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Doctor Juwairiya

Child: Juwairiya Date: 21/2/2014 written 7/3/2014 Written by: T. Maysoon During the red day T. Maysoon gave a session on the heart anatomy. At the start of the session she mentioned that today we are going to be do tors and s ientists. !he ta"#ed about the heart$ how it wor#s$ heart beat a"ong other things. !he then showed the stethos o%e and b"ood %ressure too"s that do tors use to he # heart beats$ and said we wou"d "earn how to use these "ater. The anatomy "esson went "onger and we didn&t get to use the too"s for measuring b"ood %ressure and heart beats. The ne't day Ahmed as#ed the tea hers about the too"s and they said they are with Tea her Maysoon who was away in Dunedin. Next week the minute Ahmad saw Teacher Maysoon he asked, hen are we !oin! to "e doctors# $he %romised tomorrow. The next day Ahmad asked the same &uestion a!ain so T. Maysoon "rou!ht the too's and said, ()ome *r. Ahmad+( ,e was -u'' o- .oy and enthusiasm. Nusaya"a was his -irst %atient and then $te/en came runnin! and was the second %atient. Nusay"a wanted to "e the doctor. Ahmad !race-u''y !a/e her the too's a-ter reassurin! her that her hea'th is !ood, "'ood %ressure is -ine. Juwairiya was keen to "e the %atient too. $he was /ery we'' aware o- what to do as a %atient0 she ro''ed her s'ee/e u% and !a/e her hand to *r. Nusay"a wi''in!'y as it seems she is -ami'iar with such check1 u%s. $he then "ecame the doctor. $te/en was so %roud when 2 addressed him 3*r. $te/en3 wou'd you kind'y check Juwairiyas "'ood %ressure and heart "eats#( ,e con-ident'y started actin! 'ike a rea' doctor. e'' done to a'' -our chi'dren in/o'/ed 4 2 wish you a !reat -uture+

Teachers voice: Juwairiya it is !reat to hear you are takin! an interest and "ein! in/o'/ed in new ex%erience o--ered at An1Nur. e missed you o/er the summer ho'iday, and are /ery %'eased to o"ser/e you sett'in! "ack in &uick'y+ hen you take an interest you are demonstratin! the %ositi/e 'earnin! dis%osition o- coura!e and curiosity. 2 can a'so see your Mana henua or 5e'on!in! "ein! su%%orted "y how com-orta"'e you are with our routine, customs and re!u'ar e/ents 4 as we'' as co%in! with un-ami'iar ex%eriences.2t is a'so e/ident throu!h you knowin! you ha/e a %'ace, trustin! in the -airness o- turn1takin!, mana!in! im%u'si/ity and connectin! 'inks with -ami'y and the wider wor'd are a--irmed and extended. 2 know your mother has "een unwe'' recent'y and you ha/e o"ser/ed her ha/in! these kinds o- checks. 6ou a%%'ied this %ast know'ed!e to this new ex%erience. hen you are in/o'/ed in ex%eriences you are demonstratin! the %ositi/e 'earnin! dis%osition otrust and %'ay-u'ness. 2 can a'so see your Mana Atua or we''"ein! is su%%orted "y -ocusin! on and %romotin! your hea'th dai'y as we'' as s%ecia' e/ents such as our red heart day. *ue to your mothers current hea'th status we understand you may not "e a"'e to attend as re!u'ar'y. There-ore our -ocus wi'' remain on your sense o- "e'on!in! and we''1"ein! inc'udin! toi'et trainin! and stren!thenin! your connections "etween home, centre and the wider community. (T. )atasha

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