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Chaus Guest Lesson

Geography 11 DP

Tip of the Day:

When doing a research project, start with the books before online sources.

Telecommunication Networks

Within 12 years:

1990=3million internet users. 2002= 631million internet users. 1990: 500 million landlines 2002= 1 billion landlines 1990: 12million cell phones 2002= 1.2 billion cell phones


2002 map


1990: 500million landlines. 2002: 1 billion landlines. But: Most of the expansions are within North America, Western Europe, and Japan. BRIC nations? Increasing in Brazil, India, and China. Those that almost do not exist on the map? Africa.

Mobile Phones:

2002 map

Mobile Phones:

1990: 12million users. 2002: 1.2 billion users. Dominating nations? USA, Western Europe, China, Japan

Population of Subscribers: China= 600million. India= 296 million.

Some growth? North Africa, South Africa, South America

Factors that cause these patterns:

Population Size: What do you see on the map that has nearly nothing?

Factors that cause these patterns:

Population Density: different parts of the country show different patterns.
Money: How rich are you? The richer you are, the more chances of you to have a phone to make those connections. Infrastructure: When you want landlines, you need telephone poles. Trading Partners: the more deals you have within two nations, the more communication there will be. (negotiations, etc.)

Factors that cause these patterns:

Migration: When people move, families and friends want to stay connected. So the chances of them calling each other just to keep those connections going would be larger. Colonial history: when a place gets taken over in times of war, the remnants help set the stage to follow in their colonizers footsteps. Language: if your countries share the same main language, chances of you communicating with each other will also become higher.

TNCs and MNCs: Companies such as McDonalds and IKEA.

The Internet

What are other telecommunication devices that you came up with? (radio? TV? Internet?)

How long do you think it took each of these to reach 50 million users?
Radio= 38 years. TV= 13 years. Internet??? 4 years!! 12 year view: 1990: 3 million users 2002: 631million users.

The internet: How does this map compare to the landline map?


Digital Divide

Definition: the inequality in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) network that causes an unequal distribution in knowledge, skill, and resources to certain parts of the world in todays modern society. What causes households to not have these telecommunication services?

TWO MAIN FACTORS: Income. Education.

Over 75% of Internet users are from rich nationsthats only about 14% of the world population! Thailand= 90% internet users in urban areas. Chile= 74% internet users under 35. Ethiopia= 86% internet users are male.

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