As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

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As you sow, so shall you reap As the saying goes, As you sow, so shall you reap, we will be rewarded

or punished according to the good or bad deeds that we do. We all know that we cannot escape from the law of nature. Sowing and reaping, are part and parcel of the law of nature. If we sow good seeds in our lives , we will get good results. owever, the reverse will happen if we decide to take the wrong way. !o study or work honestly and diligently is one way to sow good seeds. In order to get good results, we need to work really hard. We must not be la"y and must not have the spirit of procrastination, because when you procrastinate, you will not finish the work that you are supposed to finish on time. We also need to be and have the spirit of honesty and diligence. When you do all these things correctly, you will succeed in your work. #ou will get good results which will make you and the people around you happy. #ou will also live a good life in the future. Sowing and reaping are not only for the students, but also for working people. !here are many of them who have succeeded and there are many people who have failed. !hose people who have succeeded in their work, e$celled in their studies when they were younger. !hose people who failed to succeed simply sowed bad seeds when they were younger. %or e$ample, nowadays teenagers take drugs, and when they take drugs, hundreds of cells will die and they will feel very weak. !his will lead to a chain of negative events. If they are weak, they cannot concentrate on their studies. In no time, they will soon reach a working age but, the rude awakening is that they will find that no &ob awaits them e$cept for menial &obs.

Great talkers a never great doers..... !he above statement is what we listen from our elders and another statement to it is ' you "ip up your lips . I am impartial, rather neutral ,towards this because both aspects of this statement &ustify my thoughts .!he first (uote can be seen in the perspective of day to day life when we see our on fellows talking so much, planning and rather building castles in the air as if they have got a key to control the world ,you put your hand under your chin and nod on their great plans but at the end, we know).the result would be total fiasco .Why* +ecause the energy they wasted on e$plaining their plans and to others had left them with very less for doing it. It would be hilarious. ,ook at it as local politicians- point views who with their great tummies, big mouths, always utter so many benevolent and consolidating words that our poor people beguiled that tomorrow would be a changed world. .o/// It will not be because as usual the people would be crumbling under the sky rocketing inflation. !ake the e$ample of our &ournalists who critici"e a lot but never out reach a point of change but in return get the enmity of politicians. ,ook at our history before partition if 0r. 1innah had not great speech capabilities and strong voice, who would have listened to him. If his words were not evident how a revolution would have emerged/// .ot only him/ Abraham ,incoln was a good orator his words sewn in the hearts of people. !he great leaders were e$cellent talkers but not &ust mere talkers, their actions and approach was strong enough which dragged a nation from a dismal state to an epoch of happiness where prosperity hugged them. !o conclude I would give my own saying rather view' 2nless you talk, you cannot persuade people but when you do so, then your actions themselves assembles to bring a change for betterment.

Industry is the mother of good luck...

!here is no royal road to success in life. 3ur roads to success are full of difficulties and obstacles. If we can overcome them, it will be easy for us to go on and win success. +ut to overcome difficulties and obstacles is not an easy task. We must have patience. We must be industrious. 4atient labor is the root of success. An idle man cannot attain success in life because he is no industrious. !here is a Sanskrit proverb. It says that the goddess of fortune smiles on the energetic persons. !he cowards only depend on luck. !he lion is the king of beasts. +ut if he only sleeps, his prey will not come to him itself. e must search for his prey. Similarly, if we sit idle, success will not be within our reach. We must e$ert ourselves. 5ifficulties cannot stand in the way of an energetic man.6reat men were all industrious in their own spheres. !hey had labored had for a long time before attaining success. 7ery few fortunate men inherit ancestral fortune without industry. +ut they too must be industrious to en&oy their fortune properly8 otherwise they will waste it within a short9 time. !hey will soon become poor and lead a miserable life. A student can shine well in life if he is industrious. A businessman will thrive if he is industrious. A lawyer will shine in his profession if he is industrious. A nation prospers if the people are industrious. So we all should give up idleness and work hard if we wish to have good luck in life. A man who has been in adversity can feel for others in distress. If that person prospers in life, he knows how he has suffered and so he has sympathy for persons in distress and helps them in their adversity. +ut a person who has always been in prosperity cannot feel for people in adversity, because he has never known how painful it is to suffer hardships. ,ife is plain sailing with him. Such a person cannot develop in him (ualities of true manhood.

Happiness is only real when shared 4eople have different ideas about real happiness. Some people believe happiness comes from money, wealth, honor, and power. Some people believe happiness e$ists with love. Simply, all of these beliefs and ideas are wrong. !he beliefs are incorrect because those things are not essential to reali"e real happiness. I believe a shared happiness is only can be defined as real happiness. !o begin with, there are no people who can be happy alone. :hristopher 0c:andless is a man who traveled and ventured into the wild. e is a great e$ample to describe the real happiness. :hristopher 0c:andless had been alone for a long time during his adventure. +efore he died alone in the wildness, he reali"ed happiness is valuable when shared. e thought he could be happy without his parents, brothers, and friends and he thought that he was happy enough. owever, he became aware that he was wrong, and he regretted his lonely traveling right before he dies. e said happiness is only real when shared. It indicates the real happiness is valuable when it shared. ;ven though people have enough property, it is not valuable without someone to share it with. When I saw this great statement, it became my belief. In my case, I had to stay home alone without my parents for a long time because of their &ob. Although they gave me a lot of toys, I was lonely. +ecause I was not happy when I stayed home alone, I could understand and agree with the statement.

Also there are different ways to feel happiness. Some people feel they are happy when they compare their financial condition to other people-s condition. ;ven though a man has a lot of money, the man cannot feel that he is happy without any comparable ob&ect. It is why money, wealth, honor, and power are not the key points of reali"ing real happiness. 3f course, those are optional things to feel happiness. owever, those do not have direct relations to have real happiness. Some people who think real happiness comes from material possessions mistakenly think they need more things in their lives, when really, they simply want more things. !o reali"e the real happiness, people need to share happiness. 4eople who volunteer their time to help others think they should share their happiness to others to be happier. %or instance, people who volunteer to help others say they are happy when they help and share. ;ven though they do not have to help and share their property and happiness, they do it because they know sharing makes them happier.;ven though everyone wants to be happy, they cannot always get their wish. %or real happiness, materials are not necessary, but sharing. 4eople should know how to share their happiness to be happier such as the social volunteers. +ecause nobody can be happy alone, they should share their happiness with others. I believe this because I understood and recogni"ed what real happiness means.

Where theres a Will theres a Way

!his saying must not be taken too literally. Although .apoleon, in reply to some one who declared that it was impossible to carry out his orders, e$claimed that the word impossible must be e$punged from the dictionary, it is nevertheless the case that there are such things as impossibilities. !he saying we are considering, and .apoleon-s denial of impossibilities, are only to be regarded as epigrammatic modes of e$pressing the fact that many seeming impossibilities can be overcome by a resolute will. !aken in this sense they are useful antidotes against despair. 0any men, when a difficult talk is put before them, sit down with their arms folded and despair of accomplishing it. #et the very task. Which through weakness of will they shrink from attempting, is successfully performed by other men, who are not at all superior to them in intellectual or physical power, but are endowed with superior resolution. undreds of instances may be brought forward to illustrate the immense power of the will in overcoming obstacles. !he biography of almost every eminent man shows that a strong will is as important as a powerful intellect for the achievement of success in life. 3ut of the large number of instances that suggest themselves, one of the most striking is 5emosthenes, the Athenian. In his boyhood he had a weak voice and stammered. !hese physical defects to an ordinary man would have seemed to be insuperable obstacles in the way of oratorical success.

all's well that ends well

;very matter gets started to reach an end. !here is an end to everything. !his end is certain. .o one can stop it from happening. .othing is permanent in this world. It may be life, maybe a movie or maybe any other chore. It is made for having an end. It is said that if the end is good then everything is good. .o one is going to see how much efforts you have done for achieving a particular success. ;veryone is going to concentrate on the end result. !herefore it is wisely said that all-s well that ends well. If you think about a movie then you can &udge every director tries to make a happy ending as he knows that if the end is good, the movie will be considered as good. ,et-s compare this with life, suppose one person is born in poor family. e works hard day and night and becomes rich in future. !his means that person has got an end which is good. .o one will see his hard work or efforts that he took in the past. In short people feel more comfortable in &udging a person by his or her present days and not by their past. ;verything is going to vanish one day but how to live this life till the end depends on a person. ;nd is assured but if it is good then only everything would be considered as good. If the end is not good then it cannot be considered as the end, it may be a new beginning. ;nd can be defined as the thing after which you cannot do anything, all doors for any further attempt are closed, or it can also be said that everything gets over. !herefore it is necessary to consider that end can only be called as end if it-s good. If something wrong happens, then it is not the end. ;nd is not a word and even it is not a negative thought. It is good to have an end. If there is no end then everything can become obsolete and meaningless. 0any things become more critical when they do not end at an appropriate time. !herefore it is wisely said that a thing is good if it has end. ence it can be stated that all is well that ends well. If everything is not well then it-s not the end, end is ahead and waiting for everything to get well. !his is the true philosophy of life. If life is going through critical moments then it is good to neglect negative thoughts and say it-s the end, instead it is wise to think that this is not end because everything is not well. All is well that ends well has got a true meaning that can help any stressed person to survive. .egative people must learn from this saying and improve their outlook towards life.

he !rown and Glory "f #ife Is !haracter

!he greatest (uality a person can possess is good character. It is perhaps conforming to this line of thinking that someone once said, <If wealth is lost, nothing is lost, if health is lost, something is lost, but if character is lost, everything is lost.< 3ne cannot ac(uire a good character by sitting idle. 3ne has to work very hard for it. !his hard work may entitle foregoing many small pleasures, learning from our mistakes and training ourselves to discipline our wayward thoughts, actions and desires. :haracter building is a continuous process. It starts from the cradle and ends only when one is dead. A good character can be defined as a combination of virtuous habits and principled living. A society and a country are shaped by men and women of character. !hey are instrumental in building a nation. !hey are a source of strength for people around them... istory is full of people who ac(uired phenomenal strength of character because they were influenced by the strong character of people like parents and friends around them. ,ong after a person is dead, people keep him alive in their memories because of the inspiration, a direction given by him to others...

A friend in need is a friend indeed

We hear the above phrase a lot but fail to pay much attention to it as we believe that all our friends are friends in deed. 0ostly in troubled times we look back space that is sans them. !he choices that we take, the amount of time we spend all decide the amount of closeness we share with a friend. A true friend no matter what doesn=t stop from helping us out of anything. Also we should not stop from helping friends who are very close to us. %riends we make now and then don=t seem memorable but when on a day we end up with one of them as our closest friend, then the true value of friendship dawns on us. A friend who doesn=t hesitate to help us out of any turmoil even while risking his own life is one who is a truly best friend of ours. %riends aren=t calculated risks but uncalculated gains that we get in life. %riends also can be past enemies. It isn=t how much trust we put in a person but how much we haven=t hesitated from being befriending him and helping him in troubled waters that decides a good friendship. Sometimes even a trustworthy person can backstab us. 3ur actions to decide whether the person whom we consider as a friend truly trusts or for that matter likes us. So though a ma&or role is played by us in selecting our core group, the saying always holds true>a friend in need is a friend indeed.

God helps those who help themselves

Some people are fatalists of the worst kind. !hey have a very wrong notion about 6od. !hey think that since they worship 6od, 6od will shower all kinds of blessings on them. !hey remain idle in the hope that 6od will help them in all eventualities. Such people lose self> confidence, become miserably dependent on fate and ultimately suffer failure and ruin. 6od has blessed us with aptitudes, talents and faculties. e e$pects us to make full use of them. e cannot possibly encourage us to lead a wretched life of idleness, inaction and servitude. e wants us to develop our personality and character to the fullest possible e$tent. e wants to see us physically active, mentally alert and spiritually e$alted. .o amount of the worship of 6od can please im unless we stir about and act. 6od does not like those who waste away their time and energy in wishing for and dreaming of the things they do not want to earn by dint of hard work. ;ven though 6od is omnipotent. e will not help us if we do not help ourselves. Self>help is the greatest virtue. A self>reliant person has an iron will and a strong determination. e overcomes all hurdles and achieves success by striving incessantly.

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