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English survey ques 4 the beauty of art always.............

dancing girl ans its lyk most of the objects are extracted from the earth in that there Are many pieces which are brocken, as u heard there is one skeleton from rakhigari.first of all what is done is dat when it is undergrounded it is taken out very precautiously and it is allowed to dry very slowly so dat there may not be a immediate dryng of the object or any breakage of any part of the object and den it is wrapped in gunie bag or any sort of cotton wools and taken into the laboratory and in the laboratory it is slowly dried up not immediately and then it takes several months and after that slowly and stedily all these extanious material i.e clay is taken mechanically after which the skeleton is washed with distilled water after which it is allowed for display. nd is mother goddes teracota. !erracotta is one of the inert material which we use bc" the earth has gone back by fusion d hard material n it is nt goin decompose even if the environmnt cionditions are dry. #hen dese peices are extracted is a lot of mud and such material all over d surface which are taken very carefully under the microscope. And then the outer layer is taken out with the help of cotton swap and some with d hlp of alcoholic solvents and then finally after cleaning and dryng v r using a consolidative of a preservative called polyvenyl that is applied on the surface then the next comes dancing girl. $t is a short bstatue made up of bron"e an alloy of copper and tin. As we know that the metalurgy at the ancient time was very advance. %o dancing girl is also an example of metalurly of that period that why it has not corroded & #hat is the reason& And hiow it is so shaped& $t is all the speciality of the metalurgic science at that time. ' one of such example is iron pillar of qutab minar( dis dancing girl also has a layer of platina ' platina forms layer around every object( . #e take out this layer as it it dangerous and often causes a disease named bron"e disease similar to tuberclosis. )ftenly causes by the presence of chloride . %o it is throughly washed so that all the chloride from the surface gets washed. Along with some chemicals and the local appluications of chemicals it itr kept in the preservation section for public. *ues + sir now we will move to the theme of this interview................ ans. Actualy there are many old temples in india along with monasties from whre we collect these portrays . #e have a various types of stones and thus follewed by various types of preservation technique respec tively. ,or eg, for preservation of stone like marble we have a clay pack method in which we apply a magnesium trisilicate layer on the surface of marble to take off all the traces of the dust dirt and the aggretion. %imilarly in case of sedimentary stone there is a there is a case of development of

poundry formation which is taken by the help of the consolidants and sometimes there is the growth of some types of material over the stone scuptures. $n the museum what happn there is a agretion dust and dirt cleaned by the chemicals ques in metals , there is a very shiny surface so we work to preserve metals shiny surfa.E of metals in the museum for eg/ suppose we have a coin dere is the presence of oxide layer on the surface due to which over time it eventualy becomes blackish but in some cases like in silver, gold n other inert metals which does not react directly with the atmosphere that is being preserved and their shiny surface is maintained by giving a aqueor layer on the outer surface so that the the pollutants cannot penetrate to the surface a0d the gasses do not interact with the surface and this is how a thin polythene sort of sheet is applied that assist in maintaining the shiny surface of tghe metals. *ues 11 ans/ as we know that as u would have seen these clothes have very fine ebrouidry with the gold and silver shiny wires and it lyk they are being cleaned using some chemicals and solvents i.e ammonical solvents that tarnishes the layer of the silver that are applied only under the guidance of the experts and not all people. *ues 12 ans/ as we know at ancient time metalurgy was at very advance stage . $n anceint times these swords and things were made up of wood steel . As it has a capacity not to rust with time. %o these swords as well as body armour are not corroded as they are not coroded As they are madeup of this wood steel and stain less steel that have very little tendency to corrode.

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