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Saturday June 14, 2014 at !00 A"#", at the Wayne Co" $air%round&, Ri'h(ond, IN Jud%e&! Rin% )A* +d Ca,ana%h Rin% )-* Wi.. /ear&on Jr" S0OW S+CR+TARY, Rin% A! /atty -a1er 22 3114 +" St" Rd" 53 22 New Ca&t.e, IN 46572 22 674255222031 S0OW S+CR+TARY, Rin% -! +,y In%.e 22 46427 27255

WETHER RULES & REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRY A.. dairy wether& (u&t 8e tattooed or ta%%ed 9or identi9i'ation :ur:o&e&" No (eat 'ro&&e& &hown" A &i9tin% 'o((ittee wi.. 8e in :.a'e, and a.. wether& wi.. 8e wei%hed" Wei%h in 8y 3!A"#, June 14, 2014" Wether& wi.. 8e &hown 8y wei%ht not 8reed" It wi.. 8e the e;hi8itor<& re&:on&i8i.ity to 8e :re&ent 9or the '.a&& un.e&& the Show Se'retary =not the rin% &teward> ha& 8een ad,i&ed di99erent.y" The &how wi.. :ro'eed uninterru:ted un.e&& ani(a.& o9 the &a(e 8reed are 8ein% &hown in 8oth rin%& at the &a(e ti(e? The :a'e o9 the &how (ay @ui'1en 9ro( ti(e to ti(e, &o 8rin% :.enty o9 he.:" FEES The dead.ine 9or entry i& June 1, 2014" A.. 9ee& are :aya8.e with your (ai.ed entry" #AA+ ABB C0+CAS /AYA-B+ TO INDIANA DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION =IDGA>" I9 :ay(ent doe& not a''o(:any your entry 9or(, you wi.. 8e 'on&idered a Bate +ntry and wi.. 8e 'har%ed a''ordin%.y? +ntry 9ee& are C4"00 :er ani(a. /+R RING, i9 :o&t(ar1ed 8y the dead.ine" +ntry 9ee& :o&t(ar1ed a9ter the dead.ine wi.. 8e C7"00 :er ani(a., /+R RING" An e;hi8itor who ha& :re2entered ani(a.& (ay e;'han%e One ani(a. 9or another one, within the &a(e &how rin%, at the ti(e o9 'he'12in and (ay add ani(a.& at C4"00 :er ani(a. :er rin%"one, within the &a(e &how rin%" /en 9ee& wi.. 8e C5"00 9or ani(a. :en& and 9or ta'1 :en&" /en 9ee& in'.ude one or 8oth day&" /en a,ai.a8i.ity 9or .ate entrie& CANNOT -+ GDARANT++D" #ai. entrie& to /atty -a1er 22 3114 +" St" Rd" 53 22 New Ca&t.e, IN 46572" Che'1 your entrie& 9or the 'orre't '.a&& nu(8er& 9or ea'h ani(a. =and (a1e &ure to 'he'1 ea'h rin% in whi'h you want that ani(a. &hown>" /B+AS+ (ai. your entrie& ear.y? +ar.y entrie& ha,e :riority in :en a&&i%n(ent&" ARRIVAL AND CHECK-IN The 'o((ittee wi.. 8e a,ai.a8.e to a''e:t dairy %oat& at 4!00 /# $riday, June 15, un.e&& :rior arran%e(ent& 9or ear.y arri,a. ha,e 8een (ade with the 'hair(an" /.ea&e 'he'1 with the 'o((ittee 9or the .o'ation o9 your :en& 8e9ore un.oadin% ani(a.&" PENS WILL BE ASSIGNED" The entry ta8.e wi.. 8e o:en 9ro( 4!00 /# to 11!00 /# on $riday and 9ro( 7!00 to 6!50 A# Saturday" 0ay and &traw wi.. 8e a,ai.a8.e on a :reordered and :re:aid 8a&e" -eddin% wi.. not 8e :ro,ided" Indi'ate on your entry 9or( the nu(8er o9 8a.e& o9 hay andEor &traw you wi.. need" 0AY AND STRAW /AY#+NT #DST -+ INCBDD+D WIT0 YODR +NTRY $OR#" The Indiana Dairy Goat A&&o'iation, In'" and the Wayne County $air%round& wi.. not 8e re&:on&i8.e 9or any .o&&e&, da(a%e&, or a''ident& whi'h 'ou.d re&u.t in :er&ona. .o&& or inFury" No do%& G no &(o1in% in the 8arn&? HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Out2o92&tate dairy %oat& (u&t ha,e 'erti9i'ate& &i%ned 8y their ,etH& o99i'e" In2&tate ani(a.& do not need :a:er&" NO UNLOADING OF ANIMALS UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY ONE OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS DURING CHECK IN HOURS. YOU MUST RECEIVE A PASS OF INSPECTION BEFORE PENNING ANIMALS. WE WILL HAVE DESIGNATED AREAS FOR UNLOADING.

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