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I. Period Covered : July – September 2009

II. Program Statistics (Students Served)

Grade/Year Enrolled Dropped Out Continuing

Level Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Grade 1 12 12 24 12 12 24
Grade 2 22 20 42 22 20 42
Grade 3 21 20 41 21 20 41
Grade 4 13 24 37 13 24 37
Grade 5 16 27 43 16 27 43
Grade 6 7 14 21 7 14 21
1st Year 23 22 45 23 22 45
2nd Year 10 12 22 10 12 22
3rd Year 6 12 18 6 12 18
4th Year 4 3 7 4 3 7

III. Activities Undertaken

Activity Highlights
1. Convention on the Rights of  The activity was facilitated by the BCPC advocate of
the child Barangay 842. This was held last August 2, 2009 at
 150 EAP –DBAF beneficiaries were oriented about
their rights and responsibility and well guided on the
information and abuses
2. Values Session  Almost 90% of EAP–DBAF beneficiaries
continuously attend sessions held every Saturday.
Sessions are classified into groups based on
grade/year level.
 Through this session, children are helped to value
their education and to pursue their aspirations.
3. Advocacy on Child Abuse  137 EAP-DBAF beneficiaries have successfully
and Referral Flow Chart completed the
4. School, Home Visitation and  Substantial monitoring and observation of the
Counseling students’ performance at home and in school were
carried out to fully supporting the development of
the children for them to further carry on to the next
level. As a result, all 300 students being supported
regularly attending their classes and were also able
to acquire good grades.
5. Monthly Meeting with  Regular meeting/consultation with parents was
parents regularly facilitated by the EAP Social Workers to
ensure that issues and concerns pertinent to school,
family, community or sometimes personal matters
was discussed. All parents were actively
participated in a regular meeting.
6. Tutorial Sessions with some  Students who were having difficulty with their
EAP – DBAF children academic subjects were provided tutorial classes
every Saturday by groups of students from La Salle
St. Benilde. This activity is not limited to lecture and
discussion on the different academic subjects but
also encourages active participation and develops the
self confidence of the children.
 Tutorials are conducted with individual children who
currently encounter difficulties in coping with their
class sessions.
 Through these sessions, the students were able to
catch up with their lessons, acquire better grades and
learned some values on good study habits.

7. Regular consultation with  To give opportunities for expressing their deepest

students and parents values and thoughts towards education, individual
consultation between the social worker, student and
parent/guardian were also conducted to those priority
EAP cases once in a month. These sessions helps
them to ventilate feelings to share their ideas,
opinions and concerns.

8. Facilitating Skills Training  The EAP were trained on how to facilitate/conduct

for Children and Youth simple session among their age group.

IV. Significant of Accomplishment

 Completed a systematic profile of beneficiaries, each scholar was assigned a child

profile number.
 Gain support of different school in the implementation of FCED-Educational
Program through monitoring of the academic standing of all EAP children
 Structuring of BCPC-Education Committee Leaders
 Developed a monitoring tool which will be utilized to regularly monitor the activities
of the students at home, school and within their community. This tool is now
administered by the BCPC Education Committees in their barangays to collect the
feedback so that social workers can easily respond if issues/ concerns arise.
 For the month of August and September, two trainings were conducted, training on
CRC – Convention on the Rights of the Child and RA 7610- Advocacy on Child
Abuse and Flow Chart.
 Regular distribution of Transportation and Meal Allowances to DB beneficiaries

V. How was the grant money been used? ( Impact of the Program)

Part of the grants was used for the following:

• Trainings - the children were able to undergo different trainings which

developed learning about their rights, responsibilities both within their
family and at community at large.
• Meal and Transportation allowances for EAP-DBAF Scholars

Impact of the Program

Parents Children
• The parents begins to strengthen • The children learned to value
their support system towards the their education and became more
education of their children enthusiastic towards their studies
• They had embraced their duties • They also had the chance to
and responsibilities in EAP as develop their talent and skills
they learn to value the through participating with the
importance of their participation EAP activities
• Direct assistance given to the • Enhanced their communication
beneficiaries helps in by means of socialization with
augmentation of daily school other children under the program
needs (e.g. meals, • Boosted self-esteem and self-trust

VI. Problem Encountered? How was it solved?

Some planned activities such as Sports fest, SFL (Skills for Life), Inter School
Meeting was postponed due to the occurrence of typhoon Ondoy and Pepeng wherein
most of our beneficiaries were affected. After the typhoon we have conducted area
visit at different affected barangays to check the living condition of our beneficiaries.
It was found out that most of the communities were flooded especially the ones who
lives nearby the creek.

As per disaster response, we have conducted advanced distribution of meals and

transportation allowances of children to help the families in augmenting their needs.
This was made possible through the concerted efforts of the social workers in
coordination with the BCPC Education Committees.
VII. Future Plans/Plans in the Succeeding Quarter

• Continuous monitoring of DB scholars both in school and at home through the

help of BCPC-Education Committee
• Regular Meeting with the BCPC Education Committee per barangay for
feedbacking and updates
• Regular monthly meeting with Deutsche Bank Scholars
• In order to ensure the effective implementation of the program in the
succeeding quarter, the Program Supervisor will closely monitor and assess
the social worker’s performance by conducting consultation and meetings
with students and parents. It will also try to enhance its case management and
documentation system, particularly with children who are in distressful and
struggling situation.
• MOA signing with schools to strengthen partnership as part of developmental
activities of EAP children
• To conduct Leadership and Paralegal Session for Parent Leaders
• Implementation of the Skills for Life Training among vulnerable students

VIII. Changes in the Organization

There was a staff transition, Ms. Marilyn C. Gamboa will be handling some
EAP – Deutsche Bank beneficiaries and at the same time will be the supervisor of
Educational Assistance Program. Ms. Jeraldine Rey will continue to manage
other EAP-Deutsche Bank Beneficiaries.

The new staff will handle and focus on particular barangays such as 849, 853,
827,844, and 84.

IX. Financial Report

X. Case Study

1. Garcia, Geronimo

Child is a 12-year old male, residing at 1423-B Ilang Ilang St., Pandacan, Manila and
a 1st year student at Carlos P. Garcia High School. He is living with his grandmother
Marcela, 69, widow who hails from Samar, Leyte. They belonged to the poorest of the
poor in the community. Child’s father is already deceased while the mother has
abandoned him since birth thus he was taken custody by his grandmother. They get their
daily sustenance from the sari-sari store of Aling Marcela with a daily income of
Php90.00 the least.
The house that they lived in was formerly a Coca Cola store which was given to
Chairman De Guzman, previous barangay captain of barangay 849. In which he also
granted to Aling Marcela due to their economic status. Thus they don’t pay for the rent as
well as water connection has been provided by the chairman so it is for free. Every end of
the month, Mang Luciano the other son of Aling Marcela would send them 5 kilos of rice
to augment their needs.

As per BCPC Education leader Minda Rueda, child is motivated to attend his
class every day.

2. Vigo, Ma. Riza

Child is a 12-year old female, who lives with her family in 1912 Barrio Mabolo
Obesis, Pandacan, Manila. She is currently enrolled in Manuel A. Roxas High School as
freshman. Eldest among the brood of six, her parents are Mang Jonathan who works as a
signage painter with an income of Php300.00/day while the mother, Aling Emita, a plain
housewife tends the children needs. The father has been previously assigned in Cebu and
all the children have been left to the care of the mother. There came a time that Mang
Jonathan failed to send money for the family and this caused more hardship to the family
since Aling Emita has no income. Due to this, she requested for her husband to be
transferred to Manila. The assistance provided by FCED is really a big help to the family.

Child is active in participation with extra-curricular activities. She is also motivated

to finish her studies to help her family in the future.

3. Vincent Marrion Candelario

Vincent Marrion was called by his friends and family as “ Bentong “, name after
the actor Bentong.

Bentong came from a broken family, he was being left by his parents to his
grandparents since birth. His parents seldom visit him. His grandfather is a policeman
and his grandmother is a housewife who has 5 children who are in school, 2 in
highschool and 3 in the elementary including Bentong but despite of their difficulties, his
guardian continue to support him especially in his basic needs. Although he lacked an
attention from his original family still he is happy with his grandparents.

In school, Bentong is active in his academics and participates well in the school
activities and even activities conducted by FCED.

4. Cyd Angel Granado

Angel is the eldest daughter among the two siblings. Her father works as a family
driver based in Vito Cruz Manila who earns P 4,500.00 monthly. Her mother is a part
time sewer in a garments with an honorarium basis. She is 3 months pregnant to her 3rd
baby. For them their income is not sufficient to meet their basic needs especially now that
she is pregnant.

Angel can help her mother especially in doing the household chores like washing
the dishes, sweeping the floor and etc. She is good in school academics although she's a
bit shy in school.

XI. Activity Photos

Convention on the rights of the child session held last August 2, 2009

150 EAP-DBAF Beneficiaries have successfully completed the session

Advocacy on Child Abuse and Protective Measures held last September 20, 2009
137 EAP-DBAF beneficiaries have received their Certificate of completion

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