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Wajib (necessary) actions of Namaz 1. In the Takbeer-e-Tahrima to use the words 'Allah-o-Akbar' 2.

To pray the whole of the Alhamdo Surat. 3. To join a Surat or a erse !Ayat" with Alhamdo. In a #ar$ %ama$ for the first two &akats and in a 'itr( Sunnat or %afl %ama$ in all the &akats. ). To pray before a Surat or Ayat( Alhamdo only on*e. +. ,etween Alhamdo and a Surat not to pray anythin- e.*ept 'Ameen' and ,ismillah... /. To -o into &ukoo as soon as the 0irayat is finished 1. To perform one Sijdah after another without ha in- a delayed -ap in between. The -ap must be no lon-er than one &ukun( meanin- the time it takes someone to say 'Subhanallah' three times. 2. To pause between a*tions( meanin- a -ap of time the same as at least one 'Subhanallah' between( &ukoo( Sijdah( 0uwmaa and 3alsa. 4. 0uwma( meanin- to stand up strai-ht after &ukoo. 15. 'hen in Sijdah to ha e three toes on ea*h foot to be flat on the -round and the tips pointin- towards 0ibla. 11. 3alsa( meanin- to sit up between two Sijdahs. 12. 0aidah-e-6ola( meanin- to sit after two &akats( if there are more than two &akats in a %ama$( whether it is a %afl ! oluntary" %ama$. 13. %ot to *ontinue further after Tashahhud !Attahiyat" in a 0aida-e-6ola for a #ar$( 'itr or Sunnat-e-7aukida %ama$. 1). To pray in both 0aidahs the whole of Tashahhud( in fa*t( re-ardless of the amount of 0aidahs in a %ama$ to pray the whole of Tashahhud is 'ajib( if e en one word is left out of Attahiytat the 'ajib will be missed. 1+. In both Salaams the word Salaam is 'ajib( the words 'Alaikum 'a &ahmutullah' is not 'ajib. 1/. To pray '8ua-e-9unoot' in 'itr. 11. To perform Takbeer in 9unoot !To lift your hands and say Allah-o-Akbar in the third &akat of 'itr". 12. All si. Takbeers of :id %ama$'s 14. The Takbeers in the se*ond rakat of the :id %ama$ and for them to ha e the words 'Allah-o-Akbar. 25. The Imam to pray loudly in all 3ehri %ama$ and to pray ;uietly in non 3ehri %ama$.

21. To pray all #ar$ and 'ajib %ama$ in routine !meanin- to pray the before one's before and the after one's after". 22. To perform only one &ukoo in e ery rakat and to perform only two Sijdahs. 23. %ot to perform a 0aidah before two rakats and not to perform a 0aida in the third rakat if it is a four rakat %ama$. 2). To perform Sijdah-e-Tilawat if an Ayat of Sijdah has been prayed. 2+. If there has been an error !where a 'ajib has been missed" then to perform Sijdah-eSahoo. 2/. There is not to be a -ap between two #ar$ a*tions or between two 'ajib a*tions or a #ar$ and a 'ajib a*tions lon-er than the time it takes to say Subhanallah three times. 21. If the Imam is performin- 0irayat( whether it is loudly or ;uietly( the 7u;tadees to remain *ompletely ;uiet. 22. :.*ept for 0irayat( to follow the Imam in all the 'ajibs. :.*ept for the #ar$ and 'ajib a*tions( all the rest of the a*tions mentioned in the method of %ama$ are either Sunnat or 7ustahhab. They should not be missed on purpose( and if they are missed by mistake then it is not ne*essary to perform Sijdah-e-Sahoo nor repeat the %ama$. If howe er( you repeated the %ama$ then it is a -ood thin-. If you want to know in more detail the Sunnats and 7ustahhabs then read either ,ahar-e-Shariat or #atawa-e-&a$ ia as we ha e not -one into small detail or abbre iated them here.

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