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!"#$" &'()* +'*,-*.


8lunL chesL Lrauma -> normal Cv -> glve lvl (LargeL CW 13-20) -> + !"#$%#&'(
Lo lncrease cardlac ouLpuL
8lunL chesL Lrauma -> Lachypnlc + Lachy + !vu + Lracheal dev -> Lenslon
pneumoLhorax -> "'')*' $,#%-.#($#/0
8lunL chesL Lrauma -> perslsLenL !vu + Lachy + hypo1n -> $-/&#"-)'
8lunL chesL Lrauma -> dec. breaLh sounds + dullness + conLralaLeral Lracheal
devlaLlon + shock -> !&(! ,'/#$,#%-1
Severe deceleraLlon ln[ury -> musL rule ouL -#%$!. )!(%2&$!#" (P1n ln upper
exLremlLles, hoarse volce, eLc.)
8lunL bladder ln[ury -> 3*-))'% )#/' (lnLraperlLoneal) -> perlLonlLls
Pypo1n, Lachy, flaL neck velns, cold llmbs -> ,0&#4#*'/!. (,#.5
8lunL Lrauma upper abdomen -> pancreaLlc ln[ury (mlssed by C1 ln flrsL slx hours)
-> laLer becomes abscess/pseudocysL
6#%$!. %2&$2%' usually -> deaLh, lf conLalned -> wlde medlasLlnum + hemoLhorax
MulLlple conLlguous rlb fracLures -> 7*-!* .,'($ -> poslLlve pressure mechanlcal
ALraumaLlc masslve hemopLysls -> 3%#".,
8urn vlcLlms wlLh alrway Lhermal ln[ury -> '")#$%-.,
8!*!-%0 .#*!. -> gallbladder cLx agalnsL gallsLones ln cysLlc ducL -> vlscous
9%-"(72(!#" %1" -> preformed Ab -> lmmedlaLely afLer Lransfuslon -> fever/rlgors
erf ln pL on Coumadln -> reverse wlLh ::; before laparoLomy
AorLolllac occluslon (Lerlche syndrome) -> hlp/Lhlgh claudlcaLlon + lmpoLence +
symmeLrlc aLrophy of LL
erlop 3'$-<3*#.5'%( lower Ml ln hlgh rlsk pL afLer noncardlac surgery
SuspecLed Au -> 68= flrsL
>? ~ 1 for pure carbs, 0.8 proLeln, 0.7 faLs
6%$'%!-* '/3#*!(/ -> sudden onseL severe paln, asymmeLrlc pulselessness
aln afLer forceful abducLlon/exLernal roLaLlon aL shoulder -> -"$'%!#%
)!(*#.-$!#" -> !"@2%0 -1!**-%0 "'%4'A-%$'%0
ComparLmenL syndrome - paln ouL of proporLlon" -> pressure over 30 ->
comparLmenL syndrome -> fascloLomy (lschemla - %'&'%72(!#" !"@2%0 -> sofL
Llssue swelllng)
volume %'(2(.!$-$!#" before mechanlcal venLllaLlon
uv1 -> ,'&-%!" acuLely -> Coumadln for several monLhs
8urn pL -> ollgurla + Lachy 3 d laLer -> 3-.$'%!-* !"7" (Sl8S - sysLemlc
lnflammaLory response syndrome)
8urn pL M&M -> #1 hypovolemlc shock, #2 sepsls (Sl8S)
SollLary pulmonary nodule (<3cm) on Cx8 -> ,!B,<%'( C9 .,'($
aroLld surgery -> 7-.!-* "'%4' &-*(0 -> faclal droop
Abd paln Lo groln + n/v -> urlnary calcull -> "#"<.#"$%-($ C9
AcuLe bacLerlal paroLlLls (S. aureus) -> prevenLable wlLh 7*2!)( D #%-* ,0B!'"'
!"#$" &'()* +'*,-*. /0*-

CompleLe S8C -> n/v, bloaLlng, dllaLed bowel (MCC &#($<#& -),'(!#"()
urop arm slgn suggesLs %#$-$#% .277 ln[ury.
E&*'"'.$#/0 -> vacclnes for S. pneumonla, n. menlnglLldes, P. lnfluenza
lnLermlLLenL bloody nlpple dlscharge -> !"$%-)2.$-* &-&!**#/- (masses noL
appreclaLed, benlgn)
AcuLe paln/swelllng sacrococcygeal skln ln young males -> &!*#"!)-* .0($
F-%!.#.'*' -> dull, achlng LesLlcular paln (MC lefL slde) -> swelllng of
pamplnlform plexus (bag of worms")
Plgh speed accldenL -> paLchy lrregular alveolar lnfllLraLe -> *2"B .#"$2(!#"
1achypnlc + hypo1n desplLe flulds -> 7*-!* .,'($ (conLused lung)
8lunL deceleraLlon Lrauma -> r/o -#%$!. $%-2/- -> Cx8 -> medlasLlnal wldenlng
ConsLanL vlsceral paln radlaLlng Lo back -> [aundlce -> wL loss + anorexla ->
&-".%'-$!. .-".'%
uyspnea, Lachypnea, C, hypoxemla worse wlLh flulds, paLchy lnfllLraLes ->
&2*/#"-%0 .#"$2(!#"
Cllgurla/anurla, azoLemla, 8un/Cr > 20 -> prerenal fallure -> =F 7*2!) .,-**'"B'
Movlng from suplne Lo (!$$!"B can lncrease l8C by 20-33 (reduce rlsk of
osL-operaLlve !*'2( ls compounded by morphlne and oLher oplaLes.
ALelecLasls from shallow breaLhlng + weak cough 2/2 paln. Cu # 2-3.
Lpldural hemaLoma -> uncal hernlaLlon -> oculomoLor nerve deflclLs
Whlplash ln[ury -> posL-LraumaLlc (0%!"B#/0'*!- years laLer -> M8l for dlagnosls
-> lmpalred sLrengLh/paln/Lemp ln uL
G-($%!. #2$*'$ #3($%2.$!#" -> cllnlcal dx -> early saLleLy, nausea, non-blllous
vomlLlng, wL loss. Acld lngesLlon -> &0*#%!. ($'"#(!(
6.2$' .,#*'.0($!$!( -> Lx wlLh obs + supporL lnlLlally -> elecLlve chole
AL leasL 3 LeLanus vacclnaLlons, Loxold only. no LeLanus lg (even lf greaLer Lhan
10 yrs slnce lasL vacclnaLlon).
8lunL abd Lrauma -> hemodynam unsLable -> flulds flrsL -> u/S exam (:6E9)
AnaLomlcal snuffbox paln -> assume (.-&,#!) 7%-.$2%' -> place ln splca casL ->
relmage (x8) ln 2-3 wks
H(#&,-B'-* &'%7 -> conLrasL sLudy -> lf +, prlmary closure + dralnage of
osLgasLrecLomy -> )2/&!"B (0")%#/' -> cramps, weakness, sweaLlng, llghL-
headedness -> dleLary modlflcaLlon -> ocLreoLlde lf reslsLanL
Wlnd, waLer, walklng, wound, wonder-drugs: L develops fever Cu #6, Lhlnk
!")I'**!"B .-$,'$'% !"7" (femoral >> subclavlan)
D 9%'")'*'"32%B (!B" = conLralaLeral hemlpelvls drooplng when sLandlng on one
fooL (weakness of gluLeus medlus/mlnlmus, lnnervaLed by superlor gluLeal
S/p rhlnoplasLy -> whlsLllng nolse durlng resplraLlon -> ('&$-* &'%7
6.-*.2*#2( .,#*'.0($!$!( (chronlcally lll lCu pL) -> C8 dlsLenslon, wall Lhlckenlng,
perlcholecysLlc fluld -> emergenL percuLaneous cholecysLosLomy
!"#$" &'()* +'*,-*. /0*-

Alr under dlaphragm -> '/'%B'"$ (2%B!.-* '4-* -> ex-lap
J-%@#*!" 2*.'% - SCC from burn wound (bx Lo conflrm)
unconLrolled P1n + arrhyLhmla -> embolus -> 3#I'* !"7-%.$!#"
llrsL, B'"$*' $%-.$!#" Lo allgn fragmenLs of a fracLured long bone -> prevenL
furLher neurovascular damage -> operaLlve reducLlon laLer
="7*-//-$#%0 3%'-($ .-".'% -> eryLhema + edema -> axlllary LAu -> bx for
hlsLology and Lx based on flndlngs (23 pL already have meLs)
K%!. -.!) ($#"'( (needle) are radlolucenL -> musL C1 or lv (ureLerollLhlasls
causes lleus)
E&*'"!. $%-2/- relaLed Lo PuS -> unsLable buL lmproves wlLh flulds, Lhen C1
abdomen. unsLable and nonresponslve Lo flulds, emergenL ex-lap
9'"(!#" &"'2/#$,#%-1 -> Lachy, Lachypnlc, hypo1n, +!vu -> needle Lhorac.
8*2"$ -3) $%-2/- w/ perlLonlLls or hemodyn lnsLablllLy -> ex-lap (lf sLable ->
1raumaLlc decal ln[ury -> veg sLaLe -> blurrlng grey-whlLe lnLerface on C1 ->
)!772(' -1#"-* !"@2%0
9'"(!#" &"'2/#$,#%-1 -> lmmedlaLe needle of Lube Lhorac.
PyperexLenslon ln[urles of c-splne -> .'"$%-* .#%) (0")%#/' -> uL > LL weakness
lever, dysphagla, droollng -> lnfn of 2
or 3
mandlbular molar -> L2)I!BM(
-"B!"- -> swollen mouLh -> Abx + remove lnfecLed LooLh (MCC deaLh:
E8N -> lvl + nC + nC Lube gasLrlc decompresslon
9#%2( &-*-$!"2( -> growLh from hard palaLe ln young pL -> reassurance
E&!"-* .#%) !(.,'/!- wlLh lower spasLlc paraplegla ls a rare compllcaLlon of AAA.
resenLs llke anLerlor splnal arLery deflclency (dorsal columns ln LacL)
MC locaLlon of ($%'(( 7%-.$2%' ls Lhe Llbla ([umplng sporLs, gymnasLs, eLc)
6&&'")!.'-* %2&$2%' -> Lender pelvlc abscess (fever, lnc. W8C, malalse, lower
abd paln, palpable on u8L)
MCC frank hemaLochezla ln elderly ls )!4'%$!.2*#(!(.
non-dlsplaced (.-&,#!) 7%-.$2%' - casL lmmoblllzaLlon, open reducLlon lf x8
shows dlsplacemenL or angulaLlon
W8C >2000 (>73 Mns), <23 glucose (low), + culLure = ('&$!. @#!"$ -> musL be
surglcally washed ouL
erlLoneal lrrlLaLlon shorLly afLer onseL of abd paln -> Lhlnk %2&$2%') &'&$!. 2*.'%.
Always do &%'B"-".0 $'($ before x8. 1hen x8 -> C1 lf u1 - (u/S lf +)
1raumaLlc evenL + crunchlng nolse" -> 7%-.$2%' #7 /'$-$-%(-*
1rauma Lo neck -> anglo Lo r/o caroLld ln[ury -> !"$!/-* 7*-& of caroLld -> surgery
recommended (sLenLlng alLernaLlve)
LefL subscapular, lower rlb ln[ury -> hemaLurla + reLroperlLoneal exLravasaLlon ->
C9 I!$, .#"$%-($ (besL for solld organ dmg ln sLable pL)
8reasL Lrauma or surgery -> 7-$ "'.%#(!( (mlmlc cancer) -> bx mass shows faL +
foamy hlsLlocyLes -> regular breasL exam + f/u mammorgram
!"#$" &'()* +'*,-*. /0*-

Long bone fracLure -> dyspnea, confuslon, peLechlae -> 7-$ '/3#*!(/ -> prompL
resplraLory supporL
uncompllcaLed dlverLlcullLls -> compllcaLed by &'*4!. -3(.'(( -> C1 gulded
percuLaneous dralnage + abx
J-//#B%-/ ln all pL > 33 y/o wlLh palpable lump (lmpL lf lPx of breasL ca)
ulcer under head of flrsL meLaLarsal -> OJ "'2%#&-$,0 - dlabeLlc fooL"
LlevaLed lefL dlaphragm on x8 -> Lhlnk )!-&,%-B/-$!. ,'%"!- (also resplraLory
dlsLress + medlasLlnal devlaLlon)
SeaL belL slgn -> 3*2"$ -3) $%-2/- -> lvl -> lAS1 -> lf lAS1 noL deflnlLlve Lhen
uL -> lf + hemoperlLoneum, Lhen laparoLomy
>2&$2%') 666 -> hypo1n + abd paln + C1 evldence lf sLable (u/S lf unsLable) ->
lmmedlaLe surgery
Wound paln + fever + Lachy, cloudy-gray dlscharge, decreased senslLlvlLy on
edges, hx of uM -> "'.%#$!P!"B (2%B!.-* !"7" -> surglcal exploraLlon
;#($'%!#% 2%'$,%-* !"@2%0 -> blood aL meaLus, pelvlc fracLure, scroLal hemaLoma,
hlgh rldlng prosLaLe, lnablllLy Lo vold desplLe urge, dlsLended bladder ->
reLrograde ureLhrogram
knee pop" -> /'"!(.-* $'-% -> gradual swelllng (llgamenL Lear has rapld
swelllng), + McMurray's LesL -> M8l deflnlLlve dx
8lconcex hemaLoma -> -.2$' '&!)2%-* -> unconsclous -> lucld lnLerval -> gradual
decllne ln consclousness
lall on ouLsLreLched arm or dlrecL shoulder ln[ury -> .*-4!.2*-% 7%-.$2%' ->
shoulder dlsplaced lnferlor and posLerlor -> audlble brulL -> anglogram -> r/o
brachlal plexus ln[ury Loo
J!*)A/#)'%-$' ,'-) !"@2%0 -> d/c lf C1 normal wlLh precauLlons for reLurn
Q#"3*'')!"B 2*.'%( managed wlLh beLa-blockers. LncephalopaLhy -> lacLulose,
asclLes -> oral dlureLlcs, uu -> l
4 y/o unllaLeral hlp/knee dlscomforL -> L'BB C-*4' ;'%$,'( )P -> avascular
necrosls of femoral head -> progresslve anLalglc galL + Lhlgh aLrophy
E*!&&') .-&!$-* 7'/#%-* '&!&,0(!( -> obese adolescenL males
;-B'$M( )P #7 3#"' - > lnc. bone alk phos -> posslble hearlng loss 2/2 nerve
lmplngemenL -> fracLures or bone deformlLy
LsophaglLls (kCl, Candlda lnfn) -> '(#&,-B'-* &'%7 -> acuLe subsLernal paln ->
gasLrografln conLrasL esophagogram
PemaLochezla ln elderly -> c-scope negaLlve -> bleedlng resLarLs -> *-3'*')
'%0$,%#.0$' (.!"$!B%-&,0
8lunL abd/pelvlc Lrauma -> r/o lnLraperlLoneal bleedlng (lAS1 and uL) -> lf -, r/o
reLroperlLoneal bleedlng wlLh pelvlc anglogram
SubluxaLlon of radlal head (Q2%('/-!)M( '*3#I) -> closed reducLlon by flexlon
and suplnaLlon of forearm
llrsL changes ln ,0&#4#*'/!. (,#.5 -> Lachycardla and perlpheral
!"#$" &'()* +'*,-*. /0*-

8#I'* !(.,'/!- 7 posL-op aorLolllac vessel procedures -> dull paln +
Ldema, sLasls dermaLlLls, and venous ulceraLlons resulL from LL venous
lnsufflclency 2/2 valve lncompeLence -> 4'"#2( R9Q
PypervenLllaLlon -> cerebral vasoconsLrlcLlon -> )'.%'-(' =C;
O'4'*#&/'"$-* )0(&*-(!- #7 ,!& -> abnl femur - aceLabulum -> u/S of < 4 mo old,
radlographs lf > 4 mo
;#*0$%-2/- S-3) D ,'-)T -> Lachypnelc, Lachy, hypo1n -> falled lvl response ->
emergenL ex-lap (conLlnued bleedlng)
J!)(,-7$ ,2/'%-* 7%-.$2%' -> ln[ure radlal nerve -> numbness + llmlLed wrlsL
8ursL fracLure of verLebra -> -"$'%!#% .#%) (0")%#/' -> loss of moLor/paln below
leslon bllaLerally -> M8l for dx
Always r/o !"@2%0 $# (&!"' (even before C1 head)
ClrcumferenLlal full-Lhlckness burns of llmbs/chesL -> '(.,-%#$#/0 Lo prevenL
vascular compromlse/resplraLory dlfflculLy
Collcky paln + eplsodlc hyperacLlve 8S Lyplcal of .#/&*'$' E8N -> laparoLomy
(especlally lf slgns of sLrangulaLlon)
Clve $'$-"2( $#1#!) Lo a fully vacclnaLed pL lf Lhey have a severe ln[ury and lLs
been >3 yr slnce lasL boosLer
laL malabsorpLlon or Crohn's dz -> lnc. #1-*-$' absorpLlon -> lnc. renal sLone rlsk
MCC LL edema -> 4'"#2( !"(277!.!'".0 -> worsens LhroughouL day
;'"!*' 7%-.$2%' -> reLrograde ureLhrogram (r/o ureLhral ln[ury) -> emergenL
opplng sound + severe paln -> locklng of knee [olnL durlng exLenslon -> medlal
/'"!(.2( $'-%
PuS and needs for Lransfuslon deLermlne surg vs. non-surg mgmL. of (&*'"!.
SLL pL (or anyone on chronlc sLerolds) -> surglcal procedure -> acuLe n/v, paln,
hypo1n, hypoglycemla -> -)%'"-* !"(277!.!'".0
AbsenL 8S -> gaseous dlsLenLlon of bowels -> &-%-*0$!. !*'2( -> ofLen follows
surgery or reLroperlLoneal hemorrhage assoclaLed wlLh verLebral fracLure
L8v sLrongly relaLed Lo "-(#&,-%0"B'-* .-".'%.
Llderly pL wlLh dlsplaced femoral neck fracLure -> &%!/-%0 -%$,%#&*-($0
F#*5/-""M( !(.,'/!. .#"$%-.$2%' -> flnal sLage of comparLmenL syndrome ->
dead muscle replaced wlLh flbrous Llssue
="$%--3)#/!"-* -3(.'(( -> C1 scan -> osLeo/abscess from hemaLogeneous
spread of anoLher slLe (skln, llke a furuncle)
ulsaLlle abdomlnal mass + hypo1n = %2&$2%') 666 unLll proven oLherwlse ->
lmmedlaLe laparoLomy
:'/#%-* "'%4' lnnervaLes anLerlor Lhlgh comparLmenL (knee exLensors + hlp
:'/#%-* (,-7$ 7%-.$2%' -> closed lnLramedullary flxaLlon of fracLure
!"#$" &'()* +'*,-*. /0*-

N%#$%-.,'-* !"$23-$!#" and (2%B!.-* .%!.#$,0%#!)'.$#/0 preferred way Lo creaLe
an upper alrway ln apnelc pL wlLh head ln[ury.
AcuLe 3*##) *#(( #7 UVWW /L usually requlres Lransfuslon.
MCC &'%!&,'%-* -%$'%0 -"'2%0(/( - popllLeal and femoral -> pulsaLlle mass ->
compresses ad[acenL sLrucLures (nerve/veln) -> Lhrombosls/lschemla
Cx8 requlred afLer placlng .'"$%-* *!"' Lo assess poslLlonlng.
8owel lschemla and lnfarcLlon are posslble early compllcaLlons afLer #&'%-$!"B
on -3)#/!"-* -#%$-.
Classlc presenLaLlon of -&&'")!.!$!( should be operaLed on lmmedlaLely Lo
prevenL perf.
Severe paln (especlally wlLh passlve moLlon), paresLheslas, pallor, and paresls ->
.#/&-%$/'"$ (0")%#/' -> go back Lo C.8. for fascloLomy
LLCP user -> proLracLed vomlLlng (reslsLlng urge Lo vomlL) -> '(#&,-B'-* %2&$2%'
-> pneumomedlasLlnum
E*!&&') .-&!$-* 7'/#%-* '&!&,0(!( -> obese early adolescenL males -> emergency
-> exLernal flxaLlon of hlp Lo prevenL avascular necrosls of femoral head
J-($!$!( -> Abx, analgeslcs, conLlnue breasL feedlng
MCC knee llgamenL ln[ury = JCL -> M8l Lo deLecL compleLe and parLlal Lears
CysLlc pancreaLlc leslon on C1 ln Lhe seLLlng of acuLe pancreaLlLls -> musL
conslder &-".%'-$!. -3(.'(( -> dralned (lf no sysLem LoxlclLy, assume pseudocysL
and manage expecLanLly)
SuspecLed .,!*) -32(' ln burn pL -> never send paLlenL home, and never
confronL dlrecLly -> lnform LhaL abuse ls suspecLed -> admlL pL and do skeleLal
;'%7 &'&$!. 2*.'% -> sudden onseL eplgasLrlc paln -> spreads Lo whole abdomen
2/2 chemlcal perlLonlLls -> uprlghL x8 free alr under dlaphragm
PypovenLllaLlon afLer abdomlnal hernla repalr -> uses resplraLory exerclses Lo
prevenL -$'*'.$-(!( + pneumonla.
9%#.,-"$'%!. 32%(!$!( -> mlddle-aged pL, superflclal, unllaLeral hlp paln when
pressure ls applled or exLernal roLaLlon
lsolaLed )2#)'"-* ,'/-$#/- ln MC ln chlldren afLer blunL Lrauma -> LreaL wlLh
nC sucLlon + parenLeral nuLrlLlon
>!3 7%-.$2%' -> paln rellef -> prevenLs aLelecLasls and pneumonla
>3 days of -&&'")!.!$!( sympLoms w/ locallzed 8LC flndlngs -> lv hydraLlon +
cefoLeLan (gram - and anaerobe coverage)
O2#)'"-* %2&$2%' -> reLroperlLoneal free alr on x8 -> C1 wlLh oral conLrasL for
beLLer characLerlzaLlon
J'"!(.-* !"@2%0 -> days/weeks pass -> locklng" w/ exLenslon of knee
(mechanlcal sympLom) -> arLhroscopy or M8l -> surgery Lo correcL
8lunL Lrauma -> conLlnued alr leak (pneumomedlasLlnum + subC emphysema) ln
splLe of chesL Lube placemenL -> 3%#".,!-* %2&$2%'
All hemodynamlcally unsLable pL wlLh &'"'$%-$!"B -3)#/!"-* $%-2/- (le, CSW
Lo 8uC) -> emergenL lap (r/o perf vlscus Lo prevenL sepsls)
!"#$" &'()* +'*,-*. /0*-

ln -/&2$-$!#" !"@2%0 -> wrap ampuLaLed parLs ln sallne-molsLened gauze ->
place ln plasLlc bag -> place on lce -> brlng Lo L8 wlLh pL
C-%3#" /#"#1!)' &#!(#"!"B (burnlng bulldlng) Lx wlLh 100 oxygen vla
facemask -> early sympLoms: aglLaLlon, confuslon, somnolence
8lunL Lrauma -> devlaLed medlasLlnum + mass ln lefL lower chesL ->
)!-&,%-B/-$!. &'%7 -> barlum swallow -> operaLlve repalr
osL Lonlc-clonlc selzure -> &#($'%!#% (,#2*)'% )!(*#.-$!#" -> arm adducLed and
lnLernally roLaLed
SLress (halrllne) meLaLarsal fracLure -> resL + analgesla flrsL -> second, plasLer
N($'#(-%.#/- -> MC prlmary mallgnancy of bone -> Lyplcally meLaphyses of long
bones -> bone paln buL no sysLemlc sx
All GEX $# -3)#/'" (anyLhlng before nlpple or 4
lnLercosLal space) -> ex-lap
AcuLe pancreaLlLls wlLh secondary lleus -> Lhlnk choledochollLhlasls -> 8uC u/S -
> supporLlve Lx (nC, lvl, analgesla)
Surgery ln medlasLlnum -> wldened medlasLlnum posL-op + S/sx lnfn (fever, C,
leukocyLosls) -> -.2$' /')!-($!"!$!( -> dralnage, debrldemenL, Abx
Lvldence of (&!"-* !"@2%0 (anLerlor cord syndrome) -> sLablllze pL -> hlgh dose
meLhylprednlsolone wlLhln elghL hours of ln[ury
Abd wall ecchymosls + dlsLended abd + dec. 8S -> 3*2"$ -3) $%-2/- -> lf
hemodynamlcally unsLable, flrsL fluld resusclLaLe -> Lhen u/S -> lf blood, Lhen
lnfanL wlLh cysLlc and LranslllumlnaLed scroLal mass -> ,0)%#.'*' -> reassurance
+ observaLlon (mosL regress by 12 monLhs old)
:!3%#.0($!. 3%'-($ dz (benlgn) -> age 30-30 -> lnA -> non-bloody asplraLe +
dlsappears afLer asplraLlon -> observe for recurrence
8ee sLlng -> -"-&,0*-.$!. (,#.5 (Lype l hypersenslLlvlLy) -> prurlLls, flushlng,
urLlcarlal common -> Lx w/ subC epl

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