Automobile Part C

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MCB 3013 Control Systems Computer Based Project

Project: Designing and Testing a Cruise Control for an Automobile (Part C)

1. Problem Description
A description of the problem will be based on the previous project. The third part of the project is to design and test a simple cruise control for your automobile and characterise its performance.

2. Objectives
The goal is to design and test a cruise control for an automobile in response to maintain particular throttle setting and gear selection. You are to investigate the ability to keep your car at 100 on a course which changes from level, to 10% uphill, to level, to 10% downhill, to level again, with changes at 500m intervals. Graphically, the terrain model is depicted in the figure below:

More generally, you will need to research: 1. What cruise control is 2. Various type of controllers especially P, PI, PD and PID The outputs of the simulation of the model will be to predict the ability of the car in terms to maintain at prescribed speed, acceleration, distance travelled, time taken etc. You will need to use your previous developed Simulink model to perform the simulation and add the cruise control part. You are welcome to try additional tests and add these to you report. Some Assumptions Hills can be coded as a slope which is a function of displacement.

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MCB 3013 Control Systems Computer Based Project

3. Assessment
Part C: A Company Report Due: Sunday, 13th April, 5pm Submit: via E-leraning You must prepare a company report detailing your findings in a hard copy format. The report format is the same as previous but for the second report it must be no more that 8 sides of A4 in total including figures (not including the cover page and Form B). The first page of the report must be your company logo with Out Ref number indicating on the Fax. The second page is Form B, the overall group assessment form signed by all consultants. Marks will be deducted for the reports that are over the prescribed length and for reports that are submitted late. Append to the report (as the last page page 9) an Invoice for the consultancy work undertaken giving as accurate estimation as possible of the total number of man hours expended in completing this project. Part D: Company Presentation Due: At the group laboratory session in week 14 (Precise details closer to the time)

4. Preparation
You may make use of any course material especially Bolton chap 13, other text books or software you have to solve this project. To prepare for this project, the Die Namix company will provide several training sessions during the lab starting from week 9.

Good Luck and Happy Consulting

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