Joshua 3 Overview: Harvest Baptist Church

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contagious courageousness

APRIL 13, 2014 Message Five

Harvest Baptist Church

glorifying God, by Jesus Christ, through his body the church


Joshua 3 Overview
AN EXPERIENTIAL EXEGESIS OF RIVERS 1. Nothing happens while standing safely on the _______ 2. Many people live their lives on the bank and wonder why they dont ________ 3. Movement only exists in the ______________ WHAT HAS GOD PROMISED? A. God has promised salvation, Rom 10:9-10 B. God has promised you a future, Jer 29:11-13 C. God has promised provision, Phil 4:19 D. God has promised power, Isa 40:28-29

Youve got to get in the river and watch God work in order to avoid wandering as a ______ of life.! doubtbecause whichever posture dominates your life will ______________ your outlook.

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HOW TO ENTER INTO THE PLACE OF GODS PURPOSE A. Let God direct your path, Prov 3:5-6 B. Let God lead your way, Isa 48:17 C. Let God direct your heart, 2 Thes 3:5

Point 1. When you get there dont just stand there, because faith and fear are both the result of habitual practices that become habitual ________________.

Point 3. Our faith journey should periodically lead us to edges of embankments where we are afraid well get carried ________ with God.

Point 2. You have to choose which posture to takefaith or

Point 4. God can do the amazing in the ____________________ if we are spiritually ready.

Glorifying Godby Jesus Christ...through his body the church | 816-224-9113 |

I. DEAL DECISIVELY WITH FEAR, 1-6 A. Fear is not fatal, but how we deal with it, 1 B. Face fear of the future in the power of the resurrection, 2 C. Fear God, not the unknown, 3-6 1. Revere His Word, 3 2. Keep your distance, 4 3. Set yourself apart, 5-6 a. Consecration, 5 b. Commencement, 6 II. LEARN TO FOLLOW THE LEADER, 7-8 A. Follow Christ and those who follow Him, 7 B. Learn when to act and when to stay put, 8 III. BE WILLING TO JUMP IN, 9-13 A. Hear the Word of God, 9-12 1. Challenge, 9-10 a. Message, 9 b. Manifestation, 10 2. Confidence, 11-12 a. Consolation, 11 b. Choice, 12 B. Head out by faith, 13 IV. FIND YOUR PLACE IN THE HARVEST, 14-17 A. Know what time it is, 14-16 1. Climax, 14 2. Consideration, 15 3. Crossing, 16 B. Stand firm in the power of God and bridge the gap for Gods people, 17

FOUR KEYS TO CROSSING THE IMPASSABLE 1. Be ________________ ready, 5 A. ______________ your sins, Psalm 32:3-5 B. __________ your mind (repent), Psalm 24:3-4 C. ________ in the spirit, Eph 6:18; Jude 20 2. Be sure its the ________ river, 6 3. Be _______________ opposition at all obstacles, 10; John 16:33 4. Take the step to __________, 15

Fast Facts
Tonight 5:30P.M. Missions Night Manuel Estebane ! Wednesday 7:00P.M. AWANA for the kids! Psalm 24 for adults! Good Friday Revival Night
7:00P.M. to Midnight! Childcare 7-9p, food 9-10p, finish 10-12p!

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Definition: ________________ yourself means to get yourself spiritually prepared by setting yourself apart for Gods mission.

HOW TO ________ A BIBLE TEXT A. Query, Who is its author? B. Query, Who is its audience? C. Query, What is its aim? D. Query, What is its associations?


Apr 18 Apr 20 Apr 27 May 4 GOOD FRIDAY: Revival Night, 7PM -Midnight EASTER SERVICE (BAPTISMS) Becoming Generation Next, Josh 3:1-17 How to Be Ready for War, Josh 5:13-15

Saturday 9:00A.M. Easter Invitations Help us deliver to the neighborhood! Prayer Diary http:// doc/217086455! Sermon Video http://! Rev. W Alan Shelby ashelby! Follow us on! Likeus on! @hbcbluesprings!


To glorify God, by Jesus Christ, through his body the church, as we preach the gospel to the world (Eph 3:10-11,21)

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