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Clinical Observation Process for the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC)

Thank you for your inquiry about how to set up a clinical observation experience at UWMC. Although we recognize the value to local national an! international stu!ents an! visitors of being able to see state of the art "e!ical care as an incentive to career plans UWMC has only a li"ite! capacity to offer these opportunities !ue to the overwhel"ing !e"an! for these experiences an! the potential interference they can create for our patient care activities. Therefore !ue to li"ite! space an! availability the Me!ical #irector$s %ffice is unable to guarantee your participation in observational activities at UWMC. Clinical observational activities "ust be arrange! by the in!ivi!ual seeking observational privileges. The Me!ical #irector$s %ffice !oes not coor!inate the process or "ake any other arrange"ents. The UWMC Me!ical #irector$s %ffice the current version of the UW Medicine Application and Agreement for Observational Activities for" is foun! here& https&''!epts.washington.e!u'co"ply'!ocs'(()*+)#.p!f Frequently Asked uestions!

1. The %bserver "ust fin! a physician sign the Agree"ent. ,f a specific physician has yet to be
i!entifie! the %bserver "ay contact the !epart"ent in the area of interest to !iscuss setting up an observational experience.

2. %bservational privileges will not be grante! without the agree"ent of a UWMC physician to take
full responsibility for the %bserver$s ti"e at UWMC.

3. Co"plete the Application an! Agree"ent for %bservational Activities for". (lease be sure to
inclu!e the anticipate! !ate-s. of the visit. ,f the %bserver is un!er the age of /0 a parent or guar!ian "ust sign the application.

4. Applications with inco"plete i""unization for"s will not be approve!. (rovi!e proof of
i""unization by filling out or attaching relevant !ocu"ent-s.. (lease be aware that the T1 test results "ust be less than a year ol!. ,n the case of a positive T1 test a chest x2ray "ust be perfor"e! an! results recor!e! on the i""unization for".

5. The Application is then signe! by the sponsoring 3enetic Me!icine Clinic #irector or Co2#irector.. 6. 4en! the Application which has been signe! by the sponsoring physician to the Me!ical
#irector5s %ffice by fax at -6*7. 8902+*6/ ca"pus "ail to 1ox :87::* or e"ail "e!irect;uw.e!u for the Me!ical #irector5s review approval an! signature.

7. %nce the Application is approve! an! signe! by the Me!ical #irector it will be returne! to the
%bserver coor!inating !epart"ent or sponsoring physician whichever is appropriate. (lease inclu!e instructions on how where an! to who" application shoul! be returne!.

8. A copy of the co"plete! Application "ust be retaine! by the !epart"ent of the sponsoring
physician. The %bserver "ust bring the co"plete! Application an! "e"o that will be provi!e! by the Me!ical #irector$s %ffice to (ublic 4afety in or!er to be issue! a te"porary i!entification ba!ge. This ba!ge will allow the %bserver into patient care areas an! must be worn visibly at all times. (lease be a!vise! that this application applies to observational activity only. <o patient care or training will be con!ucte! an! there will be no co"pensation provi!e!. The observer or sponsoring physician'!epart"ent is responsible for arranging any travel an! acco""o!ations. ,f you have questions or nee! further infor"ation please contact the UWMC Me!ical #irector$s %ffice at "e!irect;u.washington.e!u or -6*7. 890277**.

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