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LECTURES 22 AND 23, MARCH 8 AND 17, 2004 TRIANGULATION The positions of a network of points (control points) are

established to provide accurate control for survey work. Among the common methods for establishing the positions are triangulation, trilateration, and satellite positioning. If the positions of the ends of a line (called baseline) and two angles forming a triangle are known, the position of the third vertex of the triangle can be determined. Positions of other control points can then be established using a series of interconnected and/or overlapped triangles forming the so-called triangulation figure or triangulation system (for examples see Figure 1). This method is called triangulation and their vertices are called triangulation stations. In trilateration, vertices of the triangles are established from distance measurements only.

Figure 1. Triangulation Figures In a triangulation scheme, the error tends to accumulate with distance from the baseline. To account for this limitation subsidiary bases are introduced at various locations within the network. At certain locations astronomical observations are made. These stations are called Laplace Stations. If a point is located from triangulation stations without occupying, it is called intersected point. It is also possible to locate a point by making direction measurements to three known stations. A point located in this manner is called resected point. CLASSIFICATION In first-order triangulation, an area as large as a country is covered. A second-order triangulation network comprises a network of triangulation stations connected to and within the first-order triangulation network and covers a relatively smaller area. A third-order triangulation network is established within and connected to the second-order triangulation network in a similar manner to cover a smaller area. Typical particulars of these systems are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of Triangulation Networks First Order

Baseline length in km Lengths of sides in km Triangle closure error after correcting spherical excess: average / maximum Actual error of base Probable error of base Discrepancy between two measures in mm (k is distance in km) Probable error of computed distances Probable error in astronomical azimuth 8 - 12 16 - 150 <1 / 3 1 in 50000 1 in 106 5 k 1 in 50000 to 1 in 250000 0.5

Second Order
2-5 10 - 25 3 / 8 1 in 25000 1 in 5105 10k 1 in 20000 to 1 in 50000 5

Third Order
0.1 - 0.5 2 - 10 6 / 12 1 in 10000 1 in 2.5105 25k 1 in 5000 to 1 in 20000 10

PROCEDURAL DETAILS OF TRIANGULATION FIELD WORK a. Reconnaissance b. Erection of signals (Devices that define the exact position of the station so that it can be observed from other stations: can be non-luminous or luminous) and towers (Structures erected atop a station to support the instrument and the observer: needed when signal and/or the station are to be elevated) c. Baseline measurement: While using tape, corrections need to be applied for absolute length (Ca), temperature (Ct), pull (Cp)and sag (Cs) given by:

C a = Lc / l C t = TL C p = ( P P o ) L /( AE ) C s1 = l1W1 / 24 P 2


where L is the measured length, c is the correction per tape length, l is the designated tape length, is the coefficient of thermal expansion, T is equal to ambient temperature minus that at which the tape was standardized, P is the pull applied during measurement, Po is the standard pull, A is the tape cross sectional area, E is the Youngs Modulus of the tape material, Cs1 is the sag correction per span, l1 is the length pf tape per span, and W1 is the weight of tape. In other methods of baseline measurement, such as that based on the EDM, appropriate corrections should be applied. d. Measurement of horizontal angles. e. Measurement of vertical angles. f. Astronomical observations to establish the azimuth of the lines.


g. Spherical excess Correction: For geodetic triangles the spherical excess must be accounted for before figure adjustment. Due to the convexity of earth surface, the sum of the internal angles of geodetic triangles exceeds 180 by 1 second for a triangle with an area of 197 km2. Thus, the total adjustment to be applied to the three angles is the sum of the three angle measurements minus 180 minus 1 times the area of the triangle in km2 divided by 197. h. Phase Correction: Opaque signals may be partly illuminated and the observer may (a) bisect the bright portion or (b) take angle reading on the bright line of the signal (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Phase Correction

i. Refraction Correction: Horizontal angles measured using optical signal, are affected by refraction in the presence of temperature gradient along the line of sight. The error due to refraction in seconds, , is estimated from:


SP dT T 2 dx


where S is the length of line of sight in meter, P is the barometric pressure in mb, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.
THE STRENGTH OF TRIANGULATION FIGURE The accuracy attained in a triangulation system depends on (a) the conditioning of the triangles and (b) the arrangement of the triangles. A well conditioned triangle is one in which error in angle measurements translates into small errors in lengths. Consider a

triangle ABC comprised of angles A, B and C and sides a, b and c, with angle A faces a, etc., AB being the baseline. Error propagation is minimized when A = B. By sine rule a = c sin A sin C , from which

a A = a C

a c cos A A A = cot A A = cot A sin C a a C c sin A cos C C = = cot C C = cot C 2 a sin C

a a = cot 2 A + cot 2 C = cot 2 A + cot 2 2 A

where a and A (=) are the errors in side and angle measurements, respectively, and a A and a C are the components of a due to errors in A and C, respectively. It can be shown that a a is minimized when A 56-14 (how?). Angles less than 30 are not preferred in triangulation. If use of such angles is unavoidable, then such angles should not be opposite the side whose length has to be computed to carry forward the triangulation system. The US Coast and Geodetic Survey gives the following expression for the square of the probable error in the sixth place of logarithm of any side, L, for computations carried from a known side through a single chain of triangles after the system has been adjusted for side and angle conditions:
L2 =

4 2 d R 3


where d is the probable error of an observed angle in seconds. The strength of figure depends on factor R. The smaller the value of R, greater is the strength of figure. This factor is calculated using:


DC A2 + A B + B 2 D


where D is the number of directions observed (forward and back) excluding the known side of the figure, subscripted denotes the difference per second in the sixth place of logarithm of the sine of an angle that affect the length of the line of interest. C depends on the layout of the figure as follows:
C = (n S + 1) + (n 2 S + 3) (5) where n is the total number of lines including the baseline in a figure, n is the number of lines observed in both directions including the baseline, S is the total number of stations and S is the number of stations from where at least one measurement was carried out (called occupied stations).

Example 1: What would be the maximum value of R for first order triangulation based on single chain triangles? Solution: From Table 1,
d = 0.5 Lmax = [log(1 + 1 100000) log(1 + 1 100000 )] 10 6 = 8.69 Lmin = [log(1 + 1 500000 ) log(1 + 1 500000)] 10 6 = 1.74

using symbols used in Equation 3. Substituting these values into Equation 3

Rmax = 0.75 Lmax d 2 = 226.55

Example 2: Compute the strength of figure for a triangulation system shown on margin sketch for each of four routes for establishing BD from baseline AC. Solution: D = 10, n = n = 6, S = S = 4. Hence, from Equation (14), C = 4.
Alt. 1: Uses ACD and ADB. Distance angles for ACD are 55 and 58. Hence

A = log10 sin(55 + 0.5 /3600) - log10 sin(55 + 0.5/3600) 10 6

= 1.47

B = log10 sin(58 + 0.5 /3600) - log10 sin(58 + 0.5/3600) 10 6

= 1.32 A + B + A B = 6
2 2




A 2 + B 2 + A B = 12


2 A

+ B + A B = 18 .

Hence, R for this alternative is

0.618 = 11. Alt. 2: Uses ACD and DCB. For ACD, distance angles are 55 and 67. For DCB, distance angles are 36 and 112. Hence, R for this alternative is 7. Alt. 3: Uses ACB and ABD. R for this alternative is 14. Alt. 4: Uses ACB and BCD. R for this alternative is 8. Alt. 2 is thus the best alternative.

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