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( Reaffirmed 1998 )

IS : 7009 - 1973

Indian Standard
Optical and Mathematical Instruments



EDC 36

Kailas, Membws SIIRI A. ALVARES


Masulipatam Representing


India Instrument Manufacturers Association, Bombay

and Dealers

SHRI V. K. VAS~DEVAN ( Alternate ) Ministry of Defence (R 8s D ) SHRI A. N. BHATTACHARYA Survey of India, Dehra Dun SHRI J. CHATTERJEE CHIEF HYDROQRAPRER ( NAVY ) Naval Headquarters DEPUTY DIRECTOR, STANDARDS Research, Designs and Standards Organization ( Ministry of Railways ), Lucknow ( TRACK ) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, STANDARDS ( TRACK ) ( Alternate ) INSTRUMENTS Ministry of Defence ( R & D ) DIRECTOR, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ESTABLISHMENT SHRI S. S. DHARMAYYA (Alternate) Quality Marked Goods Manufacturers Co-operative SRRI S. K. GAUTAM Association Ltd, Roorkee SHRI P. L. BHARDWAJ (Alternate) Directorate General, Ordnance Factories, Ministry SHRI S. K. GEOSE of Defence National Test House, Calcutta SHRI A. GHO~H National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Delhi SRRI P. C. JAIN SHRI RAM PRASAD ( Alternate ) Directorate of Industries, Government of Haryana, SHRI D. D. KHOSLA Chandigarh The Institution of Surveyors, New Delhi COL K. L. KHOSLA Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) COL N. P. MANAKTALA LT-COL H. LAL ( Alternate ) The Koh-I-Noor (India) Private Ltd, Varanasi SHRI B. R. MANEHAND Department of Atomic Energy, Bombay DR M. V. R. K. MURTY Army Headquarters LT-COL B. PAPANNA Central Scientific Instruments Organization ( CSIR), DR J. PRASAD Chandigarh SHRI RAM SINQB ( Alternate ) ( Continued on page 2 ) @ CoJ!yright 1973 STANDARDS INSTITUTION


This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Alt( XIV of 1957) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.

1 .

IS : 7009 - 1973
( Cotrtinuedfrom


Representing Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, New Delhi Raj-Der-Kar & Co, Bombay



E. B. RAJDERKAR Kw~~AR~SURAS RAJD~RKAR ( .4lternate) Directorate General of Technical Development, SHRI K. N. RAXAS~AIV~Y New Delhi SIIRI P. V. MAX~~~EN ( .4lternnte ) The Andhra Scientific Co Ltd. Masuhnatam SHRI C. NaRAYANA RAO In personal capa;jty ( T&~iwal Irhruments and Dn I. RAMAKRISHNA RAO Road, Engineering Najafgarh 1OA h6W Delhi ll00i5) Madras Institute of Technology, Madras PROF G. S. S. SARX~ Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical I,T-Car, G. S. SU~OTA Service, Ministry ofDefence SURVEYOR OF WORKS I [OFFICE Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SUPERINTENDING %xvEyon OF WORKS ( NDZ )] The National Instruments & Ophthalmic Glass Ltd, SHRI K. G. TOI~GAL Calcutta SHRI A. Gzosrr ( Alternate ) Associated Instrument Manufacturers ( India ) SHRI H. C. VERMA Private Limited, New Delhi
( &fern~t8 )

SHRI S. M. Razvr, Head ( Mech l?ngg )

Director General, IS1 ( &oficio

Secretary SHRI S. P. ARBEP

Member )

Assistant Director Surveying Cotturner COI, K. L. KHOSLA Members SHRI J. CHAT~ERJE~ CHIEF HYDROGRAPHER (NAVY ) $&RI N. 12. DAS Gc-PTA

( Mech






36 : 3

The Institution

of Surveyors, New Delhi

Survey of India, Dehra Dun Naval Headquarters The National Instruments & Ophthalmic Glass Ltd, Calcutta SHRI R. L. ACHARYA ( Alternate ) Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) SHRI H. N. DE SERI R. C. JAIN ( Alternate) Ministry of Defence ( R & D ) SHRI S. S. DHAX~IAYYA Quality Marked Goods Manufacturers Co-operative SHRI S.K. GAUTAM Association Ltd. Roorkce SHRI JAI PRAKARH ( Afternote ) National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Delhi SHRI P. C. JAIN The Koh-I-Noor ( India ) Private Limited, Varanasi SHRI B. R. MANKHAN~ Central Scientific Instruments Organization ( CSIR ), DR J. PRASAD Chandizarh SHRI JAGAT BHUSHAN ( Alternate ) Directorate Gen,eyal of Technical Development, SHRI K. N. RAIUASWAMY New Delhi SHRI P. V. MAX~XEN ( Alternflte ) The Andhra Scientific Co Ltd, Masqlipatam SHRI C. NARAYANA RAO


IS : 7009 61973

Indian Standard
0.1 This


R .?

Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 16 August 1973, after the draft finalized by the Optical and. Mathematical Instruments Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Division Council.

0.2 The optical square is a surveying instrument used for quickly setting out a line at right angles to another. It essentially consists of a pair of plane mirrors mounted at an angle of 45 to each other or a pentagonal prism in a mount.

1. SCOPE 1.1 This

optical standard square. covers the general and functional requirements of


2.1 For

the purpose of this standard, and the following shall apply.

the definitions

given in IS : 1399the

2.1.1 Mount-A (metallic) box, with openings at sides, in which pentagonal prism or mirrors is/are placed and rigidly held. 3. TYPES

3.1 The

optical square prism type ( Fig. 2). 4. GENERAL


be either


type (Fig.

1A and 1B) or


4.1 Materials 4.1.1 The IS:988-1959t

mirrors and prisms and IS: 1400-1960:.



to the requirements


*Glossary of terms used in optical technology. *General requirements for optical components. $Specification for optical glass.

IS : 7999- 1973

Fro. 2


4.1.2 The materials used for the manufacture of the mount shall he brass, aluminium or other suitable metals or alloys. 4.2 The circular, optical square shall have a convenient shape and size. the diameter of the mount shall be about 50 mm. If

4.3 A suitable handle shall be provided at the bottom of the mount with a hole or hook at the end of the handle for the plumb-bob, if used. 4.4 The internal dull black. 4.5 Arrangements use. sides of the mount of the optical square shall be finished shall be provided to cover the openings when not in

4.6 The two mirrors in the mirror type optical square shall be placed at an angle of 45 with eachfother. 4.7 Arrangement mirrors. shall be provided to adjust the angle between the

4.8 The two reflecting faces of the pentagonal suitably protected.

prism shall be silvered and

4.9 A carrying case made of wood, rotproof canvas, leatherette, plastic or other suitable material as agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser shall be provided. D . a* 5

IS : 7009 - 1973 5. FUNCTIONAL 5.1 The REQUIREMENTS

prism shall or displaced be held rigidly in their positions even after slight jerks. and

mirrors and shall not be disturbed 5.2 The reflected


shall be free from distortion.

6. TESTS 6.1 The

defects: a) Damage b) Scratched, to external broken finish; and surfaces. of silvered optical square shall be initially examined for the following

or dirty optical

6.2 The quality of silvering, surface finish and durability surface shall be tested according to 4.5 and 7 of IS : 988-1959. 6.3 The optical square shall be tested in the following way:

Hold the optical square at an intermediate point 0 on a straight Through the line AB at both ends of which are erected two poles. Erect a third pole at aperture of the optical square view the pole A. point C on a line CO perpendicular to AB and adjust the position of the pole at C such that its image seen through the optical square coincides with the pole A seen direct. Then rotate the optical square The pole C, seen by 180 and view the pole B through the aperture. through the optical square, should coincide with the pole B. Displacement, if any, between the two images represents the error in the optical square, and it shall not exceed 5 minutes. 6.4 Heat Test -The optical square shall be subjected accordance with IS: 2352-19637; the degree of severity for 3 hours. 6.5 Cold Test-The optical accordance with IS : 2352-1963t;

to heat test in being 70 f 2C

square shall be subjected to cold test in the degree of severity being 30 f 3C.
only for the purpose

heat test and cold test are recommended tests.


of type

7. MARKING 7.1 The optical square shall be marked at a suitable place manufacturers name or trade-mark or both, its nomenclature, manufacture and serial number.
*General requirements for optical components. tprocedure for basic climatic and durability tests for optical instruments. Q

with the year ,of


IS : 7009- 1973 7.1.1 The optical square may also be marked with the IS1 Certification Mark.
NOTE-The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Act, and Rules and ReguThe IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard lations made thereunder. conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quafity control IS1 marked which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the IS1 further safeguard. Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution.

8. PACKING 8.1 The optical square shall be placed suitably packed for transit.

its case which shall then be

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