Weekly Plan (12 Week) Grade 6 English: Day Classwork Homework

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Weekly Plan (12th week)

13 17 \ 4 \ 2014

Grade 6 English: ay
Sunday 13/4

%eading: (2&eri"ds)

%eading: Reread the same pages given in the class

'(i) *

"n '(i+"te and the

Wind$ills Textbook p. 341: 345 Gra$$ar: (1 &eri"d) 23 Pronouns !orksheet" ,&elling: (2 &eri"ds) ,(--i+es #esson 21 p. $1%$2%$3 %eading: (2&eri"ds) "n '(i+"te and the Wind$ills Reading 'ooklet p.45%4$%4(%5) * +omprehension p. 51%52 Gra$$ar: !ork sheet ,&elling: #esson 21. Pp.$4 &pell. P.'." &pelling booklet #.21 %eading: Reading 'ooklet p.4, * +omprehension p. 53%54 Gra$$ar: -rammar .orkbook 1)$% 11)% 112% 114 /o the given 0..

Monday 14/4

Tuesday 15/4

Wednesday Gra$$ar: (2 &eri"d) 23 Pronouns 16/4 -rammar .orkbook p.1),% 1)(% 111% 113 Thursday 17/4
Writing: (2 &eri"d)



ays "- the '(i))es are $enti"ned in the .(i))es ta/le Please -"ll"w these dates0 Quizzes table Subject

Sunday $13/4%

What to study or the Quizzes!

%eading : The River That .ent to the &k1 * 'ooklet ,&elling : &pelling Practice book #esson 1( p ,3 : p ,2" * #esson 2) p ,, : p $)" Gra$$ar : .orkbook 22.2 verb tenses. p (5 : p1)) 22.3 Troublesome 3erbs p 1)1 : p 1)2 * -iven !orksheets.2).1 4ppositive phrase chap ( # (%1)" % chap 1) # 2%5%,%$%(%1)" 56789 :;< 5=>?@A B 56789 C8?D89 EFG HIJKLJ89 HIMNOPJ89 N; Q R S;T B U?V89 H?WJ89G H?AX89 YNZ B ?[;KM N\89 YGN] UI^_G 5;A?[6O`a9 ?A BU?V89G " -rade 2

Math &rabic

Wednesday $16/4% Thursday $17/4%

.eekl1 Plan 12b 2nd term

Weekly Plan (12th week)

13 17 \ 4 \ 2014
'rade Si( Sub Class Work
+hapter 1, : #esson 1 u 0o! can energ1 changevw p. 4,( +ontinue the lesson * solving the !orkbook xuestions. #esson 2 :w 0o! are electricit1 and magnetism relatedvw p. 4$2 +ontinue the lesson * solving the !orkbook xuestions. PraXtiXal E+& ( Y ) Zdenti-y the $agnetiX -ield ar"(nd a /ar $agnet0 +ontinue the lesson * solving the !orkbook xuestions. !ha&ter 10 :[eas(re$ent 11.circumderence pg5,2 12.4rea od circle pg 5$) 14.solid digures pg 5$2 15.surdace area yuiz on chap ( # (%1)" % chap 1) # 2%5%,%$%(%1)" +hapter 4% #esson 1B2 Populationh Population &ize" drom p.,(B$3. +omplete the lesson. &audi 0istor1 c.,B#.3 B+ahier d{activit|s P. 1(B2)B21 B +ahier d{activit|s P. 22B23 * ist(r/ing the -inal \renXh s&elling /ee !reating Pr"gra$s and ]anners with [, P(/lisher 2010 eore practice" U?V89G 56789 :;< 5=>?@A H?WJ89G H?AX89 YNZ:M9Ii H?WJ89G H?AX89 YNZ:M9Ii M9Ii 5DF9NA C8?D89 EFG HIJKLJ89 HIMNOPJ89 N; Q R S;T B U?V89 " >?nO^9 YGN] UI^_G 5;A?[6O`a9 ?A BU?V89G 56789 :;< 5=>?@A B 56789 H?WJ89G H?AX89 YNZ B ?[;KM N\89 " CK`G E;KM 9 mno89 5nVA :k] , :1 5k9 : " r>I` 13 :$ 5k9 : " r>I` 2) :14 5k9 : " r>I`

Home Work
Pg 2$ x.1 Pg 2( x.3%4 Pg 3) x.1 1B5 " Pg 31 x.3%4 Pg 32 x.,




p.b pg 122 p.b pg12, p.b pg 12( p.b pg 13)

/o the !orksheet. B +ahier d{activit|s P. 2) }o.2~3"



PraXtiXe at h"$e


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Z$&"rtant ^"te: _he '(i))es are n"t t" /e re&eated -"r any a/sent st(dent With"(t a $ediXal re&"rt` that was ann"(nXed /e-"re0 ))
.eekl1 Plan 12b 2nd term -rade 2


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