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Personal Statement Persistence is key. This is what my life is based upon.

I have always thought that no matter what the circumstances, there is no excuse for giving up. With enough determination and perseverance, anything is possible. This was still true during a very important part of my life, high school. It has been a strange ride with twists and turns, but ultimately exciting. During this time, I learned much about myself and my passion. However, I did not have this realization without tribulations. My life has been far from easy. My parents left their home country of Mexico to start a new and better life in the United States. They entered this country with little education and did not understand any English. As a result, it was difficult for them to find a decent job. My father worked in the fields picking produce to sustain our family while my mother cared for all her children. I rarely saw my father; he was always working. He would come home late at night exhausted from working out in the scorching desert heat of 120+ degrees. We lived in poverty for most of my childhood. I watched as my parents struggle to pay the bills. I grew up in an unstable environment, always worried if we had enough money for food or medical care. They chose this life so their children can become successful. My parents left the only world they knew so I can have a better education. Despite all these difficulties, I feel I have become wiser and stronger because of my parents sacrifice. I was disappointed when I entered Coachella Valley High School because the classes were easy for me. Most students had an unenthusiastic mentality towards their education. As a result, teachers lowered their standards so their students would not fail. Since I felt unchallenged, I decided to join my school's Health Academy. This academy provides challenging classes. It taught me to never just be satisfied with the bare minimum. I should strive to improve myself every day. With this in mind, I decided to get involved as many programs as possible so I can further improve my skills. I also became involved in community service so I can volunteer my time to help people in need. During my sophomore year of high school, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Flying Doctors, an event where medical volunteers provide their services to low-income cities for free. The number of people who attended overwhelmed me; there were hundreds of adults and children. I saw them and instantly made a connection. I understood their struggles since I had also experienced poverty. I too struggled with not having enough food to pay the bills or afford medical care. Just like my parents, they are determined to achieve a better future. Their suffering made me determined to help immigrant citizens that are in need. I decided I wanted to become a doctor and return to this poor community to provide my services. From that moment on, I strived to improve myself. I began to be more involved in my community. I have also assisted with many local events such as Tour de Palm Springs, The Desert Triathlon event, and Jamming for Jesus Music Festival. After school, I participated in Karate, a class that teaches both self- defense and discipline. I became a part of an organization called Youth Health Policy Initiative during my junior year. This group taught us how to become active participants in our community and how to take steps to solve actual problems that are affecting our community. I learned how to become a leader over time. I had the opportunity to job-shadow at John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital. I volunteered for 10 weeks, once a week. I was selected to work in the GI lab (gastrointestinal laboratory). There I experienced many medical procedures, including some colonoscopies and an ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography). As I witnessed all the procedures, I started thinking about all the incredible science behind it. How can a medical doctor go inside a patients rectum during

a colonoscopy, extract a polyp, and have the colon can be completely fine in a matter of days afterwards? Just how fast can a persons cellular tissue heal? The other department that I worked in was the onsite pharmacy. Working there other questions formed in my mind. How do different medicines cause different reactions in the body? How and why do some chemicals help to treat and heal certain diseases and organs? I came to realize that all of these questions could be answered by science. This made me even more eager to pursue my education in a four year university. To think that I can, one day, answer these question and learn more about the human body. Then, during my junior year, I was informed of a program called a California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science or COMSOS, a summer program focusing on math and science held at a University of California campus. I looked into it and found that the program offered a class on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to get ahead in my future career in the medical field. I was determined to get into that program. I worked hard to perfect my short essays and finish my application correctly. My hard work paid off and I was accepted into COSMOS at the University of San Diego.I eligible for a full scholarship, meaning my tuition was paid. This was a relief since I could not have afforded to pay the partial tuition of three hundred dollars that was offered to applicants with low income. However, that was not the end of my journey. I had the freedom to explore the UCSD campus as much as I pleased. Once I explored the campus and its wonderful sights, I feel in love with it. I was convinced that I will attend a four year university. However, the majority of the time I spent was studying since I was accepted into the most difficult and competitive class that the program offered. I took a class in the bioengineering department. The concepts and assignments were new to me. Most of the other students understood the information easily. Many of them came from prestigious schools, which offer many advanced placement courses, while my school offered very few AP classes. This put me in a great disadvantage; I felt hopeless. This, however, did not discourage me. I did whatever was necessary to understand the information. I stayed for tutoring and asked for help. With hard work and determination, I began to comprehend what my professor was explaining at our lectures. It was then time to create our final project. My groups project was on the effects of well sizes on collagen gel contraction. By the end of the program I understood my project and could explain it in detail. I knew that no matter what obstacle that comes my way, with enough determination and effort; I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. Throughout my life I have faced many hardships. I grew up in poverty. I was born and raised in Coachella. It is a predominately agricultural, rural town with limited resources. Most of the students in my high school are not interested in education and currently our graduation rate is 70%. I know the pain of uncertainty and sacrifice. These ordeals have made me stronger; it has taught me to persevere. I will strive to receive a better education; I will attend a University. Throughout my high school experience, I have learned many skills like the qualities of being a leader. My involvement in the Health Academy, community service, and COSMOS made me realized my passion for the medical field. My desire for knowledge will assist me in reaching my objective. With determination, I know I can achieve my goal and will be able to help people in need. I will help my society as much as possible, no matter what complications arise.

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