Skeletal System Lesson Plan

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Format Date: 3/20/14 Grade Level: 3 Target Students: Whole Class

Theme/Topic: Structures and Functions of Living Organisms: Exploring the Skeletal System Rationale: It is important for students to study the human body because it is a crucial part of them as an individual. Knowing how the body works will help students in understanding their body and how to keep it healthy. The human body functions best when healthy, so students can apply their knowledge of the body in creating ways to best take care of themselves. In addition, learning about the skeleton will set the foundation for students to understand more complex systems of the human body down the road. Common Core State and/or NC Essential Standards: 3.L.1 Understand human body systems and how they are essential for life: protection, movement and support 3.L.1.1 Compare the different functions of the skeletal and muscular system ISTE.NETS.S Standards: 5. b: Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity 6. b: Select and use applications effectively and productively Lesson Objectives (Behavioral and/or Performance Objective): Students will Students will begin to recognize and identify bones that make up our able to: skeletal system. More importantly, they will learn why bones are What, How, important and need to be taken care of. They will complete the attached and to What worksheet on the specific functions of certain bones and take a short quiz Extent? on Blendspace. I will take anecdotal notes of proficiency with this concept and collect and analyze their work at the end. Student Friendly Objective: Students will explore the skeletal system as a class, in partners, and independently. We will learn about different types of bones, where they are located in the body, and discuss why bones are important and how to take care of them. Essential Question: What are some of the bones in our body? Where are they located? Why are bones important? Materials: Smartboard/Smart Note presentation (modified from Hawk Ridge model) Internet Youtube Blendspace

iPads (preferable one per child) Skeleton Scavenger Hunt Worksheet (Hawk Ridge) Resources I used for inspiration/modified: Hawk Ridge tech facilitator Emily Casabonne Time: 10 minutes Introduction to the Lesson: (Hook/Review/Intro.) **Because the skeletal system is very complex, this is just one lesson that would coincide with many other lessons on the human body. The focus on this lesson is not so much as to have them memorize the bones, but explore the skeletal system, how it functions, and allow students to decide why it is important we take care of our bones.** Begin by asking the students: Has anyone broken a bone? Allow students to share their experiences. How did that feel? Were you able to move around as well? Why are bones important? What do we do to take care of our bones? As a class, complete a KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned) chart about bones on the Smartboard. Leave the Learned section blank until the end. Teacher Input/Modeling: 5 minutes Next, play for the children the BrainPop video on the skeletal system on the Smartboard: Another alternative for a future lesson is the Schoolhouse Rock song Them Not-So Dry Bones: To prepare the students for guided practice, distribute the iPads (one per every two students for right now) and show them how to log on to the Smartboard presentation (I might have to turn it in to a Powerpoint presentation depending on the iPads capabilities, but it will work the same). 20 minutes (to get started, students Guided Practice: Tell students that their name is Sherlock Bones and along with sidekick, Dr. Skeleton, they must investigate a new case: the skeletal system. Students will work in groups of two to complete the 7 Investigations and 2 Lesson Activities

will need additional time in days that follow)

bonus activities on the Smartboard presentation. I will have preloaded the SmartNote presentation on the iPads for the children to work through. They will use the iPads to explore the different websites, videos, and pictures provided to answer the questions on their Skeleton Scavenger Hunt worksheet. I will also make sure the children have headphones so they can listen to the videos without disrupting each other. Independent Practice:

20 minutes (just for today as well)

Students will each be given an iPad and access to the Blendspace lesson I will have prepared for them. The videos, websites, and pictures I have assembled for them will help them complete a short quiz that they can also access on Blendspace. This is the link students will go to for the Blendspace lesson, which I will post on the board: Closure of the Lesson:

5 minutes After the students have finished navigating the different websites, pictures, and videos on Blendspace, bring the class back together and allow them to share the facts they learned about bones. Reask them: Why are bones important? Why do we need to take care of our bones? Complete the final section of the KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned) chart about bones together as a class. Evaluation/Assessment of Student Learning (Evidence Included) Formative: During the lesson, I will ask the children questions and make note of their answers to gauge their understanding. I will also walk around during their guided and individual practice on the iPads and take anecdotal notes. At the end of the lesson, I will collect their worksheet and determine how well they understand the material. I can also get on Blendspace and see how well they performed on my quiz, although this will not be a formal assessment. Summative: There is not a formal assessment in this lesson, however there will be one later in the unit on the skeletal system.

Extension of Lesson: To allow the children to continue practicing with bones, we will create pasta skeletons over the course of the next few days. I will model one for the entire class and then break the children off into groups or individually to allow them to make some of their own. The children will have a picture of a simple skeleton they can model their pasta skeleton off of on the iPad. Once the skeleton is complete, they will paste it on black paper and label the different bones we have learned. This would be a fun activity around Halloween and cute to display around our classroom. Plans for Individual Differences Early Finishers: Students who finish early can continue to research the skeletal system. All of the websites I provide them with have additional information and links on them which the students can explore if they finish early. I will ask these students to discover something new about the skeletal system, become an expert on that topic, and come back and teach the class what they learned. Late Finishers: Late finishers can get as far as they are able on the guided practice and independent practice iPad activities. Because this is a lesson that will spur a couple of weeks, I should be able to tell how well the students understand the concept over the course of a few days. My late finishers can complete as much of the worksheet as possible during this time frame and I will offer additional time for them to work throughout the day if our schedule allows for it. Exceptionalities: I will look at my childrens IEPs or 504s to determine how to best accommodate their needs in the lesson. I will also pay extra attention to these students and perhaps meet with them outside of class if they need extra help. I will aim to have struggling students sit next to a child that understands it well so that they can collaborate and learn from one another. I will also have a few different learning styles incorporated into my lesson to reach the needs of a diverse group. English Language Learners: I will use visual aids, such as the Smartnote presentation, images, and videos to help children who are still learning English. Most of the resources I have chosen pair pictures with words, so this will really help ELLs as well. In addition, I will aim to use repetition in my lesson to help them understand meaning and will provide them with additional links and resources they can use at home for extra help. 21st Century Skills: This lesson encourages collaboration as the children work together during guided practice to

answer my investigation and bonus questions. It allows for critical thinking as the children are analyzing a system of the body they are unfamiliar with and looking at the human body through a new lens. By allowing time for the children to explore the Internet within my preferences, I am encouraging innovation and self-direction that will help motivate them to become lifelong learners. Discuss how you address at least two of these learning styles in your lesson: Visual (spatial),
Verbal (linguistic), Physical (kinesthetic/tactile), Aural (auditory-musical), Logical (mathematical), Social (interpersonal), Solitary (intrapersonal):

-Spatial: Visual learners will benefit from the use of the Smartboard and iPad. They will also thrive by looking at pictures of the skeletal system. -Aural: Auditory learners will enjoy the various videos and songs that help them remember different bones. -Solitary: Intrapersonal learners will thrive in having time to explore the skeletal system on their own (ideally independent practice would have one iPad per child). -Social: Interpersonal learners will benefit from the group conversation, partner work, and having the chance to discuss their findings and ideas with one another at the end of the lesson. Supervising Teacher Signature Student Teacher Signature

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