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8|ue k|bbon Comm|ss|on kecommendat|ons to

res|dent Cbama and the Department of nome|and Secur|ty

ln March of Lhls year resldenL Cbama meL wlLh members of Lhe Congresslonal Plspanlc Caucus
and laLer wlLh lmmlgraLlon advocaLes as an aLLempL Lo Lamp down crlLlclsm of hls
AdmlnlsLraLlon's deporLaLlon record.

WlLh S.744, Lhe mosL recenL comprehenslve lmmlgraLlon reform measure, sLalled ln Lhe Pouse
of 8epresenLaLlves, Lhe pressure ls growlng on Lhe Cbama AdmlnlsLraLlon Lo Lake execuLlve
acLlon Lo sLop deporLaLlons. 1housands of people have Laken Lo Lhe sLreeLs, engaged ln clvll
dlsobedlence acLlons, and gone on hunger sLrlke Lo brlng aLLenLlon Lo Lhe crlsls plagulng
lmmlgranL communlLles. 1he resldenL aLLempLed Lo redlrecL Lhe focus Lowards Congress and
8epubllcans, and slmulLaneously announced a 90-day lnLernal pollcy revlew aL Lhe ueparLmenL
of Pomeland SecurlLy on how lmmlgraLlon enforcemenL could be conducLed more humanely."

We are aware LhaL Lhls revlew wlll be meL wlLh proposals from across Lhe specLrum of clvll
socleLy on how Lhe resldenL can and should acL. lL seems now LhaL acLlon from Lhe resldenL
ls lnevlLable. 1hus, Lhe quesLlons before us are abouL Llmlng and scope. We lnslsL LhaL Lhe
Llmlng be lmmedlaLe and Lhe scope be as broad and bold as posslble. WlLhln prevlous
dlscusslons on rellef Lhere has been a Lendency LhaL resulLs ln Lhe segregaLlon of parLs of Lhe
lmmlgranL communlLy lnLo Lhose who are 'deservlng' and Lhose who are 'undeservlng.' We've
been glven a false cholce: expandlng proLecLlons for Lhe former aL Lhe expense of punlshlng Lhe
laLLer. lnsLead of allowlng a crlmlnal record Lo be a caLegorlcal bar Lo lncluslon, lL musL be
welghed wlLhln Lhe enLlre conslderaLlon of a person's conLrlbuLlons and Lles Lo communlLy and
be dlscounLed ln Lhe conLexL of a blased crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem LhaL lmpacLs communlLles of
color and low-lncome people aL hlgher raLes resulLlng ln Lhelr dlsproporLlonaLe presence and
more llkely conLacL wlLh law enforcemenL. 8emoval proceedlngs Lhus should begln wlLh
a presumpLlon LhaL Lhe lndlvldual wlll face hardshlp lf deporLed, welghlng famlly and
communlLy Lles flrsL, raLher Lhan drawlng a hard llne of deporLablllLy aL crlmlnal records. Lach
lndlvldual should have Lhe opporLunlLy and due process Lo make Lhelr own case for rellef, buL
Lhe burden of proof of whaL makes a person a prlorlLy for deporLaLlon should be on Lhe

As undocumenLed and formerly undocumenLed communlLy members who have wlLnessed
mass deporLaLlons, been sub[ecL Lo removal proceedlngs and worked dlrecLly wlLh Lhose
flghLlng deLenLlon and deporLaLlon and whose own llves are lmpacLed by upcomlng pollcy
declslons, we puL forward Lhls seL of recommendaLlons Lo Lhe WhlLe Pouse on how resldenL
Cbama can Lake sLeps Lo advance lmmlgranL [usLlce and lmmlgraLlon reform lmmedlaLely. We
ask LhaL Lhe resldenL meeL wlLh our commlsslon, we who have auLhored Lhls reporL, Lo dlscuss
our proposals.
Comm|ss|on kecommendat|ons

Lxpand Deferred Act|on to the Iu||est Lxtent of the Law, to as Many eop|e as oss|b|e
8ecord deporLaLlons are separaLlng famllles and Learlng people from Lhelr homes, sllenclng
workers who reporL labor vlolaLlons, and ravaglng communlLles. Lach person deporLed has a
sLory. Lndlng Lhls sufferlng ls our Lop prlorlLy. Lxpandlng deferred acLlon would provlde
proLecLlon from deporLaLlon, keep famllles and communlLles LogeLher, and allow people Lo llve
and work wlLhouL fear. ln addlLlon, persons who already have an approved uACA appllcaLlon,
as well as Lhose wlLh an approved famlly or employmenL peLlLlon should be offered parole-ln-
place, so Lhey can noL only be proLecLed from deporLaLlon, buL can acLually beneflL from Lhelr
approved peLlLlons by ad[usLlng Lhelr sLaLus Lo permanenL resldency ln Lhe fuLure.

Lnd the Secure Commun|t|es and Cr|m|na| A||en rograms and 287(g) Agreements
Secure CommunlLles, Lhe Crlmlnal Allen rogram and oLher lCL ACCLSS programs separaLe
famllles and communlLles, LhreaLen publlc safeLy, wrongly conflaLe crlmlnal law and
lmmlgraLlon law, and make lCL offlcers a regular feaLure ln local courLrooms, [alls, and prlsons
around Lhe counLry. 8y maklng lmmlgraLlon sLaLus a maLLer of concern for local pollce, lCL
ACCLSS programs crlmlnallze lmmlgranLs, lncorrecLly porLraylng lmmlgraLlon as prlmarlly a law
enforcemenL and naLlonal securlLy lssue Lo be solved by more lCL and C8 offlcers and more
deLenLlon cenLers. 1hese programs also culLlvaLe raclal proflllng by Lhe pollce, furLher endanger
over-pollced communlLles such as Lransgender women of color, and erode communlLy safeLy by
dlscouraglng lmmlgranLs from accesslng supporLlve servlces. !usL as Lhe resldenL has ramped
up Lhese harmful programs durlng hls admlnlsLraLlon, he can and should seek Lo end Lhem.

L||m|nate the 8ed uota and Drast|ca||y Curta|| the use of Detent|on
ln flscal year 2012, a record-breaklng 477,323 people saw Lhe lnslde of an lmmlgraLlon prlson.
Many advocaLes decry LhaL Congress requlres uPS Lo arblLrarlly have 34,000 deLenLlon beds
avallable on any glven day, a so-called deLenLlon bed-mandaLe." Powever, as currenL uPS
SecreLary !eh !ohnson has noLed, Lhe approprlaLlons leglslaLlon says noLhlng abouL mandaLlng
Lhe deLenLlon of 34,000 people Lo flll Lhose beds.

AddlLlonally, Lhe use of supervlsed release and alLernaLlves Lo deLenLlon ls llmlLed, and Lhe
bonds asslgned Lo lmmlgranLs by boLh lCL and LCl8 are ofLen prohlblLlvely hlgh. lL ls wlLhln Lhe
resldenL's power Lo dlrecL Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce Lo offer guldance Lo lmmlgraLlon !udges
Lo lower Lhe bonds seL for deLalned lmmlgranLs who are consldered low prlorlLy, as well as Lo
dlrecL lCL Lo prlorlLlze release of lndlvlduals ln removal proceedlngs on Lhelr own recognlzance.
lor deLalnees who are sub[ecL Lo mandaLory deLenLlon, Lhe resldenL can also dlrecL Lhe
ueparLmenL of !usLlce Lo redeflne alLernaLlves Lo deLenLlon" as belng consldered ln cusLody"
and offer lndlvlduallzed bond hearlngs ln case of prolonged deLenLlon.

Improve Cond|t|ons |n Detent|on Iac|||t|es, and Lxpand rotect|ons for Vu|nerab|e Deta|nees
|nc|ud|ng regnant Women, nIV+ and 1ransgender Ind|v|dua|s, and eop|e w|th D|sab|||t|es
CondlLlons ln currenL deLenLlon faclllLles are deplorable. eople are deLalned far from Lhelr
famllles and communlLles, under lnhumane condlLlons, wlLh lack of access Lo medlcal care,
proLecLlon from vlolence, and legal counsel. arLlcularly vulnerable populaLlons such as lesblan,
gay, blsexual, and especlally Lransgender lmmlgranLs, face especlally horrlflc and dehumanlzlng
condlLlons, lncludlng frequenL vlolence and harassmenL from guards, deprlvaLlon of necessary
medlcal care, psychologlcal LorLure Lhrough sollLary conflnemenL, and all Loo ofLen rape.

resldenL Cbama should dlrecL Lhe lmmedlaLe release from cusLody of parLlcularly vulnerable
populaLlons, lncludlng people who are pregnanL, Lransgender, llvlng wlLh Plv/AluS, and/or wlLh
dlsablllLles. AddlLlonally, whlle Lhe uPS has adopLed some rules wlLh regards Lo deLenLlon
sLandards, lL should requlre all lmmlgraLlon deLenLlon faclllLles Lo lmplemenL fully and
lmmedlaLely Lhe rlson 8ape LllmlnaLlon AcL 8egulaLlons (8LA), Lhe mosL recenL erformance-
8ased naLlonal ueLenLlon SLandards (8nuS), and all oLher appllcable safeLy sLandards and
regulaLlons ln all lmmlgraLlon deLenLlon faclllLles.

kev|se ICL's Lnforcement r|or|t|es and Lxpand 'Low r|or|ty' Cr|ter|a
1he perslsLence of record-level deporLaLlons desplLe numerous rounds of prosecuLorlal
dlscreLlon memos and reforms" ls explalned parLly by lCL's overly broad deflnlLlon of who ls
consldered hlgh prlorlLy" for deporLaLlon. 1he deLenLlon and deporLaLlon of people convlcLed
of mlnor crlmes, Lhose wlLh old removal orders, and Lhose who re-enLer followlng deporLaLlon
do noLhlng Lo advance lCL's publlc safeLy" mlsslon. 1hus, lCL musL sLop classlfylng people who
fall under Lhese caLegorles as hlgh prlorlLy. ln addlLlon, parLlcularly for people wlLh crlmlnal
hlsLorles, lCL should sLarL wlLh a presumpLlon of hardshlp for people wlLh famlly and
communlLy Lles. 1he agency can Lhen conslder all oLher facLors and clrcumsLances LhaL lead Lo
Lhe agency's deslgnaLed enforcemenL pracLlces, buL Lhe burden should be on lCL Lo overcome
Lhe presumpLlon of Lhe Lremendous hardshlp caused by deporLaLlon.
uPS has dlscreLlon regardlng whaL klnd of rellef Lo granL when uslng prosecuLorlal dlscreLlon,
lncludlng granLlng deferred acLlon. CurrenLly, mosL people who recelve a poslLlve exerclse of
prosecuLorlal dlscreLlon Lo sLay Lhelr removal do noL quallfy for employmenL auLhorlzaLlon.
CranLlng Lhem deferred acLlon would glve Lhem Lhe opporLunlLy Lo apply for employmenL
auLhorlzaLlon and conLlnue Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhelr communlLles.

Stop Co||aborat|ng w|th kogue Sher|ffs and 1erm|nate Agreements w|th Loca| Law
Lnforcement Cff|c|a|s who Underm|ne C|v||, Labor and numan k|ghts
1he ueparLmenL of !usLlce (uC!) ls sulng Sherlff !oe Arpalo of Marlcopa CounLy for rampanL clvll
rlghLs vlolaLlons. A uC! experL lnvesLlgaLor found LhaL Lhe Marlcopa CounLy Sherlff's Cfflce was
responslble for Lhe worsL case of raclal proflllng he had ever seen. ?eL Lo Lhls day, lCL conLlnues
Lo collaboraLe wlLh Sherlff Arpalo, LargeLlng lndlvlduals arresLed by Lhe Marlcopa CounLy
Sherlffs Cfflce for deporLaLlon Lhrough S-Comm and oLher programs. uPS also collaboraLes
wlLh oLher local law enforcemenL agencles around Lhe counLry, lncludlng Alamance CounLy,
norLh Carollna, and Cobb and CwlnneLL CounLles ln Ceorgla, all of whlch have been found Lo
pracLlce raclal proflllng and oLher clvll rlghLs vlolaLlons. 1hls ls a dlsgrace. lL undermlnes Lhe
work belng done by uC! and sends Lhe message LhaL deporLaLlon quoLas Lrump clvll rlghLs. lf
Lhe uC! ls akln Lo Lhe flre deparLmenL ln Lhese [urlsdlcLlons, uPS ls an accompllce Lo Lhe
arsonlsLs. 1hls collaboraLlon musL end.

Lnd Cperat|on Stream||ne
CperaLlon SLreamllne mandaLes Lhe crlmlnal prosecuLlon of nearly every lndlvldual deLalned for
unlawfully crosslng Lhe souLhern unlLed SLaLes border. 1he program ls one of Lhe maln reasons
LhaL lmmlgraLlon-relaLed crlmes now make up 40 of federal crlmlnal prosecuLlons. lndlvlduals
charged wlLh unlawful enLry or re-enLry are Lrled en masse ln dehumanlzlng proceedlngs LhaL
make a mockery of Lhe rlghL Lo a falr Lrlal.

Llke Lhe Secure CommunlLles program, CperaLlon SLreamllne was creaLed by Lhe LxecuLlve
branch, noL by Congress. !usL as Lhe LxecuLlve branch creaLed Lhe program, lL can end lL. 1here
ls no serlous doubL abouL Lhe resldenL's auLhorlLy ln Lhls area. ln facL, resldenL Cbama has
Lhe consLlLuLlonal auLhorlLy noL only Lo decllne Lo prosecuLe, buL Lo pardon any and all
vlolaLlons of crlmlnal lmmlgraLlon laws-ln advance or afLer Lhe facL, for any reason or no
reason aL all, on an lndlvldual or a caLegorlcal basls. ln Lhe face of Lhls broad auLhorlLy, Lhere
can be no quesLlon LhaL Lhe resldenL should end CperaLlon SLreamllne lmmedlaLely.

Lxpand Use of numan|tar|an aro|e to Lnsure that eop|e prev|ous|y Deported can return to
the US
1he Cbama AdmlnlsLraLlon has preslded over 2 mllllon deporLaLlons LhaL have Lorn famllles
aparL, separaLed parenLs from Lhelr chlldren, and loved ones from one anoLher. Many people
who were prevlously deporLed have Lrled Lo come back Lo Lhe u.S., only Lo be denled
humanlLarlan parole, face federal crlmlnal prosecuLlon and serve Llme ln federal prlsons, and
ulLlmaLely be re-deporLed as 'crlmlnal re-enLranLs.'
1he AdmlnlsLraLlon can and musL Lake sLeps Lo reverse Lhe famlly separaLlon caused by record
deporLaLlons. 8y lnvoklng Lhe auLhorlLy of lnA SecLlon 212(d)(3), Lhe resldenL can creaLe a
speclflc humanlLarlan parole program Lo brlng back deporLed people wlLh famlly and
communlLy Lles ln Lhe uS.

rotect 8as|c k|ghts by Grant|ng Deferred Act|on to Ind|v|dua|s I|||ng C|v||, Labor, or numan
k|ghts Comp|a|nts, and Adopt|ng a Iorma| Non-keta||at|on o||cy
1he AdmlnlsLraLlon should acL Lo prohlblL unscrupulous employers and oLher bad acLors from
uslng lmmlgraLlon sLaLus as a weapon agalnsL organlzlng and whlsLle-blowlng lmmlgranLs who
push back on lnhumane hours, dangerous condlLlons, and wlLhholdlng of pay (among oLher
vlolaLlons). lederal agencles should adopL formal non-reLallaLlon pollcles prohlblLlng agenLs
from LargeLlng defenders of clvll, labor, and human rlghLs for arresL, deLenLlon, or deporLaLlon.
1hese non-reLallaLlon pollcles should lnclude a blankeL prohlblLlon of lmmlgraLlon enforcemenL
acLlvlLles durlng a labor dlspuLe or durlng organlzlng or collecLlve workplace acLlvlLy.

1he followlng groups should be provlded deferred acLlon: lndlvlduals wlLhouL lawful sLaLus who
come forward Lo flle clvll, labor, or human rlghLs complalnLs, lndlvlduals who are deLalned by
lmmlgraLlon auLhorlLles durlng a labor sLrlke, and lndlvlduals lnvolved ln a pendlng maLLer
before a federal agency ln whlch Lhey are parLlclpaLlng/provldlng evldence. llnally, all agencles
LhaL enforce clvll, labor, and human rlghLs should recelve u-nonlmmlgranL sLaLus cerLlflcaLlon

1erm|nate a|| Iedera| Contracts w|th r|vate r|son Cong|omerates such as Correct|ons
Corporat|on of Amer|ca (CCA) and GLC Group Inc.
CurrenLly, prlvaLe companles operaLe 30 percenL of lmmlgraLlon deLenLlon beds. A sLark 100
percenL of Crlmlnal Allen 8equlremenL (CA8) beds (segregaLed prlsons for lmmlgranLs servlng
Llme for drug offenses or unlawful enLry/re-enLry convlcLlons ln Lhe federal 8ureau of rlsons
sysLem) are prlvaLe. 1ogeLher, Lhls creaLes an lncenLlve for prlvaLe prlson corporaLlons Lo lobby
for Lhe laws and pollcles LhaL lead Lo lncreases ln Lhe number of lmmlgranLs belng lncarceraLed.
1herefore, only a ban on Lhe use of prlvaLe conLracLors for Lhe lncarceraLlon of lmmlgranLs wlll
end Lhese abuses. unLll prlvaLe conLracLors are banned, Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon should ensure LhaL
prlvaLe prlsons be made sub[ecL Lo Lhe same lClA laws as publlc acLors, and conLracLs wlLh
prlvaLe prlsons should lnclude sLrlcL accounLablllLy and overslghL mechanlsms, wlLh conLracL
LermlnaLlon esLabllshed as a clear consequence of vlolaLlon.

Lnd a|| ICL nome and Commun|ty ra|d programs |nc|ud|ng the Cr|m|na| A||en kemova|
In|t|at|ve (CAkI), e||m|nate the use of mob||e b|ometr|c dev|ces and Lnsure the rotect|on of
c|v|| r|ghts dur|ng a|| Lnforcement Cperat|ons
lmmlgranL communlLles across Lhe counLry are faclng a new fronLler of lmmlgraLlon
enforcemenL Lhrough a bruLal lCL rald program Lermed Lhe Crlmlnal Allen 8emoval lnlLlaLlve"--
a sLop and frlsk program prlmarlly LargeLlng lmmlgranLs. 1he program lnvolves lndlscrlmlnaLe
lCL ralds aL aparLmenL complexes, grocery sLores, laundromaLs, blble sLudy groups and parks
based purely on raclal proflllng. Much llke S-Comm and CA, Lhe CA8l lnlLlaLlve ls noL
auLhorlzed by any Congresslonal sLaLuLe, and compleLely creaLed by Lhe uPS under Lhe
auLhorlLy of resldenL Cbama. Lndlng Lhe CA8l lnlLlaLlve and slmllar lCL ralds ln lmmlgranL
communlLles where people llve, work and go Lo school wlll go a long way ln fllpplng Lhe swlLch
on Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon's devasLaLlng lmmlgraLlon enforcemenL pollcles.

Lnd Lxped|ted kemova| of SIIS L||g|b|e outh
WlLh Lhe creaLlon of Speclal lmmlgranL !uvenlle SLaLus (Sl!S), Congress lnLended Lo proLecL a
vulnerable populaLlon of abused and abandoned chlldren by provldlng Lhem wlLh a paLh Lo
permanenL resldency. 1he number of chlldren crosslng Lhe border has splked recenLly, from
6,360 ln 2011, and Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh and Puman Servlces esLlmaLes LhaL Lhe number of
unaccompanled mlnors wlll reach 60,000 ln 2014. 1he resldenL can dlrecL Lhe uPS Lo
afflrmaLlvely exerclse prosecuLorlal dlscreLlon for lndlvlduals ellglble for permanenL resldence
Lhrough Sl!S. Slmllar Lo Lhe credlble fear lnLervlew process, uPS should release guldance and
puL lnLo place a speclflc screenlng pollcy for lndlvlduals beLween Lhe ages of 18 and 21 Lo
deLermlne lf Lhere ls a posslblllLy Lhey could obLaln lawful permanenL resldency Lhrough Sl!S.

Imp|ement rosecutor|a| D|scret|on o||c|es for C8, Act to L|m|t Scope of C8 Lnforcement,
Inc|ud|ng Lnd|ng Interna| ka|ds, and 1ake Act|on to Lnd M|grant Deaths on the 8order.
CusLoms and 8order roLecLlon offlcers and 8order aLrol agenLs rouLlnely abuse Lhelr
auLhorlLy boLh wlLhln and ouLslde border reglons, maklng raclally moLlvaLed arresLs, employlng
derogaLory and coerclve lnLerrogaLlon LacLlcs, and lmprlsonlng lmmlgranLs under lnhumane
condlLlons. A reporL commlssloned by Lhe C8 lLself found LhaL 28 people have dled slnce 2010
afLer encounLers wlLh 8order aLrol agenLs. Pundreds of oLhers have dled on Lhe border, many
Lrylng Lo reLurn Lo Lhelr famllles and communlLles followlng Lhelr deporLaLlon and fleelng
economlc dlsplacemenL or persecuLlon.

1he resldenL can and should acL Lo relgn ln C8's excesses. C8 should begln Lo pracLlce
prosecuLorlal dlscreLlon, and should publlcly clarlfy lLs pollcles for dolng so. 1he resldenL
should dlrecL Lhe agency Lo drasLlcally llmlL Lhe scope of lLs acLlvlLles wlLhln 100 mlles of Lhe
border, and call for an end Lo lnLernal ralds, lncludlng endlng Lhe pracLlce of ralds on domesLlc
Lralns and buses. ln areas wlLh mlgranL deaLhs, uPS should provlde funds for Lhe lnsLallaLlon
and expanslon of rescue beacons and waLer drums, and CusLoms and 8order roLecLlon should
provlde documenLaLlon and reporLlng aL Lhe end of each year on mlgranL deaLhs and Lhe
acLlons Laken Lo prevenL deaLhs. A uPS 8order CverslghL 1ask lorce should be creaLed, and
lnclude parLlclpaLlon of border communlLles, Lo ensure accounLablllLy of fleld enforcemenL
pracLlces on Lhe border.

kenegot|ate 1rade agreements to e||m|nate prov|s|ons that cause d|sp|acement of
commun|t|es and |ncrease econom|c pressure on peop|e to m|grate, and end Negot|at|ons on
the 1rans ac|f|c artnersh|p
1he lmmlgraLlon pollcy debaLe and Lhe debaLe on free Lrade pollcles are lnexLrlcably llnked.
Whlle mosL of Lhe above llsLed polnLs Louch dlrecLly on Lhe lmmlgraLlon funcLlons of Lhe
LxecuLlve branch, Lhe resldenL musL also Lake acLlon Lo address Lhe rooL causes of mlgraLlon Lo
Lhe unlLed SLaLes. 1he resldenL has been glven auLhorlLy by Congress Lo negoLlaLe Lhe 1,
and he can use Lhls auLhorlLy Lo end Lhe negoLlaLlons. lnsLead of negoLlaLlng Lhe 1 ln secreL,
Lhe resldenL should call for a comprehenslve revlew of Lhe u.S.'s Lrade pollcles and Lhelr
effecLs on mlgraLlon. Cnce Lhe revlew ls compleLe, Lhe resldenL should seek Lo renegoLlaLe
Lrade agreemenLs Lo ellmlnaLe provlslons LhaL cause dlsplacemenL of communlLles and lncrease
economlc pressure on people Lo mlgraLe.
Comm|ss|on Members
!ose Alvarado
Lrlka Andlola
Cuadalupe Andlola
PareLh Andrade
Marlo Andrade
Cecllla Senz 8ecerra
Lleazar CasLellanos
Angellca Chazaro
neldl uomlnguez
Lourdes Pernandez
Angel AgusLln Pernandez Comez
!u Pong
rerna Lal
lanny Lopez
?oselyn Madrld
!uan !ose Mangandl
8aymundo Mendoza
!ose Moreno
!ocelyn Mungula
Marlcela Munoz
Shelllon arrls
noe 8amlrez
!amle 8eyes
Carlos 8o[as lvarez
PecLor 8ulz
Lrlln San MarLln Comez
1anla unzueLa
Ldgar Codoy valladares
Cesar vargas
8osa velasquez
Maru Mora vlllalpando
8eyna Wences

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