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Airtel Information Guide

Installation / Fault Date Login ID (Username) %&&ount 'o ()one 'o *ngineer .ustomer .are */0ail D+nami& lo&, (arallel 1ing %irtel :e#site %irtel :i;i :e#site :i;i Username1 (ass<or! :i;i Username2 (ass<or! 3=ee!
To check Your Connection Speed go to Site

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

17/ 08 / 13 03363207454 !sl"airtel#roa!#an!$in 7007781106 03340055418 '$'a+a,(-088-86306) 121 / 1-8 / 033/44444/121/1-8 121"in$airtel$&om 1*2I341%4I5' / 12300006666 L5.7 / 124666648 U'L5.7 / 124666608 %&ti9ate / 1502mo#ilenum#er8 Dea&ti9ate / 15038 ,allol768 636768 =u&),u45-1 636768 80#(3

)tt=://s=ee!$,ol,atta$airtel#roa!#an!$in First Level Troubleshooting

I; +our Internet not <or,ing =lease restart +our &om=uter > o;; / on t)e mo!em an! <ait 2 min$ t)en start$

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!B" # $$!B" # %ifi &outer

(.)e&, +our mo!em L*D status)

1. 1e! L*D s)o<ing =o<er: - If light not glowing checks your power plug and modem adaptor. 2. ?ello< L*D/s)o<ing Lin,: / If light is not glowing check the RJ11 cable, Splitter connection
and phone line (if line phone dead contact to phone dept.

'S(LITT)& C*++)CTI*+,

!. 2reen L*D s)o<ing !ata trans;er: / If this light not blinking please on " off the modem.
#. Last 2reen L*D s)o<ing &om=uter to mo!em &onne&ti9it+: /If light not display check $S% " &'( cable. (In )* you can enable the &'("$S% connection

)rrors in modem# &un time )rror

(lease 3<it&) 5;; an! 3<it&) on 0o!em / (. (o<er

-.namic I( For Internet Connection

I( 254 3u#net 255$255$255$0 2ate<a+ 1-2$168$1$1 D'3 202$56$215$55 54

/ / / /

1-2$168$1$2 4o


+. $ser of ,i-i Router must ensure that the security settings (details on our website of their .,ifi/ Router ha0e been properly enabled to allow only authentic users. 1he simplest and the fool proof method is by inserting 2'3 no. of your &aptop" mobile de0ice in the '4S& ,ifi Router and allows using the authori5ed 2'3 only.

-ialing )rrors 'if .ou configure Internet b. -ial/up,

,indows 4ial6up (etworking 7rrors86 602/633 *ort in use. *ort already open. 9our modem is being used by another application. 61-/62- 1he port was disconnected by the remote machine 645 4ial6$p (etworking could not complete the connection to the ser0er. 3heck your configuration and try the connection again. 650 1he remote access ser0er is not responding.

678/628/721 1he ser0er is not responding. 1he computer you are dialing is not answering: try again later. 1here is no answer. *** 2odem 3onnect -ailure 6-1/718/635 In0alid username or password. 'ccess denied because username and"or password is in0alid on the domain. Remote Ser0er could not authenticate the connection or 'uthentication -ailed. 4ial6up networking could not establish a connection: check your password and try again. 6-2 ;ardware failure in attached de0ice. 780 4ial6$p (etworking could not negotiate a compatible set of network protocols you specified in the Ser0er 1ype settings. 3heck your network configuration in the 3ontrol *anel and try the connection again. (o *** *rotocols configured. 745 'n 7ssential -ile Is 2issing To Create )mail Id Go To Site
&ogon to < -ill6up the login I4 (username and password then submit 3lick here to create email account. 9ou can add 7mail choose any user name and password, for check our account simply logon your mail go to site =R 1hrough outlook 7>press *utlook Configuration -ollow these simple instructions to configure your =utlook 7>press8 6 =pen =utlook e>press 3lick on tools and select 'ccounts =n the pop6up window ?internet accounts@ click on mail tab 3lick on add and select mail, which opens up the internet ,i5ard In the 4isplay (ame field type your name 3lick ne>t In the internet 7mail address field, type your 'irtel 7mail address as ('' 3lick ne>t In the email ser0er name field, select the following from the drop6down menu8 A2y incoming mail ser0er is *=* Incoming mail ser0er =utgoing mail ser0er 3lick ne>t In the internet mail logon field fill the following8 ('' 1ype password 3lick (e>t 3lick -inish 3hange your port number for S21* *ort no #B+ and *=* *ort no CC+ 3ongratulations you ha0e successfully

For usage Checking 1. If you want to check your usage 3heck through net e>pert 2. =nline bill checking account from airtel site through customer care. Complaints histor. S0+o0 FT+ +o0 -ate (roblem &eported &esolution (rovided )ngineer +ame

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