Chocolate Chunk Cookies

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By: Rima

Ingredients 250g salted butter,softened (i used SCS) 200g light brown sugar 1/4 tsp salt (i didnt add) 1/2 tsp coffee oil 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 cup oats,processed to bits in a chopper (i used nestum) 1/4 cup ground almonds 1/2 cup of your favourite nuts,chopped finely (optional)(i used whole cashew nuts.. toasted) 1 pack of Nestle Tollhouse semi-sweet chocolate chips OR chocolate chunks (ran out of Tollhouse I used dark chocolate chip bought fm Bagus) 300g self-raising flour (i used plain flour with 1/2tsp of baking powder)

Method This is the most important step,at least 2 hours before,or the night before,beat the egg with the vanilla and the coffee oil to infuse or you can do this the night before,refrigerate it then bring it to room temperature before baking. Preheat oven to 160C. To the softened butter,beat in the sugar and the salt to combine. Beat in the egg and stir in the processed oats,ground almonds,optional chopped nuts and the chocolate chunks. Sift the flour and fold it in,this dough will not be too stiff but not too wet either. For small cookies,place half-tsp of the dough,spaced slightly apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 9 to 10 minutes. For large cookies, place rounded tbsp of the dough spaced apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 20 to 22 minutes. Cool completely and let it sit overnight in an airtight container,this is for the flavour and fragrance to develop further.

Dibawah ini adalah resepi yg ita gunakan dan cara2 penyediaannyer yg telah dialih bahasa secara ringkas oleh ita 250 gm butter 200 gm gula perang 1/2 sudu kecil coffee paste 1 biji telur 1 sudu kecel esen vanila 1/4 cawan oat 1/4 cawan almond - kisar 1/2 cawan kekacang dibakar - ita letak almond 1 peket choc chip - ita guna Harsey 300 gm self- raising flour atau tepung naik sendiri

Sebelum kita nak buat cookies ni sebaik2nyer atau seelok2 nyer kita sediakan bahan ini terlebih dahulu. Iaitu pukul telur , vanila dan coffee oil atau coffee paste. Penyediaan bahan ni hendaklah dibuat sekurang2nyer 2 jam sebelum kita membuat cookies ni atau cara yg terbaik kita buat dahulu dan simpan semalaman dalam peti ais. Panaskan oven 160C Campurkan butter yg telah lembut dgn gula lalu dipukul hingga lembut. Campurkan campuran telur dan coffee tadi bersama oat yg dikisar berserta serbuk badam, kekacang dan choc chip. Ayak tepung ke dlm adunan dan gaul rata. Adunan akan menjadi tidak terlalu lembik dan tidak terlalu kental. Untuk cookies yg kecil letakkan 1/2 sudu kecil ke atas loyang dan bakar selama 9 - 10 minit Untuk cookies yg lebih besar letakkan 1 sudu dan bakar selama 20 - 25 minit. Setelah masak letakkan atas redai sehingga sejuk. Simpanlah dlm bekas kedap udara.

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