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Figure Adjustment: This involves determination of the most probable values of the angles in a triangulation figure fulfilling the geometric condition equations. Adjustments are estimated following the least-squares method. For braced quadrilaterals, condition equations include the angle equations and side equations. For a braced quadrilateral illustrated on margin sketch, the angle equations are:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 360 1 + 2 = 5 + 6 3 + 4 = 7 + 8
In addition, to ensure closure
DC = AD = DC sin 7 sin 1 sin 5 sin 7 sin 1 sin 1 = AB = BC sin 4 sin 2 sin 4 sin 8 sin 2 sin 4 sin 3 sin 5 sin 7 sin 1 sin 6 sin 8 sin 2 sin 4

Restating, sum of logarithm of sine of even subscripted angles is equal to the sum of logarithm of sine of odd subscripted angles. This is the so-called side equation. The constraint equations in terms of the errors are thus:

i =1


= C1

e r 1 + e r 2 e r 5 e r 6 = C 2
i 1 ( 1) log10 (sin i ) = C 4 i =1 8


er 3 + er 4 er 7 er 8 = C 3 where





i, C1 = 360 i , C 2 = 1 + 2 5 6 ,
i =1

C 3 = 3 + 4 7 8 and C4 is the sum of logarithms of odd subscripted angles minus the sum of logarithms of even subscripted angles. The corresponding equations in terms of differentials are:

i =1



er1 + er 2 er 5 er 6 = 0

er 3 + er 4 er 7 er 8 = 0

( 1)
i =1

i 1


eri f i = 0

where f i = log10 sin( i + 0.5) log10 sin( i 0.5) . Often both sides of the last equation of Equations (18) are multiplied by 106 before undertaking the least squares

procedure. Equations (18) may be solved using the method of correlates as illustrated in the following example or using any other appropriate procedure.

Example. Eight observed angles of a geodetic braced quadrilateral after correcting for spherical excess are: 1 = 71.43433, 2 = 53.66517, 3 = 31.30293, 4 = 23.59779, 5 = 89.66956, 6 = 35.42974, 7 = 14.3008, and 8 = 40.60004 (see margin sketch). Assume all observations to be of equal weight. Solution. Considering the angular errors in seconds of arc, the constraint equations are:
e r1 + e r 2 + er 3 + e r 4 + e r 5 + e r 6 + er 7 + er 8 = 1.27000000 er1 + er 2 er 5 er 6 = 0.69000000 er 3 + er 4 er 7 er 8 = 0.46000000 0.7071813er1 1.54863er 2 + 3.462572er 3 4.81985er 4 + 0.0121432er 5 2.9595er 6 + 8.2598er 7 2.45654763er 8 = 0.48165022 The first three are angle equations and the last one is side equation in terms of differences. Note that both sides of the side equation have been multiplied by 106. Note further that it is essential that the constraint equations are formulated in terms of seconds of arc because the difference form of the side equation has been formulated in terms of seconds. The objective function = er1 + er 2 + er 3 + er 4 + er 5 + er 6 + er 7 + er 8 minimized by equating to zero, i.e.,
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


is (B)

er1er1 + er 2er 2 + er 3er 3 + er 4er 4 + er 5er 5 + er 6er 6 + 2er 7er 7 + 2er 8er 8 = 0

Differentiating the four constraint equations, multiplying by 1, 2, 3, and -4 and adding them together one gets: (1 2 0.707181 4 )er1 + (1 2 + 1.548630 4 )er 2 + (1 3 3.462572 4 )er 3 + (1 3 + 4.819850 4 )er 4 + (1 + 2 0.012143 4 )er 5 + (1 + 2 + 2.959500 4 )er 6 + (1 + 3 8.259800 4 )er 7 + (1 + 3 + 2.456548 4 )er 8 = 0 Adding to Equations (A) and (B) and equating the coefficients of eri separately to zero the following set of equations are obtained: (C)

er1 = 1 + 2 + 0.7071814 er 3 = 1 + 3 + 3.462572 4 er 5 = 1 2 + 0.012143 4 er 7 = 1 3 + 8.2598004

er 2 = 1 + 2 1.548630 4 er 4 = 1 + 3 4.819850 4 er 6 = 1 2 2.959500 4 er 8 = 1 3 2.456548 4


Back-substitution on (C) into the constraint equations (A) yields: 81 + 0.6571716 4 = 1.27000000 4 2 + 2.1059071 4 = 0.60000000 43 7.1605306 4 = 0.46000000 0.65717161 + 2.105907 2 7.160533 + 121.1364 4 = 0.48165022 Hence 1 = -0.16010897, 2 = -0.18120967, 3 = 0.14461473 and 4 = 0.01654332. Substituting these results into Equations (C), er1 = -0.32961952, er2 = -0.36693811, er3 = 0.0417882, er4 = -0.09523055, er5 = 0.02130159, er6 = -0.39027856, er7 = -0.16807922 and er8 = -0.34536315. Thus the corrected angles are: 1 = 71.43424, 2 = 53.66507, 3 = 31.30294, 4 = 23.59776, 5 = 89.66957, 6 = 35.42963, 7 = 14.30075, and 8 = 40.59995. The spreadsheet solution for this problem can be obtained by clicking on Example: Lecture 24 link in Surveying II web page. (E)

Exercise: Following are the measured angles of a quadrilateral ABCD with a central station E:
Triangle AEB BEC CED DEA Central Angle 59.052778 118.397222 60.534722 122.015278 Left Hand Angle 61.015000 32.065000 56.466944 28.700000 Right Hand Angle 59.935000 29.535000 62.996944 29.283333

Adjust the quadrilateral assuming all observations to be of equal weight. Hint: The Left Hand Angle for AEB is BAE and the Left Hand Angle for AEB is ABE. There will be one constraint equation per triangle, one constraint equation for the quadrilateral (sum of the central angles at E equal to 360) and one side equation for the quadrilateral. Thus there will be six correlatives. Use a spread sheet to solve the normal equation for the correlatives.

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