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I Fill in the gaps (pronoun + verb be) 1. This is Tim Fellows. .... from TP Software. 2.

Im Tom, and this is Jack. .... from London. 3. This is Sandra. .... from Barclays. 4. Hello, .... Paul, nice to meet you! 5. This is Paul and this is Anna. .... from LMS. II Make questions for these answers. Use the word in brackets. 1. .. He is from Paris. (Where?) 2. .. Its 5 oclock. (What?) 3. .. Yes, Im from Rome. (Rome?) 4. .. Barcelona is in the north-east of Spain. (Where?) 5. .. They are from New York. (Where?) 6. .. I think its perfect! (What?) III Fill the gaps (a or an) 1. orange juice, please. 2. Could I have coffee, please? 3. Would you like apple juce? 4. A drink? Yes, iced tea, please. 5. Would you like mineral water? IV Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. I computers. (to sell) 2. They steel products. (to make) 3. He from a supplier in the UK. (to buy) 4. We a factory in Spain. (to have) 5. This company offices in Paris and Amsterdam. 6. Silvia in Marketing Department.

I Fill the gaps (possessive pronouns) 1. Do you live here, Patrick? Yes, this is .. house. 2. Is this office? No, I dont work here. This is Dave office. 3. Sally works in this building. office is on the fourth floor 4. We work near London. . factory is in Guildford. 5. They live in Vienna. .. apartment is very big. 6. He has .. office in London. II Put the words in correct order 1. the/mail/whats/office/of/the/London . 2. number/whats/office/ Jacks? . 3. download/can/from/website/this/you/file? . 4. file/cant/this/read/I? . 5. you/books/buy/website/can/this/from? . 6. the/whats/of/number/Apple store/phone? . III Complete the questions. 1. .. do you spell this word? 2. .. does this word mean? 3. .. does USA stand for? 4. .. you sure? 5. .. you say it again, please? 6. .. she understand everything? 7. .. do you live? IV Underline the correct word 1. Im not very/quite good at chess. 2. I dont like skiing/ski. 2

I Underline the correct word 1. Is/are there a computer I can use? 2. He is working in/for the Marketing Department. 3. Silvia have/is having coffee break now. 4. Mark went/go home yesterday. II Fill the gaps (one word) 1. Im free the end March. 2. We are busy the beginning of July. 3. Are you free in the middle May? 4. I have a flight Friday. 5. He will arrive Saturday 10.30. 6. I return London Thursday. III Fill the gaps (past form of be) 1. How the training course last week? 2. There a lot of people at the conference last year. 3. it cold in Milan last Saturday? It cold, but it windy. 4. they at the trade fare in Spain last year? No, they there. 5. I in Italy last summer. IV Fill in gaps (use the verb in brackets) 1. She him the message. (leave) 2. I the sales report before meeting. (read) 3. We the new factory. (see) 4. I a massage about the schedule. (write) 5. She us about her trip. (tell) 6. Mike all papers from the table. (take)

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