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COLLABORATE 12 Copyright 2012 by Barbara Matthews 1

Clean Up That Mess! A Mothers Guide to Managing Your E-Business Suite

Barbara Matthews, On Call DBA

If youve noticed that your Applications seem to be slowly grinding along, perhaps you need to
review your overall approach to managing your Applications data. Are you purging data that
ought to be purged? Is your Concurrent Manager configuration all that it could be? Have you
LOOKED at your Workflow tables lately? This paper will describe many of the dust bunnies
Ive found in assorted E-Business Suite closets, and what I recommend you do to clean sweep
your way to performance improvements.

As we tackle our clean sweep, Ill start by telling you what I wont be talking a lot about: your
real business data. Your GL transactions, your Work In Process data, your Accounts Receivables
data your functional super users should worry about that. They should be considering how
long to hold onto GL data, and whether to carry it all forward when you upgrade to Release 12,
or archive it elsewhere.
There Are Many Ways to Tweak Your Concurrent Manager Configuration
I never cease to be amazed at the unique configurations that E-Business Suite customers choose
for their Concurrent Manager setups. The Concurrent Manager offers a plethora of choices for
how you can set it up. This flexibility can help during a performance crisis, but in general, you
should fall back to a more standard configuration once the crisis is averted.
When I See Pound Signs, I Want to Scream
When I review customers environments, I run a set of scripts that check for assorted issues. My
general rule of thumb is, if the results are so large that my report cant fit the answer in the field,
then theres a problem. Take a look at this example, which shows a worrisome detail look at
how long the concurrent requests are waiting to get to run:
Concurrent Manager Performance History

----------------------------------- -------- --------- -------- ------------ --------
Long Running Manager 77 .79 .01 4384255.11 ########
Quick Manager 216 10.10 .05 14827306.97 ########
Standard Manager 397 7.36 .02 29284205.96 ########

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There are a number of things that could cause Concurrent Programs to wait for long periods
before they get to run. First, if a Concurrent Manager queue is set up to run only a small number
of programs at a time, then requests may wait a long time to get their turn.

Figure 1 Choose Concurrent Manager: Define and then query up your Concurrent Managers. You can click on the
Work Shifts button to see how many Concurrent Programs can run at the same time for a Concurrent Manager.

Figure 2 You can change the number of Concurrent Requests that can run at the same time in the Work Shifts screen
by changing the Processes field.
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Other factors that can influence wait time are the Cache Size and the Sleep Seconds for each
Concurrent Manager.

A second possibility for this long wait time is that the perhaps the Purge Concurrent Requests
and/or Manager Data Concurrent Program is not being run, so the response time for all
Concurrent Request activities, including querying the status of a request, submitting a request,
and starting to run the request, could be very slow. In the case of the example above, both
situations were true.

One way to separate longer running Concurrent Programs from the rest is to create a special
queue to run long-running reports. You could use a Work Shift to ensure that those reports only
run during off-peak hours. In the example with the large wait times, I would expect the average
hours to run to be longer for the Long Running Manager queue than any of the other queues, and
I would also expect the waited hours to be longer, because one long running job will end up
waiting behind other long running jobs.

You can see that for this example, something is terribly wrong the Long Running Manager is
running jobs faster, on average, than the other managers, and all of the queues are waiting for a
horribly unreasonable amount of time. What could the issue be? Further investigation showed
that this environment has 18 Concurrent Programs defined to Run Alone, something Ill discuss
next, and those Run Alone programs are run frequently, so the Concurrent Manager isnt running
the way anyone would expect it to run.
(Think Carefully Before You) Run Alone
You can set a program up to Run Alone. What an interesting option! Pick a report, any report,
and set it to Run Alone. All other submitted programs will wait in pending status until this one
report completes. Ive had a company call in a complete panic because they thought their
concurrent manager was broken. It turns out, someone had selected this option for a program that
ran quite frequently.
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Figure 3 As System Administrator, choose Concurrent: Program: Define, query up a program, then click Run Alone
Consider this an option to use judiciously and with extra caution.
Making Concurrent Programs Incompatible with Each Other
If youre trying to avoid having other programs conflict with a particular program, then you can
also set programs up to be incompatible with each other. Those reports will never run at the same
A simple click here can
bring your concurrent
manager to a grinding
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Figure 4 You can set up programs so that they are incompatible with one another

Figure 5 Now the Analyze Impact Data Concurrent Program (at the top in the Program field) and the Analyze All Index
Column Statistics Concurrent Program (toward the middle, in the Name field) will never run at the same time.
You can click on the
Incompatibilities button to set
another program to be
incompatible with this one
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You can use the Incompatible setting for cases where deadlocking is occurring for two or more
concurrent programs, but you should be judicious about using this option as well you must
understand the data that the programs are targeting, and be sure that they really are fighting over
the right to update the same data. Your DBA can spot deadlocking in the databases alert log,
and occasionally you can tell that programs are deadlocking by the error if the losing program
reports in its Concurrent Request status. If programs arent deadlocking, then making them
incompatible with each other should not be done because jobs will wait to run unnecessarily.
Raise the Priority of a Concurrent Program
You can give one or more Concurrent Programs a higher priority than others. This is a
reasonable option to use for a small subset of programs that are critical. However, you might also
consider creating a new Concurrent Manager for critical programs like these. Deassign them
from their current Concurrent Manager, including the Standard Manager, and assign them to
your Critical Concurrent Manager. If you find that you are setting up more than, say, 5 programs
with a higher priority, stop and rethink what you are trying to achieve and consider creating a
separate Concurrent Manager.

Figure 6 You can change the priority of a Concurrent Program so it runs before other programs, or after
If youre in a bind, right smack dab in the middle of a crisis, you can raise the priority of a given
Concurrent Request to make it run sooner than other Concurrent Requests that are waiting to run.
Just find it in the Concurrent Manager: Administer screen and change the priority. You cant
The default priority is 50,
even if the Priority field is
blank. If you want a
Concurrent Program to
always run sooner, set
Priority to < 50
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change the priority if its already running; that would be silly, wouldnt it? Also, if your
Concurrent Program is a recurring scheduled program, then it will resubmit with that raised
priority, so make sure you take a look every now and again to make sure that the programs that
you expect to have a higher priority actually do.
(Should You) Let the Standard Manager Do All The Work?
You can run everything under the Standard Manager. This is actually, for the most part, the
default, seeded by Oracle. Yes, there are lots of other Concurrent Managers defined by Oracle,
but if you look, youll see that the bulk of Concurrent Requests end up running under the
Standard Manager. All Concurrent Programs seeded by Oracle can run under the Standard
Manager, as well as under specific managers to which they are assigned.
Consider setting up one more queue the Quick Manager. Track the performance of your
Concurrent Requests over time, and Include Concurrent Programs that always run quickly (say,
in under a minute) to the Quick Manager. Dont forget to Exclude them from any other manager
where they are currently set up, as well as from the Standard Manager. The Quick Manager
doesnt have any extra fire power under the hood; it simply pulls those quick running programs
out of the other queues and lets them run first, in their own queue. Why let those fast jobs get
stuck behind the slow ones, after all?
Should the Standard Manager do all the work? You have lots of knobs that you can turn to make
the Standard Manager work well if it does do all the work. If you let the Standard Manager do all
the work, then make sure that it has an appropriate number of workers assigned to do that work.
This means you have to look at not only how quickly jobs run through the Standard Manager
so you would want to tune your worst performing programs to address that issue but you also
need to look at how long Concurrent Programs are waiting to run. If they are waiting too long
(Ive shown an example earlier), then you should either create additional queues and let the
programs run there, or increase the number of programs that can run at the same time in the
Standard Manager.
Of course theres a tradeoff. Your server and database can handle a certain load. If you exceed it,
then youll make the database, and likely the server, thrash. Thats why you probably wouldnt
set up the Standard Manager to run, say, 100 jobs at once, or 1000 jobs at once. You need to
observe performance and come up with a balance that works best for your environment. Then
tune your slow-running code, apply performance patches for Oracles slow-running code, and
determine if additional hardware could help would more memory or CPU or faster I/O help?
Can you afford it? Are there other features that can improve performance? Are you upgraded to
the latest version of the RDBMS? Oracle 11gR2 has the fastest optimizer; if youre not already
on it, consider if it is worthwhile to upgrade sooner rather than later.
Dont Forget the Online Users
Really, if there are kings and queens in your world, it should be the online users. Theyre the
ones with their fingers hovering over the keypad, wishing the computer would run just a little bit
faster. If you make the Concurrent Manager run like the wind, you must make sure that it doesnt
COLLABORATE 12 Copyright 2012 by Barbara Matthews 8

hog all of your computers resources and slow down the online users. Your best gauge for online
performance is the complaints that come into your Help Desk.
Other Performance Tips
Are You Pinning?
Really? Do I have to tell you that? Pinning objects into memory allows them to be accessed from
memory, which is faster than accessing them from disk. Oracle has been kind enough to create a
pinning tool for you called PIND. If you arent pinning objects, see MOS Doc. ID: 301171.1,
"Toolkit for dynamic marking of Library Cache objects as Kept (PIND)" for more details.
Gather Schema Statistics Options
Lets start with some definitions from MOS Doc. ID: 556466.1, Definition of Parameters Used
in Gather Schema Statistics Program and MOS Doc. ID: 419728.1, How To Gather Statistics
On Oracle Applications 11.5.10(and above) - Concurrent Process,Temp Tables, Manually.

Schema Name
You may enter ALL to analyze every defined App schema.

Estimate Percent
Percentage of rows to estimate. If left empty it will default to 10%. The valid range is 0-99. A
higher percentage will be more accurate, but will take longer to run. If the object(s) that you are
gathering statistics for do not change often or the object(s) has data entered that is very similiar
you may choose a lower number. However, if the data changes frequently a larger number
entered for this parameter would be recommended to provide a more accurate representation of
your data.

Enter the Degree of parallelism. If not entered, it will default to min(cpu_count,
parallel_max_servers). You can modify the degree of parallelism to see if performance can be

Backup Flag
If the value is 'NOBACKUP' then it won't take a backup of the current statistics and should run
quicker. If the value is 'BACKUP' then it does an export_table_stats prior to gathering the

Restart Request Id
Enter the request id that should be used for recovering gather_schema_stats if this request should
fail. You may leave this parameter null.

Gather Options
As of 11.5.10, FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS introduced a new parameter called
OPTIONS that, if set to GATHER AUTO, allows FND_STATS to automatically determine the
COLLABORATE 12 Copyright 2012 by Barbara Matthews 9

tables for which statistics should be gathered based on the change threshold. The Modifications
Threshold can be adjusted by the user by passing a value for modpercent, which by default is
equal to 10. GATHER AUTO uses a database feature called Table Monitoring, which needs to
be enabled for all the tables. A procedure called ENABLE_SCHEMA_MONITORING has been
provided to enable monitoring on all tables for a given schema or all Applications schemas.

Modifications Threshold
Choose the percentage of change that will be used by the Gather Options parameter. The default
value is 10%.

Invalidate Dependent Cursors
The invalidate option controls whether we invalidate cursors in the shared pool after gathering
statistics. The default behavior invalidates cursors, and this option can be used to avoid this if
gathering statistics on a busy system and it is not immediately required to utilize the new

Figure 7 You can experiment with the Degree field to see if raising the degree of parallelism can improve performance
You can choose Gather Auto, rather than Gather for the Gather Options. This may decrease the
amount of time spent analyzing objects by only analyzing those that have changed by a defined
percentage (the Modifications Threshold).
I havent tested switching to Gather Auto, but its on my list. A couple of attendees at my last
presentation said that they had switched to this and seen a significant performance increase.
Once I test this out, Ill let you know if it helped.
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Figure 8 You can experiment with Gather Auto to see if you can improve performance of the Gather Schema Statistics
Concurrent Program by only analyzing objects that have changed by a certain percentage (Modifications Threshold).
This might allow you to run the Gather Schema Statistics Concurrent Program more frequently, and for a shorter period
of time.

Figure 9 If you choose GATHER AUTO for Gather Options, you also have to choose a Modifications Threshold

COLLABORATE 12 Copyright 2012 by Barbara Matthews 11

Purging Applications Data
Oracle provides a number of programs that purge or delete data from the E-Business Suite. Your
functional super users need to determine what can be purged from your companys business data,
but it helps if you can provide a list of what programs are available. The Concurrent Programs
available to you will vary depending on what release of the E-Business Suite you are running,
and what patches you have applied. You should share this information with your functional super
users to see if there are any opportunities for cleanup.
You can also provide a list of concurrent programs that are already being run. You should
periodically review this list to determine if there are additional purges that could be run. After
applying significant patchsets (like RUP 7 for Release 11i, or a new RUP for Release 12), you
should look again to see if there are new purges available.
And purging isnt the only alternative you could also archive data removing data from tables
and storing it in historical tables that are still accessible, to improve performance. Youll likely
need to work with your functional users to make those kinds of decisions, and you may need to
consider third party vendor alternatives.
For our purposes, well concentrate on the metadata in the E-Business Suite that can be purged.
This is data about your Applications. It is data that helps you manage the E-Business Suite, but
needs to be purged regularly to maintain optimal performance. When I look at an E-Business
Suite environment, I always look to see what their largest tables are. This gives me an indicator
of whether they are purging, and it also tells me what their most-used applications are.
Different customers have different results, of course, but the following tables may grow large.
The good news is, there are programs that can clean them up and help control their size:
FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS Most customers run the Purge Concurrent Requests
and/or Manager Data concurrent program daily and delete records older than 7-30 days.
Generally, Oracle recommends no more than 25,000 records in this table if possible, because the
amount of data in the table will affect users performance when they query the concurrent
manager or submit new jobs.
One way to control the size of the fnd_concurrent_requests table without giving up data that
might be useful is to create an additional run of the Purge, included in a Request Set that also
runs the current daily purge, to delete data from programs that run very frequently (more than
500 times in a month), whose Concurrent Manager details are not important to save for more
than a few days.
As customers approach upgrading to Release 12, it may be worthwhile to consider creating a
history table for the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS data. Would it be helpful to know what
Concurrent Programs have been run in the last year, and what parameters were passed? This
might aid in creating test plans for the upgrade.
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FND_LOGINS The Purge Signon Audit data Concurrent Program should be run at least
weekly. There is a bug with the Concurrent Program setup with Release 11i that requires that the
request be run via a script using the concsub command.
FND_LOBS - FND_LOBS stores information about all LOBs managed by the Generic File
Manager (GFM). Each row includes the file identifier, name, content-type, and actual data. Each
row also includes the dates the file was uploaded and when it will expire, the associated program
name and tag, and the language and Oracle characterset. My Oracle Support Doc. ID: 829235.1,
FAQ Performance considerations for FND_LOBS describes how to maintain FND_LOBS.
We recommend running the concurrent program Purge Obsolete Generic File Manager Data
on a periodic basis, perhaps once a week.
SELF SERVICE SESSIONS the concurrent program Purge Inactive Sessions removes data
ICX_REQUISITIONER_INFO and FND_SESSION_VALUES tables. There is an entry for
every time someone logs into the self services web applications. We recommend scheduling this
program to run daily, during off-hours.
WORKFLOW The Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data Concurrent Program should be
run daily. The System Administrator should set up the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime
Data concurrent program for items with a Persistence Type of Temporary, and should schedule
this program to run daily, choosing an appropriate Age for data retention, and leaving Item Type
and Item Key blank.
FND_LOG_MESSAGES You may need to apply one-off Patch 8989384, FNDLGPRG Not
Purging Old Records In the FND_LOG_MESSAGES Table. In Release 11i, run "Purge Debug
Log and System Alerts", and in Oracle Application Release 12, run "Purge Logs and Closed
System Alerts."

This program purges all messages up to the specified date, except messages for active
transactions (new or open alerts, active ICX sessions, concurrent requests, etc.). This program
should be scheduled to run daily and by default purges messages older than 7 days. Affected
WSH.WSH_EXCEPTIONS - If this table grows very large, see MOS Doc. ID: 358994.1, The
Table WSH_EXCEPTIONS is Extremely Large Unable to Purge, for details about how to
purge this table. Also see MOS Doc. ID: 842728.1, Sample API To Purge
APPLSYS.FND_ENV_CONTEXT If this table is very large, see MOS Doc ID: 419990.1,
which describes a bug in Release 11.5.9 where the concurrent manager purge misses this table
COLLABORATE 12 Copyright 2012 by Barbara Matthews 13

PERFSTAT - A very large PERFSTAT (statspack) table and index, while not necessarily a bad
thing, is worth checking to see if the data is being used, or if a smaller amount of data could be
saved. The following query shows how old the data is:
SELECT to_char(snap_time,'YYYY MON') snapdate,
FROM perfstat.stats$snapshot
GROUP BY to_char(snap_time, 'YYYY MON')
This can be purged with $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sppurge.sql or sptrunc.sql.
Make Sure Your Interface Tables Hold Only What They Should
You should review your interface tables before upgrading to make sure that they do not have
unnecessary data in them. You might call this a bit of a nag on my part. Everyone knows, after
all, that the interface tables have to be cleaned out as part of the upgrade to Release 12. The
reason I bring it up is that I have seen an instance with data left in interface tables from a prior
implementation that just never got cleaned up. It makes good sense to review your interface
tables to make sure that they dont have unexpected data in them.
Now, before you start changing your Concurrent Manager configuration, or kicking off purge
programs that youve never run before, I have one last pearl of wisdom:
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction
you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll
decide where to go..." (Dr. Seuss)
You have a test environment for good reasons. Take a look at my recommendations, and then
research them on My Oracle Support, and test them on your test environment. One of the
interesting things Ive found as Ive looked at different customers environments is that often
they have a perfectly rationale reason for not doing things the way everyone else does. So take a
look, research, test, and feel free to let me know how things go.

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