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Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

After researching different types of social group on a website called UK Tribes, I found out that my magazine suits Indie Scenesters the best because they enjoy the same Indie Roc style music that my magazine consists of! I ha"e designed my magazine to fit the needs of this social group by ha"ing images of people wearing the same clothes as Indie Scenesters e!g! #red $erry and Adidas! %y magazine is designed and written mainly for young adults because they are the age group who are mostly interested in new bands and artists of the Indie Roc genre! The gender I ha"e chosen is mainly boys howe"er girls aren&t e'cluded because I made the models loo attracti"e so they would li e their music e"en more! The models on my magazine are all boys as you wouldn&t usually find a female in a band of this genre, I feel that I ga"e the main model both positi"e and negati"e reputations! The fact that Tommy has a good fashion sense and loo s the part of a roc star ma es him seem li e a role model which other men would aspire to be li e! (owe"er the negati"e side of him is how he is rather arrogant which granted, may appeal to some people but others it may not ha"e such a positi"e effect! I tried to create a stereotypical roc star who li"es a &don&t care& lifestyle with influences from stars such as )iam *allagher and $aul +eller! %y contents page represents my Indie Scenesters social group due to its layout and colour scheme! The layout was influenced by an ,%- magazine and Kerrang. magazine both of which I would e'pect my target audience to buy or be interested in! The colour scheme is blac , white, yellow and red, I thin these represent my target social group because it&s the same colour scheme as an ,%- magazine that I researched which was designed by professionals! The camera angles for the image ne't to the co"er lines is a high angle shot loo ing down on the band %y double page spread loo s professional and smart which is how my target audience of Indie Scenesters li e to dress therefore it should appeal to them largely! I thin my front co"er appeals mainly to fans of /0&s music as the colour scheme is similar to many ,%- magazines from the /0&s which Indie Scenesters would be interested in reading due to the bands from the that decade that would&"e been included in the magazines! Also the bands on it are mostly from that era -!g! 1asis and The Stone Roses, howe"er I also ha"e bands from this decade which would appeal with fans of /0&s music for e'ample Kasabian and Arctic %on eys! There are new, less nown bands on my co"er page that I thought my target audience would enjoy listening to, I wanted my magazine to be nown for getting new artists popularity! %y model appeals largely to fans of this genre of music as he is wearing clothing that &mods& would wear, also it is $retty *reen which is )iam *allaghers clothing brand, many of my target audience now and respect )iam *allagher

therefore it is "ery suitable for my magazine as it means the readers who are male can see Tommy 2obley as a role model and an influence to them! %y double page spread appeals largely to Indie Scenesters mainly because of my model and the things he says in the inter"iew! There is a close up of him on one whole page which connotes how he is 3uite full of himself, the fact he has a whole page of just his face, also he is wearing a jac et with a large collar which stands out for e'ample if you saw him wearing that in the street he would stand out o"er other people wearing ordinary clothing which adds to his presence that i&m trying to ma e throughout the magazine! The things he says in the inter"iew such as &I didn&t meet )iam *allagher, he met me& and &I do get sad sometimes but I just loo in the mirror and go what a good loo ing f44 you are& ma e him come across as a person who doesn&t care what people thin about him, he e"en gets coc y to )iam *allagher, a roc star who is nown for getting into fights with people and trashing hotel rooms! This attitude ma es him stand out o"er lots of other celebrities which gets him more popularity and also it ma es him more of an influence on some men who would read the magazine and some girls would find this more attracti"e! The mise en scene of my whole magazine appeals to my target audience because of the way my models are dressed, they wear Adidas and #red $erry which after doing some research, is the same brands as Indie Scenesters li e to wear! I use a wide "ariety of camera angles including high angle, mid shot, close up and side "iews! Using this "ariety is beneficial as otherwise the reader could get bored of the same types of photos of the same people!

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