walk. below - a roof plan to show the view from above, also the connecting high level walkways.

Hanging strategy, how would these chandelier type objects hang overhead, with these light cylinders they would need support from high level, which in turn would begin to connect the roofs of the neighbourhood, possible uses for services at high level.

Shading and Colour

Section through shaded street, showing the life and activity at low level with traders and shoppers, the privacy of higher level living interaction between people in the central boulevard, under this sea of colors, in the shade of the traditional bazaar, with wind catchers and green walls creating a space unlike many in Cairo a green clean cool shaded place to relax and get relief from the soaring heats

Green growers in and between the concrete mashrabiya, decorative sides of the bazaar and helps clean the air by reducing the amount of carbon in the air.

Light tubes in a concrete suspended slab, which would keep heat out and the tubes allow the light through into the space below, creating a space that is natural lit

Wind catcher using a traditional Islamic way of circulating by catering the wind and rerouting the wind into the space below to keep a steady circulation of air.

Shading and Colour

Hand drawn prospective to give the feel of the inner space, benches, no cars, greenery screens for privacy hanging light tubes, a place for cafes, shops, toilets all the reliefs that a person would need during a day out, providing facilities so families dont have to worry once there out, they can simply enjoy themselves, one less stress, also as these spaces will be in a variety of locations on the site the chance for neigbourhood interaction in these spaces, the covered boulevard creates a large shaded open central space for events and specialist markets.

Shading and Colour

the bazaar roof will have a variety of uses, the major being shade, protection from the sun, but also allowing natural light through so there area is lit well during the day.

colour variety depth, each neighborhood will have the chance to decorate and choose there desired colours for the tubes as this area will be for them ultimately why shouldnt they have the nal choice, creating some pride and a community feel, there are a number of location in my site where these proposal will be placed, as the site/ design is for 20,00 people the idea of there important would be benecial to them keeping there neighborhood clean, maintained, as it is there property there design there choice will create a sense of ownership.

with the roof being a shade there is the possibility of using the roof areas which can be accessed and maintained by the community support trust, for possible vegetation, energy, for future use, creating spaces above and below, making phial connection between neighbors.

colour, variety and a softer more personal space with green walls, shade, shopping, living working in a space which is there own, providing outdoor covered spaces which the community can use for events, between the shops as there will be no cars allowed creating a linear space for community art exhibition, craft exhibition, musical events.

Shading and Colour

colour, variety and a softer more personal space with green walls, shade, shopping, living working in a space which is there own, providing outdoor covered spaces which the community can use for events, between the shops as there will be no cars allowed creating a linear space for community art exhibition, craft exhibition, musical events.

Shading and Colour

left - the position of these roof coverers, because they are built on site the can be made to measure, any design any style really, this spaces will be the arteries of the community, places to sell, shop, interact, relax, eat, drink and work, trying to keep the money circulating within the neighborhoods, to produce more wealth and funds to pay for maintainace of there neighborhoods.

Shading and Colour

above - Wind catchers to circulate air under the shade structure, the more air movement the better the air quality and the better the comfort levels, with the method shown above using the traditional courtyard cooling method where the air is caught ows down the wind catcher cools onto the water and out through a vented grc mashrabiya panel, bringing the air out at low level to get the full effects of the cool air rising to the hot,

right - Windcatcher shown with the glass reinforced concrete, to a design as desired, the wind catcher will also be part of the support, xed back onto the existing facade for stability, in between the any two wind catchers will be a concrete terrace slab to give the existing owners more out door space and lighting.

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View Through shaded colonnade with light tubes transmitting light into the area to give the space a bright vibrant feel and place of interest a place to attract people into a nice cool environment.

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Shading and Colour

Shading and Colour

Masterplan The future downtown Cairo will be a place where children can play freely without the fear of cars, children will be able to play in parks and courtyards and adults will be able to watch and relax in the comfort of a shaded colourful space. The wealth of downtown will increase and provide funds for community activities, and the maintenance of buildings, parks and courtyards. There will be an increase in jobs in the downtown district for gardeners, museum tour guides, bazaar security, and bus drivers, etc. The role of the car will diminish with the lack of need to drive. With the reduction of cars on the road the air quality will vastly improve meaning a reduction in premature deaths and less spending on health care with less people needing treatment due to the cleaner air and the environment of walking in the comfort of the shade. The greenspaces will be little niches for the community, the roofs will be a food source, each neighbourhood in the masterplan will have there own identity based on the colour choices of their shaded walkways. The presently segregated areas of the city: Modern Downtown - Islamic, will be united by a direct walkway across the Greenwalk straight into the Islamic quarter. The site forms a central hub making access across Cairo and Egypt via Ramses station quick and easy, the best place in Cairo for transport links. The refurbishment of buildings will contribute to the feeling of revitalisation in the city and an increase of visitors will begin to follow, bringing more revenue into the community.

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