Ntire Audit

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SunSma rt


100% Audit Trail of Application
nTireAudit is the state-of-the-art product from SunSmart that helps the software developers in easily providing the open-ended, highly configurable and comprehensive Audit Trail functionality for their applications. Audit Trailing is one of the most important security features that every application should offer. However, while considering this aspect, the method of implementation of the same become a major task, because almost every application if offers!, offers this functionality through coding as part of normal program. "oreover, most of the solutions are offering audit trails as log files only, which is not sufficient enough in analysing the data, that is the complete history of a particular transaction.

Audit Any thing nTireAudit can be configured over any ,.4"S and can track data level change. #ront end ,eports module tracks all the changes right from beginning on every transaction5

#urther this approach will cost the application in terms of$ %. (. *. +. &ead to poor performance of the application since these 'ueries also occupies portion of your traffic and server occupancy is increased. )nable to track the transaction details in terms of values )nable to configure what values of a transaction need to be tracked ,estricted only to frond-end application. )nable to audit, if some one changes the values through backend.

Advantages %667 8eb 4ased &ower /ost of 2wnership 9uickest .eployment Time 8orks with any Application 0asy customi:ation ;ntegration < e1isting systems 8orks with Any .4 Themes 3 Skin 2ption Administration "odule "ulti-lingual support Technology
AS-.=0T (66> *.? S-% /@ Supports any .4 3 Any &anguage Application

nTireAudit addresses the above issues as$ %. (. *. +. -erformance is not at all compensated as Audit Trail is configured to take place at .atabase &evel and not through Application Track any values of a transaction from its creation to current status /onfigure as per your business at any point of time values that need to be tracked 0ven if a back-end change is taken place, auditing is done for that also.

At SST-& we had e1pertise in Audit Trail for major applications and this product is e1tensively used in all our mega applications. 2ur e1pertise will certainly help you in building your applications to meet international standards. nTireAudit can be used with any of the applications you are having irrespective of their &anguage 3 Architecture 3 .atabase. nTireAudit is an independent application that can take care of your audit trail re'uirements. nTireAudit provides the feature of Alias names to your database table names you can give understandable names to your tables 3 fields in the application for your easy tracking at any point of time! that ensures that even a non-technology can work on the product. nTireAudit is available along with Source /ode under special agreement for usage for your products.

Audit Everything on your Software accurately

SunSmart Technologies Private Limited

A%A, Anna Salai, ; #loor, Bhivraj 4uildings, 2pp. )S /onsulate, /hennai < A66 66A. ;ndia. -hone $ C% < ++ < +*6CC%(+ #a1 $ C% < ++ < +*?(**C> (+ 1 D $ C% < CDC%6 %*+C+ 8eb $ http$33www.sunsmart.co.in 0mail $ infoEsunsmart.co.in

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