DNA and Genes Lab Instructions

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Virtual Lab: DNA and Genes Lab Instructions Objective: In this exercise, you will examine the impact

of mutations on genetic sequences. *Note- Submit your data and answers to t e !uestions on t e Lab "or#s eet by clic#in$ on t e %omewor#&'ui( Submission Lin# )or DNA and Genes* 1. Open the Virtual Lab entitled !"# and $enes%.

&. 'he (irtual lab simulation will be on the right side of the page in the )utation $uide% area. 'he left side of the page contains bac*ground information and instructions in the +uestions% area. ,. -ead the bac*ground information found under the +uestions% area first, and then continue on to reading the procedure information posted there as well. .. /hen you are ready, please read through the more detailed bac*ground information in the )utation $uide%. 0se the "ext% button to scroll through all of the pages. /hen you are finished, close out the )utation $uide% by clic*ing the 1% in the upper right hand corner of the page. 'his will then open a new page for the (irtual lab exercise. "O'2: If you need to re(iew the )utation $uide%, open it up at any time by clic*ing the )utation $uide% button in the lower left hand portion of the page. 3. Once the (irtual lab exercise page is (isible, you are ready to begin. 4ou will need to first open and5or print the Lab /or*sheet, which can be found on the course main page in )oodle under the Lab Instructions. 6. /hen you are ready, please close out the )utation $uide% and clic* the )utate% button that appears on the new page to begin the acti(ity.

7. 4ou will see the following: an Original sequence% of m-"# that has been translated properly into its corresponding amino acid sequence a )utated sequence% that is blan* a )utation -ules% bloc* of information

8. 4our tas* is to read the information in the )utation -ules% area and then apply the information to completing the )utated sequence% of m-"# and protein. 'o do this, you must: read the )utation -ule% loo* at the Original sequence% of m-"# gi(en determine the )utated sequence% of m-"# bases after applying the information presented in the )utation -ule% determine the )utated sequence% of protein 9amino acids: translated from the m-"# sequence you ;ust created using the $enetic <ode <hart% =. >lease complete this information in the area below ?2@O-2 actually completing the (irtual acti(ityA you can then refer to it to help ma*e the correct selections at each step. -emember to use the $enetic <ode <hart% to determine the protein sequence: )utation -ule% states: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

Original Cequence:



)utated Cequence:


>rotein 1D. Once you ha(e filled in the information abo(e, drag the correct nucleotides to their position in the )utated sequence% of m-"#. 'hen drag the corresponding amino acids into place in the )utated sequence% of protein. /hen you are finished, clic* <hec*%. # message will appear in the open box at the bottom of the page indicating whether your answer needs to be corrected. 4ou may repeat this entire acti(ity by clic*ing )utate%. 11. /hen you are finished, please answer all of the postElaboratory questions on the Lab /or*sheet and submit your answers through the quiF lin* pro(ided in )oodle.

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